Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 318: Set to die and then live (including evolution)

"Bibi Bird, the wind blade strikes back!" When he saw that the giant pincer crab's mud shot was very sparse and the range was insufficient, Tashi immediately let Bibi bird even more color.

Of course, for the sake of energy, it is better to try it out.

"Beep!" Bibi Bird agreed, waving its wings, "Swish swish~" The small wind blade shot at the giant pincer crab.

"Stop it, Giant Claw Crab!" Medina didn't pay any attention to this tentative attack.

I saw the giant claw crab lifted its big red tongs and blocked its vital point. "Ping ping ping~" These wind blades all hit the giant claw crab's pliers, and the sound was very loud, but in fact there was nothing. Scratches on the pliers, the energy flows and disappears.

"Giant claws, foam light, fill the sky above!"

After blocking this blow, Medina immediately let the giant claws attack again.

She didn't expect the giant claws to hit the crab. She wanted to use foam to narrow the range of Bibi bird's activities. As long as Bibi bird accidentally touches it, the wet feathers will inevitably slow down its speed, so it's more than half of the victory. .

"Cough cough~" Hearing the trainer's order, the giant pincer crab understood in seconds, raised its pincers immediately, and spat out streaks of foamy rays of light.

Bibi Bird was dodging from left to right at a high altitude. At first it didn't notice anything, but suddenly it called out and realized that its range of activities was getting smaller!

"No, Bibi Bird uses a blower to blow those bubbles away!"

Tianji was also thinking about breaking the game just now, but he didn't pay attention to the bubble light that didn't pose a threat, but after hearing Bibi Bird's call, he also reacted, and immediately saw the commander of the trick.

"Hu~huhu~" When Bibi Bird heard the words, she fluttered her wings while dodging, and sent a large amount of foam shrouded around it to the distance.

It is worth mentioning that the league's competition also has restrictions on the range in the air. Like this venue in Hualan Gym, the elves flying in the air cannot exceed the boundary of the large swimming pool on the ground.

"Giant Claw Crab, harden!" Seeing that this trick was cracked again, Medina had no other way to do it, so she simply changed her mind. I can't beat you, but I will strengthen my head office.

"Cough cough!" The giant pincer crab agreed, and a layer of brilliance spread on its body.

"cao!" Tianji was speechless, and he could only send cordial greetings. It was already very hard, and it became hard. This really dragged on, and he still lost. You must know that as a gym challenger, there are actually If there is a time limit, if it is delayed, if the time limit is exceeded, he still loses.

Because it is impossible for the gym to accompany you all the time, everyone is very busy, how could it be possible to waste so much time for you as a challenger, and you can come out to accept the challenge just because you paid the registration fee.

Of course, generally speaking, this time limit is useless, because 1 hour is simply impossible, and a battle is often over in 10 minutes.

But looking at this trend now, it is really possible to drag it down.

"Bibi Bird, fight, waterspout, do it again!"

It is impossible for him to watch the giant pincer crab strengthen, the more he drags him, the less chance of winning, it is better to die and live!

"Beep!" Bibi Bird also understood this truth, and with its wings fluttering, a large tornado, mixed with water flow, attacked the still-hardening giant pincer crab.

The melon eaters in the stands were a little worried when they saw this move again.

"By the way, can Giant Claw Crabs survive?"

"Our Hualan Gym won't fall three times here!"

"Probably not. The shell of giant claws is so hard and heavy."


"Heh~ I won't lose twice!" Seeing this move again, Medina sneered and shouted at the giant claw crab, "The giant claw crab, use metal claws to break up the waterspout!"

In fact, she can block it by holding it, or let the giant claws dive into the water to avoid the straight waterspout. Because of the weight of her body and the hard shell, she is not afraid of the pulling force of the waterspout at all.

But in order to prove to Hualan Taoist Hall, she still decided to let the Giant Claw Crab go head-to-head and break up the attack after hearing the remarks of the melon-eating crowd in the stands!

"Cough!" Hearing the trainer's fabric, the claws of the giant claw crab lit up with white light, hitting the waterspout rising into the sky. After a stalemate for a while, the waterspout made a "bang" sound. It was scattered, and a large number of rolled up water streams "crashed" in all directions.

"Oh! Love, love! Medina, my goddess!"

"Strong strength, good-looking people, good figure, go ahead! My Medina!"

"Giant Claw Crab, I'm so relieved!"

"I will always fan you, Medina!"

The audience in the stands can't help but get excited when they see this scene. Even if they are used to losing and being weak, it doesn't mean they don't want their city to be strong. As local residents, the strength of the city gym is what they are happy to see. , so seeing the scene where the giant claw crab is hard and just won, the emotions of these audiences have obviously reached a peak!

"It's right now, Bibi Bird, the lightning flashed over, and the steel wings cut off a leg of the giant crab!"

But Tianji didn't pay attention to the cheers of a group of melon eaters. Now he is highly concentrated, and immediately uses telepathy to give orders to Bibi Bird. It is okay to use several disguise as a spiritual contract to pass in a battle, because they High-level trainers can already use spiritual contracts to pass messages. Of course, for ordinary people, the number of times must not be too much.

The waterspout was originally a blindfold. In fact, he had a follow-up plan for the various responses to the giant pincer crab, but fortunately, the giant pincer crab chose the easiest one. There were so many water currents that blocked his sight, and Bibi bird sneaked a sneak attack. The chance of success is still very high. As long as one leg of the giant pincer crab is cut off, I believe that Medina will not be so ignorant and forcibly support him to fight to the end.

"Hey~" On the battlefield, Bibi Bird's figure flashed and swooped down, with metallic luster on both wings. This steel wing move was actually advanced from wing attack.

Bibi Bird pressed for evolution. After staying in the high section for a period of time, he realized the wing attack from the bloodline inheritance. Tianji also bought the skill ball of steel wings, and also bought a lot of resources for external application of steel, so that , Bibi bird almost learned the steel wing in a very short time, of course not particularly proficient, which is why Tianji only let it attack one leg instead of attacking the pliers joint.

"Guillotine of scissors!" As a high-level trainer, Medina is not really a wine bag and rice bag. After sensing Bibi Bird's figure, she immediately ordered it with a spiritual contract.

"Cough cough!" The giant claws gave a cruel smile to the nearby Bibi bird, and the big claws exuded a dangerous aura, and grabbed it violently!

Although it moves slowly, it doesn't mean such a distance. It is very slow to wield the pliers that intersect with life!

Chapter 319 Bibi Bird Evolution

"Beep!" Bibi Bird had already sensed the deadly threat on its head, but it was not afraid, it screamed sharply, and rushed towards its target, the crab leg!

The giant claws of the giant claw crab "click!" It seems to have heard the whine of Bibi bird. This trick is its specialty. I don't know how many elves are cut off by it!

But this time, it was very strange. It didn't have the pleasure of holding meat with tongs. "Cough cough?"

At the same time, it also felt a sharp pain in its hind limbs, and its body couldn't help but leaned down, "Cough!"

I saw that Bibi bird appeared behind it at some point, at this time its wings were covered with blood, which was spurted from the severed hind limb of the giant pincer crab.

It turned out that at the critical moment just now, Bibi Bird just broke through the limit, and after using the flash of electric light, she immediately used the shadow clone, which avoided the scissors guillotine of the giant pincer crab and successfully cut off its hind limbs.

However, the overloaded high speed also caused Bibi Bird's body to have sequelae, and her muscles were sore all over. At this time, it was flying up tremblingly. If it wasn't for the Giant Claw Crab's own broken leg now, at this speed, it would have been long ago. It was smashed by a giant claw crab.

"Do you still want to fight?" Looking at the giant pincer crab, which had already lost its limbs, Tianji shouted at Medina.

"I, I, I admit defeat!" In fact, for the giant pincer crab, breaking a leg does not have much impact on the combat power. If it is a battle of life and death, she will definitely continue to fight, even if the limb is broken for too long, it will cause sequelae , she also hits.

But in the end, this is just a Gym Challenge. Why do you want to fight as hard as you can? Even with the technology of the elf center, you can regenerate a broken limb afterwards, but it is not good for a broken limb for too long, even if it recovers, it will be damaged. The potential of the future, so she directly conceded defeat.

"Beep!" Hearing the trainer on the opposite side admit defeat, even if Bibi bird was flying staggeringly, it called out loudly, and it felt that it could evolve at any time! The state of mind is great!

"This battle was won by Tashi from Aoki Town! This is Hualan City's Water Drop Badge and Secret Waterfall Climbing."

At this time, the female referee also clearly saw the difference between Bibi Bird, and she was afraid that she could evolve at any time, so when she handed over the badge, her tone was slightly envious.

"Well, thank you." Tian Ci was also in a hurry to go back at this time, so after receiving the badge and secret skills, he immediately walked out the door with Xiaoling and Ninghui.

"Hey!" After recovering the giant pincer crab, Medina originally wanted to communicate with Tianzi. She could see that Tianzi and Xiaoling were both very potential civilian trainers. In addition, Tianzi's intention to stay Hand, so I wanted to make friends, but I didn't expect people to go so fast~

"Forget it, I should be in a hurry to go back to evolve. After that Bibi Bird evolves into Bibi Diao, I am afraid that it will be the top of the ordinary level."

Shaking her head, Medina, who was only wearing a three-point bikini, stopped thinking about it and walked to the medical department inside the gym.

She did not stay and thank the audience after the game as before, because through this game, she has already figured out that the star plan is just an assistant, and the trainer is her life. It's a lot of money, so it's better to go and see the giant pincer crab!

I never thought that this kind of behavior would actually attract a wave of fans to her!

"Medina, she has become so glamorous, and with that bikini, she has a sense of conquest!"

"Yeah, this kind of wild beauty looks so delicious!"

"Medina, come on! We support you!"

"It seems more interesting to be cold and arrogant, hehe~"


Speaking of which, there is a reason for Tianji to go out in such a hurry, and the reason is exactly as Medina guessed, Bibibird is about to evolve!

It is in the Poké Ball, tell Tanji that it wants to recover immediately, and then evolve immediately!

Intuition tells it that if it evolves by taking advantage of this belief, coupled with the assistance of evolutionary resources, there is an 80% chance of breaking into the elite directly!

"Brother Tianji, is Bibi Bird going to evolve?"

On the way, Xiaoling asked excitedly. Although it was a question, her tone was very positive.

After all, Bibi Bird's high spirit at that time can be seen by anyone, what breakthrough it has accomplished.

And Xiaoling, as a good trainer, can of course see that Bibi Bird must have evolved.

"Yeah!" Tianci was also full of excitement at this time. They are now walking to the hotels under Hualan City. Like the hotels directly under Nibi City, the hotels endorsed by these gymnasiums are, in a sense, better than the Elf Center. Safe and more private.

Returning to the Hualan Hotel in a hurry, he immediately opened a fully enclosed training ground.

"Come out, everyone!" After entering the opposing battlefield, Tianji sprinkled the Poké Ball on his body, and immediately he was dumbfounded, Heluga, Kamui, and Bibi bird appeared on the field.

"You all come out too!" Knowing that it was to alert the surroundings, Xiaoling and Ninghui also released all the elves.

"Yo boo!"




For a while, the originally empty training ground was filled with the voices of various elves.

But soon, they noticed that Bibi Bird, who fell to the ground and was covered in battle marks, in their eyes, although Bibi Bird's aura was low, her spirit was very high, and her eyes had never been so bright.

"Moo!" Bibi Bird, are you going to make a breakthrough in evolution? congratulations!

As the eldest brother in Tianci's team, Koudouhua is of course the eldest brother among all elves. When he saw Bibi Bird's state, he was the first to say congratulations. His tone was full of relief, mixed with a hint of envy.

In fact, if it weren't for Tianji's strict requirements for it, and if the Leaf Stone could be used to evolve, then it would be the first to break through the elite.



"Yo boo!"





After Koudouhua sent blessings, the other elves also sent their blessings one by one. Although the words they said were different, the meanings were similar. They all meant congratulations and good luck.

"Beep~" Bibi Bird thanked the elves for her blessing, and then turned her gaze to Tianji.

At this time, Tianji also looked relieved and looked at Bibi Bird excitedly. Although one person and one bird did not speak, everything was silent.

"Bibi Bird, let's recover our body first."

In the end, Tian Ji showed a smile, took out the special wound medicine and omnipotent medicine from his backpack, crouched beside Bibi Bird, stroked its feathers, and said softly.

"Beep~" Bibi Bird enjoyed Tianji's stroking, and after agreeing, let Tianji smear it on its body.

Chapter 320 The hurdle of the power of the elements

Soon, under Tian Ci's careful handling, an extraordinary and vigorous Bibi bird reappeared in front of everyone.

"Beep!" I saw Bibi Bird, flying into the air and calling out loudly, indicating that it was ready.

"Okay! Let's evolve, Bibi Bird!" Hearing Bibi Bird's firm call, Tianji immediately threw out 3 energy crystals with both hands, 2 high-grade flight-type energy crystals, and a high-grade general-type energy crystal.

In fact, if you just evolve steadily, a high-grade flight-type energy crystal + a middle-grade general-type energy crystal will do, but according to the information left by Nazi, if you want to take this opportunity to break through to the elite level, you need to Increase the infusion of energy.

These things were also prepared by Nazi. She did not fully allocate resources according to the evolution plan given by Tianci. In the resources given to Tianci, she also provided a more optimized plan. Among them, Bibi Bird Evolution broke the elite plan. And resources are among them, and there are also those who have evolved to break the elite.

It was obvious that Nazi gave all the choices she could make to Tianzi, and let Tianzi choose. This kind of cost definitely exceeded the previous calculation. He was very moved by this, and he also remembered this love in his heart. mind.

At this time, Bibi Bird is using a more optimized solution.

Bibi Bird smashed the three energy crystals thrown with its claws and sharp beak, and smashed it with a "bang bang bang~", and instantly a strong energy surrounded Bibi Bird, "Beep!" At the same time, Bibi Bird called out loudly. , white light began to emerge from itself, and a strong light shone around the training ground.

"Wow!" With the emergence of the light of evolution, a large amount of energy emerged as if it had found its owner, and quickly poured into Bibi Bird.

At first, Bibi Bird was still thirsty to absorb energy, but soon it reached its limit, but the surging energy was still pouring in, "Beep!" Bibi Bird, who felt like she was about to be squeezed out, cried out in pain.

"Let's go!" Tian Chi, who had seen the detailed evolution plan, had already expected this and threw away some materials, such as bird claws, beaks, feathers, etc. Among them, there were also bird beaks just bought in Nibi City. , In fact, these highest but elite bird materials are to help Bibi Bird stabilize its energy, allowing it to smoothly transition to the Bibi Bird stage.

This is also a step in the evolution plan that Tianji found before.

When these materials were close to Bibi Bird, they all shattered suddenly, "Beep!" "Mile!" Bibi Bird's ears seemed to hear the calls of several kinds of bird spirits, and then the broken materials were individually Controlling the originally turbulent energy, I saw the energy pouring out like a waterfall before, but now it slowly turned into a rushing stream, and the orderly poured into Bibi Bird's body.

"Beep~beep~" Compared to just now, Bibi Bird felt much better at this time, but from the trembling sound and the tightly closed eyes, it could be seen that it was still very painful, but it was acceptable.

At this time, Bibi Bird is doing its best to absorb energy, so that her new body can be further improved. The energy is constantly being destroyed and repaired. In such an environment, Bibi Bird's body is getting bigger and bigger. The momentum on his body also became stronger and stronger, and soon surpassed the dumb flower, getting closer and closer to the level of ordinary to elite level.



"Yo boo!"


As the strongest elves in this place, Kouduhua and Mosquito-repellent frog also felt the momentum of Bibi Bird's breakthrough, and couldn't help but cheer up.

"Beep~!" At this time, Bibi Bird, or Bibi Diao, has no longer grown up in size. At this time, it is using the remaining energy to continuously impact the level that blocks countless elves. With its accumulated invincible faith!




In the sea of ​​Bibi Bird's consciousness, it slammed into the invisible door again and again but firmly blocked it in front of the elite. The surging energy slammed again and again, but the first few times were useless, and the door did not move at all.

"Beep!" But Bibi Bird was not discouraged, and continued to bump again and again, it knew that the elite level was not so simple!

Just like this "bang bang bang~", Bibi Bird forgot how long it took, and finally it heard a "click", and the door shattered in a corner!

"Beep!" Bibi Bird or Bibi Diao, who has not yet been fully finalized, let out a surprise cry. Just as it was about to rush and continue to attack, it suddenly found that the energy was running out, and there was still his original condensed spiritual body. It's even more ethereal and illusory!

"Beep!" Bibi Bird cried out in pain, it knew that it was still too taken for granted, and it could only go so far on its own.

Although it broke through a corner of the invisible gate, the bloodline inheritance told it that it did not break through the elite level, but stepped into the threshold of comprehension of elements. If there is a progress bar, then Bibi Bird's current state is to comprehend elements. The progress of the power reaches 2%. With its remaining mind and energy, there is nothing to do if the progress bar is pushed to about 8%. Only when it reaches 100% can you master the elemental imprint. A true elite sculptor!

In fact, this is also quite normal~www.wuxiamtl.com~ If the elite level is so easy to break through, then Uncle Sam in Qingmu Town will not be doing hard work for so many years. You must know that the first time you enter the threshold, it is the easiest to comprehend. Afterwards, the more difficult it is to improve the progress, not to mention that this invisible gate will slowly and automatically repair. If you don’t hit it for a period of time, then you will even break the threshold of comprehension again. It is really a persevering process, and how many people can be like Uncle Sam, who has been improving the slow progress bar that is almost infrequent for decades.

Looking at it from another angle, although Bibi Bird is well cultivated, any big family direct line has the capital to cultivate such a Bibi Bird. They can also accumulate the so-called invincible beliefs, so why even in the big family, there are so many people. A lot of trainers are not elite, that is because many of them have fallen on the threshold of comprehending the power of elements!

The treasures that can improve this progress are not all materials that can be used by gymnasiums or even heavenly kings. How can they be so precious that they can be freely given to the clan to use, even if they are direct descendants!

This kind of treasure is used by ordinary-level trainers to break through, which is a complete waste. It can only play a greater role in the gym or in the hands of the king.

Therefore, even a big family rarely takes out such treasures for free and uses them on ordinary clansmen, just for one more elite. If you want to use them, you can exchange them with huge family contributions.


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