Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 315: Backbone - Medina

"Okay, so strong! Miss Sydney has no power to fight back!"

"The one called Tianshuiling is also water-based, right?"

"That sea star's super power is too strong!"

Seeing that the gymnasium was quickly taken down by One Piercing Two, the audience in the stands was a little confused. It was not that they had not seen One Piercing Two, but it was restrained by the attributes of electricity and grass, which were also regarded as water attributes. It was the first time that the elves had seen each other, and it was so fast!

However, there are also some with active minds, seeing Miss Sydney's dejected look, they shouted loudly.

"It's okay, Miss Sydney, we will always support you!"

"Miss Sydney, your dance is the best!"

"Come on! We will continue to support you!"

They don't care about winning or losing. What attracts these people is just the appearance of Sydney and the bumpy figure under the bikini.

When Sydney, who was still in the contestants' area, heard the words, her delicate face also reappeared with a smile. She bowed slightly to the stand, and instantly a large piece of snow was exposed in front of everyone!

"Oh! Miss Sydney! Great Sydney!"

"Bai Bai Nen Nen Big Sydney! We will always support you!"

"Keep dancing! Miss Sydney!"


Seeing this scene, the werewolf audience in the stands began to dance and howl again!

In the contestant area, Tian Ci frowned slightly. If it is the most powerful gym in the city, its apprentices and disciples don't care if they win or lose, and instead put too much energy on flashy performances. Color has become a signboard, it is definitely not acceptable! Not to mention that there seems to be some people who really only recognize beauty now!

His idea is that beauty can help, but it can't be used as the main line. You must know that the current human trend is still guarding, so strength is the king of everything. If you don't have strength, you have nothing but beauty, but it's just a plaything on someone else's bed.

"The next game will be the Gym Tournament in Hard Mode. The gym will send contestant Medina, and the challenger is also Aoki Tianji from Aoki Town! Two contestants please come to the stage!"

Just when he was still thinking, the referee's voice rang out. Seeing this, he didn't think too much and walked up.

As soon as he took the stage, a burst of cheers rang out. Don't get me wrong, this group of LSP audience will definitely not cheer for this man. The object of their cheers is the hot lady who came across from him.

I saw this woman named Medina, with blond hair, a delicate and beautiful face, a heroic spirit between her eyebrows, and her skin, which was different from most fair-skinned and beautiful apprentices, was a healthy wheat color. On the other hand, she was dressed boldly. If it weren't for the fact that this was the Hualan Gym in the elf world, he almost thought that he had crossed over again, to an indescribable world. The theme was called black-skinned hot girls...

Because the woman opposite not only has a hot S-shaped curve like a gourd, but the bikini on her body can only cover three vital points, and the fabric is even a little transparent!

"Medina! Medina! No, I have a nosebleed!"

"Still as bold as ever, Medina!"

"You are the best, Medina!"

"Show yourself to the world, Medina!"

"Come on! Let that man bleed to his death!"


There is no doubt that these cheers are all compliments to a woman's figure.

"It's really shameless!"

"Well, it's too shameless!"

On the contrary, Xiaoling and Ninghui both scolded with blushing faces. In their opinion, wearing this kind of clothes is no different from wearing it or not. They really feel that Hualan Taoist Hall is in decline, and there is still such a high level. apprentice.

Tian Ci was also stunned and stunned. A small part of it was because of the beauty. After all, he was still a normal man. In terms of appearance, Medina was indeed stronger than the last Sydney, not to mention the clothes he was wearing. That three-point lace-up swimsuit.

But it's more because I can't believe it. You have to know that this is an ordinary high-ranking trainer. No matter where you are, the ordinary high-ranking class is basically out of the ordinary class. In Qingmu Town, this is the patriarch of a small family! In the Rockets, it is also possible to be promoted to team captain. In terms of status, it can be said that it is not the same as low, and the middle section is completely different! Now, it is purely relying on Israel to entertain people!

But Medina, who was standing on the stage, didn't think so. Anyway, those stinky men could only look at them and couldn't eat them. On the contrary, with her open personality, she ate a lot of oil in the star program. The first apprentice to be promoted to the third grade of the star program, that is to say, she can get 15% of the share, and she does not have a combination, which means that she alone can spend an hour performing a performance. She got about 600,000. After all, the tickets for her performance are more expensive and there are more people!

Even judging from the strength of this support, she is likely to be the first apprentice to be promoted to the fourth grade. With such an income, she is sure to be promoted to the elite.

So it's nothing more than letting those men see a little more. Compared with being promoted to the elite, it's nothing.

"This battle adopts a 2v2 rotation mode. Both sides send elves at the same time. The challenger has the right to strike first, and the victor cannot change the elves."

The female referee obviously also knew the rising star of this gym apprentice, and after smiling at her, she explained the rules of the game aloud.

"En." Tian Ci nodded. He couldn't wait to see the strength of this black-skinned hot girl. If it is still above the baseline, it means that the situation is not very bad. If it is like that Sydney, patronizing Israel After entertaining people, he estimated that he would discuss with Nazi, and then rectify the Hualan Gym together.

This is a high-level apprentice, the backbone of the gym!

"Please send elves from both sides at the same time!" Seeing that both sides nodded at the same time, the female referee immediately followed.

"Go, Goda Duck!" Accompanied by a loud female voice, a blue duck with a red orb between its eyebrows appeared on the floating platform, with strong limbs, sharp eyes, and a great appearance.

"Go, Bibi Bird!" Similarly, Tianji also threw the Poké Ball. What he sent was not the mouth-watering flower with the dominant attribute, but a steed Bibi Bird!

If the attributes are dominant, it is not conducive for him to observe the true strength of the opponent, and this field is too unfriendly to the slow-moving dumb flower, so he sent the Bibi bird that flew in the air and did not fight each other.

"Beep~" Bibi Bird's state at this time can actually be evolved, but it thought of what Tianzi said about perfection, there is no way to progress, so it has been pressing, trying to achieve that state.

"That Bibi Bird is so handsome!"

"And it's much bigger than the average Bibi bird!"

"Yeah! It's the first time I've seen such a handsome Bibi Bird!"

Regarding Bibi Bird's appearance, the audience in the stands also expressed their own opinions, which were limited by ordinary people's vision, so Tianji's Bibi Bird is indeed the most handsome they have ever seen.

Chapter 316 Bibi Bird VS Gotha Duck

"The game begins!" Of course the female referee would not be so ignorant, so after a glance, she announced the start of the battle.

Because of the hard mode, the challenger is the first to attack, so Tanji makes the first move.

"Bibi Bird, little tornado, surround it!" Because the superpowers and Team Rocket were about to steal the city together, he didn't use telepathy to avoid suspicion.

"Beep~" Hearing the trainer's order, Bibi Bird agreed, and her wings began to wave "swoosh~".

"Wahla~woooo~" Five tornadoes swept up the water around Gotha Duck, forming a waterspout, trapping Gotha Duck inside, and it was about to hurt Gotha Duck.

At this time, Medina also immediately gave an order,

"Gotha Duck, the water jet rushed out, and then the mind hammer knocked Bibi Bird down!"

"Hey!" Goda Duck screamed, and the water jetted out behind him, and the streamlined body rushed out like a blue arrow. At the same time, blue light appeared in his eyes, and he was about to use his superpower to knock down Bibi Bird. !

"I can still see it." Tian Chi nodded in his heart for the response of Medina and Gotha Duck.

But he didn't plan to release the water, so when the Gotha duck just rushed out, he immediately gave the order to Bibi Bird.

"Bibi Bird, high flash + wing attack! Hit it back!"

Of course, if you really rely on your voice to shout, it will definitely not be as fast as Godard Duck's super power, so Tianji actually said it telepathically first in secret, and what he shouted was just a cover up.

"Shuh!" I saw Bibi Bird in the air, her body flashed, as if she was teleporting, and "Bang" slammed into Gotha Duck heavily.

"Come on!" Godard Duck cried out in pain, his blue eyes became normal again, and his whole body flew back toward the waterspout.

The LSPs in the stands were surprised again!

"It's so fast! It's even faster than super power!"

"And the impact was so powerful!"

"It actually interrupted the super power move!"

Of course, they didn't know that Tianji used telepathy to arrange in advance, so as to interrupt the superpower moves that were triggered by a single trigger.

"Beep!" It wasn't over yet. After Bibi bird smashed the Gotha duck back into the air, with a wave of its wings, the energy on the body surface emerged, and the five waterspouts merged into one, forming a large waterspout. Godard Duck sucked in.

"Hey ~ Groce!" Gotda duck mourned in a huge dragon roll, the blue skin of the body surface also had a passage of blood, and the powerful pulling force made it rushing out.

"I always feel that this scene seems familiar!"

"Miss Medina! Come on! Don't lose with one move!"

"Come on, Godard Duck!"

"Fight out, Goda Duck!"

The melon-eating crowd in the stands always felt as if they had seen it before, and cheered for Gotha Duck. We, Hualan Taoist Hall, can't fail twice with the same trick!

"Gotha duck, use, use~ use..." Medina was also very anxious, and hurriedly ordered to get Gotha duck out of trouble, but she couldn't speak the words, and a lot of moves flashed in her mind , My mind is very confused, and I am in a hurry, so I can't think of it.

This is also because she has recently focused on dance performances and neglected to exercise.

On the road of a trainer, if you don't advance, you will retreat. It is impossible to say that when you reach this level, you will always maintain this level of combat power. If you don't practice diligently, your strength will definitely go backwards.

"Is he just a goodie?" Tian Ci looked at the anxious look of the black-skinned royal sister on the opposite side, and felt a little disappointed. If it was just like this, then he would chase after the victory!

But just at this moment, Gotha Duck had an idea of ​​his own, and saw that it closed its eyes, the energy on its body flashed, and used a self-suggestion move to temporarily turn it into a flight type, and then opened its mouth and spit out a burst of freezing light.

"咻咻咻~" One after another freezing light temporarily froze part of the big water dragon, but it was quickly shattered by the powerful tearing force "kacha~kacha~", but it was enough for Gotha Duck, only temporarily It turned into a flying type, found the weak point of the wind, and used the crushed ice to hit it with its claws little by little.

"Gotha Duck! Good job!"

"Medina did a good job, she deserves to be a high-level apprentice!"

"come on!"

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the people who eat melons are bright, and there is still a chance.

"Is it Goda Duck's autonomous fighting consciousness? It seems that there is still help, but the trainer has neglected to exercise for a while."

And Tian Ji's eyes also lit up, looking at the scarred elf standing on the floating platform again, he thought so in his heart.

After all, the star project didn't start for a long time. For these high-level elves who have been constantly honed, they will not forget it so quickly. Compared with the decline curve of human strength, elves can be said to be much slower.

Moreover, the star program is mainly for trainers to show themselves, elves are only auxiliary, so although the ability of trainers to command battles has declined, the elves of high-level strength, their independent fighting consciousness has not been affected too much.

This is also an important difference between low-level, middle-level elves and high-level elves. The high-level elves' awareness of controlling the situation is much better than that of low-level and middle-level elves. After all, the threshold for promotion to the elite - comprehension of the power of elements, can only be achieved by relying on The self-consciousness of the elves, commonly known as spirituality, comprehension!

It is a way to hone your self-awareness by letting the elves control the situation in battle, with the help of trainers.

Just like Bibi Bird's spontaneous action of gathering 5 small tornadoes into a large tornado, it is its own judgment, and if it hadn't been secretly ordered by Tianzi to stop it, Gotha Duck would not have escaped so easily. Bibi Bird The original plan was to have a sharp blade in the air to make a few more openings for the Gotha duck who had a hard time escaping.

"Come on~" The Gotha Duck who escaped called out breathlessly, then turned around and gave a thumbs up to its trainer, Medina.

"Gotha Duck~ You are amazing!" Medina looked at the bruised Gotha Duck, a touch of emotion flashed in her heart, and finally shouted loudly.

She and Goda Duck both saw it. Bibi Bird had just released water under the order of its trainer, so she was not afraid of attacking with such a small gesture. Although I don't understand why, it can only be attributed to seeing her as a beautiful woman. , show mercy!

"Thank you for your mercy just now, it's our turn next!"

After Medina and Gotha Duck gave each other a thumbs up, her aura suddenly changed and her eyes sharpened. She really almost forgot, she is a trainer! instead of dancers! No matter how much money you earn, it should essentially serve the trainer!

"Oh! Medina!"

"Come on! Medina!"

"Gotha Duck! Good job!"


The audience who eat melons feel even more excited when they see Madina's greatly changed temperament! If it was seduction before, it is now glamorous and inviolable. Such a reversal makes this group of LSPs even more impulsive!

Chapter 317 Faith

"Let the horses come over, the bond between the elves and the trainers! It's quite touching to see this rare scene."

Of course, Tianji would say in the scene, and he also shouted with enthusiasm to the fighting spirit of Medina.

After all, it can’t be said that I released water to test your strength.

"Okay!" Medina shouted to Tianji's reply, and was ready to let Gotha Duck attack.

"Gotha duck, immobilization! Then freeze the light!"

"Come on!" Goda Duck replied, the red orb between his eyebrows brightened, and a powerful spiritual force suddenly restrained Bibi Bird.

(Shenzhen method: Second set, as the name suggests, can forcibly immobilize the opponent. The time is determined by the difference in strength and the level of mental strength. I always feel that in reality, it is unreasonable for the opponent to use the same trick all the time!)

At the same time, with a "shuh" sound, a blue light emitting a chill came out of his mouth.

"Beep!" Bibi Bird struggled violently as she felt the imprisoned power around her. It could be seen that the power was not strong. It should take a second or two to break free. Must be able to escape completely.

If Bibi bird can't fly and becomes a drowning bird, it's hard to say who wins or loses.

"Feather Dance, block it! Then move at a high speed so that Godard Duck doesn't have a chance to lock in."

At the moment of crisis, Tianji immediately shouted.

"Beep~" Hearing the trainer's order, Bibi Bird's panicked expression calmed down. It flapped its wings, and immediately a large piece of feathers stood in front of it with a "woohoo~".

Just blocking the incoming freezing light, the feathers that were frozen into ice slag, "Ka Ka ~ Ka ~", also fell off piece by piece.

When all the feathers disappeared, Bibi bird disappeared long ago.

Godard Duck looked around suspiciously. Where's the bird? A bird as big as me!

"Be careful, Goda duck, dodge!" Suddenly the trainer's voice came over, but it was too late, "Bang!" It only felt that it was hit by a car, and a sharp pain came, and the person It also flew out uncontrollably.

It turned out that after the feather dance just now, Bibi Bird broke away from the immobilization method, moved to the back of Gotha Duck at a high speed, and slammed into it with a wing attack.

"Give it the final blow, air blade!" Seeing that the sneak attack was successful, Tianji immediately followed.

"Beep!" Bibi Bird's wings turned into knives, and after waving it several times in a row, she saw several pale-white air knives, swiftly attacking the Gotha Duck who was still in the air.

"Gotha Duck! Scramble + Tail of the water, try to block it!"

However, Medina, who has returned to the trainer state, did not give up. Facts have proved that very few trainers who can reach the ordinary high-level strength are wine sacks.

Hearing the trainer's order, Gotha Duck's four limbs and tail were surrounded by faint water energy, waving frantically, resisting, and the explosion sound of "bang bang bang~" could be heard incessantly.

"Come on! Godard Duck!"

"Block it! Be sure to block it!"

The onlookers watching were full of enthusiasm, shouting one by one!

It's a pity that this is not a **** show. What is the law of no harm, the villain looks at the law indifferently, and it doesn't work at all in this real elf world.

"Hey!" Before the smoke dissipated, Bibi Bird made a "swoosh" and flew in at high speed!

In the smoke, Bibi Bird immediately slapped the Gotha Duck, who was covered in scars, with his claws.

"Hey! Sigh~" In the smoke, only the screams of Godard Duck and a few bursts of energy could be heard.

When the smoke dissipated, he could only see Bibi Bird pressing Gotha Duck under his body. At this time, Gotha Duck's eyes had long since become swirling, and he lost his ability to fight.

"Beep!" As the victor, Bibi Bird shouted to the sky, it said that it would not lose again, and would not be a burden to Tianji! It always remembers! So it will win! Keep winning!

This is the bond between it and Tanji! It is also its invincible belief in flying high!

"The first match was won by contestant Tashi from Aoki Town, and contestant Medina was asked to send a second elf."

The female referee, who was up close, glanced at Bibi Niao in surprise. Her rich experience told her that this Bibi Niao seemed to be transforming herself through battle, but this was not her business, so she immediately announced the result of the match.

"It's taking me as a stepping stone, but it's not that simple, go ahead, giant claw crab!"

As a high-level trainer, the female referee is an ordinary person who can see it. How can Medina not see it? She knows that this Bibi Bird seems to be accumulating the belief of winning. Every time it wins, its spirit will be stronger. one cent!

But who is also a senior, who is willing to be a stepping stone for others to advance, so she immediately dispatched a giant claw crab with stronger defense.

"It's coming soon! It's coming soon!" Of course, Tianji also understood what Bibi Bird was doing. Although belief is illusory, sometimes it can really make miracles.

Coming from Nibi City, Bibi Bird has never lost on the way, and slowly accumulated its invincible belief. Now it has won another game on the highly anticipated battlefield. This belief is almost complete. As long as we win this game again, I believe that Bibi Bird's spirit and energy will reach the peak! It can be evolved and broken!

So he must win!

"The second game begins!"

"Bibi Bird, lift off!" Because the cost of playing is not small, Tianji asked Bibi Bird to fly to a higher altitude at the beginning, looking for a chance to take a rest, and to see the condition of the giant pincer crab.

"The Giant Claw Crab, Mud Shooting!" Of course, Medina wouldn't let Bibi Bird lift off so easily~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and immediately let the Giant Claw Crab attack.

"Cough cough!" Hearing the trainer's order, the giant claws screamed, and pointed the orange-red claws at the sky, "Wow~" The energy of the yellow ground system converges, and soon the pieces of mud will disappear."咻咻咻" shot at Bibi Bird flying high in the sky, like a machine gun.

"It seems to be better than that of Qi's bred at that time, but at that time he was just a commoner, and he was quite proficient in the use of moves."

Tianji is not worried at all about the dense mud shooting. When the stone was still there, Bibi bird's dodge training was the rumble stone. What, he was commenting on the giant claw crab at this time.

Sure enough, Bibi Bird is like a swimming fish in a hail of bullets. It seems to be thrilling, but every time it escapes the mud shot by a tiny margin.

The melon eaters in the stands were stunned, just like watching a shootout.

"This Bibi bird didn't even get hit at once. It's too flexible!"

"How can this be avoided!"

"It's just art!"

If Bibi Bird could hear these mutterings, it would proudly say, this is a p! This is only one elf, and I used to be all three elves smashing me together.


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