Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 524: fighting

Generally speaking, even the relatives and children that he valued most, those gymnasiums, and the king-level bosses would not take huge risks to make seal props.

After all, no matter how potential the descendants are, they are only potential stocks, and they themselves are the backbone of the entire family.

Therefore, being able to give two seal props is something that ordinary children of big families would not even dare to think about.

Not to mention it is a very precious super power item.

But while Nazi was still rushing her way, there was a sudden change on Tianci's side.

"Tian Cijun, since I promised to help you, shouldn't you also help me?"

I saw Yukimura say something gentle on his face.

"Oh? What are you busy with? Let's hear it! Come on"

Tianji, who thought he was still procrastinating, responded immediately.

"That busyness is to use your life to use it!"

At this time, Yukimura's face was hideous, and he completely tore off his disguise, and threw a jade talisman with his left hand, which was always behind his back!

"呲~呲~" The jade talisman swelled rapidly, and the leaked breath reached the level of a gymnasium!

As the senior brother of the Forestry Gym and the next-generation pavilion owner, he also has a trump card!

Obviously this is also a puppet prop similar to what Tanji has used before.

The exchange just now was to unblock this item, and then give Tianci a fatal blow!

Of course, this jade talisman definitely can't be compared with the doll that Tianji used before, after all, its activation time is so long.

It is almost certain that the master of the Lin Ye Taoist pavilion did not take the same care as Nazi when making this jade talisman.

It is estimated that it is filled with part of the power of the gym class! Then it is necessary for the user to instill energy into it, and the combination of the two is worthy of passing the threshold of the gymnasium level.

But no matter what, it was still a gym-level level.

I only saw that the jade talisman shattered in the air, and then a green energy ball went straight to Tianci and others.

"Die!" And Yukimura behind him was even more happy. He seemed to have seen his promotion to the gym level!

Although he felt the energy fluctuations in the middle of the gymnasium level in the valley before, he also understood that Tianci was highly valued by the gymnasium level, but this did not dispel his determination to kill dogs for fire!

What about the middle of the gym, as long as you advance to the gym, you will be in the same realm. It is not that simple to kill him for revenge!

Even if the master of the gym in Qingmu Town is a high-ranking gymnast, he is not afraid, and his master will definitely be on his side.

A gymnasium in the low section and a gymnasium in the middle section, the two together are naturally not the opponents of the high section of the gymnasium, but it is impossible to kill them!

Because the alliance will not allow unscrupulous infighting between gym owners!

The gym level can already be said to be the middle and high-level combat power of the alliance, each of which can be called the pillar of human beings, and the existence of the frontier officials.

How could it be lost in a meaningless infighting.

Of course, fighting on the surface is definitely not allowed, but secretly, the Emperor Tiangao is far away, how can it really not happen, how can two people who have deep hatred and hatred not want to kill each other.

Therefore, although the alliance does not have a gym-level frontal fight on the surface, there are still inexplicable deaths of gym owners every year, either in an ordinary mission, or suddenly died of illness...

Of course Yukimura is confident that a double gym is not afraid of this kind of secret hand.

So Tanji must kill!

As for the incoming attack, Tianji had already expected it, and with the same right hand, a q-saka villain with a magic wall puppet appeared in place.

After smashing it into pieces, an invisible wall of light appeared in place.

The huge green energy ball hit it and exploded violently with a loud "bang", but the wall of light did not shatter!

This is the second puppet that Nazi gave him. Hu Di is the main attack, and the magic wall puppet is the main defense. It can be said that the consideration is very comprehensive.

And Yukimura didn't sit back and enjoy the success after releasing the energy ball. He had to consider the worst case, what if the energy ball didn't work!

So the moment he threw out the jade talisman, he also released all six of his elves at the same time.




"Bi~ Diao!"


"Hey wash!"

These six are the flaming horse with flames all over its body, the wonderful frog flower, one of the three imperial families in Kanto, the king Nido who has the widest range of blows, the super-fast Beagle, the proficient in assassination, and the super power and Coconut egg tree with equal emphasis on grass!

There is no doubt that although Yukimura grew up in a city famous for the grass attribute, he is not a specialised trainer, but a comprehensive type like Tanji.

Among them, the aura of the flame horse is the most powerful, and there is a faint aura of a gymnasium. It is indeed only a chance to advance!

As for the other five, the lowest is the Coconut Egg Tree, which only has the strength of the middle elite, but the other four are all high elites!

"Attack with all your strength! Take out your most powerful moves!"

Without caring about the result of the energy ball, Yukimura ordered directly.

"Da Na!" Miao Frog Hua cried out, the elemental imprint on her forehead shone, and the sunlight in the air immediately converged.

Then it didn't take long for a sun beam to shoot at it with a "swoosh".

With the inheritance of the gym, and the fact that Frog Flower is the most thorough elf studied by the grass-type gym, he can naturally skip the energy storage stage.

On the other side, a large amount of white energy was gathered in the mouth of King Nido, and it shot out with the same "swoosh", which was to destroy the death light!

And the Bibi eagle flying in mid-air was waving its wings, and the sharp blades of the air flew into the smoke.

The Abo Monster and the Coconut Egg Tree under him, one is also used to destroy the death light, and the other is used to strengthen the mind!

As for the strongest flame horse, it rushed straight into the smoke when it was burning with flames, this is a flash charge!

It can detect that there is something in the smoke that attracts it, as long as it absorbs that thing, it can advance to the next realm!

That's why he rushed in so desperately.

In the smoke, Tianji and the two women hid in the wall of light, daring not to move casually.

Although Nazi's magic wall puppet is only in the middle of the gym, the light wall is its best move, and it was specially ordered by Nazi, so it took a lot of energy to make this item.

The light wall used naturally has 90% of its skill, which means that the defensive power of this light wall is actually at the level of the middle part of the gym, or even the top level.

After all, Nazi's magic wall puppet can resist a blow from the elites in the high section of the gym if she uses it herself.

The previous green energy ball was only able to reach the gym level, not enough to break the wall of light.

Chapter 525

After blocking the energy ball, the sun beams of the other elves, destroying the death beam and other big moves also hit the light wall, making a "bang!" sound.

The wall of light that blocked the surrounding also shattered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After all, the power of this light wall is only rootless duckweed. It is very good that it has not been broken after being bombarded like this.

Tianci smashed two high-level protective jade talismans with his hands again, and soon two green light curtains appeared.

He didn't think about going out and fighting Yukimura. He had the strength to fight back. He might as well stay by his side and resist for a while.

Although they have several elite-level elves, Yukimura can sweep them with just one high-level elves.

The gap is too big, so don't have high expectations!

Just when he set up the two layers of protective light curtains, he only heard a "click", the light wall shattered, and a flaming horse full of flames appeared in front of them, and then Yu Wei slammed into it. above the light curtain.

Hearing only a "bang", the flaming horse that accelerated twice smashed through the first layer of light curtain, and then knocked Tianji and the others back!

"Too strong! This flaming horse seems to be only one step away from the gym class!"

With the help of the elves, Tian Ci, who took the initiative to retreat, looked at the mighty flaming horse and couldn't help but sigh.

He finally understood why Yukimura had to kill him. As long as he captured the spirit fire that had not been completely refined on Heruga, this flaming horse would definitely be promoted to the gym level.

If it were him, he would never miss this opportunity.

As for the flaming horse that gave him a great sense of oppression, Xiaoling thought about the advantages of his own attributes, and decided to let the fast swimming frogs give them a try.

"Swimming frogs, gem starfish, giant marsh monsters, all-out water cannons!"

In this regard, Tian Ji also has a glimmer of hope, the blue light in his eyes is a masterpiece, and he gambles 80% of his spiritual power.

Go directly to imprison the action of the flame horse!

"Bi Diao~" Bidiao is also the most powerful air blade.

"Shhushushu~" shot at the flaming horse that was close at hand.

The mouth dumb flower is spreading the seeds while emitting its smell. As for the Heruga, it spit out a cloud of black mist, so as to interfere with the enemy's line of sight and try to delay it for a while.

At this time, the flaming horse, which only felt its body sink, suddenly stagnated in its unstoppable pace, and the water cannons of the three elves jointly made it feel a slight threat.

But what he cares most about is Heluga, who is spitting out a black mist. It can feel that the dog has something it needs!

As long as you get that thing, it can advance!

So for the incoming water cannon attack, it used the defensive skill without even thinking about it.

I saw a layer of green light curtain appear out of thin air, blocking the powerful water cannon, and then the flames on its body burned with a "swoosh", breaking free from Tianji's psychic bondage.

"Move at high speed, do another flash charge, and kill the dog!"

At this moment, Yukimura's order was also passed on from the spiritual contract.

Hearing this, the elemental imprint on the forehead of the flaming horse shined brightly again, and the whole elf turned into a ball of flame, and ran to Heluga with a "da da da"!

The sharp horns on the top of the head are even more dazzling, vowing to kill Heluga with one blow!

At this time, He Lujia, facing the attack of this almost gym-level flaming horse, the whole dog could not help but be crushed in place.

It really wanted to hide to the side, but it could feel that the flame horse's aura locked it firmly and couldn't hide at all!

"Ow!" There was no other way, it could only howl long to increase its state, and then thunder and lightning surged in its mouth, ready to fight to the death!

Even if you die, this vicious dog will bite a piece of meat off you!

However, at the moment when the two sides were about to cross, a red light took back He Lujia, who had regarded death as home.

The flaming horse turned his head and looked over, and found that the previous human took it back.

"Herod~" struggling to the death, kill you, that dog can't live!

In this regard, the flame horse turned, lowered its head, and ran quickly again, but this time the target was Tianji and others.

"It's right now, mouth dumb flower!" To this, Tianji also hurriedly shouted.

"Moo!" After hearing the order, Dazed Hua immediately activated her grass-attribute energy.

I saw that the soil that was originally surrounded by gravel suddenly appeared layers of greenery, and the vines with thorns grew wildly, "puchi puchi", and it was about to completely wrap the flaming horse!

At this time, Yukimura's voice rang again.

"King Nido, shoot the flames, and sweep away those vines!"

"Nido!" King Nido opened his mouth when he heard the order, and with a "swoosh", a red pillar of fire burned the vines that were growing wildly.

He is not a villain who talks a lot. He didn't let King Nido and the others take action before, mainly because the flame horse was too close, and it was easy to accidentally hurt him.

Now that there is a distance between the two sides, it is natural to gather the power of all elves to take Tianji and the others as soon as possible!

"Coconut Egg Tree, the strongest thought force imprisoned them!"

"Hey wash!" Hearing this, Coconut Egg Tree agreed, and a dazzling blue light flashed from his eyes, instantly suppressing the actions of the three of Tianci.

The super power is easy to use, so that almost all strong people will cultivate one or two elves with super power attributes.

Even if they don't have a very advanced cultivation method, they can become strong, and some ordinary cultivation methods can still be obtained.

If you are facing the superpowers of the same realm as above, it is natural to be the axe, but it is a pity that although Tianji is an orthodox superpower, the realm of the two sides is too far away.

Before imprisoning the flame horse, it consumed 80% of his mental power~www.readwn.com~ So at this time, he had no way to resist the mental power imprisonment of the coconut palm tree.

In just an instant, he felt like he was stuck in a quagmire. With his mid-level warrior-level body, he could barely move his fingers, but what was the use? Looking at the flaming horse that had already rushed towards him, and the front was condensing again. The few elves who destroyed the dead light and the flames of the sun, he smiled helplessly, and with all his strength, he took back the mouth dumb flower in front of him, Bi Diao.

"In the next life, I hope you can find a good trainer, preferably the kind that is directly affiliated with the alliance, and grow up together happily since childhood."

Finally, after sighing in the bottom of his heart, he Liu tightly held Xiaoling's and Ninghui's hands and closed his eyes calmly.

Nazi hasn't come yet. Even though he still has trump cards in his backpack, he can't take it out and use it when he is imprisoned. It seems that he can only close his eyes and wait to die.

But after waiting for a while, he still didn't feel the pain, and he couldn't help but open his eyes suspiciously.

Right in front, a magic wall puppet is blocking all attacks with a light wall with ease. Beside it, Nazi, who wears a purple uniform and has long hair and waist-length hair, is raising her hand to control something...

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