Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 359: rework

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In this way, the sacred spring in Tianci's hands can be temporarily sealed, and it is estimated that there are still about 18 to 19 drops, which is still sufficient.

He himself, Kamui and Swamp Leaping Fish have not been used yet, and in the later realm, this sacred spring also has a good effect.

"It's a pity that all the stock is here." He sighed in his heart, put away the bottle temporarily, and turned to look at Kou Deng Hua.

"Koudouhua, what level are you now?"

Hearing Tianji's question, Koudouhua closed her eyes and felt the power of the elements in her lower body.

"Moo~moo~" Tianji, I can use the elemental blessing almost 3-4 times!

Hearing Koudouhua's answer, Tianji was not disappointed. Although 3-4 times was not enough to support a battle, it was enough to make a final call.

And this level is not bad among the elite-level elves who have broken through normally. Some elves who have just broken through even have only the amount of elemental power once.

Of course, it must not be comparable to the amount of 6-7 times when Bidiao breaks through. After all, people are evolutionary, and they use the original feathers of the gym-level peak.

After writing this result in the notebook, he asked Duan Hua with a little anticipation:

"Koudouhua, do you have any new moves that you have comprehended?"

"Moo!" Kou Dianhua nodded and began to demonstrate.

I saw the green grass-type energy gathered at its leaves and hands, and soon several leaves appeared out of thin air, and then flew towards the target with a "swoosh".

The weak and fluttering leaves hit the target and made a "bang bang bang" sound, which was very powerful.

"Flying Leaf Quick Knife! You have finally learned this move, it's great!"

Seeing this scene, Tianji was very happy.

It's not to say how powerful the Flying Leaf Knife is. As a regular long-range attack, its power can only be considered acceptable.

But for Duan Hua, this trick is quite resentful. You must know that many grass-type elves can be learned at the ordinary level or even the freshman level, but it has to be at the elite level.

If there is this trick, the time spent in the mouth will definitely be much better, and it will not be too much to buy a seed machine gun.

"Moo-moo~? ω?" Kou Dianhua was also very happy about this, and it was a pity to complete it.

After having fun with Kouduhua for a while, he then let him show another new trick he had learned.

With a "wow" sound, it spit out a large mass of green and stinky gastric juice from its big mouth. The hit target made a "Zizzi~" sound, and plumes of clear smoke slowly rose.

This corrosiveness can be said to have improved a lot, even more than the previous solution.

At the same time, Tianz checked the information in the illustrated book and found that this gastric juice also has the effect of temporarily removing the enemy's characteristics, which is a good skill.

In this way, this trip can be regarded as a complete merit, and everyone has gone to do their own things.

Xiaoling and her mosquito-repellent incense frogs are familiar with the power, adjust their state, and prepare for the evolutionary breakthrough that will come soon.

Ninghui is rearranging the food of the elves with a big milk jug.

As for Tian Ci, he was rewriting the book "Dianfeng Playing in the Water", and the elves under his command were also training their own.

Two days passed in this way, he completed his transfer, and the group also secretly moved into Hualan Gym at Nazi's suggestion.

A secret room on the top floor of Hualan Road Hall

Tian Ci was patiently waiting for his first practice at this time. Unlike ordinary secret rooms, his room was very large, and there were a lot of props hanging there. At the same time, there was a special big bed.

In addition, his space backpack was already filled with the training resources that Nazi had prepared for him. In addition to the Sacred Spring, there were quite a few treasures.

However, he can't start yet, because the most important treasure has not yet arrived.

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive.

Not long after, outside the secret room, the knock on the door of "dong dong dong~" sounded. This soft and flustered voice indicated that the owner's heart was not calm.

"Come in." Tian Ci was overjoyed when he heard the sound, and immediately called out.

With a "squeak", the door was opened, and a fragrant breeze came, and several high-level female elites from Hualan walked in slowly. Not very good-looking, but without exception, they all chose to compromise, which can be seen from the various clothes on their body.

After counting, including the leader Shuiyuan Qingzi, there are 10 people in total, which is exactly the limit that Tianci can bear in his first practice. This is also the best advice Nazi gave him!

After all, he is not an elite yet. If he plunders too much at one time, he will explode!

And without exception, they are all elite-level trainers at least, and their extraordinary strength is also at the warrior level, which is the elite level of elves.

But the most outstanding is the leader of the contemporary Qingshui Pavilion. She is not only a gym-level trainer, but her own extraordinary strength is also the highest among warriors. .wuxiamtl.com~ After coming in, I saw her shyly covering her figure, and then she gave Tianci a salute:

"Shuiyuan Qingzi has met Master Tianji~"

Under the leadership of the contemporary pavilion owner, the nine stunning female elites in the back, no matter how reluctant they were, bowed to Tian Ci at this time:

"An Xue (Bai Li, Xiang Yuezi...) has met Master Tianji~"

"Hahaha, okay, all get up."

In this scene, Tian Ci's mind was firm, and he couldn't help but feel complacent. You must know that any one of these 10 people who took it out would be a stunning beauty, a goddess-like existence!

Not to mention, their strengths are also elites, which one is not usually above the top, but now they have to help him practice, I am afraid that he has never done such a scene in his dreams.

On the other side, after receiving Tianji's order, they also stood up together, thanking them:

"Thank you, Tatsuya-sama~"

Then Qiao Shengsheng stood aside, waiting for the next order.

When Tian Ci saw this, he was unequivocal. He pulled Shuiyuan Qingzi who was the leader. This stunning female owner is the most important!

Immediately afterwards, he also took out a drop of the sacred spring from his backpack, swallowed it with a "gulu", and then the exercise started...

I have to say that "Dianfeng Playing in the Water" is really powerful. The first plundering practice made Shui Yuanqingzi in a state of trance, and Tianzi unknowingly absorbed the energy of years of hard work.

The momentum of her original peak of the warrior general also quickly dropped, and soon in a trance, she was reduced to the low level of the warrior. At the same time, there was a lot of energy flowing out of the elemental imprint in her body, which was taken by Tianci for his own use.

The other people who witnessed this scene were all horrified and sad, but they were willing to come here, which showed that they were also prepared.

So the movement of the hand has not stopped...

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