Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 481: the beginning of the unrest

"Uh... There should be a problem with Chaomeng, but it's a pity. I remember that in the previous life animation, Xia Bo's real strength seemed to be the king level. I originally wanted to take a look at it this time."

This thought flashed through Tianci's mind, and then he asked:

"Will there be a problem with Yuhong Game City? Should the inside and outside cooperate?"

"That's right, Tianji, your previous guess is correct. Yuhong Tengyi really wants to compete for the position of the head of the family again, so he plans to cooperate internally and externally, and secretly invite some members of the Rocket team into Yuhong City to destroy."


"Okay, I understand~" After listening to Nazi's remarks, Tianji nodded, and began to think about whether he could take chestnuts out of the fire under such conditions.

It's a pity that even if he wants to blow his head, he feels that his hope is really slim!

"Tianji, why don't I send the elite team I secretly cultivated to you~"

And Nazi, who was far away in Hualan, took the initiative to speak after the two sides had been silent for a long time.

"No, no need, they came here just to die in vain, the elites are indeed too small in this great turmoil~

I'll give it a try. I can't do anything about it. I'll withdraw immediately. Don't worry, I won't make fun of my life. "

Hearing Nazi's proposal, he refused without much thought. In this situation, the elites are indeed just bigger ants.

And if he wants to get some of the hearts of thousands of trees, he will take chestnuts from the fire, steal it by himself, and rob it will definitely lead to death.

Thinking of this, Tian Ci sneered even more in his heart. Since he came from crossing, his luck seems to have not increased much. Everyone else has been a series of adventures, but he has been wasted for a long time. The only chance can only be said to be on the list. Rich lady!


After finishing the voice transmission with Nazi, Tianji looked at Xiaoling and Ninghui with a solemn expression.

"You two, why don't you find a remote town to hide for a while!"

"Why-why? Brother Tianci, like Hualan City, we'll be waiting for you at the hotel directly under the gym, won't we?

And this time, I'm also an elite trainer! Not weak at all! Let me join you! "

Hearing Tian Ci's decision, before Ninghui spoke, Xiao Ling questioned her face decisively.

After speaking, he also raised the three Poké Balls around his waist, indicating that he is really not weak at all!

On the side, Ning Hui, who was about to nod her head and promise to retreat first, hesitated when she heard what her good sister Xiao Ling said.

She cherishes her life, not to mention that she has obtained the junior cultivator certificate now. It is the happiest time in her life, and she does not want to die.

But she also understands who gets her grades from, so in the flash of lightning, her brain seems to be short-circuited, and she blurts out:

"Master, me, I'll stay too! I have a hot monkey, and it's also elite! It's also very strong now, and it has reached 5 times of elemental power! And there are moves that you matched with it, don't you say it too? , this hot monkey is already considered a powerhouse in the lower ranks of the elite!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she was a little surprised. It turned out that Tianji was so important in her heart before she knew it.

Tianji and Xiaoling were also a little surprised to see this little maid who was usually greedy for life and fear of death.

To be honest, he was still a little moved, and his eyes softened a lot when he looked at the little maid.

"No, Ninghui, Xiaoling, listen to me, although you have elite-level combat power in your hands, one of you doesn't know how to fight at all, and the other is restrained by the grass attribute, so it sounds ugly. , you are my drag!

In this kind of melee where the elites are just ants, if I didn't teleport, I wouldn't even think about participating. In this battle, it's impossible for me to take care of you all the time, and with you, I teleport. The launch time will be longer, and as such, it is likely that all three of us will die there. "

Hearing what Tian Ci said so frankly, although the two women didn't want to admit it, it was the truth. In the end, the two agreed to go to Liancao Town, the most remote town near Yuhong City.

"However, Brother Tian Ci, you have to hold the Poké Ball of Jewel Starfish. We two protect ourselves. Two elite elves are enough. Jewel Starfish can sympathize with your spirit and enhance your super powers, right? You are still very useful!"

However, before going out, Xiaoling took out the Jewel Starfish Poke Ball from his waist and shoved it to Tianji.

For this kindness, he did not refuse any more. The presence of the gem starfish, who is also good at spiritual power, would indeed enhance his combat power, so he accepted it.

Then the three of them went their separate ways according to their respective assignments.

Tianji and Xiaoling still go to the field to do tasks, while Ninghui is to do cultivation tasks.

Although Nazi came to remind her, she didn't know the exact date because she didn't participate in this operation.

And in this case, it's definitely still business as usual!

Otherwise, you just go out and cancel the mission, and then the three of them immediately leave the city and flee to Liancao Town. After investigation, you can find out that there is a problem!

It is impossible for Yuhong City to fall like Hualan City. Not to mention that their strength is so much stronger than Hualan City, the Rockets' original intention of attacking is not to capture Yuhong City.

So after this turmoil, Tian Chi didn't even have to guess, he knew that he was a normal person in power and would wantonly purge suspicious people in the city.

People who behave strangely like the three of them can easily be targeted. If they do a closer inspection, they may even get a wanted order. In this way, the road to the alliance is basically over.

So it's better to finish the quest as usual first, and then take a quest near Lotus Grass Town, and have an excuse to leave.

According to normal logic, Nazi just got the news that the Rockets' attack should not be so fast, and there should still be time.


Fortunately, Team Rocket didn't act unreasonably, so after two or three days, the three of them handled their tasks at hand, and then Xiaoling took over the task of Lingzhi near Liancao Town, and brought Ninghui out together. Leaving the city, Tian Ci stayed in the city, quietly waiting for the time to come.

In fact, under the attention of such a caring person, he still noticed some clues.

Because I learned from Nazi that Yuhong Game City would be the inner responder in advance, Tianji's superpower often pays attention to there, and he found that the original waiter, the waiter suddenly had a lot of fresh faces, and There seems to be some kind of project going on under the game city.

Although the voice was very small and hidden, he discovered this change under his frequent observation.

In order to find out, he pretended to be a player and went again, but unfortunately, he couldn't get more information without making a fuss.

Chapter 482 Chaos

In this way, with more and more new faces in the game city, after another week, the accident finally happened!

Originally it was a sunny day. Many people in Yuhong City moved out the ornamental plants they had planted and basked in the sun. All of a sudden, the whole street was colorful, and the strange flowers and plants were very beautiful!

But suddenly a dragon roar sounded.


Then, as if in response, a roar from different elves also sounded.





Then the pedestrians on the road found that the weather became very hot for no reason, and even soon reached the level of burning skin.

"What's the matter! How come there are nine suns in the sky!"

"There are nine suns!"

"No wonder it's so hot!"


Some of them, who hid under the eaves in advance, noticed the changes in the sky.

Under the clear sky, there were nine scorching suns hanging, no wonder it suddenly became so hot!

At this moment, the harsh siren from the Yuhong Gym also sounded.

"Drip! Drip! Drip!"

At the same time, an evacuation notice quickly spread through loudspeakers throughout the city!

"Citizens, please pay attention! Citizens, please pay attention!

Yuhong City was attacked by an unknown enemy, and the danger level of the enemy was predicted to be the Heavenly King! Citizens below the elite level please hurry to their nearest shelter!

Citizens below the elite level please hurry to the nearest shelter!

For trainers above the elite level, Yuhong City has also issued an emergency call-up order, please hurry up and gather at the Yuhong Gym! Follow the orders! "

This broadcast has been playing in a loop since it was broadcast for the first time.

You can see many ordinary people on the street, who are already scared and panicked at this time.

"What! Heavenly King-level enemy!"

"Where is the refuge! The refuge!"

"Wait for me! Don't leave me!"

"Mom! Dad! Where are you!"


Fortunately, this chaos only appeared for a while. At the same time as this announcement, the police station of Yuhong City, under the leadership of Miss Junsha, quickly went to various streets to help maintain public order in the city and also help evacuate refugees. the masses.

"Everyone! Calm down and follow the directions of our police officers!"

"Don't squeeze, take your time!"

"Yuhong City is an ancient city with a large guard formation. It will be fine, everyone, don't mess up!"


With the help of the Police Department, the situation was temporarily stabilized.

At this time, Tianji's illustrated book also received a message.

"Alliance emergency call: Yuhong City was attacked by an unknown enemy, and trainers above the elite level within a radius of ten miles rushed to support!"

Seeing this news, Tian Ci sneered and took back the lock screen of the illustrated book.

He knew that this attack was unusual, so he expected that even if he didn't go, Yuhong City wouldn't have time to trouble him.

But the others didn't know the inside story. They saw that the crowd of people heading to Yuhong Taoist Hall suddenly grew larger, and the elite-level trainers with strong aura rushed over there.

The alliance's emergency call, as elite trainers, they naturally know the importance!

Even if it is a trainer without a picture book, there must be a communication device, such as a mobile phone, or even a little poorer! radio!

As an elite-level trainer, there must be contact equipment, and there will also be a list of accepted information at Yuhong Gym!

When people arrive at Yuhong Taoist Hall, they will naturally have a simple registration to verify their identity.

Those who have accepted the information and come over will naturally not be punished. On the contrary, there will be great rewards! The trainer who has only received the information and has not come, unless he can produce evidence to prove that he really couldn't walk away at that time, or he will go to the prison properly!

The emergency summons are so mandatory and unreasonable!

Of course, it's not really unreasonable. Those who haven't received information or presented evidence, as long as they go to the police station to explain, and they prove their innocence, it's naturally nothing.

After all, there are always some ascetic trainers, or they are fighting, and there are situations where they can't get out.

And Tian Ci didn't go, of course, he was sure in his heart, Yuhong Taoist hall didn't have time to verify the identity registration so leisurely!

Because this time the enemy's target is the base camp of Yuhong City! How could you watch Yuhong Taoist Hall evacuate the crowd and convene people!

And the changes of the nine suns in the sky seem to verify this.

I saw the eight fake suns in the sky, suddenly swelled up as if they had been stimulated by something, and the heat emitted at the same time was getting bigger and bigger!

"Hot! It's so hot!"

"It's like roasting people!"

"Hot, hot! Too hot!"


Under such heat, the ordinary people who were rushing to the shelter on the street couldn't help but complain. They are ordinary people, and they don't have the strong physique of trainers. Some young adults are fine and can barely endure, but Some young children and the elderly even suffer from heat stroke.

Li Jia in the Yuhong Gym also noticed this scene. She frowned and gave orders to the valet next to her.

"Send the order, start the forest formation!"

"Yes!" The guards agreed, and passed the order on through the private network signal.

Not long after, there was the Yuhong Gym in the center of the entire city, and the five unknowns suddenly lit up with green lights.

"Swish ~ Five green lights intersected in the air, and then there seemed to be some mysterious reaction, and the green light that finally merged suddenly spread out, forming a green light curtain that enveloped the entire city!

"This is one of the foundations of the ancient city~www.wuxiamtl.com~ guarding the great formation! I am afraid that this defensive force will take a lot of effort to break through."

Tianji was in the hotel at this time, and this direction was the south of the entire Yuhong City, so he could use his superpower to perceive the situation in the south at close range.

In his perception, the green light in the south was caused by a gym-level powerhouse and 15 elite-level high-level trainers.

Their sprites are all frogs, the difference is that the leader of the team is a gym-level, and the moves used by their 16 elves together seem to be the auxiliary moves that Tianji designed for the frogs - grass field!

The superposition of 16 green grass fields, coupled with the traction of the gymnasium, brought together such a green light!

The strength of such a move has definitely reached an appalling level.

After all, the green grass field has the effect of increasing the power of grass-type moves! So 1+1+1... until 16 1s are added, the effect is definitely greater than 16!

Of course, there is another reason for his shock, that is, Yuhong City has such a strong power! There are 1 gymnasium and 15 elite high-ranking members on the south side alone, and the other 4 places are probably similar!

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