Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 475: Elite Aberdeen

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When dividing this normal high-level male Aberdeen, Tianji did not shy away from the female Aberdeen in the Poké Ball, and directly completed the slaughter and segmentation.

This made the female Arbo in the Poké Ball tremble, and she didn't dare to think about it.

Next, with the guidance of this frightened female Abo, coupled with their own strong strength, the group passed a long distance without any risk, and came to a quagmire full of bones. .

"Human powerhouse, that elite classmate should rest under that quagmire at this time, you can go and test it!"

said the female Aberdeen in the Poké Ball.

"En~" Tian Ci agreed, a blue light flashed in his eyes, and instantly, an invisible spiritual force moved forward to detect it.

Going down, going down, going down again, and soon he finally saw, at the bottom of this quagmire, a big purple-black snake wrapped in mud!

At this time, this elite Aberdeen was sleeping soundly, not knowing that the danger was coming.

Interestingly, in his perception, the surrounding mud is slowly being absorbed by this Aberdeen. No, it should be said that the poison in these sludges is being absorbed by this Aberdeen.

Undoubtedly, this elite Aboriginal monster is very good at poison attribute, and there is a reason for it to be chosen in this poison pool.

When he took back the blue light in his eyes, Xiao Ling asked softly:

"Brother Tian Ci, how is it, is it a low-level elite?"

"No!" To this question, Tian Ji first shook his head, and then immediately continued:

"But it can also be played. It's an Abo monster in the middle of the elite, with you and me supporting you."

"Okay!" Although the opponent was a little higher than them, Xiao Ling was not afraid at all and accepted it directly.

"Okay, you can go!" Now that he has found the target, Tianji also sent the Poké Ball with the female Abo Monster directly to a farther distance with his superpower, and also sent the Poké Ball's switch to opened.

Now, he really doesn't look down on this little money, and naturally he can't go back on what he said.

When I hunted green caterpillars with Hornbud before, I was really poor...

"Let's act on the spot! Cooperate with each other!"

After sending the female Aberdeen away, Tianji simply said, with the tacit understanding between him and Xiaoling, there is really no need to put up a detailed plan, and the elite Aberdeen is not a puppet, no They may follow their settings, so it is better to act on the spot after leading the snake out of the hole.

In this way, things are very simple. The first is to lead the snake out of the hole!

"Swimming frogs quickly, attack that poison pool with freezing rays!"

Xiaoling immediately let the fast swimming frog take the lead.

"Yo-bo!" Kuai-Swimming Frog agreed, pointed with both hands, and with a "sho" sound, two beams of cold air shot towards the quagmire.

The moment the freezing light hit the quagmire, it quickly covered the surface with white ice, and the second light following it spread the freezing trend down.

The freezing sound of "Kakaka~" soon spread down below, and at the same time, a chill approached the sleeping elite Aberdeen.

Being stimulated like this, if it hasn't reacted, it won't grow to the middle of the elite level.

"Just right!" I saw this Arbo monster screamed, and the figure quickly swam, and it broke through the ice with a "bang"!

"Just! Just!" Who is it! So courageous! How dare you disturb your grandpa snake to sleep!

After two threatening calls, it focused its attention on the fast swimming frog who did not hide any traces.

"Just! Just~" It's only been a while since you were promoted to the elite, you are afraid that you have eaten the courage of an ambitious leopard!

I saw this old elite Aberdeen taunting, opening his mouth and shooting a large group of poisonous needles.

"Swish~" Judging from the poison element imprint on its forehead, although this Aberdeen monster is very arrogant, his actions are not sloppy, and he comes up with all his strength.

After all, it is also an old-fashioned elite-level powerhouse. If he can live to the middle of the elite, he is naturally not blindly confident.

Moreover, the strength of the middle section of the elite can be used 20 times only with the blessing of the power of the elements, so naturally there is no need to keep it as a big move like the fast swimming frog and the hot monkey.

"Jump back, dodge, and beat those who can't dodge with continuous punches!"

At this time, Xiaoling's order was also passed in time.

Hearing the order, the fast swimming frog immediately exerted force on both legs and jumped back explosively, dodging most of the poisonous needles in an instant.

The poison needles, which were gathered by these poison-type energies, fell to the ground, making a "hissing~" corrosion sound, and wisps of light smoke came out.

And the few who couldn't escape were "bang bang bang" scattered by the fist of the fast swimming frog.

The tentative move was blocked, and Aboguai didn't panic, it coveted the well-developed muscles of the fast-swimming frog and the girl who came out from behind the tree.

"Cha ah~ ah ah~" It turned out to be a human trainer! Female humans are good, the meat is tender! And he even sent me such a chewy elf, what a nice guy!

Speaking, it opened its mouth and wanted to use the next move, but at this time it found that it could not move, and there was an extremely annoying energy eroding its body.

"Oh~ I'm sorry, we came here today to borrow your snake guts!"

Tianji and Jewel Starfish walked out with blue light in their eyes. It was they who used their mind power together to control the gluttonous Abo.

Seeing this human emitting blue light, and the gem starfish whose core ruby ​​is also flashing, Abo's face became solemn, and his long-term experience told him that he had encountered a hard problem!

This is super power!

Knowing that it cannot be controlled, it immediately began to mobilize the strength in its body and struggled, and the purple mark on its forehead exuded a dazzling light!

"Just! Just!" Open it to me!

Under the circumstance that Abo Monster mobilized the power of elements to break free, Tianji and Jewel Starfish were both under pressure, and his face gradually became hideous.

"Quick swimming frog, hurry up! Full water cannon!!" Knowing that the opportunity was fleeting, Xiao Ling hurriedly let the swimming frog attack!

Hearing the order, the fast swimming frog quickly mobilized the power of the few elements in his body. With a sound of "beep", the imprint of blue water droplets emerged, and at the same time, a large amount of water elements condensed in front of it!

Hearing only the sound of "咻", a huge water column shot straight at the struggling elite Aboriginal.

"Just right!" The Abo Monster who felt the threat shouted, and even shed its skin. I saw it quickly drilled back, and what remained in place was just a **** snake shedding.

Chapter 476

But even so, it was still a little too late, after all, the speed of the water cannon was too fast, and it was delayed for a while by the thoughts of Tianji and Jewel Starfish.

Only hearing a "bang", this mighty water cannon interrupted a rotten tree behind the quagmire. Although the Abo monster below avoided the front, it was still scratched. , there is blood coming out from the left side of the body!

"Exactly!" Aboguai shouted in pain, and was about to fight back, but he didn't want a hot monkey to rush over from behind!

"Pfft!" I saw the imprint of the fighting element on the forehead of the hot monkey flashed past, and its crossed hands shone even more intensely!

He only heard the sound of "Bang!", and caught off guard, the Abo Monster was directly knocked out by this full-strength cross.

There is a deep cross scar on the body that has just shed skin on the back!

The body that has just shed its skin can't be compared with the previous one. You must know that it was lying in the quagmire before, not only to absorb the poison, but also to add a layer of mud armor to the outside of its body. On the one hand, it is very good at it.

What I didn't expect was that it would be besieged by so many elves, and there were also strong people who were good at super powers among the enemies!

It was directly calculated to die!

Under the severe pain, it could not help but let out a cry for help.

"Just right! Just right~" Come and save me! Come and save me!

It is a pity that there are no Abo monsters of the same clan around its territory. Even if it is farther away, if it is faintly heard, it should not be heard.

There must be a reason why this Aberdeen elf has such a bad relationship. When he was on the road, the female Aberdeen told him all about it.

This aboriginal can be promoted to the middle of the elite. It killed the two neighbors next door, devoured the other two low-level elite aboriginals, and more than 20 ordinary aboriginals in its territory. Only successfully broke through!

Although they are cold-blooded animals with a cold nature, they are not enough to devour their own kind!

After the news was spread by the surviving Abo Snake, no one from the same clan dared to enter or leave the Abo Monster's territory casually. If he was unhappy, he would be swallowed as a snack!

You must know that although they are the Abo monster clan, they don't report very much to the group, but occasionally the elves of the same clan come in to hunt, as long as they are not too strong, they will turn a blind eye.

And now this vicious Aberdeen has committed a ban!

This is also the reason why the ordinary middle-stage female Aberdeen hesitated for a long time before saying it. She was afraid that Tianji would not let it go in the end, and she was afraid that she would only release it near the Aberdeen!

At that time, in the event of a fight, the weakest elf, I am afraid it will become the blood bag used by the Abo monster to temporarily restore itself.

Although it is said that swallowing the same clan cannot be accepted by any wise clan, but to tell the truth, because it is the same clan, the cost performance is very high, the energy comes from the same source, and the digestion is very fast...

But no matter what, basically all ethnic groups cannot accept such clansmen.

Therefore, although the other powerhouses of the Abo Monster family would not kill this Abo Monster with such a sense of justice, they would not help it when its life was in danger.

This is also the reason why Tian Ci dared to directly let a few elves exude elite energy fluctuations and fight.

Of course, he didn't fully believe the words of the female Aberdeen before. After entering this territory, he carefully searched with his mental power, and there was indeed no other Aberdeen or Aber snake before he made a decision. This is a positive plan.

After this Abo monster called for help, Tianji immediately strengthened the frequency with the gem starfish, spreading his spiritual power to the maximum extent, and wanted to see if there would be other elves to help.

"..." Fortunately, the female Aberdeen didn't lie, and the results of the investigation showed that no other elves came over.

However, this also gave the Aberdeen a chance to breathe. Although Tianzi probed very quickly, it also adjusted its state in two to three seconds.

"Just right~" At this moment, it rolled in the mud along the momentum of flying out. After using the mud to block the wound, Abo Monster gave everyone a vicious look and was about to escape!

It can live to the present, and achieve the current strength, but it is not a fool.

Although it is one-on-one, all the elves present, including the two human beings, are not its opponents, but if it is besieged like this, if it has no helpers, it is naturally invincible.

Don't look at the fact that it still has a lot of elemental power and can still fight, but his family knows his own affairs. The cross cut just now has hurt its bones. If it doesn't run and continues to drag, it is very likely that it will really Die in the hands of this group of weak elves!

And Tianji also found the Abo monster who wanted to escape.

"Bidiao, use an air blade!"

At this time, the Bi Diao sent out in advance came in handy. When the previous assignment was made, Hot Monkey was in the rear, Bi Diao was in the air, and he and Xiao Ling came from the front.

Although there is no detailed plan, but the siege, how can it not be well allocated!

"Complete!" I saw Bibi Diao, who was flying high in the sky, and came to a low altitude in a flash, and his wings kept waving.

In an instant, several invisible air blades flew towards the Abo monster on the ground.

"Just right!" Feeling the threat, Abo had no choice but to turn around, his tail emitted light yellow energy, and swept toward the muddy ground. "Shuhuhuhu," a dozen mud bombs flew high into the air.

I have to say ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ This Aboriginal monster still has two brushes.

Because it can't see where the air blade is, the attack range of the mud bomb is based on its own body shape. After all, if you want to attack, you must want to hit it.

Only a few explosions of "bang bang bang" were heard, the mud splashed all over the place, and the sharp air blades of the carving were blocked by it.

And Abo Monster also took advantage of the opportunity of the mud to blur his vision, and continued to turn his head and run out!

Although Tian Ci was temporarily invisible, he did not panic at all, and immediately used telepathy to give the order to Kou Dianhua:

"Koudouhua, it's your turn to beat it back with a powerful poison whip!"

Kouduhua, who didn't follow Tian Ci, was actually placed on the side just now. From the moment Abo came out, it was secretly weaving a vine net with vines, and now it has been surrounded by its vines for a long time. So no matter where the Abbot escapes, it can use the vines to fight it back.

"Shhhh~" I saw two thick vines covered with thorns suddenly emerge in front of Abo's escape.

"Crack!" was slapped on the face of Abowei who was caught off guard.

"Just right!" After being beaten, Aboguai was beaten back to his original place again.

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