Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 473: mud bog

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After being excited, Ninghui released Hot Monkey again under Tianji's gesture.

"Puha?" Trainer, what is my qualification level?

As soon as he came out, Monkey Forest asked nervously.

Although he has been called the first genius in the clan since he was a child, there is no very accurate method to measure his aptitude. It doesn't know which part it is.

Looking at the hot monkey who was nervous and looking forward to it, Ninghui smiled and said the answer in an excited tone.

"Monkey Forest, you are qualified as a leader! There is still a lot of hope for promotion to the gym, even if it is the King of Heaven, it is not impossible!"

"Pfft! Pfft!" Really! This is really good!

Hearing that he has the qualifications of a leader, Monkey Forest is also very happy!

However, thanks to the talent of mood control, it was excited for a while, then calmed down and returned to its calm appearance.

At this time, Tian Ci also came over with two skill inheritance beads and congratulated:

"Congratulations, Monkey Forest, this is the skill inheritance bead for you. They are Heavy Tread and Thunder Fist. I'll put them away for you first, and I'll give you some thought when I have time."

"Puha! Puff!" Hearing that it was two new skills, Hot Monkey immediately called out excitedly twice.

After the battle in the morning, it understood the shortcomings of its own moves that were too single, so it was still eager for new moves.

"Okay, let's go to find Abo in the afternoon. Ninghui, you can continue to do your job here."

Everything was over, and Tanji was ready to set off again.

"Well, okay, come back, hot monkey!"

The little maid agreed, put the hot monkey back into the pokeball, and handed it over to Tianji.

Soon, Tianji and Xiaoling quickly left the city again.

This time, they went to the mud swamp in the north of Yuhong City, which is the paradise of poison elves. As long as they touch the edge of the poison attribute, they can basically see it there, so it is appropriate to go there to hunt the Abo. However.

Of course, that place is also an area not marked on the map, and even because of the perennial poisonous fog, it is far more difficult to deal with than Luoxinglin.

Even an ordinary high-ranking team would not run there at will, even an elite-level trainer would not dare to say that they would run out intact.

The reason is because the environment there is too complicated, and the elves with the basic poison attribute are all good at lurking, and the probability of being attacked is too high, not to mention the survival of the fittest in that place, where the weak eat the strong and the strong can survive. There are basically no weak ones who come down.

So unless necessary, no trainer is willing to hunt there.

And Tian Ci also brought the hot monkey this time, mainly because of this reason, no matter what, he is an elite-level combat power, not afraid of 10,000, just in case! He didn't want to experience the capsize in the gutter.

And it just happened to let this hot monkey experience the difficulty of poison elves.

In the same way, this time to hunt Abo monsters, it is estimated that there is no need to talk about it. After all, what he wants is the snake gallbladder in their bodies. I wonder which clan would kill their own clansmen for profit and sell them to the enemy?

Not even a cold-blooded Aberdeen!

Of course, the cold-blooded, cold-tempered Arbo monsters wouldn't join the group, so there were basically no big Arbo monsters around here, so they could only find them in twos and threes.


It didn't take long for the two of them to come to the vicinity of the mud swamp in the extremely fast flight of the eagle, and they could see from a distance that the area in front was shrouded in a layer of lavender mist, and even if they were standing there. On this trail, he could feel that the soil here was moist and soft.

"It seems that the information is correct. The swamp is slowly expanding every year. The stronger and more poisonous elves in it, the more powerful the expansion will be."

"Yeah, but to a certain extent, Yuhong Gym should be able to take action."


After the two exchanged a few words, they walked into the mud swamp without even looking at the warning sign on the outermost edge.

The two of them are now elite-level trainers, and they are still warrior-level extraordinary. Although this place is very dangerous for most trainers, and many auxiliary tools need to be prepared before entering, it is not so troublesome for them. .

Of course, the necessary care is still required. After entering, Tianji also resonated with the gem starfish spirit, and then probed in more detail.

There is no way, in this case, it is useless to compare the eagle. Flying high into the sky, all you can see are gray-black trees and fog. The elves hiding in the mud swamp generally don't show up very much, and they don't show up at all. Find the law.

Not to mention Heluga. Its nose is too sensitive. In this environment filled with poisonous miasma, it is most likely to be poisoned. If it is really released, it is not impossible, but I am afraid that it will be fed and detoxified frequently. Medicines are too much trouble.

After all, Heluga is just an ordinary high-level segment, and there is no way.

So at this time, the people following Tianci, aside from Koudouhua, who is highly accomplished in the poison department, are the hot monkeys who have just been subdued, and Xiaoling is the gem starfish that resonates with Tianci and the strong fast swimming frog. , all of them are elite masters!

"Tada~Shasha~" Walking in this miasma-filled swamp, Tianzi felt that this place was really not something ordinary people could come to.

Even the two elite-level trainers, he and Xiaoling, walked so slowly, and even used light-weight exercises in order to avoid stepping into the swamp.

After walking for a while cautiously, I finally found it.

"Under the dead tree in front, there are two Abo monsters, one is a normal high section, and the other is a normal middle section. Take the high section first..."

Tanji, who sensed the lurking enemy, immediately gave an order.



Xiaoling and the hot monkey beside him nodded.

They are all hiding their breath now, and they are all disguised as ordinary mid-section, including the hot monkey who just joined the team.

After all, the technique of hiding breath is not difficult. After piercing the window paper, with Monkey Forest's superb understanding, he mastered it in a lunch time.

If not, there is no way to attract elves to ambush them.

Slowly, the elves who got Tian Ci's secret instigation walked over as usual.

Seeing that they were about to pass over the withered tree, the two Aboriginal monsters lurking under the roots of the rotten tree couldn't bear it any longer.

"Just right!" One of them swooped over and bit the hot monkey.

The one in the middle section of the ordinary one has a mouth, and the purple poisonous needles converge in its mouth, and shoot at Tianji and the others with a "swoosh".

Chapter 474 Inquiry

It has to be said that the division of labor between the two couples is very clear. The stronger male Abo is responsible for sneak attacks, while the female Abo is responsible for containing the enemy's companions.

If they are really ordinary middle-level elves, I am afraid that they will really follow their way.

After all, I said a long time ago that there is still a big gap between the strength of ordinary high-ranking and middle-ranking. A high-ranking elf, without the interference of attributes restraint, physical burden and other factors, can basically play 4- 5 middle elves.

Not to mention, this high-level Abo monster is still sneaking a sneak attack. If the powerful thunder and lightning teeth go down, I am afraid that the middle-level elves will be half-crippled and can only be dragged away by them.

But it's a pity that Tianji is not the elf in the middle!

And the gap between the elite class and the ordinary high section is even bigger, it is completely a huge gap.

"Monkey Forest, use a cross!" At this moment, Tianji's telepathy also sounded in the heart of the hot monkey.

The Hot Monkey who suddenly heard the order was not used to it, but because he was instructed in advance, he used the move in time.

Only seeing the hot monkey's hands crossed into a cross, a white cross energy wave emerged, and collided with the thunder and lightning teeth of the male Aberdeen, with a "bang", there is no doubt that the male Aberdeen was hit After flying out, I could vaguely see a broken tooth also flying in the air.

"Just right!" At this time, the male Arbo monster only felt severe pain all over his body. If it weren't for the thunder and lightning teeth, which was his most proud move, which offset part of the power, he felt that he would lose his ability to fight under this move!

"This hot monkey is absolutely elite, escape! I want to escape!"

After one move, the male Arbomon endured the severe pain in his body and wanted to take advantage of the situation to escape.

It's a pity that at this moment, a vine "snapped" on its body, and cut off its last hope, and was directly knocked out.

On the other side, the normal female Abo in the middle didn't escape either.

The poisonous needles it shot were all controlled and reflected back by the thoughts of Tianji and Jewel Starfish.

Although the Abo monster with strong poison resistance was not painful at all, but a freezing fist that followed directly froze it into ice cubes.

At this point, the two Abo monsters were counter-killed by the team led by Tianji in one encounter.

However, Tianji did not kill them immediately, but first used telepathy to transmit the frozen female Abo.

"I ask you to answer, just answer in your heart, if you understand, just answer if you don't want to die!"

Hearing this sudden voice, the frozen female Aberdeen was a little panicked at first, but soon realized that it was the terrifying human being in front of it who was speaking.

"Understood! Understood!" It was so frightened that it quickly replied in his heart.

"Okay, then let me ask you, do you know where your elite clansmen are?" Seeing such an interesting Abo, Tian Ci nodded and began to ask.

Hearing this question, the frozen female Aboguai obviously had a look of fear and understanding in her eyes, but she did not answer the first time, but instead asked after bargaining:

"Human powerhouse, if I tell you the location, can you spare me?"

Hearing this, Tian Ci glanced at the female Abowei with great interest. He did not answer the question immediately, but instead asked:

"Just asking to let you go, so why doesn't your partner want it?"

After he finished speaking, he pointed to the male Aberdeen who fell to the ground and had swirling eyes.

"If you are very kind and willing, the strong human being, of course you can.

But, I have to ensure my own safety first! It's just my mating mate~"

Hearing this, the female Aberdeen immediately responded with a tone that showed no emotion towards the male Aberdeen.

"It seems that the rumors are not all false. The Abo monsters don't report to the group to survive. It seems that it is really related to their cold and cold-blooded nature."

Seeing the female Aberdeen who reacted like this, Tian Chi thought to himself, and then used telepathy to give it a definite answer.

"Okay, if you can tell me the exact location, I can let you go.

But I have to put you in the Poké Ball first, and I will let you go only if I really see the elite Aberdeen. "

"..." In this regard, the frozen female Abo was silent. It was originally intended to point to a random direction and lead the human powerhouse to the territory of other elves, causing them both to lose.

But Tianji's request directly rejected his idea.

On the other side, Tian Ci, seeing the frozen female Abo, who did not reply for a long time, could not help frowning, and asked sharply:

"You don't know the position of your elite powerhouse at all, are you thinking of fooling me! If that's the case, then go to hell!"

After he finished speaking, he motioned for the swimming frog to increase the cold!

Receiving the fast swimming frog indicated by Tian Ci, he raised his hands, and a white mist flew towards the ice cubes.

"Hiss~" Soon, the female Arbo monster inside felt an unprecedented cold spreading in her body. After only two or three seconds, she felt that her lower body was unconscious!

"I know! I really know! Stop it! Stop it!"

After being caught like this, Abo, who was still thinking, screamed in his heart in fright.

"Hmph! Quick-swimming frogs stop first!" Hearing Abo Monster's anxious voice, Tianji also asked the quick-swimming frogs to stop first.

After hearing Tianji's order, the fast swimming frog also withdrew his hands, and the white fog was interrupted.

"I hope you can think about it this time~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Don't think about it!"

After giving a small lesson to the female Aberdeen, he warned sharply.

"Understand, understand, human powerhouse, I really know the position of an elite of the same race. You can put me in the Poké Ball, and I will bring you together!"

Abo, whose life was at stake, didn't dare to think about anything, and directly agreed to Tianji's conditions.

Seeing this, Tianji asked the fast swimming frog to touch the ice, and then smashed the Poke Ball on the head of the female Abo.

I saw the Poké Ball opened with a "pop", and a red light took the female Aberdeen into it.

"Shashasha~Shasha~" The female Abo didn't dare to resist in the Poké Ball at all, but subconsciously resisted the power of the contract acting on the spirit, and was directly subdued.

Tianci picked up the Poké Ball, then looked at the male Abo who lost his ability to fight, and said to Xiaoling:

"Let's kill it together. Let's break it down. If you really can't get rid of the elite-level Abo monster snake gall, you can go to the ordinary high-level Abo monster and make an alternative first."

"Well, okay!" The girl nodded when she heard the words, pulled out the characteristic dagger from her waist with a "swoosh", and walked towards the male Aberdeen...

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