Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 312: Gym Tournament (including 3

Of course, this will make other people who are not selected as lucky viewers enjoy it, but the fat cat of the lucky viewer is not very happy. Obviously, it is only a little bit worse, but every time I want to run away immediately, or There are elves to block, this is too cao egg!

However, it was obvious that they also considered this situation. At the end, when there were only a few dozen seconds left, Sydney took the initiative to swim over, held the fat cat's hand, and said something affectionately.

"Audience No. 26, thank you for your support for us and your love for me. I am very moved. I hope you can continue to support us in the future!"

The big screen also put this scene on it, and the scene was boiling again in an instant.

"Oh! My Sydney, she is so gentle!"

"Little dimple, absolutely!"

"Love you! Miss Sydney!"

Even the fat cat who was played for ten minutes and swam freestyle for ten minutes, now the unhappiness in his heart has vanished, and at this moment he nodded happily.

"wc! It's over, these first-generation star fans are making a lot of money!"

Seeing this scene, Tianji couldn't help but be stunned for a while. If this lucky audience in the past life would definitely turn from fans to black, after all, there is no such thing!

But now I'm even more infatuated with it. Sure enough, it was still when the entertainment industry was just emerging. It's a lot of money!

"Let's go! Let's go to the gymnasium competition, see the strength of the Hualan City gymnasium, and find out."

After having a plan in his heart, Tianji took the two girls out of the arena and walked to the challenge area.

"Then what am I going to do? Brother Tian Ci?" Xiao Ling asked next to him when he heard that he was going to play in the gymnasium.

Originally, they did not plan to play gymnasiums. After all, it seems that there will be a sudden change in the near future. If everything goes well, Hualan City will be theirs by then. This badge is not just taken, why pay, you know the Rockets But it needs the existing resources of the city! In other words, the money, materials, and exercises on the Hualan Taoist Hall will all be taken away! (Of course, the exercise must be photocopying)

The challenge fee for this gym game is to give away money to the Rockets. Although they have money now, they haven't reached the point of giving away 50,000 or 200,000.

Tianji is definitely playing hard mode. The normal high-ranking opponent has a challenge fee of 200,000, while Xiaoling is the simple mode. The normal middle-ranking opponent has a challenge fee of 50,000.

"Come on, after all, this may belong to our family in the future. Although Nazi may already have detailed information, it's better for us to know some basic situations on our own."

As for Xiaoling's question, Tianji thought about it for a while, but still gave a positive answer.

If you let other people hear the two of them talking in a low voice, they will probably laugh out loud, how could Hualan City become your home in the future! Gym-level, king-level bosses dare not say this, the little two ordinary-level trainers are afraid that they have lost their minds!

After all, Hualan is one of the eight ancient cities. Even if it does not fall to this point, it will definitely have a trump card, such as one or two heavenly king-level elves. If nothing else, according to the three water elves of the Guandong Royal Family, the longevity of the water arrow turtle is certain to have one. The immortal water arrow turtle is alive.

But it is estimated that this is the case. Under the joint efforts of the Golden City and the Rockets, Tianci said that he really does not see any hope of making a comeback, not to mention that the Golden City is still secretly going to backstab in the name of assistance. This is more difficult to resist than the open and aboveboard attack of the two sides.

Back at Xiaoling, after hearing Tianzi's words, the girl didn't say anything, and paid the money together with Tianzi. She challenged the easy mode, while Tianzi challenged the hard mode. As for Ninghui, she was still sitting Players watch the game.

After waiting for about half an hour, the three of them were informed that they could go to the battlefield. As soon as they entered the venue, they found that, like Nibi City, they were already full of spectators, and they were also waving tickets. It seems that smart people are not only in Nibi. Compared with the city, Hualan City will also not give up the opportunity to make money in the challenge.

And to his surprise, Xiao Ling's opponent turned out to be one of the three apprentices who had just finished performing, Sydney!

"The next stage is the Gym Challenge. Tianshuiling from Qingmu Town will play against the middle-level apprentice Sydney of Hualan Gym. This game adopts the 2v2 mode, without first attack, and adopts the rush attack mode. The challenger Tianshuiling has the ability to replace The right of the elves!"

As soon as the two sides came on stage, the referee also said the rules aloud. It sounded no different from Nibi City, but the attention of the male spectators in the stands was no longer on the rules of the game, but on Sydney who was still wearing a bikini.

"Oh oh oh! Miss Sydney's figure is amazing! Slim and smooth thighs!"

"Today is so worth it. Not only can I see Miss Sydney's performance, but also her challenge! Come on, Miss Sydney!"

"It seems that the challenger is also a girl? But why is he hiding in the big robe? The girl should show it boldly, challenger!"

"Come on, Miss Sydney! Beat her!"


In the stands, there were voices cheering for Sydney dressed in bikinis, and also mixed with one or two curiosity about Tianshuiling, but soon they stood on the side of the coolly dressed Sydney lady.

"Humph~ Shameless!" Seeing Yue Hung, who was obviously a lap older than herself under the bikini dress on the opposite side, Xiao Ling snorted coldly as she heard the cheers from the men.

The female referee next to "Please send elves at the same time" was also dressed in a one-piece swimsuit. After speaking the rules, she saw that both sides were ready, so they sent elves.

"Go, Hai Xingxing, teach that woman a lesson!"

The angry Xiao Ling threw the Poké Ball in his hand, and the starfish lit up red and stood firmly on the floating platform.

"Go, mosquito-repellent incense frog!" Sydney on the other side also saw the jealous look in the challenger's eyes. She didn't care at all. Instead, she straightened her chest and dispatched her strongest elf.

"Yobo~" Different from Hai Xingxing standing on the floating platform, the mosquito-repellent incense frog came out and cried, and then entered the water with a "plop".

Both Tianzi and Xiaoling are very familiar with the elf mosquito-repellent incense frog. After all, they have been with each other for so many years. According to Tianzi's point of view, this mosquito-repellent incense frog has been cultivated well, although it is not as strong as Xiaoling's. But it can only be said that the focus is different.

However, from Xiaoling's more professional point of view, this mosquito-repellent incense frog has been cultivated well, but it is still worse than his own. Its physical condition is similar to that of development, but its aura and eyes can be seen. Mosquito coil frogs have never seen blood.

You must know that even if the warriors are trained the same, but have they ever been on the battlefield, have they seen blood and fire, their combat power is different!

A veteran can completely push a recruit with the same physical fitness to the ground, and this is the difference!

Chapter 313 Sea Star VS Mosquito Incense Frog

And in Xiaoling's opinion, the female apprentice named Sydney should be the brainless type of Yue Hungarian. As soon as your mosquito-repellent frog dives into the water, isn't there a high probability that you will be guessed that it is a water storage feature?

It's better to stand on the floating platform honestly at the beginning, maybe she will test it with water-type moves, and then add a state to the mosquito coil frog.

"The game begins!" The female referee immediately announced when she saw that both sides sent elves at the same time.

"Sea stars, tide whirlpools, and then use spiritual power to guide them to create a waterspout!"

For the enemy lurking in the water, Xiaoling certainly has a set of methods to deal with the enemy, so that he can directly force the mosquito coil frog out!

"Hehe~ Mosquito-repellent frog, don't worry about her, continue to swim, waiting for the opportunity to use the freezing light!"

Sydney scoffed at Xiao Ling's order. With such a large pool, with Hai Xingxing's mental power, can he create a waterspout? Don't make trouble, it's not like there is no ordinary starfish in the middle section of their gym, so she just left the mosquito coil frog alone.

But this time, she miscalculated. Xiaoling's Haixing Xingxing cultivated superpowers as the main direction. During the period when Nazi was still there, Haixing often went to ask Hu Di and the others for advice. In terms of face, Hu Di and the others did not hesitate to give advice, so in a short period of time, Sea Star has transformed from a wild way to a water elf specializing in super power.

The resources that Xiaoling usually gave it to eat were also quickly absorbed by it, and some untapped potentials were also developed. How could such a starfish be comparable to those in the gym?

As a water system gym, although the starfish in the Hualan gym is definitely stronger than the cultivation of some small families, including the cultivation of super power attributes, how can it be compared with the golden city specializing in super power, their starfish is still It was cultivated by the main water system, so it is destined to be different from Xiaoling's starfish in terms of super power.

"Wowla~woola~" I saw a huge water whirlpool appeared in the originally calm pool, and under Haixing's mental control, the whirlpool became bigger and bigger, and it turned faster and faster, "Swish~" Make a noise!

"Yo Bo!" At this time, the mosquito-repellent incense frog had lost the opportunity because of the wrong order, and the whole body rolled into the vortex uncontrollably, with a strong attraction, tearing the force to make it show pain.

At the same time, in the stands, those spectators were dumbfounded!

"Why, how could such a big vortex be created!"

"This can't be done with Haixing's superpowers?"

"My God! It's really going to become a waterspout!"

Hearing the admiring discussions in the stands, a smile appeared on the corner of Xiao Ling's mouth.

"Why, it's so strong!" At this time, Sydney didn't think of a way out immediately. Instead, just like the audience, they watched in astonishment!

"..." Tian Ci noticed this scene, shook his head secretly, and had nothing to say. No wonder Hualan City is called the weakest city and the easiest city to get badges. Apprentices have this kind of psychological quality, and they are basically greenhouses. The flowers in it!

Originally, when he saw the breeding status of mosquito-repellent incense frogs, he thought it was because the rumors were exaggerated. Now, through this small detail, he discovered that it was indeed the case. This kind of apprentice who had empty strength but couldn't show it was completely a slapstick.

It is estimated that it is the influence of the star plan on them. They can easily make money to cultivate elves, and who would like to risk their lives to hunt in the wild. Little do they know that in this dangerous world, they are just a piece of fat!

As for whether the gym owner knows about this situation, he thinks he should know, but her biggest support now is the star project, so she can accept the weak combat power of one or two generations of apprentices.

And even if you can't beat the same level of strength, as long as I spend more money, more resources, and cultivate to a higher level, if you can cross a stage, can you beat me in a big realm?

"However, the premise of all this is that you can develop steadily until then."

After figuring out a lot of tricks, a cold light flashed in the eyes of Tian Chi, who was sitting in the contestant area.

At the same time, Xiao Ling on the platform was also a little surprised. The other side looked at her in surprise like this?

If it was her at this time, she would definitely let the mosquito coil frog freeze the water flow behind her with the freezing light. Although this ice cube is nothing in front of the waterspout that is about to take shape, but with this little time, she can escape from the whirlpool, escape, and then to fight back.

"Sea Star, Spirit Wave, hit it inside!"

Since the opponent is so useless, Xiaoling certainly won't be soft when given a chance. After the momentary accident, he immediately let Hai Xingxing pursue the victory and prepare to end her in one wave!

After Hai Xingxing heard it, the ruby ​​in the middle immediately flickered with a "buzz ~ hum ~", and a powerful mental fluctuation came in an instant.

"Mosquito coil frog, freeze the light, freeze the water behind!"

At this time, Sydney also came back to her senses after hearing Xiaoling's voice, and immediately commanded in a hurry.

It's a pity, it's too late, how fast is the mental power, Sydney's order has just been spoken, the mosquito-repellent incense frog struggling in the current "snap", as if it was hit by something heavy, and was directly hit into the water whirlpool The innermost layer, where the rotation is the fastest.

"Crash woah~" At this time, the waterspout of Haixingxing has been completed, a waterspout rising into the sky, like a giant beast, standing opposite Haixingxing, which is also mixed with the painful cry of mosquito coil frogs, "Yo Yo-bo~" shouted.

"My God! Can the starfish in Puzhong do this?"

"Haixingxing's spiritual power is so strong!"

"Although I guessed that I might lose, this one is too fast! And it's shocking!"


The audience in the stands were no longer paying attention to the beauty, and they all started to talk about the huge waterspout.

That's right, as the weakest city, they already thought that they would lose. After all, they have never won a few times, but they lost so quickly, and they were defeated by the same water elves with a shocking waterspout. See you for the first time.

Sure enough, when the waterspout disappeared and the water all over the sky fell back into the pool, the well-bred mosquito-repellent incense frog was already covered with scars and fell to the ground with its eyes blurred, although it had not lost its ability to fight (after all) It has water storage properties), but anyone with a discerning eye can see it, that is, the starfish strike, and the mosquito-repellent frog in this state cannot be blocked.

"I, I admit defeat! Come back, mosquito coil frog!"

Although Sydney is a flower in a greenhouse, she is not a little white who doesn't understand anything. Seeing this, she no longer struggles, she swiftly concedes defeat, and retrieves the mosquito-repellent incense frog.

"The mosquito-repellent incense frog admits defeat. Starfish won this game. Please send the second elf from Sydney at the gym as soon as possible."

The referee also immediately announced the result of the game, and then asked Sydney to send a second elf as soon as possible.

Chapter 314

However, what surprised Xiaoling was that she won, but there was no cheering at the scene. The referee immediately asked the opponent to send a second elf, which seemed to be different from Nibi City.

Actually, this is because the audience in Hualan City is used to losing. Recently, it doesn't matter whether you win or lose a match, you win if you win, what else do you want to do?

"Go, horned goldfish!" On the other side, upon hearing the referee's order, Sydney also threw the pokeball, and happily released the second elf, which was the horned goldfish who performed with her before.

In the same way, the cultivation status of the appearance is also quite good, but compared to the amphibious mosquito-repellent frog with hands and feet, this horned goldfish has a significantly smaller chance of winning.

After all, it can only hit the corners, and it is basically a water-type move, and even the floating platform is not very good. It is really free when you get on the floating platform.

"Tianshuiling contestant, do you want to change the spirit?"

On the other side, after seeing Sydney released the second elf, the female referee also turned around and asked Xiaoling.

Seeing this scene, Tianji, who was sitting in the contestants' area, felt that compared with Nibi City, Hualan City was also comparable in the level of referees to Nibi City next door.

"No, I'll use Haixingxing." Xiaoling gave a negative answer to the referee's question. In her opinion, it was unnecessary. This horned goldfish is better than mosquito coil frog.

"Well, the game starts!" After receiving Xiaoling's reply, the referee nodded and announced the start of the game.

At the beginning of the "Angel Goldfish, Water Fluctuation" competition, with the previous lessons, Sydney chose to attack this time.

"Duosha~" As soon as the horned goldfish entered the water, he opened his mouth when he heard the order. It was a wave of water hitting the starfish on the floating platform.

"Jump into the water, Haixing!" Seeing this attack, Xiaoling hurriedly let Haixing enter the water to escape.

She wanted to use the waterspout before, but it was a pity that the mental power consumption was too large. Although she could still use mental power moves, it would be impossible to do it again on the same scale. A bucket.

"Plop!" Hearing the trainer's order, Hai Xingxing jumped off the floating platform immediately, successfully avoiding this temptation attack.

In the stands, there are some spectators who don't come often. Looking at the calm water, it doesn't feel right. I pay to watch the game, not the water!

"Look at a hammer! Look!"

"There should be other broadcasting methods, right?"

Sure enough, the big screen in the middle was opened, and there was a scene under the water, among which were the sea stars spinning at high speed, and the swimming horned goldfish.

"Sea stars, high-speed rotation and high-speed stars, to force the horned goldfish out!"

Because the pool is very big, Xiaoling directly let the starfish hit the field.

I saw that on the big screen, the sea stars were quickly spinning in place, and at the same time, the five-pointed stars "咻咻咻~" shot all around, and the whole picture was very good-looking for a while, the stars in the sky!

Under such a rapid spread, the horned goldfish couldn't hide at all, and was soon hit by some stars that gathered energy, making a scream of "Duosha~".

"I found your position, Sea Star, spin it at a high speed and knock it out!"

I couldn't find it before because the pool was too big. In addition, in order to save mental power, I was screaming in pain, and the move was still hit. Hai Xingxing's mental power was swept away, and of course I found it.

"Shu Shu Shu ~" The starfish spinning in the water is obviously faster than on land.

"The horned goldfish, high-speed movement + straight-through drill! Fight with it!"

Through the big screen and the spiritual contract of the horned goldfish, Sydney understands that the opponent will come soon. Although she knows that she will lose, she doesn't want to miss the opponent's edge in two games! And even if she can hide for a while, she can't hide forever, so she simply let the horned goldfish exchange her injuries, at least she has to lose a little face!

"Duosha!" Hearing the trainer's order, the horned goldfish's eyes sharpened, white energy appeared on its body, and at the same time, the horns on its head also turned "swoosh" at a very fast speed toward the same speed. The incoming starfish collided.

"Come here, Miss Sydney's straight drill!"

"The horns of the horned goldfish are very big and thick!"

"I'll bet that Sea Star was seriously injured this time!"

The audience in the stands showed excitement when they saw that the two elves were about to collide with each other!

It's like watching a racing car, the extremely fast speed "bang", colliding with each other, this scene will definitely make most people secrete adrenaline madly!

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the big screen, watching the two elves getting closer and closer, it was almost impossible to dodge at this distance, it was too fast!

But just when they were expecting the violent crash, they found that what they heard was just a scream, and it was the scream of a horned goldfish.

"Duosha!" The horned goldfish was shot straight out of the water, and its own acceleration made it fly into the air.

Through the playback on the big screen, I found out that it was Xiaoling who used the order of the spiritual contract just now, and let the starfish control the horned goldfish with all the thought power for a moment, and then took this opportunity to move down a little and hit it straight. The belly of the horned goldfish was knocked up and the horned goldfish was bumped upwards, which was equivalent to helping the extremely fast racing car forcibly turn, so the horned goldfish could fly so high.

Xiaoling said that she would not be so stupid. She used the mediocre high-speed rotation and the powerful straight drill to fight recklessly~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Not to mention that the horned goldfish also has the speed bonus of high-speed movement. , If it is really hit, the starfish will definitely go to Half-Life.

And although Hai Xingxing's mind power consumed most of the last match, she could still control the horned goldfish for a moment for the rest, so she rushed to fight recklessly.

"Horse Goldfish!" Of course, Sydney on the battlefield didn't have time to watch the replay on the big screen. At this time, she was also in a dazed state. She couldn't understand why it was her elf who flew out, and she shouted anxiously.

"Sea star, high-speed rotation + gyro ball, hit it and let it lift off!"

However, Xiaoling understands that the horned goldfish was not injured at all at this time, so he should take advantage of the fact that the opponent is floating in the air and has no strength to attack the flying fish!

"Buzz~" Hai Xingxing lit up again, and there seemed to be a layer of metal light on the surface of the body, which was steel-type energy, and then turned "swoosh", hitting the air with a "bang", just falling On the horned goldfish.

"Duosha!" The horned goldfish cried out in pain, and at the same time it flew into the sky again.

When it fell, the starfish slammed it back into the air with a "bang" with the gyro ball, completely treating the horned goldfish as a ball, playing the game of topping the ball!

"Horse goldfish!" Sydney had no choice but to admit defeat after shouting.


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