Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 522: Desperate?

And this is not over yet, the right hand of the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus supported the rock wall, but the left hand condensed a large group of rock-type energy.

With the help of the terrain here, it gathered a large number of stones, and then condensed even larger rocks, which fell down with a "swoosh"!

The power is almost the same as that of a small landslide!

"Anyway, as Yukimura said, it doesn't matter if you live or die~ just bury you here!"

Seeing the huge stone above his head, Tian Ci gritted his teeth, and reluctantly took out a jade talisman from his backpack.

After it was smashed with a "smack", a transparent light curtain soon blocked in front of them.

Traveling abroad and taking risks, no one has a life-saving trump card or something. Now Tianci is not short of money, so naturally he is willing to buy it. After all, the most regrettable thing in life is that money is not spent, people are gone...

This jade talisman is an upgraded version of the one he used before at the ordinary level. It is also a one-time use, and it can block the full force of the elite-level high-level attack-killing elves at the most.

Of course, the price is also very expensive, at 300,000.

Thirty times that of the previous weakened version.

Of course, for elite-level trainers, it's no problem to prepare a few more cards.

Kishida, who saw this scene, was not too surprised. Since he was an elite trainer, how could he be taken down so easily.

"I want to see how rich you are!"

He secretly ruthless, let the iron armored tyrannosaurus continue to attack desperately, and at the same time let the big rock snake help bombard it!

"Big rock snake, smash that tortoise shell with a heavy impact!"

"Roar!" The big rock snake heard the order, and immediately hit the protective cover with its huge body "bang bang bang".

Thanks to its huge size advantage, although its strength is only at the low level of the elite level, the power of this kind of move that takes advantage of its weight is surprisingly great! Already at the level of the elite middle class!

Under such a double attack, the shield that Tianji had just released, just persisted for a moment and then shattered with a bang!

There was no other way, he smashed the second jade talisman with a "pop".

But no matter what, this shield also bought them a few seconds, allowing them to fight back.

"Come on! Bi eagle, fast swimming frog, gem starfish, snowstorm together!"

In the shield just now, the water-attribute spirits dominated by fast-swimming frogs gathered a large amount of water and ice, and then Bidiao also used the storm to boost the blizzard used by the fast-swimming frogs.

I saw the sound of "huhu" suddenly coming from the protective cover, and then a large gust of wind and snow came out with a freezing chill.

The huge size is powerful, but it is not flexible enough. The big rock snake can't dodge this wave of attacks at all.

Its rocky body was frozen with a "click", and there was an extremely painful look on its big face.


"Dig a hole and enter the ground!"

Hearing the trainer's order, the big rock snake immediately "banged" and got into the ground to avoid this huge snowstorm!

As for the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, it has attached the rock wall to the surface of its body, turning it into a rock armor, minimizing damage.

"Come out, Tuck Dragon!" Seeing that his two elves were frustrated in the blizzard, Kishimoto flipped his palm, and another strong elf appeared.

"Spray flames!"

"Roar!" The bag dragon that just came out immediately opened its mouth, and a huge pillar of fire shot out from its mouth.

The frosts encountered on the way melted one after another, and the sound of "呲呲" water vapor kept ringing.

Of course, the blizzard with the combined efforts of several elves did not die out so easily. The snowstorm was still fluttering in the sky, and Kishida just let the Takara clear the ice-attribute power around him.

And this is exactly what Tianji and Xiaoling meant.

"Right now, let's trap them together with the tide vortex!"

Seeing that the water vapor and ice and snow in the sky had surrounded the strong man who was blocking the way, she immediately gave an order.




Hearing the girl's order, the fast swimming frog, the gem starfish and the giant marsh monster immediately changed their moves, and special water currents flew into the air through their control.

Soon the whirlpools of "Crash~Crash" spread around Kishida and his two elves. The strong attraction made them unable to move for a while.

"Success!" Seeing the success of the plan, a cheerful smile appeared on the girl's face!

They don't want to fight with the trainers in the middle of the elite, they just want to be involved for a period of time, let them cross the last section of the valley, and when the time comes out of the valley, go to the broad plain, sit on the eagle, and they will be able to escape. It's fast, and it can even stir the water!

Just when Tianji and several people were secretly happy, a familiar cry suddenly came from the sky.


I saw the overlord of this place, Long Longyan, appearing on the cliff above. The khaki energy in front of him condensed, and several huge stones appeared above.

And then smashed down with a "swoosh"!

The vortex around Kishida and his two spirits slammed with a direct "bang" and was swept away by the huge force, and they were released.

"Okay! As expected of a gang of thieves who can steal from the gym and get out of the gym! I admit that I underestimate you!"

Kishida, who was freed, said with a grim expression, then flipped his hands, and the rest of the elves appeared on the battlefield.

They are the insect-type fighter Dajia, the fighting-type expert Abilang, and strange power!

Among them, the weakest one, the breath exuding from the body is all elite-level low-level, coupled with the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus and Thysokosaurus, it is impressively 4 elite-level middle-level and 2 elite-level low-level combat power.

At this moment, the members of Kishida's team were also late.

Before, he disliked the speed of these ordinary high-ranking subordinates being too slow, which was a drag, so he directly asked Big Rock Snake to put them down and drove over by himself!

After all, things may change every minute and every second. With such a big bounty, you must get it first.

"Come out, Rumble Stone!"

"Rada come out!"

"You come out too, vine monster!"


And seeing that the boss of their own family was all out, they naturally did not dare to keep it, and they sent all their elves out one after another.

For a while, Tianji and the others were in a precarious situation. Even if he had 4-5 defensive jade talismans in his hand, it would be useless at all!

There are too many elves. Although those ordinary elves attack very weakly, they can't stand the ants and kill the elephants!

And he's not an elephant, just an elite level of them, barely a wolf.

"Go!" Seeing the despairing faces of Tianji and the others, Kishida's bad mood improved instantly, and with a wave of his hand, he launched an attack.




For a time, a large number of elves used a mess of long-range moves.

Flames, vines, stones, and lightning flurry with all kinds of skills!

Chapter 523

Looking at Man Tian's moves, Tian Chi's eyes became fierce, and he immediately took out a mini-doll from his backpack, which was a Q-version doll of Hu Di!

This is the real life-saving trump card that Nazi gave him, which seals Hu Di's full blow!

With the strength of Hu Di's high-level gymnasium level, although there was some loss in the production process, the power of this blow has also reached the level of the middle level of the gymnasium.

Even because it is a super-power move, it is more powerful and more subtle than ordinary energy-type moves.

With the sound of "pop", Hu Di's Q-version puppet shattered in response, and "Wow~" a huge and invisible wave of thought power instantly spread to the surroundings.

The various energy moves in the air were also wiped out, and those ordinary-level elves fell to the ground. The same was true for their trainers. They only felt a pain in their head, and when their eyes darkened, they were unconscious!

Even the elite iron-armored tyrannosaurs didn't hold on for more than two seconds, and fell to the ground with a "bang". Even the big rock snake hiding in the ground didn't escape, and their eyes became swirling, and they lost their ability to fight.

Only Kishida, an elite trainer, survived by virtue of the extraordinary barrier of stress response. Of course, this barrier only helped him to last a few more seconds. What really kept him alive was his accumulation over the years. life-saving tools.

Among them, he crushed three of the high-level jade talismans that Tianji had used before, and used all the other life-saving cards!

So in the end, he still survived with a pale face.

"Bastard!" After this wave of spiritual thoughts passed, he scolded secretly, and immediately put away the elf that fell to the ground. Even the big rock snake buried in the ground was taken back by him using a special method. , and escaped immediately!

"Fortunately, that wave of attacks has a wide range, otherwise I'm afraid that my elves and I will both have to die here!"

While he was hurrying to endure the splitting headache, he thought with lingering fears.

Not everyone has a strong backstage, and not everyone has gym-level trump cards. To survive this wave of attacks, Kishida already feels that his life is very big. As for the remaining capture reward, he is Don't dare to mix it up any more!

First of all, his own 6 main elves were all incapacitated, their lives were on the line, and there was no way they could pose a threat to Tianji and others.

Secondly, to have a gym-level trump card, and looking at the power, it is not an ordinary gym-level, such a person definitely has a big background, and he is not something that a little **** can provoke!

Even if you succeed in catching it, you have to live to enjoy the reward!

He didn't think that the Gym Master in Lin Yezhen would protect his subordinates to the death in front of a super-power Gym Master.

And who knows if that kid still has trump cards left in his hand, and facing the full blow of a gym-level elf, he has nothing to resist again!

Fortunately, he usually trains hard himself, and he is also a warrior-level extraordinary person. He has two spare elves of ordinary high rank in his hand, so it is not a problem to escape from this wilderness area.

On the other side, Tianji breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the man running away.

"Let's go, let's withdraw now!"

Hearing this, Xiaoling and Ninghui both looked at Tianji in surprise.

"Tianci-ge, there are so many elves here, and there are so many trainers' backpacks scattered here, we don't want them anymore!

It probably takes less than two minutes to clean up! "

At this moment, the girl's eyes are full of money!

"Yes, yes, master, let's help you collect them together, maybe it only takes a minute or so! No matter what, let's collect those two elite-level wild elves!

Otherwise, we would be at a loss, and we even used up the cards given by Miss Nazi! "

Ning Hui was also helping out on the side.

In response, Tian Chi shook his head and dragged the two girls forward.

Time was running out, he didn't have time to stay where he was and explain to the two women, so he could only talk while fleeing.

"It's too late. My spiritual sense tells me that the danger is not over yet. On the contrary, the danger seems to be getting closer and closer to us, and the warnings in my heart are getting more and more frequent!"

"Compared with life, these things are not worth mentioning, and Nazi is also rushing here with teleportation, but the distance is too far, she can't get there right away, all we have to do is to run as far as possible, Procrastinate a little longer!"

Hearing this, the two women didn't say much, and just followed along.

At this time, Yukimura's elves in the valley were shivering under the pressure of the gymnasium just now, and even their boss was put down. unobstructed.

"Shushushu~" I saw a few people jumping between the silhouettes, and they appeared at the exit of the valley.

And here, someone has been waiting there for a long time.

"Yo~ Tian Cijun, long time no see, you guys seem to be very embarrassed, haven't you completed the mission? Do you need me to help you!"

At the exit of the valley, Yukimura, with a fake smile on his face, moved his right hand towards Tianji and the others.

Originally, when he saw Yukimura's Tianji, his face was very solemn, but when he heard him say that, it was a sign...

Although I don't understand why Yukimura still wants to be false, but delaying the time is exactly what he wants. As long as Nazi arrives, even if the patriarch Lin Ye comes over, he will not be false!

So his face changed, and he replied gently:

"Yeah, I was attacked by gangsters in the valley before, and the task given by the teacher has no clue. It would be great if Brother Yukimura could help!"

At the same time he communicated with Yukimura, Nazi kept calling out from the bottom of his heart.

"Na Zi, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Na Zi, where have you been, after the middle of the elite, the real person behind the scenes came out, and it really is the agent who has the strength of the high-level elite.

I still have one puppet left, I'm afraid I won't be able to stop it for long! "

At this time, Na Zi, who had teleported to Yuhong City, also had a tight expression on her face. At the same time as she teleported again, she also replied in her heart:

"It's almost there, Tianji, at most half a minute, I'm in Yuhong City now, you must hold on!"

After she finished speaking, she appeared at the intersection of Route 17 with a "swoosh".

At this time, she was a little regretful, why didn't she give Tianji more dolls.

Of course, Hu Di and the magic wall puppet who sensed this idea rolled their eyes.

"You think this sealed puppet is Chinese cabbage. In order to ensure its power, we have all split a trace of spiritual origin in it!"

Of course, they only dared to think about it in their hearts, and they dared not say it.

It is worth mentioning that this kind of prop that seals the high-level powerhouse with all-out blows is really not Chinese cabbage, it is necessary to separate out the power of the source.

This is quite hurt to them. One or two at a time is fine. As long as there are enough genius treasures, it will not have much impact, but if the number of times is too many, it will cause irreversible damage to the foundation.


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