Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 483: chaos!

"Really strong! But the opponent's formation is not weak!"

After Tian Ci sighed, he looked up at the blazing sun that swelled several times in the sky, and muttered to himself.

But in the past few days, he dragged Nazi to inquire about a lot of internal information.

The nine suns just now are the means of Athena, the king of fire, the Nine Suns Great Array, which is really a first-class attacking great array. The disadvantage is that the preparation time is too long. , if the two touch, they may not be able to break through. After all, Yuhong City is in its main battlefield, and the grass element is known for its endurance.

But thinking of the raw faces of Yuhong Game City during this time, he didn't think that this forest formation could fully play its role.





Sure enough, not long after the forest formation was activated, the sound of fighting and explosions suddenly sounded all over the city.

Tanji used his superpower to roughly spread his perception.

I saw a team of Rocket members wearing black R-shaped uniforms, burning, killing and looting with their respective elves!

"Heruga! Spit flames and burn with me!"

"Duck-billed fire dragon, big characters burst, smashing into the crowd!"

"Electrical monster! One hundred thousand volts, open this door!"


On the other hand, Yuhong City, which had finally stabilized, became chaotic again, and even became more chaotic!

"Help! Help!"

"Don't! Forgive me, don't!"

"Ah! Help me, help me!"

"Bang bang bang!"


I saw that the streets of Yuhong City, large and small, were soon filled with calls for help, explosions, and thick smoke!

Through his superpower perception, he also discovered the members of the Rocket Team who were destroying everywhere in the city. Most of them were trainers of the fire type or the electricity type. He estimated that these people were most likely to be the troops under the command of Athena and Ma Zhishi.

But there is one thing to say, it is really useful for a trainer of this type to do damage, although in his perception, the strongest members of the Rocket Team are only ordinary high-ranking members, and they are team leaders, but they can cause damage. , especially in a city full of plants, the power is no worse than the elite level.

Correspondingly, the police officers who were originally maintaining street order could no longer control the scene. The crowd out of control was like a scattered stream of water in an instant, and it was impossible for a few people to stop it.

"Stop! Stop! Don't rush! Everyone!"

"Be quiet and follow the arrangement!"


On a chaotic street, two police officers in blue uniforms were shouting loudly. Unfortunately, the chaotic crowd, coupled with the sound of nearby explosions, made them unable to calm down at all, but their clothes, Instead, it attracted the attention of the Rockets.

I saw a few members of the Rocket Team who were doing damage nearby. Under the direction of a leader, they each released a Lada, and shuttled around the two uniformed personnel through the chaotic situation.

Originally, according to the strength of the two police officers, they would definitely have noticed it. Unfortunately, the current chaotic situation has made them focus on the evacuation of the crowd, and even made excessive efforts to prevent the elves from being affected by the flow of people. In response to stress, they didn't even release their own elves.

In this way, it also gave the Rockets an opportunity to take advantage of the soldiers.

"Kill them!" After a few rads reached their positions, a few soldiers conveyed the meaning together in the spiritual contract.

"Pfft!" Under the order of the trainer, several Radhas flashed bloodthirsty light in their eyes, shouted, and a white energy emerged from their bodies, and then their mouths opened wide, flying like arrows from the string. Jump over!

It is the Lada clan, and the best combo - lightning flash + kill the front teeth!

Although the moves are ordinary, they can't stand the power, and the attack speed is fast!

So even elite-level, or even gym-level Lada, this trick is their forte.

And when the crisis was approaching, the two uniformed personnel finally found out that something was wrong!

"No! Come out..." The two just took out the Poke Ball from their waists and pressed the switch, but their throats suddenly hurt! And then lost consciousness!

When two red lights flashed and two ordinary high-segment Katie dogs came out, they found that their masters had fallen in a pool of blood, lifeless!

"Wow!" They couldn't help shouting sadly, and then their whole body hair stood up, and their eyes were red as they looked at the two blood-stained Radhas!

With a mouth open, with a "huo" sound, a pillar of fire shot straight away.

Rada, who was targeted, immediately ran flexibly to the place with the most traffic.

And the catty dog's jet flame didn't care about it, and followed the Lada!

"Ah! It's hot! It's hot!"

"Don't burn me!"



Undoubtedly, this pillar of fire burned several people, and the situation became even more chaotic!

The other Caty dog, obviously still sensible, first came to the side of the deceased master, and another human trainer, opened all the Pokeballs around their waists, and then looked at the Several Ladas!





The few elves who came out looked sad and bowed to the trainer who fell to the ground. Although they were in the Poké Ball, when the contract was broken, they thought of something, but when they faced the truth, it was still difficult to accept. of!

"Wow! Wang!" Everyone, our trainer was killed by those Radhas. We killed them together to avenge the trainer! at all costs!

Seeing his companion, Katie barked twice with hatred, and explained the ins and outs to his companion.

"Brie!" Kill them!

"Kava! Kava!" Kill! I want them to die!


After hearing this, all the elves showed killing intent, and turned their attention to the surrounding Radhas who had not retreated.

The members of Team Rocket who saw this scene showed a successful conspiracy smile on their faces, and commanded:

"Now let me run to places where there are many people, and run wherever there are many people. Be careful not to run to the black uniform!"

"Purada~" Upon hearing the order, the Radhas agreed and started running around.

As for the other elves, when they saw Radha starting to flee, the elves whose hearts were filled with killing intent simply forgot that they were all humans, so they flew leaves and knives, sprayed flames, tornadoes and other moves.



"Pfft~ puff!"



Undoubtedly, in such a crowded street, their moves could not hit Lada at all. Instead, some ordinary people were directly targeted. Under one round of attack, the streets instantly flew into flesh and blood.

Chapter 484

This scene, on the contrary, made the Katyas, who were already murderous, even more mad. Their elves were bloodthirsty in their bones. After being tamed by humans, they just concealed this nature, not eliminated it.

The trainer I care about is dead now, so I will avenge him! As for the life and death of others, what does it have to do with me! Those who stand in front of my enemies must die!

And this scene did not only happen in one street, but almost every street had the phenomenon of the staff of the police station being attacked and killed!

Originally, they were the ones who chased and killed the members of Team Rocket, but in this city, dragged down by a large number of innocent people, they became the target of being hunted by Team Rocket. Even after they died, the elves who wanted to avenge their trainers also became They have all become thugs who do evil and help Zhou to abuse.

"Bastard! How did those Rockets get in! Damn!"

Through real-time monitoring, the higher-ups in the gym also discovered the hunted staff, and the situation became more and more chaotic, so they couldn't help but yell.

Li Jia, who was on the side, didn't say much, but her face became very gloomy, and killing intent appeared in her eyes.

She is still young, but not stupid! Being able to become the gym owner of Yuhong City, as well as the patriarch of the Yuhong family, a scheming city government, naturally has the means.

The second uncle who competed with her for the owner of the pavilion, who was able to retreat after failure, and who won the golden rooster of Yuhong Game City, has never been reassuring!

Almost in the blink of an eye, she was ready to throw the pot on her second uncle!

Li Jia is 80% sure that he let the Rockets in, even if not! That's according to the information she just collected recently: Yuhong Game City appears every now and then.

With this information, she can also make no, become yes!

Of course, these are things to come later. The most urgent task now is to stabilize the situation in the city first.

Thinking of this, she ignored the high-level executives who were still arguing about why the Rockets suddenly appeared, and directly ordered:

"Re-inform, so that the trainers who haven't arrived, don't use the Yuhong Gym to gather, and directly fight with the Rocket members on the spot! An ordinary Rocket member in the middle section offers a reward of 300 points to contribute! The reward for the high section is 1000 points. The reward of 5,000 points for the low-level elite level! The middle-level and high-level rewards are doubled!

Then let the trainers who are already in the gym go out and hunt down Team Rocket members! They must not be allowed to hinder the team that is using the forest formation! "

"Yes!" The guard on the side agreed immediately and wanted to go to the reception room.

"Wait!" At this moment, a middle-aged man with cunning in his eyes walked out, stopped the guard who was about to leave, then looked at Lijia and asked:

"Lijia, isn't this bounty too high! You must know that these alliance contribution points are all provided by our gym!"

And after this person raised doubts, the middle-level disciples and elders who followed him also showed their solidarity one by one.

"Yeah, yeah! Lijia! You're still too young, and 300 points for a normal midsection is too expensive!"

"This is all the money in the gym's account!"

"Originally, our Yuhong Taoist Hall was strained financially because you always had to develop perfumes!"

"It's better to be cheaper!"


Hearing these relatives from the second room groaning and stirring up the water, trying to delay the time, Li Jia's originally soft face gradually showed a murderous aura that could not be hidden.

"Shut up!" I saw her calling out the extraordinary power in her body, and at the same time, her gym-level coercion was in full swing.

"..." The arguing that was boiling against the sky stopped in an instant.

Taking this opportunity, Li Jia immediately wanted to explain quickly.

But I didn't want to, the middle-aged man from before spoke up in advance.

"What! Master Lijia, Yuhong Taoist Hall is now the private property of your big room! Book expenses, spend as much as you want! Can't we save the other rooms?"

After he finished speaking, the middle-aged man with his cunning eyes immediately released his full aura!

The sound of "Bang!" collided with Li Jia's coercion, and it turned out to be evenly divided!

This shows that this middle-aged man is also a gym-level powerhouse!

"Yeah! Miss Lijia! Yuhong Gym belongs to all of our Yuhong family!"

"Yes, it's not your private property!"

"You are just the owner of the museum, not the monarch!"


Seeing that the boss of his own family began to stand up and support, the younger brothers in the second room at the back began to accuse you and me again.

Li Jia's face became more and more gloomy. She knew that the time could not be delayed any longer. When she was about to forcefully use the power of the patriarch to let the guards deliver the order, an old man's voice suddenly rang.

"Okay! What a formality for a family to fight!

What Lijia said makes sense, and what Hongjin said in your second room also makes sense. In this way, the method is still as Lijia said, but the contribution points of the reward are reduced by a quarter! "

When everyone suddenly heard this solution, they couldn't help but look at the sound, and saw a white-haired old man on the side, exuding the coercion of a king, breaking the aura on both sides.

And he was wearing the old clothes of the Yuhong family!

This is an old antique who has lived for hundreds of years. At Yuhong Taoist Hall, he judged that the danger level of the enemy is the Queen of Heaven, and immediately invited a clan elder from the secret garden, and as soon as he came out, he suppressed it. both sides.

"Listen to Shu Lao's arrangement!" Under the pressure of the Heavenly King~www.wuxiamtl.com~ both Li Jia and Hong Jin from the second room could only nod their heads.

It's just that when she lowered her head, Li Jia was full of indignation and unwillingness, while Hong Jin from the second room showed a strange smile.

Li Jia originally offered such a high bounty, just to use the benefits to make this group of uncontrollable combat power her own, to help clean up the situation, not to take the opportunity to make trouble together, after all, this situation is seen by everyone, the gym There is simply no way to slowly do some kind of identity verification!

But now, Shu Lao has reduced the reward order by a quarter by using the method of mixing mud again. In this way, although it still exceeds the normal reward, it is not much anymore. It is better that the trainers go with them. Burning, killing and looting, you can get a lot of resources!

Although there are definitely some trainers who are loyal to the alliance who will shoot normally, more will definitely no longer follow the gym's orders.

"With my elite-level strength, it shouldn't be difficult to grab something in Yuhong City!"

I have to admit that most of the elite trainers who haven't arrived at Yuhong Gym at this time, after seeing such a chaotic scene, flashed this idea in their minds, after all, they killed Yuhong Gym to death. , it's better to be a hunter who fishes in troubled waters, not only is he comfortable, but the income is also his own!

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