Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 309: special social phenomenon

"Cough~ how many?" Tian Ci asked with a cough, in order to get in early to detect information.

However, this aroused Xiaoling's jealousy. She thought that Tianji wanted to buy a ballet with the girl who was performing, so she secretly reached out and pinched Tianji next to her.

Although she has acquiesced to Tian Ci opening the harem, it does not mean that she is not jealous, it is that when Na Zi first came, she was still jealous.

"Hey~" Tianji forcibly controlled his expression and touched the hand he was pinching behind him as if comfortingly.

It's pitiful, he wasn't so hungry and thirsty, and it wasn't that he didn't have any women. He really just wanted to go in early, stroll around the gym, and figure out what was going on.

"Three big brothers, if you buy it together, it will only cost you 60,000."

Hearing Tianci asking for the price, the thief-eyed scalper immediately said loudly and tripled the price.

Because Xiaoling and Ninghui both wore robes, and they were in line behind Tianci, it was a matter of course that the two behind them were also men, not men, and they were watching the water ballet.

"Okay, the price is fine, but you have to explain to us why the apprentices in the gym are willing to drop their faces and dive into water ballet."

Hearing this offer, even if he knew that he was slaughtered, Tian Ci didn't care. He estimated that these scalpers were probably arranged by Hualan Taoist Museum. In front of the controller's gate, doing business so recklessly, correspondingly, they must know more than ordinary people.

"Hey hey~ It's easy to say, it's easy to say, that big brother, please go over there and pay the money first, and then I'll talk to you properly."

Hearing what Tian Ci said, the scalper nodded with a smile and handed over the three tickets.

In fact, the trainers from other places don't know about these inside stories. As long as they are local, almost all people with a certain status know about them. And he does help Hualan Taoist Hall, so he knows, let alone about the hall. I also plan to implement it completely, and it will not be a secret to ordinary people at that time.

"No, here it is, it's 60,000." Hearing what the scalper said, Tian Ci followed him to a corner, handed him the money, and waited for his explanation.

"Big brother is refreshing! Then I'll talk to big brother."

After counting the money, the thief-eyed youth immediately agreed, and began to talk about the changes in Hualan City over the years.

"Actually, according to my grandparents, from their generation, it seems that Hualan City has begun to show signs of decline. I heard that it is the problem of the surrounding waters. Now Hualan City includes several subordinate towns. The ratio of male to female has reached 1:3.4. Such a male to female ratio will lead to a higher status of males. Now, in Hualan City, we don’t need to worry about marrying a wife, and we don’t need any dowry. Even me, there are several beautiful women dragging The matchmaker told me the matchmaking."

He first talked about the change in social status, and finally said "Hahaha~" and laughed proudly.

Hearing this, Tian Ci touched his chin, and thoughtfully, on the whole, it seems that it is the same as the previous life with more men than women, and even Hualan City is more serious now, so the social status of men and women is compared with his previous life, It has already been turned around, and it has been turned even more thoroughly. Even a sleazy-looking scalper has several beauties to match!

In this way, the men in the commercial street don't like to look at those cool-dressed women, and they even take it for granted. There is an explanation, because they more or less have several spare tires. The scalpers can get the favor of several beauties, so they will definitely have more.

Even the female apprentices of Hualan Taoist do not seem to be unacceptable. Affected by this social atmosphere, they are only ordinary, low-level, and if they are in the middle, they will not go to other cities, so it is because of this social atmosphere. ?

Thinking of this, he expressed his doubts. If it was an ordinary woman who worked in the gym, he would not be surprised, but the apprentice of the gym also ended, and it always felt unreasonable. You must know that the apprentices are ordinary trainers, even if Restricted by the gym, you can't go out hunting recklessly, but it is still easy to tens of thousands a day, and it will not be reduced to this point.

"Hehe~ Big brother, you don't know something, how many people do you estimate today to watch the water ballet?"

Hearing Tianci's question, the scalper youth laughed, pretending to be mysterious and letting Tianzi guess.

"More than 1,000 people?" He used his mental power to swipe and came to a conclusion.

"More than that, for a water ballet of about 1 hour, there are 2,000 people seated, plus some extra standing tickets for a few hundred dollars, there are about 2,500 people, and the ticket price is more than 3 million. , and 10% belong to the apprentices who play in the gym, which means that they may earn more than 300,000 in less than an hour, and three people can earn more than 100,000 per share! Why not end!"

Hearing Tian Ci's estimate, the scalper shook his head and gave him an account.

"This, this tm! This money is too good to earn!"

Hearing what the scalpers said, the three of Tian Ci were dumbfounded. They were all hunting elves in the wild in Qingmu Town. This is the harvest of a dangerous and hard day, not even yet!

And these female trainers with ordinary low and middle section are putting on ballet suits, swimming in the water, doing poses, and earning 100,000 tens of thousands in about an hour!

Although I understand that it is definitely not these three people who come every day, but every three or five is enough!

"Hahaha, it's more than that. The gym has launched a star program, and it will soon be implemented in the whole city and surrounding areas. In fact, Miss Sydney and the others who performed today have already moved up a notch, so their split There are 10%, the worst grade is 5%, I heard that the star apprentice of the highest grade can split the account with the gymnasium 37%! But now the highest grade is only 15% in the third grade, but it is 100%. 10 out of 10 has already driven those apprentices crazy, 10 days a show, 3 performances this month have already been booked, and even next month."

Seeing Tianci's surprised expression, the scalper looked like you were very ignorant, explaining that the Hualan Taoist Hall was preparing to implement the star plan for the public.

"It turns out to be like this. Using the star effect to drive the development and economy of the city is a way to save it. Although it will definitely overdraw its future potential if it continues for a long time, Hualan City has declined to the point that it will be delisted from the eight major cities in the alliance. ZTE first wave, save it back.

And it will not necessarily overdraw the future potential. If the star plan of ordinary trainers is successful in Hualan City, then the star plan of elite trainers can also be implemented according to the trend. The big deal is that the share will be higher. For elite training For a family, more than 1 million yuan, more than 2 million yuan is not a small amount of money, and it only takes so much time. After all, it is quite safe for the elite to travel through the surrounding cities and take the road cleared by the alliance. "

Influenced by the entertainment and culture of the big stars in the previous life, Tian Ci immediately understood the plan of Hua Lan Taoist!

Chapter 310 The Chicken That Lays Golden Eggs

After getting a general idea from the scalpers, I have to say that the owners of the Qingshui Pavilion of this generation are still very thoughtful, and they know how to take advantage of the advantages of Hualan City and find a new way.

Although the mainstream of this world is elves and trainers, the base of ordinary people is the largest, the stars of ordinary people, he has also heard of Aoki Town and Nibi City, of course, subject to the upper class, the elves world dominates, they In fact, a large number of people are raising elves to perform together, but their elves cannot be used for battle, the energy in their bodies has long since degenerated, and the moves they use are just good-looking.

But the idea of ​​this generation of Qingshui Pavilion owners is to let the real trainers end up and become the stars of the show. Those elves who are bred for battle must use more exciting and real moves than those pretenders bring to the audience. The cooperation of handsome boys and beauties!

"Hey!" The more Tian Chi thought about it, the more frightened he became, and he took a deep breath. He realized that this tm was the prototype of the gorgeous contest!

Restricted by the current human situation, or because he was too ignorant, he did not find that the word "gorgeous competition" or the word "coordination trainer" appeared in the book of the alliance. Of course, it may also be because the Hoenn area is a little far away.

As for why he knew about the Gorgeous Contest, it was of course a memory from his previous life. He still saw about half of the stupid things in the Hoenn area. There are also dozens of common ones from the three elves.

"Talent! This is it! You have to talk to Nazi and keep the owner of the pavilion."

Walking in the glass passages full of aquatic animals, plants and elves, Tianji has no desire to visit the interior of these gymnasiums anymore. Now his mind is full of gorgeous competitions, and it's all money!

If Hualan City hadn't been targeted by Golden City and the Rockets, this generation of Qingshui Pavilion owners would definitely be able to rejuvenate Hualan City. Although she was a woman, she would definitely be called the master of Hualan City's resurgence, the queen of a generation. (Wu Zetian is not so, the husband of this generation of Qingshui Pavilion owner was killed by the Rockets, and then she seems to have no way to take the position)

Let Ninghui and the two talk to some female staff in the gym. Tian Ci knows that Hualan gym also sells abbreviated exercises to ordinary people, and the beauty and beauty effect is very good, so the female staff in their gym They are also beauties.

The abridged version has this effect, so the other gym apprentices must learn better exercises, plus the feedback of water attribute energy, they are not top-notch, stunning, at least they are all selected from a thousand miles One, or even the one-in-a-million beauty.

It is very feasible for them to implement the star plan. Looking at the full market situation of Hualan Market, this is the hen that can lay golden eggs!

In the end, more outstanding top beauties and elite trainers will be promoted to surrounding cities, and even when necessary, the owner of the Qingshui Pavilion, a stunning mature wife, will end up in person, then it will become popular!

Hualan City will definitely fall from the tail of the crane and become the top three among the eight ancient cities!

Even with the continuous development, it has really developed into a model of gorgeous competitions and the Quartz Conference. Maybe Hualan City can still sit on the seat of the chairman of the alliance!

When he came to the special seat of the water ballet and looked at the calm lake with the huge pool in front of him, Tianji was very fortunate to be able to catch up when Hualan City had just started to implement the plan and was still in a state of decline, and Nazi also wanted to take it. If I leave this city a few years later, I'm afraid it will be difficult.

Now, as long as Nazi and the Rockets do their best, this hen that can lay golden eggs is in the hands of him and Nazi, and although he is not familiar with the gorgeous competition, some basic rules are still there. If you understand (introduced in the anime episodes), you can make some suggestions for development.

Not to mention that he still has some knowledge of the entertainment industry in his previous life, (entertainment news, the studio who violated the contract, issued the contract to the public, certain celebrities, reporters' breaking news, etc.) Although he can't remember it very much. Details, but he only needs to think about it, and there will definitely be more professional people who will make up for this in the future.

Therefore, he will never let go of this golden rooster, and will create greater value in his hands.

"Miss Sydney! I will always support you!"

"Miss Liangnai! Liangnai!"

"Yinglin! We love you!"

"Oh! Oh!"

"so beautiful!"


While Tianji was thinking about it, suddenly the whole venue became lively, and the shouts and cheers of men resounded through the sky!

He took a closer look, and it turned out that the opening dance of ordinary people was over. Now three beautiful beauties are standing on the high platform. He was thinking about things just now, but he didn't notice that the performance had already started, so he missed all those things. Ordinary beauties in uniform bikinis perform.

But there is one thing to say, the worst women owned by Tian Ci are the great beauty level (Jiang Qikui), among them Ninghui, Xiaoling, Nazi are top and even stunning, plus Nazi's status and temperament bonus, I have tasted it. These, he was really interested in the ordinary beauties among these ordinary people, so that a group of beauties were performing in front of him in bikinis, and he didn't notice.

On the contrary, when Xiaoling saw Tianji like this, he was very satisfied and relieved, and believed the reason he said earlier to investigate the information earlier.

"Thank you for your support, we are a goldfish group! Come out, corner goldfish."

The three gym apprentices on stage, also wearing bikinis, shouted their thanks to the surroundings, and then released their elf, which matched their group's name very well, they were all horned goldfish.

As soon as the three horned goldfish came out, they jumped into the water first with a "thump, thump~". Because Tianci was a special class seat, he was right next to the pool and could be seen clearly. According to his opinion, the three horned goldfish were They are all well-bred, and Xiaoling also told him that there is a strong water energy in the body, this is the real elves for fighting!

"The show has started!" After the goldfish in the corners had all gone down, the three beautiful apprentices on the jumping platform shouted again, and then they also fell into the water with a "thump". Once they fell into the water, they maintained their heads. In a downward posture, three pairs of snow-white slender thighs are dancing on the water, or the movements are consistent, or combined with each other...

"Oh oh oh!"


"Miss Sydney! So cute!"


Because it is a bikini, this pose will definitely show the slender legs in the whole venue, and even the lower body of the bikini can be seen. At this time, this group of male audience was obviously aroused by the hot opening.

Tian Ci was the closest, and he could actually see it more carefully. The three pairs of slender snow-white thighs were in front of him, and he could see the blood vessels. Even with the help of mental power, a few naughty ones appeared. He can see black water plants...

Chapter 311 The performance plan

I have to say that the special seat, coupled with the detection of his mental power, the visual impact is very nice, as if there are three beautiful beauties who are performing for you, Tianji is a little excited, he looks around, It was found that the other people in the special seat, although not as careful as him, were also full-faced pigs with hot eyes.

In the last performance, the three horned goldfish put their horns on the upper body bikini of the three beauties, and it was over!

"Oh! It's so big! Miss Sydney!"

"Yinglin! Yinglin! We will always love you!"

"Liangnai! Support you! You are the best!"



The tight snow-white arc and the horn of the horned goldfish faced each other. This scene pushed the end of the performance to a climax, and there was a large crowd of men chasing stars in the venue.

"It's very good~ but it's still a little immature."

As an old driver in his previous life, Tian Ci had watched various blockbusters, and after witnessing this performance, he expressed his opinion.

It can only be said that they have practiced together, but they practiced very casually. Based on their dance skills, the ordinary women who danced for them are much better than these three gymnasium apprentices, and they rely more on Israeli entertainment. People, this is actually the worst. Maybe now the star project is just starting, and they can do well, but when they gradually stabilize later, more and more tricks and newcomers emerge. This kind of combination is not solid at all. , will definitely be eliminated.

But then again, as trainers inside the gym, it is really good for them to be able to do this. After listening to the comments of the people next to him, he knows that there are other combinations, not only the movements are inconsistent, but also mistakes are often made, and even the clothes are worn. It's still a very conservative one-piece swimsuit. Compared with these, the goldfish combination of the three of them is really good. No wonder it has been upgraded in a short period of time.

After all, there are still many gym apprentices who definitely couldn't let go of this face a few times before.

Of course, if Tian Ci is in charge of this plan and gives advice, he has rich experience in his previous life, and he will definitely raise the performance of these gymnasium apprentices to a new level in a short period of time. You must know that the performance of a girl group in a certain Bangzi country in the previous life was very good. The top, and the oppressive, strict trainee program!

Returning to the topic, after the performance, it should be a part of choosing lucky audiences to share the water together.

"Ah ah ah! It's the exciting part again. Next, we will choose a lucky audience to dance with our goldfish group!"

After speaking, a staff member turned on a large screen, which displayed a large colorful disc, which divided various areas of different sizes, namely, the special seat, the first class seat, the second class seat, and the third class seat. Standing tickets, of course, the special seats occupy 60% of the area, and the others are decreasing in order, and even the standing tickets seem to be less than 1%.

"Choose our side!"

"Choose me! Choose me!"

"I like you very much, Miss Yinglin!"

"Miss Sydney, choose a second-class seat!"


When I saw that I was going to choose an area, the venue began to cry and howl again. In order to save most of the guests, this area was relatively fair. Although 80% of the audiences were guests in the special area, first class, There have been second-class and third-class, and there has even been a standing vote, so in the eyes of most people, there is still a chance.

"Everyone's enthusiasm, we have received it!"

Hearing the ghosts and wolves in the venue, Sydney, who was wearing a light green bikini by the pool, also responded with a smile on his face, and then said, "Go!"

After that, the disc of the big screen started to turn, and everyone was staring intently at the big screen.

After turning around for a while, Miss Yinglin, who was wearing a pink bikini, shouted, "Stop!"

Then the pointer lived up to expectations and stayed in the special area.

"Ah! Why is it a special zone again!"

"That group of money dogs!"

"Uuuuu~ My Miss Yinglin, can't you be a little bit late? It's only a little bit closer to being second class!"


Seeing that it was a special seat, some of the poor people in the back row started to feel sour. Of course, it was impossible to let them go. There are still 10 minutes left for this water-sharing performance! The big deal is not to look at the lucky one who is selected.

"Yeah! Congratulations to the audience in the special seats. Next, I, Rana, will choose the lucky audience in the special seats!"

After the selection of the area, Rana, who was wearing a blue bikini, said with a smile. At the same time, the big screen at the back became the number of the special seat, and the numbers 5, 6, and 7 of Tanji and others were among them.

"Start!" After Rana shouted start, the turntable began to spin rapidly again. Since they were all special-class seats, the area was of the same size.

At this point, Tianji is also a little bit looking forward to it. Although he knows in his heart that this so-called water show can't do anything, it's not bad to have three beautiful beauties playing with you in the water.

It's a pity that when Rana shouted to stop, he was still not selected with three times the probability. The number selected was No. 26!

"Heh~ it's all mine from now on anyway."

For none of these selected, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com Tianji will never admit that his bad luck is due to the shady! He decided to wait for Nazi to take control of Hualan City, he must take a good rectification, his luck can't be so bad!

"Oh! It's me! Miss Sydney, I'm here!"

However, the selected audience member was a fat ordinary person. He took off his jacket and jumped into the water after shouting.

"Hehehe~ It seems that our lucky audience is a little impatient."

Sydney, who was called by her name, laughed dryly, but she had no choice but to jump down with the other two sisters. Of course, she secretly colored each other, and ordered the goldfish in the lower corner not to let the fat one get too fat. The middle-aged people take advantage of it!

The next water show is actually a game of you chasing me. Three apprentices of the beauty level swim in the huge pool wearing different bikinis, and the lucky audience member is chasing. In theory, as long as You can catch up. Although it is impossible to do anything, it is still possible to hug and hug.

But with the help of the elves, they also practiced the exercises themselves, and the three apprentices who received feedback from the elves, how could they be caught so easily, not to mention that the Hualan Taoist Hall is famous for the water system, their water quality, and the bonus of water-based exercises , In Tianji's view, it was the mouse that was playing tricks on the cat. The fat cat couldn't touch the mouse at all, but the person who took the photo understood it very well. The big screen basically shot the three apprentices in the gym at close range.


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