Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 476: The last craziness

The Abo monster, who stood up again, was obviously in a much worse state. It looked at the elves around it, and asked the two hateful humans, with despair and madness in its eyes!

It understands that it is doomed!

"Just right!" I saw this Arbo monster screaming in the sky, making a final roar, and the purple element mark on its forehead was even more dazzling!

It's ready to fight to the death! Even if it is death, it will not make the enemy feel better!

"Swimming frogs, blizzard!"

"Jewel Starfish, we are together, the most powerful mind power!"

"Koudouhua, full-strength seed machine gun + flying knife!"

"Bi Diao and Hot Monkey, you hide well, pay attention to vigilance!"

Facing the death-defying counterattack of Abo, Xiaoling and Tianji commanded some of the elves to attack, and at the same time let the other two elves preserve their strength and be responsible for vigilance.

After all, there may be wild elves who want to pick up the leaks and run over after the aftermath.

"Yo Bo!" The water-blue elemental imprint on the forehead of the fast swimming frog who heard the order also emitted a dazzling light, and a large amount of frost emerged from its mouth and hands, and attacked the crazy Abo!

In the same way, the super powers of Tianji and Jewel Starfish have been brought into full play! A huge and invisible wave swept over with a "swoosh" sound.

And the mouth dumb flower also released a large number of high-speed rotating leaves and seeds with extremely fast firing rates.

Under such a siege, the Aberdeen was completely hysterical! Regardless of the burden on the body to continue to increase the output of elemental power, its body swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, and at the same time, blood flowed out, which was caused by being overwhelmed.

But it's going to die, it still cares about this!

Seeing that it carried the power of dark purple elements, it began to manipulate the surrounding sludge, and the sludge in the sky flew towards the surroundings in an instant, and the explosion of "bang bang bang" was endless!

This is its most powerful poison-type move - Sludge Bomb! It is also the most suitable move for this kind of venue!

Thanks to the advantage of the venue, Koudouhua's flying knives and seed machine guns were blocked by the overwhelming sludge.

On the contrary, the thought power of Tianji and Jewel Starfish broke through the layers of sludge and hit this Abo monster, causing it to stagnate in its offensive to control the muddy sky.


Taking this opportunity, Quick Swimming Frog immediately increased the output of the blizzard, and finally frozen the Abo monster in the middle of the elite.

The mud bombs in the sky, because they lost their controllers, "Crash" changed back to mud and fell to the ground.

"Huh~" Tian Ci took a breath, looked at the ruined scene, and couldn't help feeling fortunate.

Fortunately, this Arbo monster has no other helpers, and the elf relationship is particularly poor!

If, like the general leader elves, there are dozens of ordinary helpers in the territory, let alone winning, they are afraid that they will not be able to escape...

"It's still a bit reckless this time~"

The first time he hunted the elves in the middle of the elite, it sounded the alarm for him.

"Bidiu, pay attention to your vigilance! You need to take root and recover on your own, Xiaoling. You can help deal with the injuries of the fast swimming frog, the gem starfish and the hot monkey. I will take care of the Abo monster!"

After admonishing himself not to be so reckless next time, he began to assign the aftermath.

Just now, the supercharged sludge bomb that Abo blamed on his body was still very powerful, and it affected a wide range.

Except for Beagle flying high in the sky, all other elves were affected by this aftermath.

Originally, Tianji and Xiaoling should not have been spared, but a part of the spiritual power of the jewel starfish went to protect them, so they did not suffer any harm.

However, in this way, it will inevitably be injured by the aftermath of the sludge bomb.

"Okay!" On the other side, Xiao Ling agreed, took out the special wound medicine and antidote from his backpack, and started treating the injuries to several elves in turn.

The first treatment was the hot monkey. This unlucky monkey was hiding behind a dead tree. Unfortunately, the power of the sludge bomb was too strong, and the decayed tree could not block all the aftermath for it. It was blown up, and the fiery monkey that was suppressed did not dare to move at will in the stormy sludge, so there were many traces of poisonous sludge on its body.

"Monkey Forest, drink this special antidote first."

Xiaoling stepped forward and handed a dark green antidote to Hot Monkey.

The hot monkey who took the medicine, looked at the liquid in it curiously, and then made a straightforward "guru", and suffocated.

As a special effect antidote, it still works very fast, and it didn't take long for it to feel that its body was getting better! The toxins in the body are rapidly dissipating!

You must know that even the detoxification fruit in the Falling Almond Forest was not so fast!

Originally, it thought that it would rely on its extraordinary physique to resist for two days, but it did not expect that there would be such a fetish in human society! Couldn't help but be surprised!

At the same time, it also felt that the scars outside its body were quickly peeling off the scars to stop bleeding, and it understood that it was the role of the spray!

"Humans can actually develop such a drug, and even this drug can still produce energy. No wonder the old patriarch kept telling us not to harm human lives when we were in Luoxinglin before, for fear of attracting human revenge!"

When being treated, Monkey Forest also had a deeper understanding of the old patriarch's instructions.

He was still puzzled by this strange order before. After all, their family is already the most powerful force in the surrounding area. Why be afraid of those weak humans!

What puzzled him the most was that the usual arrogant monkey tyrant also agreed with this order!

But now it understands that human beings have this magical medicine, even if they are fighting a war of attrition, they can also consume their ethnic groups to death, not to mention that among human beings, there are strong people like Tianji, Xiaoling, and even the two of them. It's not very strong. In that city, just inside and outside the room of the training room, it feels a lot of aura that is far stronger than the old patriarch!

Such human forces, how can their ethnic groups be provoked!

Thinking of this, Monkey Forest's mentality changed unconsciously~

Xiaoling, on the other hand, didn't pay much attention to it. After treating the monkey forest, she immediately ran to treat the fast swimming frog and Bi Diao.

I treated the monkey forest first. First, because it has just arrived, and I want to accept its heart, it is natural to start with these small things. Second, it is because the hot monkey is seriously injured and has the worst strength. In order to prevent the future The enemy that comes, still has to make it state back up.

Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here!

"Bi Diao!" When Xiaoling first started to treat the wounds of the fast swimming frog, Bi Diao, who was flying in the air, issued an early warning, and a wild elves appeared!

Chapter 477

At this time, Tian Ci had just completed the step of killing snakes and taking guts. Hearing Bi Diao's warning, he quickly dispersed his mental power and found that there were three elite elves rushing towards him.

One is the stinky mud that is almost integrated with the swamp. In this environment, it moves very fast. Only a pool of purple mud can be seen, moving rapidly on the ground, whether it is stones or dead branches and leaves. , it couldn't stop its progress at all, and it was directly eaten by it! This speed is not inferior to some agile elves.

The one on the left is also an Abo monster, with a slightly weaker strength, a low-level elite.

Although I can watch you die, I can take over your territory in the name of helping out with revenge!

That's what this elite low-ranking Aberdeen thought.

And the last one is an elite low-level big-mouthed bat. In such a place where there is miasma and no sunlight all day long, it can come out to act day and night, and it can be regarded as a good location!

"Let's go back and talk, let's sit down and retreat first!"

Seeing these three menacing elite elves, Tian Ci frowned and chose to retreat very carefully. These are the three elves that he can see in the widest range of his superpowers. Who knows if there will be more coming later. The wild elves that have been picked up are here!

You must know that this unowned territory is a piece of fat for these wild elves!

After all, there are still a lot of spiritual things in the territory, such as snake fruit, poisonous heart grass and other low-level and mid-level spiritual plants. Tianci has seen a lot along the way, not to mention that there must be a small monster in this Abo. Treasure house, such wild elite elves will definitely collect good things, resources that can enhance their strength, and put them near their lair.

It's a pity, there is no time for them to hunt for treasure now, mainly because the big-mouthed bat is flying too fast, and the smelly mud that swallows whatever it encounters. The two elves are just like making rockets, obviously There are so many obstacles on the road, but there is simply no way to slow them both down a bit.

As far as he was talking, when the Pokemon returned to the Pokeball, they were only less than 5 minutes away, and according to their increasing speed, it might not even take 3 minutes!

"It's done! Brother Tianci!" Hearing Tianci's order, Xiaoling hurriedly packed up and put his hand on Tianci's shoulder.

"Okay!" Tian Ci agreed, and he used the little mental power left, and with a "swoosh", he teleported to the back of Bi Diao who was ready to go.

"Complete!" Sensing that all the trainers were coming up, Bi Diao called out, and directly invoked the power of the flight element, and flew out with a "huh"!

And the big-mouthed bat that sensed the enemy's departure did not mean to lift off to block it.

The purpose of their vote of elves is basically for the unowned territory, and no matter how bad it is, they have to grab more spiritual things that are useful to them in this territory.

If the group of human trainers were rather stupid and chose to stay here and wait to die, of course they wouldn't mind having another meal, but now that they have withdrawn directly, then naturally no one will really stop them for that greedy trainer. Abbot takes revenge.

Under such circumstances, Bibi Diao's fearful emotions gradually calmed down, because it found that there seemed to be no spirits coming out to stop it! That's still afraid of a p!

At this time, Tianji, after flying out of the mud swamp, directly took out the snake corpse in the backpack that had not been cleaned up, and stepped up the processing and segmentation.

Otherwise, according to the speed at which this energy flows, I am afraid that it will only be sold at a low price at that time.

And Xiaoling also released the fast swimming frog and the gem starfish, and began to help them deal with their wounds.


In this way, after the two packed up, they flew back to Yuhong City after a short flight.

In Yuhong City's breeder association, the snake gall in the middle of the elite was sold to the breeder at a price of 800 points.

Plus other materials, snake skin, snake meat, snake bones, etc., this Abo monster alone will make millions.

Of course, the reason for all this is that the premium of the snake gallbladder is too high, and the contribution of 800 points is 800,000 if it is converted according to the ratio of 1000:1.

But people are in a hurry to use it and are willing to buy it at a high price. For this money, Tianci said that he can earn it with peace of mind!

"I have to say that the money of the cultivators is really good! Although they spend a lot of money~"

Tian Ji, who walked out of the Nurturers Association, couldn't help but sigh in his heart when he thought of the efforts he had made in cultivating Ninghui.

Thinking about how naive he was at that time, he hadn't embraced Nazi's thighs yet. Although he relied on hunting and had small assets, most of them went into the bottomless pit of Ninghui. Hundreds of thousands, millions of units!

And this is just the beginning, without Nazi's guidance to Ninghui, relying on him to get these secrets, I am afraid that I will have to invest in the Year of the Monkey and the Horse Moon!

The investment history of more than ten years is really no joke. He roughly estimated that the help Nazi gave Ninghui was probably worth it. Based on the income of the ordinary high-level segment before he was promoted to the elite level, more than ten years was absolutely necessary. .

And this is just value. You must know that your status and status have not yet reached, and there is no backer behind you. Even if you have money, you cannot buy this knowledge!

Fortunately, he hugged his thigh and ended the long investment road ahead of schedule. Now Ninghui has started to make money for him.

In the days that followed, the three had a clear division of labor. Tianji and Xiaoling went to the field to do tasks, while Ninghui did her cultivator task in Yuhong City~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Do whatever she could, If she's not sure, she won't do it. When she doesn't have a cultivator mission, she makes elf food and sells energy cubes by herself.

Because she now has a junior cultivator certificate, the price of the sale has gone up a bit, and the amount of money sold has increased by about one-third.

Like before, the extra income she can give Tianci is about 200,000 per month, but now that she has the cultivator certificate, she can get 300,000 per month by selling elf food and energy cubes. Union Coin.

The things are still the same, but the prices with and without certificates are different. This is the brand effect.

The days passed slowly, because Tianji himself was unwilling and wanted to give it a try, so they settled down in the city with peace of mind.

Because they all rented the training room of Yuhong Taoist Hall, they also became familiar with the elite-level disciples in Yuhong Taoist Hall over time.

Of course, this is also related to the two people's intention to make friends. Now, except for some real secret places in Yuhong Taoist, he doesn't know the specific location.

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