Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 360: double fighter

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In the final analysis, these die-hards of the Shimizu family still have hope, because the foundation of the family is still there, even if it is a puppet emperor, that is the emperor.

Even Shuiyuan Qingzi, the contemporary female museum owner of Hualan City, in a trance, she was still thinking about how wonderful it would be if she could give birth to a son and a half daughter to Tianci!

Don't get me wrong, she's not BWS (self-Baidu), and she's not really in love with Tianji at first sight.

She thought so entirely because this was the best outcome.

Judging from Nazi's attitude, Tianji is really important, and she is the same as Nazi herself. This sentence is no joke!

In this way, if there is a direct blood relationship, the Shimizu family will definitely have a much better life in the future, and revitalizing the family is just around the corner.

In fact, she didn't come up with this plan alone, but the best way that the Qingshui family who survived the past two days came up with the power of everyone.

The skinny camels are bigger than the horses. They already know the exercises that Tian Second is going to practice. Hualan City, there are not many others, there are definitely many beautiful women!

In this way, the feasibility of this method is very high.

So after this plan was proposed, it was quickly agreed by everyone in the Shimizu family.

Their goal is only one ─ ─ that is to have a blood relationship with Tianji, and then revive the family!

It's a pity that "Dianfeng Plays in the Water" has the ability to control the body by micro-manipulation. If Tianji doesn't want to, then these women can't accomplish this goal.

What is Tanji thinking? Eh... Honestly, I kind of thought about it.

But he still distinguished the importance. His closest blood relatives in this world should be with Nazi, not these people.

So even though Shui Yuan Qingzi at this time was almost completely cooperative, he didn't give her what she wanted.

On the contrary, he himself enjoys it very much, and his strength has been steadily improved. He absorbed the energy of the contemporary Hualan Pavilion Master and the help of the Holy Spring. His martial arts realm is like sitting on a rocket, directly from the middle of the warrior. Promoted to the low level of the warrior, that is to say, in terms of physical fitness, he is no longer weaker than the two elite elves who are dumbfounded and carved.

However, this level of improvement is indeed very vain. He can feel that although the qi in the body is much stronger than before, it is quite messy and not pure at all. It is estimated that at the general level, his martial arts strength is at the bottom. .

Of course, at the bottom of the pack, he was also an elite-level warrior, far stronger than a warrior. Since Tianci had switched to this practice, he was ready.

On the contrary, the improvement in spiritual power gave him unexpected joy. The physical body and the spirit were not completely separate, but complemented each other.

Under the first plunder, his super power level also went a long way from the ordinary high level, and because he practiced the super-quality cheat book "Golden Meditation", the foundation is still very solid.

Tian Ci, who found this unexpected joy, did not hesitate after settling down the gym owner Shuiyuan Qingzi, and pulled another female elite over, just like taking a cultivation medicine pill, and after using it, it was a huge burst of energy. feedback...

Soon, even ten women, including the master of the gym, fell. With the blessing of special exercises and the terrifying strength of the physical elite, he can be said to be a rare opponent now, and it is definitely not just talking about one to ten.

However, this kind of plundering practice is very hurtful to their elite trainers and gym owners. Among them, Shui Yuan Qingzi was the most plundered, and his strength directly retreated from the peak of the warriors to the level of worthy warriors. Like the other 9 female elite trainers, they are all at this level.

This is also what Tianci did intentionally. It is not that he is kind-hearted and does not plunder cleanly, but that he understands sustainable development.

Warriors are also the elite level corresponding to elves. Like elves, the extraordinary energy in their bodies has been transformed twice. If they are plundered to warrior level, the energy will also degenerate into a lower, impure appearance. , the effect will be lower in the future.

It is better to keep them in the generals and maintain the purity of their energy. Usually, they can cultivate without the plundering method, and use a gentle method to progress with them. After they return to a suitable realm, they can switch back to the plundering method.

Doesn't that mean that these people are always helping him cultivate? It has the effect of a multi-shadow avatar, so beautiful!

Of course, it's beautiful for Tianji, but for the ten Hualan executives headed by Shuiyuan Qingzi, it's a nightmare. Their eyes are almost dead at this time, and the weakness and scars on their bodies are second. , As superhuman beings of the warrior level, their bodies are not so fragile yet.

What really made them feel sad was Tianji's attitude. As trainers who were at the lowest level, they had already put down their face and even actively cooperated, but who would have known that Tianzi was really unsympathetic and completely sympathetic to him. Theirs are generally used as real training tools.

You must know that if any of them are pulled out, they are all peerless beauties that are well-known in Hualan City, and suitors can fill a street! (Because by virtue of their elite status~www.wuxiamtl.com~ the phenomenon of many boys and girls in Hualan City has no effect on them at all.)

But just like that, in the eyes of the man, they seemed like ordinary maids or even robots, scolding and scolding at will.

That's okay, what's even more desperate is that ten people paid such a heavy price, and none of them got what their previous goals wanted.

(As superhuman beings, perception of themselves is the most basic. They are only temporarily weak and have not lost their energy, so they only need to scan afterward to know whether they have got what they want.)

When Tian Ci was immersed in cultivation, all 10 people lay dead silently without speaking.

In the end, it was Shuiyuan Qingzi, the current gym owner of the Qingshui family with the highest status. She had come over and she could not give up no matter what. Hualan was the place where she was born and raised, her hometown, and the guardian of the Qingshui lineage for generations. In the land of reproduction, she can't watch it really fall into the hands of others.

"Cheer up, not today, there will be in the future, Na Zi just took over Hua Lan, she will definitely stay for a while, he should be there forever, let's take the initiative and cooperate a little bit, we don't believe so many days, so many people , will get nothing!

Even if it is the blood of the enemy, it has at least half of our Hualan blood! "

After regaining her vigor, she immediately voiced her voice to her companions and tried her best to inspire them.

"I, we understand~ but, but..."

Hearing the words of Shuiyuan Qingzi, the master and patriarch of the gymnasium, the other 9 people's lips trembled slightly, trying to say something, but they finally swallowed back with blood.

"We obey!"

In the end, they bowed their heads and chose to obey.

And Tianji didn't know that these people could pay so much for the three words of the Shimizu family!

A die-hard family loyalist, he still doesn't have a deep concept!

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