Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 479: Froggrass and Touhou Gull, the storm is coming

The long-winged gull was delivered by courier from Hualan City, or to be more precise, it should have been delivered by darts. It was about to hatch, so it didn't take long to get it, and it hatched, and then in a lot of high-quality resources. Under the support, it quickly passed the juvenile period.

So in fact, it has been cultivated by Ninghui for half a year, and with the help of Tianji, this long-winged gull quickly broke through the ordinary level, and then evolved into a big-billed gull!

Although this elf is positioned as a weather hand, firstly, the conditions are better now, and secondly, he found that the evolved gull has many powerful moves, so in line with the principle of not wasting combat power, in the evolution of the long-winged gull At that time, he also bought a lot of good evolutionary resources for Ninghui, and also asked Hualan about the most suitable evolutionary plan. The big-mouthed gull, which finally evolved successfully, not only steadily advanced in the ordinary low stage. Step, that is, the aptitude has also improved by two small steps, from the general to the good, and the advanced elite can be regarded as a little hopeful.

(PS: The previous chapter on the long-winged gull was wrong, it should be willing to evolve resources, so that it can evolve into a good qualification, so there is hope for advanced elites.

It's been too long to change it, so I'll explain it here. )

And after it evolved into a big-billed gull, it also learned the defensive magic skill that the little maid was thinking about through blood inheritance - keep it!

This made Ninghui happy for a long time, and in addition to this move, there are two big moves in its bloodline inheritance, namely, the flying type's big move - storm, and the water type's big move - water cannon!

I have to say, aside from the appearance and overall strength, in terms of the cost performance of the moves alone, the Big Mouth Gull has really exploded.

Of course, it has better endurance than the eagle, fast flight, strong load-bearing capacity, and high appearance. It is also an indisputable fact.

But for Ninghui, it's not too slow to have a big-mouthed gull to fly her alone, plus all kinds of powerful moves, which makes her very satisfied!

A separate catering plan was also specially formulated for the big-billed gull. Under this kind of support, the big-billed gull was promoted to the ordinary middle class not long ago, which was barely able to fight.

The other frog grass is more tortuous, because Ninghui is a servant, and when the exchange, although it is not clearly stipulated that the servant status should be one step behind, but the unspoken rules are like this.

The members of the audited alliance will always be very careful when dealing with such sensitive people.

After being stuck for more than two months, Tianci had no choice, and finally found Hualan's gym owner-Shuiyuan Qingzi, and let her figure out a way to settle the end, and finally got an elite quality frog seed.

Some people may ask, why not look for Nazi?

Of course, this is to try to put aside the connection with Nazi as much as possible.

The Alliance's reviewer is not a sack of wine, in fact, in the issuance and review of the three royal families, they are all served by the confidant of the chairman of the alliance.

With the channel of the chairman, as long as the reviewer wants to check, he can naturally find some clues.

One of your maids has never been to a super power gym when you passed through the golden city. How can someone from a super power gym talk to you?

Is it your master?

Then I started to check Tianji, but Tianji has never been to the Golden Gym!

This in the end is why?

As the chairman of the alliance, it is naturally difficult for auditors to check the gym, so only an elite-level loose person - Tianji is easy to check!

As for the affairs between Tianci and Nazi, many of them cannot stand investigation, let alone the two attacks in Hualan and Nibi City.

Therefore, it is better to let the master of the gymnasium in Hualan City come forward. Although Hualan has fallen, as a gym-level powerhouse, it is still one of the eight ancient cities. Shuiyuan Qingzi still has some face, so the seeds of the wonderful frog are also smooth. Got it.

As for the review by the auditors, they have already compiled a set of rhetoric that makes perfect sense.

In Hualan City, they had an intersection with Hualan Taoist Hall, and Xiaoling was born with an extraordinary water system, so the rhetoric was as follows: Xiaoling in Tianci's team was born with an extraordinary water system, and the owner of Hualan Taoist found out. In this matter, for the sake of the declining Hualan Taoist Hall, Shuiyuan Qingzi wanted to invite Xiaoling to join Hualan, but under the circumstances, Xiaoling and Tianci stayed in Hualan Taoist Hall for a period of time, but Xiaoling finally wanted to She wants to continue to travel instead of staying in Hualan City, so she is a non-staff disciple of Hualan Taoist Hall. The benefits are half as bad as that of a formal elite disciple, but the advantage is that she does not have to be forcibly assigned any tasks.

Although Ninghui in the team is Tianji's maid, the three of them have a very good relationship, and the two girls are even more like sisters, so she helps out, and this time to help Ninghui in the team to exchange the seeds of the wonderful frog, just Depleted all her gym benefits this year.

It can be said that there are no loopholes in this rhetoric, many things are true, and thanks to the face of Shui Yuanqingzi, the audit commissioner of the alliance did not ask too much, so this rhetoric passed perfectly, and the seeds of the wonderful frog also Got it successfully.

It is a pity that Hualan City has finally declined. I originally wanted a wonderful frog seed that inherited the green grass field, but unfortunately it was blocked by the people above.

It can only be said that the face of the gym owner Shuiyuan Qingzi is very limited in the upper ranks of the alliance!

However, this Buddhist system does not affect the excited Ninghui.

I still remember when she first got this Yusanjia, but she slept with this garlic **** in her arms. At one point, the big milk tank and Pippi were very jealous. Well, Tianji is also very big. Originally, the papaya pillow was originally It's his own.

Keke~ The topic has gone a bit far, because the seeds of the wonderful frog came relatively late, so even if high-quality resources were used for support, the strength progress is still a little worse than the big mouth gull, but it just broke through to the ordinary by the power of evolution. Low level, and still re-familiar with power.

Of course, he has used good evolutionary resources for the big-billed gulls. Tianci will naturally not be stingy about the seeds of the wonderful frogs of the three families, and it is almost the top evolutionary resources he can get to evolve the seeds of the wonderful frogs.

Moreover, he also discussed with the elite disciples of Yuhong Gym the evolution plan of the seeds of the wonderful frog. As a grass-type Gym in the Kanto region, it is indeed unique.

They also thoroughly studied the three families of grass family in Kanto.

Therefore, the evolution plan of the seeds of the wonderful frog was perfected, and Tianci paid a lot of money to get this piece of paper from the hands of the familiar elite disciples.

And all of this is worth it. Not only has the seeds of the wonderful frog evolved into the frog grass smoothly, but also the qualification has been improved by two levels, from the elite inferior to the elite superior!

Chapter 480

Although it is said that this is Ninghui's elf in name, in fact, everyone understands that the seed of this wonderful frog was cultivated to serve Tianci.

Just like the elite hot monkey, from a visual point of view, the little maid is the shovel officer who contributes to the shit, an honest person, and Tian Ci is the white man.

Cough~ The words are not rough, that's the truth.

Of course, it can't be said for nothing, because the combat training and evolution resources of these two elves are basically all from him.

The group stayed in Yuhong City for more than half a year, and there were almost such changes.

"Let's go! Xiaoling!" This morning, Tian Ci called Xiaoling as usual to go hunting in the wild.

At this moment, Nazi's voice transmission suddenly rang.

"Taji! Taji! The Rockets are ready, ready to attack! Be careful!"

Hearing this, Tian Ci's footsteps stopped instantly.

"What's the matter? Brother Tian Ci?" Xiao Ling, who was ready, took a few steps and found that Tian Ci hadn't followed and asked curiously.

"No hurry, let's go back first, and finally there is news."

Tianji didn't say much, he took Xiaoling's hand and walked into the room.

The girl who understood what the news was, did not resist, she walked into the room with Tianci with a hint of worry and surprise on her face.

The door was locked with a "click", and Tian Chi also used his mental power to isolate him before responding to Xia Nazi with telepathy.

"Is there any specific news? Nazi?"

Na Zi, who was far away in Hualan City, sat on an office chair, frowning, she knew that Tian Ci still didn't give up!

"There is not much difference from the news that has been circulated before. This attack on Yuhong will be led by Athena, one of the four generals of Team Rocket. She is the King of Fire and has a natural advantage over the grass-like Yuhong City.

As for Kuye City, I didn't ask, but I have followed the movements of Aju and Ma Zhishi. According to my speculation, they should also participate.

But it shouldn't be played in person. Aju's action wasn't for the heart of ten thousand trees. What he wanted was Yuhong City's plant poison attribute cheats and recipes.

As for Ma Zhishi, I found out that he didn't want the Heart of Ten Thousand Trees, but a tree species that Yuhong City accidentally obtained many years ago - Thunder Tree!

Legend has it that this kind of tree will take 77, 49 years, and be struck by thunder in nature every year for 49 days before it can form.

As long as it spends the last year without being struck down by thunder, then this tree is called a thunder tree!

As long as you change the weather a little, you can trigger the thunder in nature, which is regarded as the supreme treasure of the thunder attribute. "

Hearing the introduction of this tree species, Tianji scratched his head in doubt and added a sentence.

"Then what can you do to attract thunder? I remember that electric spirits can also use thunder moves, right? It's not weak, so why do you have to attract natural thunder?"

Nazi is used to Tianji's sudden interjection. Although Tianji has read a lot of basic books, it is still a little worse than her super queen who has read books since she was a child.

"Cough~" She coughed lightly and began to talk about the difference.

"Naturally, there are great differences. Thunder under the Heavenly King simply uses energy or elemental power to attack, but starting from the Heavenly King level, as an existence that understands the power of the law, their thundering moves are based on the law. Mixed force.

The sky thunder in nature is also mixed with the power of laws. The difference is that the thunder moves of the heavenly king-level elves have their own laws, and because they are artificially refined, they cannot be absorbed at all. .

But the thunder in nature is different. The power of the law inside is tenless and can be absorbed by people! That is to say, this is a treasure that can help the gym-level powerhouses of the electricity department advance to the heavenly king!

Although the power of law contained in it is very small, if there is a thunder wood, even if it is small, it can be accumulated slowly, which is equivalent to having a golden rooster that can play the power of law! "

"Lying~ trough~" I didn't expect Tianji, who had such a powerful function of Leimu, and couldn't help but swear.

But soon, he realized that something was wrong and asked directly:

"If that's the case, isn't that a man-made heavenly king who can sell lightning wood? Could it be that the surface of Yuhong City is a grass-type gymnasium, but there are already more than a dozen electric-type heavenly kings secretly?"

Hearing Tianci's question, Nazi couldn't hold back, and laughed out loud.

"Tianci, what do you think the Heavenly King is? There are so many trainers in the alliance, and there are only four Heavenly Kings on the bright side. How can one become the Heavenly King only by instilling the power of the law.

If this were the case, I would have become a king by now.

In fact, the most difficult thing for Tianwang is not to convert the power of elements into the power of laws, but to understand the laws that belong to him.

For example, our superpower law, this is a road, and when we become kings, we want to spread our own trails or branches on this road.

Even if you get the power of Wuzhu's law from Tianlei, and even convert the power of the elements in the whole body into the power of law, it is not the king of heaven.

Because you have no Tao of your own, and the power of your law has no soul! So if you can't spread it out, you are still on this avenue. At best, it is only a little stronger than the general gym-level high-level segment, but it is still not a true opponent of the king-level elves. "

It was the first time that Tianji heard the mysteries of the King of Heaven. He was stunned for a moment. He felt that what Na Zi said was so mysterious!

The law of Tao, spread out your own way!

This is too complicated!

He felt that his hope of being promoted to Heavenly King seemed to be shrinking infinitely.

And Nazi, who hasn't heard a response for a long time, seems to understand what Tianji is thinking~www.wuxiamtl.com~ It's okay, Tianji, you are still too far away from this, in fact, it's too much for me to tell you this. It's beyond the outline, just listen to it, don't really study it, your current goal is to bring the power of the elements to the end and find a way to advance to the gym! "

"Mmmm!" Tianji, who was originally shrouded in fog, reacted after being beaten by Nazi, and nodded quickly in agreement.

It is true that the current him, when he has not considered this Dao, is prone to take a wrong path, and even the gym is hopeless!

With this clear, the topic led to the battle against Yuhong City.

"Then the Red Lotus Gym Master, Xia Bo, who I guessed before, will come? He is the Master of the Fire Element Gym!"

Tianji asked a question in telepathy.

"I don't know this very well, but Xia Bo himself should not be involved. I heard that something happened to that scientific research experiment, so Xia Bo, who led this scientific research experiment, will stay there."

Regarding this question, Nazi pondered for a while before giving her own speculation.

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