Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 526: get out of trouble

"Nazi!" Tianji, who saw the girl, shouted in surprise!

A joy of the rest of my life came out of my heart!

In fact, in the last scene of closing his eyes and waiting for death, the figure that appeared in his mind was Nazi. Although he had many women in his life, for some reason Nazi became the most impressive one in his mind. Ling can't compare to each other.

Seeing Nazi now is naturally a great surprise!

"Long time no see, Tianji~" Hearing the voice from behind, Nazi's right hand continued to be held high, but she turned her head and greeted him with a bright smile, then turned to look again. To Yukimura, who was held high in the air by her, and the few elves under his command.

"Uh~uh!" At this time, Yukimura had long lost his previous pride, and was squeezed by the superpowers of Na Zi and Hu Di United. His face turned red at this time, and he felt that he would be squeezed out at any time.

Looking at the familiar and unfamiliar beauty below, he felt extremely regretful at this moment!

"He turned out to be from the Golden City, and he could have Nazi come over to save him!

I'm so stupid, I should have thought of it when I felt the super energy fluctuations released by the seal item before!

Aoki Gym is not good at super powers at all, how could there be two sealed items of super powers for his cronies! "

Of course, he is purely an afterthought. Before, he only had spirit fire in his eyes. He only thought that if he got spirit fire, he would be able to advance to the gymnasium level. Some unreasonable things in front of him were directly ignored.

"Forgive ~ spare my life~" After struggling twice, Yukimura spit out a few words with difficulty.

It's a pity that Nazi didn't even look at him, she clenched her right hand tightly, and with a "pop", Yukimura's whole body turned into a cloud of blood.

Even if he had beaten Tian Ci without any backhand, even if he was an extraordinary person at the peak of the warrior level!

But in front of the super queen, it's just ants.

After all, Nazi is a gym-level high-level trainer, and her super power level is also at the peak of the handsome level, and she is only a little short of breaking through the king!

There is a big difference, and it is natural to kill Yukimura easily.

After Yukimura's death, the imprisoned flaming horses, King Nido, and their eyes turned blood red!



"Hey wash!"

They screamed desperately, trying to avenge their trainers. Unfortunately, the real world is not an anime, and this kind of explosion is not always effective even in an anime protagonist.

The huge gap in strength can only make him angry, but his body is still unable to move.

"Hu Di, end them!" Na Zi said lightly.

"Hu Di!" Hu Di, who was holding the spoon, agreed, with blue light in his eyes, and the spoon in his hand bent instantly.

At the same time, the wonderful frog flower, the flame horse, and the king Nido who were roaring in anger also stopped abruptly.

Simply lost the ability to fight!

This was because Nazi asked Hu Di to keep his hands on purpose. Otherwise, the thought force would directly impact their brains, and killing them would only cost a little more mental energy.

And after stunning them, Hu Di and Nazi no longer expended mental energy, and the six elves who lost their ability to fight also landed one after another with a bang.

No injuries can be seen all over the body, but the swirling eyes indicate that they have been severely injured in an instant.

After solving these troubles, Nazi spread her mental power to the surrounding area, killing some wild elves who heard the movement and peeped secretly, and then turned around with a tired face.

"Fortunately I caught up~"

Hearing this, and looking at Nazi's tired expression, Tianji was very moved.

He walked forward slowly, took Nazi in his arms, and said nothing.

The word "thank you" was too much for the relationship between the two of them.

"Take a good rest, Nazi~"


After rushing for a day, Na Zi, whose mental strength was almost exhausted, nodded and fell asleep in Tian Ci's arms with peace of mind.

On the other hand, Xiaoling and Ninghui were helping to deal with the battlefield. The six elves who had recovered their freedom were also put back into the blank pokeballs under Hu Di's instructions, and then locked.

As for Yukimura's backpack, it was found by Ninghui and carried on his body.

"Let's go, let's find a remote tree hole and have a rest!"

Seeing that the two girls had packed up, he said to the crowd.




In a sense, super-power-type elves with superb intelligence can also be regarded as "humans".

Then they began to look for the nearest, and finally took the home of an elite circle bear.

Originally, the circle bear sensed the human breath of Tianji and others, and wanted them to know what a bear dominates the world!

However, under Hu Di's thought, he turned into a silly bear, and Xiaoling used the Poke Ball to put it away.

In the tree hole, Tian Ci hugged Nazi who was sleeping with a distressed expression on his face.

As a superpower, he naturally knows that this is a manifestation of mental overdraft, and can only rely on deep sleep to recover naturally and slowly.

It can be seen that Nazi must have used teleportation nonstop in order to save him.

Seeing this scene, Hu Di nodded slightly in his heart, feeling that the source of his sacrifice was not wasted. Of course, in order to increase his impression, he also used telepathy to say to Tian Ci:

"Tian Cijun, how did you provoke them, you must know that in order to rush over and attract the dream tapir, our mental power has bottomed out, and he is still sleeping in the Poké Ball!"

It has to be said that Hu Di's words are very meaningful. It seems to be asking about what happened, but in fact, it is telling Tianci that they actually paid more.

Sure enough, Tanji's expression became even more grateful when he heard this.

"Thank you~" After thanking Hu Di and them, they began to tell about their experiences...

When Hu Di saw this, he casually echoed two sentences.

After a few hours, Nazi woke up.

"Taji, are you injured?"

As soon as she woke up, the girl asked nervously.

"No, no, fortunately, Nazi, you came in time."

Hearing this, Nazi's face showed a look of fear and resentment.

"It's just a little bit, that Lin Ye Gym, I must make them pay the price!"

Seeing Nazi like this, Tian Ji was moved and distressed, and quickly persuaded:

"Forget it, forget it, Nazi, the first evil is dead, and the rest of the Lin Ye Taoist do not know about it.

And if you take action, even secretly, it will expose our relationship to the risk of exposure, and then it will be a real big trouble! "

Hearing this, Nazi, who was in a hurry, also reacted. Indeed, such revenge would increase the risk of their exposure, which was indeed even more unfavorable for Tianji, who only had elite strength.

Chapter 527

This time, Nazi and Tian Ci went back to the golden city after a while.

As the master of the gym, she will be out for too long without any reason, and there will still be some unnecessary troubles.

Moreover, some major policies in Hualan City and Golden Market also need her signature, so there is no way to stay for too long.

And after solving the trouble of Yukimura, no one else is chasing him anymore.

Because of Yukimura's death, the soul card stored in the forest leaf gym shattered, which naturally caused great turmoil.

The owner of the Lin Ye Gym, who was adventuring outside, also received an urgent message from the Gym.

"The owner of the pavilion, Senior Brother Yukimura has fallen! While chasing down a gang of thieves, the soul card suddenly shattered!"

Although long-distance communication is said to be impossible, it means that stable and popular long-distance communication cannot be achieved.

In an emergency, it's okay to send a message at a high cost.

Otherwise, the alliance will really cease to exist.

After receiving the information from the gym, the owner of the gymnasium Lin Ye clenched his fists tightly, but in the end it didn't break out, but he just felt a lot older.

"Understood~ I'll go back right away. Let Qingsang manage the gym for the past few days. By the way, let's cancel the task that was posted outside."

Read the detailed information sent by the gym.

He knew that his most proud disciple should have died in the hands of the small team of three, led by Tianci.

Yukimura, who was able to fight against the elite high-ranking ranks with the strength of the elite-level low-ranking ranks, has also escaped the pursuit of so many trainers. The forces behind this small team must be far stronger than him.

He left a gym-level hole card for Yukimura, which was all counter-killed, which is enough to show that he definitely encountered a gym-level powerhouse.

If he is in control, even if the opponent is stronger than him, he will dare to make a scene, but from the mission he released and the understanding of Yukimura, it is 80% that Yukimura himself wants something from others. caused such consequences.

So I can't make trouble, I can only eat a dumb loss~

On the Lin Ye Gym, after receiving the reply from the owner, the reward mission was immediately withdrawn.

Most of the uninformed trainers thought that the lucky one caught the thief and that the mission had already been done, so they pulled it off.

Only the people inside the gym discovered that Yukimura never came back, and the acting pavilion owner has become Qingsang who only has the strength of the middle class of the elite.

The few disciples who understood what happened couldn't help but secretly rejoiced that Yukimura, a senior brother who was only a step away from the gymnasium level, was pressing him. They didn't even dare to think about the post of the museum owner, which is why it was said before that Yukimura was almost the next museum owner.

But now Yukimura died unexpectedly, everyone is in the middle of the elite, who is afraid of who?

Qing Sang was just the second disciple who was accepted by the museum owner, so he picked up a bargain. When the time comes, wait for the museum owner to come back and perform well. Who is the real next generation of the museum owner is still uncertain!

With this thought in mind, the little Lin Yezhen immediately became turbulent in secret.

Of course, all of this has nothing to do with Tianci and the three who were far away from Lin Ye Town.

After solving Yukimura's big trouble, their travels are back on track.

Adventure, temper the elves, temper yourself!

It is worth mentioning that among the six elves under Yukimura, only the flaming horse, the king of Nido, and the coconut tree survived and were brought back to the golden city by Nazi. .

But Bi Diao, Miao Frog Flower, and Abo Monster are all bent on dying, so Nazi fulfilled them all.

Among them, the elite-level high-ranking sculpture became the sculpture of Tianji's men.

Because of the relationship between the same family and the same source, it is very easy for Tianci's Bidi to absorb the elemental core left behind when it died. Finally, after compressing the power of the elements 13 times, he successfully broke through to the middle of the elite, and once he made a breakthrough, he accumulated a lot of money. It jumped to the level of 18 times, which is already close to the level of the high-level elite in the middle of the general elite.

In other words, if you just want to be faster than Diao, as long as you accumulate the amount of elemental power twice, you can try to break through the elite high tier.

Of course, Tianji will definitely not let it do such a self-destructing thing. Why is the elite level of the high level far stronger than the low level and the middle level?

It is because this is the most important stage in the elite level, and it is also the only time when the power of the elements is doubled.

Like the most common mid-section elf, doubling the power of the element 20 times is 40 times, which is equivalent to doubling your foundation abruptly!

We have talked about the benefits of elemental power before, passively improving the physical fitness of the elite almost all the time.

This kind of doubling of the foundation can only be done once in a big realm!

If it can be cultivated well, even if there are some mistakes in cultivation before, it can be made up when advancing to the elite high tier.

So unless there are really no resources and no inheritance, any elite trainer will not miss this only opportunity to improve their foundation.

This is their only chance to bridge the huge gap.

After all, for civilian trainers, or trainers from small families, the previous training methods were indeed too far from the children of big families.

This is also the reason why one-third of the top members of the alliance are not monopolized by major families.

Returning to the topic, after absorbing the legacy of this high-ranking eagle, it not only broke through to the middle of the elite, but also realized a state move-Tailwind.

This move can not only increase your own speed, but also increase the speed of the entire team. It is a very practical move.

Of course it can also be used as a push cart.

Like now.

I saw that on the grass ~www.readwn.com~ Kamui, Pippi, and the giant marsh monster all had a small whirlwind behind them, pushing them forward.

Among them, Pippi is the lightest, and it has been pushed the farthest, and the giant marsh monster has evolved into its final evolutionary form. Although its childlike innocence is still alive, this playful little whirlwind can't push it far.

"Lagu-→_→" The giant marsh monster looked at the distance he was pushed, it was three meters long! Can not help but called out depressed.

This scene made Kamui, who was only pushed by more than 5 meters, in a better mood.

"Kami! Kami!" Big swamp monster, you have become too big and overweight after your evolution! hahaha~

In this regard, the giant marsh monster didn't think about it, and replied.

"Lagu~lagu~" Humph~ You must be much heavier than me after you evolve into a water arrow turtle!

Hearing this, Kamui's face instantly turned black.

"Kami!" Oh ~ the nasty giant marsh monster!

And Pippi, the big kid, is always laughing at "Pippi~Pippi~".

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