Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 363: Decide

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Of course, it is precisely because the protagonists he knows well seem to be absent (I asked Nazi, Chihong, Lu, and Xiaozhi, and she said that she had never heard of them. no.)

So Tianji didn't dare to guarantee that the Rockets' new development area would definitely fail, Chaomeng would definitely leave the Rockets, and Sakagi would fall short.

In fact, although he is inclined to fail, emotionally speaking, he still hopes that Sakagi can succeed.

From the perspective of human beings alone, there is a new area, which is of great benefit to the improvement of the overall strength of human beings. Follow the locals. He is now in this world, and his identity is also human. Of course, I hope that the power of human beings will become stronger and stronger.

In the end, after thinking for a while, Tian Ci met Na Zi's sincere gaze, but chose to obey. He lowered his head and slowly kissed the girl's forehead, and said softly:

"Okay, Nazi, before I leave, I will leave some seeds for them."

To Tianji's answer, the girl nodded in satisfaction and replied:

"Well, I will be gentle with the people of the Shimizu family in the future. You have to be careful not to be so reckless. Even if it is a fake, you must make them feel a little emotional, so that they will take the initiative to help them when they open up new areas in the future. you."

"Well, I understand, but I want you now~"

For this suggestion, he also accepted all the suggestions. He was just too excited before. The stimulation brought by the sense of gap magnified the dark side of his heart, so he was a lot rude. In fact, he is usually quite gentle.

After speaking, Tanji's hand touched down...

"Umm~ you, Tianji..." Nazibe bit her teeth lightly when she felt the strange hand on her buttocks, but she didn't refuse, but half pushed it in front of the one-way floor-to-ceiling window...

Even in the back, because of the improvement of Tianci's strength, Nazi was unbearable to fight, so she could only call her personal maid. .

After a fight, Tian Ci sat on the boss chair in the office with Nazi and began to tell her his previous thoughts on the star project.

"Nazi, have you seen the star project that Hualan City is trying to implement?"

He first asked the opinion of the girl in his arms, and wanted to hear her opinion, that is, the opinion of the local powerhouse.

"Hmm~" Nazi, with her uniform wide open, was shy for a moment, and then entered the working state. As a superpower, she is still very strong in controlling her mental state. Her pupils condensed, and she replied:

"I feel that this plan is very good, another way, Shuiyuan Qingzi still has a few brushes to become the master of the gym, if it is not for us and the Rockets have secretly planned, and successfully won them.

If it is delayed for another year and a half, it is very likely that there will be many twists and turns in life. Although the influence of this thing is invisible, it is still quite terrifying to call. "

"Yes, this star project will not only bring terrifying influence, but also a lot of money.

I have some supplements about the star plan here, listen to it and see if it can be improved.

First of all, we can bring in trainees and conduct professional..."

Hearing that Na Zi also agreed with this plan, Tian Ci couldn't help but get excited, and began to tell her about the entertainment industry culture of his previous life, some systems, and ideas.

This made the eyes of Na Zi, who was listening intently, shine brightly.

She originally thought that the star plan organized by Shui Yuan Qingzi was perfect. After all, she had never understood this before, and she had decided to continue to follow Shui Yuan Qingzi's plan.

But Tianji's remarks made her think about a big change.

However, she is not the founder of this plan, nor does she understand it very well, so she raised her hand to cover Tianji's mouth and said:

"Tianji, wait a minute, I don't understand very well, but I can understand that if you add these things, it will make the plan more complete and improve all-round.

I have asked Shui Yuan Qingzi to come up, and you will have a good discussion with her later. "

"Well, okay, let's tidy up the office and clothes first."

Hearing what Nazi said, Tianji agreed and got up to sort out the messy scene.

But at this moment, Nazi stopped him and said softly:

"No, just let Shuiyuan Qingzi know that your relationship with me is fine, and I'll add an extra clause to her contract when I'm down.

This will not let her speak out, but also let her know your true status, and she will be more dedicated to helping you in the future. "

Hearing Na Zi's words, Tian Chi opened his eyes wide and looked at himself and Na Zi and the other five masters and servants, all of them in ragged clothes...

Can this be seen by Shui Yuanqingzi?

"If you have a wife like this, what can a husband ask for!" He sighed and said no more. Since Na Zi didn't care and was not afraid, what was he afraid of as a big man.

Do it back in one **** and continue to enjoy it.

There is a saying that Nazi is indeed right, such a scene will definitely make Shuiyuan Qingzi understand Tianji's true status.

When Shuiyuan Qingzi changed into a set of clothes and pushed the door downstairs to enter, he saw the scene of Tianci fighting with many people again, especially the Gym Master of Golden City, the Leng Ao and powerful superhero. When she was the queen, she was shocked!

The mouth has become an O shape!

However, she is smart and understands the intention. This is for her to see, so that she understands Tianji's status, which means that there may be good things waiting for her, and she is considered to be in Nazi's core team.

Otherwise, how could it be possible for her to see such a scene, since Nazi called her up, it is impossible not to pay attention.

I didn't pay attention at all now, which means that she should have been accepted. This is good news, both for her and the Shimizu family!

Thinking of this, she immediately knelt down respectfully and saluted with a ruddy face:

"Qingzi Shuiyuan, I have seen Lord Nazi, Lord Tianci! But there is an order, our Qingshui family will not say no!"

"Well, he's a smart person. No wonder he came up with a star plan. Come forward. Tianji has more detailed supplements for your plan. You can work with him to improve the following."

Na Zi was very satisfied with the knowledge of the contemporary pavilion owner. As expected, Shuiyuan Qingzi was only dragged down by the previous generations of pavilion owners. If she could play in another normal eight cities, it would definitely be a good one. Excellent gym owner.

"Yes!" Hearing Nazi's order, Shui Yuan Qingzi agreed and came to the desk, waiting for the order.

But because she was half-kneeling and the desk was hollow, her beautiful face turned red at the moment, because the close-up picture was too exciting.

"Well, Master Qingzi, what I want to say is..."

But Tianji has already adapted. Anyway, it was Nazi and the others who wanted to do this. He had nothing to be afraid of, so he started talking in a daze.

Chapter 364 New Star Project

So there was a very strange scene in this office. While fighting with Na Zi and the others, Tian Ji also mentioned one or two measures to improve the star plan from time to time. The owner of the contemporary Qingshui Pavilion, this stunning young woman is He blushed and took notes beside him.

Although this scene was very exciting for Shui Yuan Qingzi, she slowly became immersed in what Tian Ji said. As the initiator of the star project, she had a deep understanding of this way.

And what Tian Ci said was the knowledge of the entertainment industry that had reached its peak in the previous life, and it was very helpful to the fledgling star project of Hualan City.

She can guarantee that with this well-established star plan, the time for the rise of Hualan City will be shortened by more than half than before, and what Tianci said about the gorgeous competition also made her emotional. After careful consideration , she found that this is really feasible!

Although subject to the current overall weakness of human beings, it is impossible for the gorgeous competition to be as important as the alliance competition, but she does not expect half of it. As long as 20% or even 10% of the trainers recognize it, Hualan City's reputation and The status will be improved by several grades!

You must know that this is not a single city, but the approval of 10% or 20% of the entire alliance!

But it is a pity that Hualan City, which has now become a vassal and is used as a puppet, is destined to be impossible to get the big head. These should be secretly swept away by the Golden City. Fortunately, according to the current form, Hualan City can still Have some soup.

Thinking of this, Shui Yuan Qingzi's face showed a little sadness and unwillingness.

And Tianji, who had already finished speaking, also noticed the demeanor of this stunning pavilion owner at this time. After breaking through the warlord, his observation power became more detailed.

"It seems that I still need to beat it. With such a big benefit, I am afraid that I have moved my mind again."

With this thought in his mind, Tian Ci pulled out his weapon to fight in all directions, and said to Shuiyuan Qingzi:

"Come here, help me wipe down the weapon!"

"This...this..." Shui Yuanqingzi couldn't help but hesitate as he looked at the blood-stained spear in front of him.

She witnessed the whole process, and of course she understood where the weapon had been placed before.

Although Nazi and the four maidservants have extraordinary strength above the generals, some physical troubles are long gone, but no matter what, they will be separated~

Seeing this scene, Nazi stood up and threatened:

"Humph! Recognizing your current situation is just because you Hualan have already tried it out, and you have more outstanding women, so you will continue to implement the star plan.

If you don't want to, then it's the same for me to select female trainers in Golden City, but it only takes a few months.

At that time, you Hualan, you will get nothing! "

Although Nazi was in ragged clothes at the moment, her aura of superiority was undoubtedly revealed. From the feedback from the contract, she could sense that Shuiyuan Qingzi was really thinking about embezzling part of her interests.

"No, yes, I'm willing, Hua Lan is willing, we just need to drink some soup!"

Shuiyuan Qingzi's stunning face was full of resolute answers after Nazi made the contract a little bit.

She almost had to follow her heart again, so she might as well express herself!

Na Zi's words just now knocked her down. It's not bad to have some soup. She made an estimate in her mind. Even this soup has about half of the income of the previous Hualan City's star plan, which is already very good. , originally implemented according to the previous star plan, they can only get one-tenth or less of Hualan City.

Now, with the help of Tianji, to make the cake bigger, although their share has decreased, the total amount they have received has actually increased.

Thinking of this, she quickly cleaned up Tianji's weapons to show her determination.

"Cough cough~" After cleaning up, she, who was a little bit smoked by the smell, raised her beautiful face and asked:

"Lord Tianzi, Lord Nazi, please give us Hualan a chance, we will definitely implement this new star plan seriously!"

Seeing this, Tianci and Nazi's eyes met for a while, and he understood what Nazi meant, nodded and replied:

"Well, then leave it to you, don't disappoint me and Nazi."

After getting the answer, Shui Yuan Qingzi showed a smile on his face and assured:

"Don't worry, Master Tianji, we will definitely do our best!"


In this way, the new star plan began to be implemented in Hualan City, studio, sharing contract, contract period, entertainment company, trainee... All kinds of new terms appeared in Hualan Taoist Hall, even originally. The Hualan Road Hall, which was renovated like an aquarium, has begun to carry out construction works and began to renovate the interior.

And famous musicians and dancers near Hualan City were also taken away by Hualan Taoist Hall with high salaries.

For a time, under the influence of Hualan Taoist Hall, the whole city became entertaining.

This makes the city of Nibi next door a little surprised. Although it is true that the economy is prosperous, those women are not afraid that their strength will weaken to the point of being bullied by the Rockets again?

They originally thought that Hualan City would revive its force after being attacked by the Rockets, and they might even use the sacred spring that had been sealed for a long time.

Even they were ready to request exchange of resources, but they didn't expect Hualan City to do this! This also made them want to exchange for a few drops of the Holy Spring to no avail.

But if it can't be exchanged, it can't be exchanged. Seeing that Hualan City is willing to degenerate, the Wu Neng family in Nibi City doesn't talk much, so they don't care anymore. Although the two families have friendship, but so many generations Inheritance will fade away.

(PS: In the anime, although Hualan City and Nibi City are very close, Xiaogang, as the gym owner at that time, said that he didn’t know the name of the gym owner in Hualan City at all, and he didn’t even know his appearance.)

Possibly, Hualan City has its own ideas, and it is not necessarily the case that there is a super-powerful ancestor spirit hidden, it is better to take care of yourself.

With this kind of thought in mind~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Nibi City no longer persuades Hualan City, which made Nazi breathe a sigh of relief, she still didn't know that Nibi and Hualan ancestors still have a lot to do friendship? Almost got to play again!

Next, without the nosy Nibi City, Tianji and Shuiyuan Kiyoko boldly let go of their hands and feet to implement the star plan.

In this program, the most popular among local girls is the trainee, because as long as they successfully contract to become a trainee, the gym will give away a common elf with the lowest qualifications for free, and the follow-up training does not require the trainee to spend money. The gym is packed.

The only price is to unconditionally obey the gym's arrangements during the 20 years of signing the contract.

Of course, the gym also promises that they will not be recruited to the battlefield, which means that their life safety is absolutely guaranteed.

There is no danger, a bag of food and a bag of spirits, and a high salary, which completely drives all girls of school age crazy.

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