Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 361: leap in strength

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Of course Tianji, who was immersed in joy at this time, did not know that the group of Hualan's high-level executives were desperately planning his bloodline inheritance.

Although the body is still fighting mechanically, the mind has been immersed in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"It turns out that this is a warrior-level superpower. No wonder that woman Shui Yuan Qingzi can hit me hard!"

Looking at the sea of ​​consciousness, the spiritual lake that suddenly expanded into a vast ocean, he couldn't help but sigh.

Based on the total amount of spirit that far exceeded the previous one, he believed that he and Nazi would no longer have one-way contact in the future.

And, not only that, but the impurities in the spiritual ocean have also become less.

His "swoosh" sound attracted a drop of spiritual water from the spiritual sea below to his eyes.

I saw the water droplets, like a mirror, reflecting the appearance of his spiritual body, which means that his spiritual power is very pure.

It is not as vain and messy as the inner air of the flesh.

This is of course inseparable from the help of the super-quality cheat book "Golden Meditation", as well as the selfless dedication of Shui Yuan Qingzi and the others.

You must know that among the ten of them, the weakest ones in the past were the ones who walked a certain distance from the low section of the generals, and were one step away from the middle section, and Shuiyuan Qingzi was the peak of the generals!

Now they have been plundered by Tianci and become a worthy warrior.

So much extraordinary energy, through transformation and a lot of consumption, finally achieved the strength of his dual-material warlord.

Among them, on the road of fighters, he directly reached the middle section of the generals.

And the super power is just breaking through the level of the general, and it is barely considered the low level of the general.

Of course, it should be more than that, but Tian Ci still has some requirements for strength, even if it is destined to be weak and different from others' inner qi, after he broke through the generals, he began to deliberately temper it. own body.

So it is destined to consume a lot of energy, but this energy is not useless, at least when it overflows, it tempers his body. Although it is very wasteful from the point of view of improvement, but the energy that is in vain, Not sad either.

The inner qi is about to be tempered, and the mental power is even more so. As the spiritual power that comes with the improvement, the improvement is not much. After being tempered several times by him, he can successfully break through the warrior. The result was far beyond his expectations.

Of course, this also shows how strong the source power these elite women have treasured for many years.

Don't look at Shui Yuan Qingzi, they are all stunning beauties, and there is even a loli who looks very legitimate, but you must know that the youngest of them are in their forties, and they can keep it like this, even more and more beautiful, just because The lifespan of the generals was extended (200 years), and it was formed by the side effects of practicing the exercises.

Really speaking of age, the youngest mother who is Tianji is enough.

Of course, in terms of age, this is definitely not the case, and now they can only be Tianji's goddaughter.

On the other hand, after Tanji was simply familiar with the strength of the next breakthrough, he was ready to pursue the victory.

"Crack!" After slapping Yuan Qingzi's plump buttocks, Tian Ci commanded her with a smile:

"Master of the gymnasium, please let the remaining 6 female elites of your Shimizu family come together,"

Being treated so frivolously by Tianci, Shui Yuanqingzi was anxious, but she didn't dare to disobey.

"Lorraine, Yuema... Come up together too."

Tianji, whose spirit has already broken through the general, has also sensed this sound transmission at such a close distance.

He smiled "hehe" and began to praise the obedient gym owner.

On the other side, the six female elites who were on standby downstairs had different styles at this time, and their beautiful faces were all dark.

Although I have been mentally prepared, it is inevitable that I will feel sad when things come to an end.

In the end, a woman with a wheat complexion and a hot body encouraged:

"Okay, don't lose your face, this plan is not recognized and agreed by all of us, it's just a skin!

Cheer up, for the Shimizu family! for the future! "

She was wearing an exotic dancer's suit, and because of the range of inspiration, the little bells on her body rang "ding bells", as if to help out the music.

"En! Sister Lorraine is right!"

"It's just a skin, as long as my heart is pure!"

"Yes, for the Shimizu family!"


It can be seen that this wheat complexion, the woman named Lorraine has a good prestige among them, so the originally gloomy atmosphere has also eased slightly.

But no matter what, when they went upstairs and pushed open the door, they saw that the previous sisters were given to the stinky man by Tianji...

They will not be in a good mood.

Of course, Tian Ci didn't care if the mood of the group of medicinal pills was good or not, as long as the medicinal effect was good, as long as he didn't disobey.

"Yeah!" There was another series of six coquettish shouts, and he used the exercises again and again, and began to practice again.

Soon the superpower he just broke through was completely stabilized, and he absorbed the origins of 16 generals in a row. At this time, Tianji was already close to the high level of the combat general in terms of the strength of the fighter, and the level of superpowers was also stable. Steady took a big step forward in the lower section of the warlord.


After the first practice, he walked out of the room with high spirits. From the crack of the door that flashed past, he could see the originally neatly arranged secret room, but at this time it was a mess, with pieces of clothes, red blood... . are all silently talking about how exciting the battle here is!

And after he left, those female elites who forced their faces to laugh finally no longer had to put on their pretense. Those who were defeated, their godless pupils slowly converged, and a little tears came out.

"Woooo~" The soft sobbing also sounded, and finally it turned into a big cry.


"Why, he looks down on us so much!"

"It's not that we don't have robots, it's not a pill!!"



In this regard, Shui Yuan Qingzi, the gym owner, did not offer any more comfort. She understood that at this time, they needed to vent the pressure in their hearts.

If you can cry, if you can shout, it means you can bear it. I believe that the remaining elites of these families should be able to deal with the next round after venting.

As for why there is a next round, is it still necessary to ask?

From the fact that they still maintain the realm of warriors, it can be guessed that Tianji is a man who treats them as training supplies, or the kind that can be regenerated.

Although she was very sad and angry, there was nothing she could do!

She can only leave the wreckage to serve the family, including other beautiful women in the family.

Shuiyuan Qingzi has seen from the details of the past few days that although Tianji is not a good person, he still has feelings, especially those close to him.

He specifically chose the exercises for the accompanying maid, and he couldn't hide them from this group of local snakes.

This is why the only remaining elites in the family agreed on the parent-child plan.

Since there are feelings, the direct blood relatives can't be treated as fish and meat that can be slaughtered by others.

Chapter 362 Consideration

After the refreshing double breakthrough, Tian Ci came to the top floor of Hualan Taoist Hall for the first time, and saw the girl who was a little distracted at a glance.

The noon sun shines on her beautiful hair through the floor-to-ceiling windows, as if shining with a layer of brilliance.

"Tatata~" Tian Ci walked over slowly, hugged the girl from behind, and said softly:

"Nazi, I love you the most, don't worry, they are just my training tools."

The girl leaning against the man's arms, a hint of sweetness flashed across her delicate face, and she whispered "en".

As the actual controller of Hualan City, Nazi is also the contracted object of the elites of Hualan City.

That parent-child plan couldn't be hidden from her at all.

She knew what the women of the Shimizu family thought, but she acquiesced to it.

After all, it was said before that family reproduction is the deep-rooted thought of local powerhouses, and Nazi herself, including her four closest maids, couldn't do it for Tianji in a short time.

Then we can only let the group of women come, so to speak, but in the end, because of the nature of women, they are still a little unhappy.

But seeing Tian Ji's performance now, Na Zi's unhappiness has long since disappeared.

The scenes in the secret room before were all under her secret observation. With the superpower level of the war commander, Tianji and Shuiyuan Qingzi could not find it at all.

She noticed that Tianji really didn't care too much about those women, and was really using them as a treasure for cultivation.

And after cultivating, he came out to find himself directly. These two steps really made the girl happy.

But what about family reproduction?

Thinking of this, Nazi raised her head and said, "Tianji, you will need blood relatives to create a family in the future. In fact, it doesn't matter to me if you let them have children."

Hearing this, Tian Ci's face was both moved and guilty, and he waved his hand and said:

"No, no, Nazi, my first brainchild must be with you.

And now both of us are still young, less than 20, and our lifespans have been extended, and the family affairs are still early. "

It's not that he specifically said it to Na Zi, but that's what he thought in his heart.

"Yes, but if Team Rocket's plan goes well, then if you develop new areas, you won't be able to get a share of the pie in the name of your own family."

Of course, Nazi could hear that Tianji's words were sincere. She was moved and a little worried.

You must know that developing a new area must be a feast for dividing the cake. This is definitely a godsend opportunity for a new family!

But if Tian Ci is only a small team of two or three people, I am afraid that if the resource points are captured, there will be no one to defend them.

But having a blood relationship with the Qingshui family, he can use the name of the Qingshui family to occupy a large part of the resource points.

This is different from what Nazi occupied in the name of the Golden City. If it was occupied in the name of the Golden City, the ownership would actually belong to the family, not Nazi herself.

If she wants to give this resource point to Tianji reasonably, there will be a lot of unnecessary troubles, such as explaining the origin of this man, why she should give it to him and so on.

Although she is the family controller, there are still a lot of clan elders and heritage elves. Now she is only at the gym level, and she can't fight against the heritage elves invited by the clan elders.

If she really wants to go her own way, she might even harm Tianji and herself.

But if Hualan City sent troops, it would be different. The skinny camel was bigger than the horse. No matter what, the Qingshui family still had a gym, 15 elites, and the following ordinary trainers who didn't lose much.

It's okay to use their hands to secretly help Tianci occupy a few small resource points. The family in Golden City, although they also know that Hualan City is under their control, but separated by the operation of the inner ghost Nazi, secretly It is still possible to separate some resource points and Hualan City's manpower to Tianci.

But this also requires people from Hualan City to actively cooperate. The object of allegiance to that contract is the ruler of Golden City. Nazi is the biggest one, but it doesn't mean that other high-level clan leaders can't control them.

In this way, if they were only treated as puppets and forcibly assigned to help Tianji, it would be very easy to show their exploits in front of other senior members of the family.

Thinking of this, Nazi analyzed these situations one by one to Tianji.

"Uh..." After hearing this, he was also a little hesitant, not knowing what to do.

Originally, his idea was very simple, that is, to use the female elites in Hualan City as tool people and not develop feelings, and then rely on Nazi to grow up as soon as possible.

As for the follow-up development of the Rockets' new area, he feels that it is still far away. Now the Rockets have grabbed Nibi City and Hualan City, and then removed the Deadleaf City, Golden City, Light Red City, and Joban City that had been secretly taken refuge in. , In fact, there are only two left, Rainbow City of the Grass Element and Red Lotus Town of the Fire Element.

It seems to be very fast, and even in Nazi's opinion, there should only be a grass-type Rainbow City left, which is why she is anxious for Tianci.

But why does Tianji feel that it is still far away, especially when the Red Lotus Town, which has been secretly taken refuge, has been divided out?

That's because he has some memories of his previous life and understands that the old man Xia Bo in Honglian Town (from Na Zi's mouth, the gym owner in Red Lotus Town is still called Xia Bo, and he is also an old man), this person is not a fuel-efficient man. Lights!

In his memory, although Xia Bo helped the Rockets create Mewtwo, he still had other ideas in his heart, and he was completely different from the Rockets.

Not to mention that in the anime, this old man seems to be a decent character.

He would rather believe it or not, he is still vigilant towards this person.

But the good news is that Nazi, a superhuman with keen senses, also noticed something strange about Xia Bo, and reported it to Boss Sakagi, hoping to make a difference.

Of course, Xia Bo is one point, and the created Chaomeng is another point. In his memory, whether it's anime, comics or games~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Chaomeng doesn't seem to stay for a long time. in the hands of the Rockets.

It has extraordinary strength, no matter which world view it is in, it seems to stir up a storm.

Although the world that Tianji lives in is quite paradoxical compared to which world view, it looks like a parallel world of fusion, but he feels that the general trend should not change much, after all, several people who influence the general trend are in this world. Ah, Sakagi, Dr. Ogi, major cities, etc.

Also that stupid thing is not there, and the red, green, and blue color monsters don't seem to be there?

He didn't dare to guarantee this, but with these memories, he was actually not optimistic about the Rockets' development of new areas. Of course, he couldn't say this to Nazi or Sakagi, and he felt that it was useless to say that the Rockets had already prepared. How could the long-standing plan be changed just because he was a middle-level member.

If you want to be convincing, you can only self-explode and transcend, which is also impossible.

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