Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 306: strength

"Anything else? Kamui?" After laughing, Tianji asked again with anticipation.

In fact, he is very satisfied with the defense. He plans to let the Kamy Turtle beside him in the wild in the future. The Kamy Turtle who will defend is equivalent to his elite-level extraordinary barrier!

"Kami!" Kamy Turtle nodded, indicating that there is still more, seeing it slammed into the shell, and then quickly put it back together, "Swish~" The ground of the tree hole was brought a lot of by its rotation. sandy soil.

"It's a high-speed rotation. It's good to use it as a combo."

Seeing this iconic scene, Tianji nodded. This move is called a panacea, it can be used to attack, defend and combine, and it is still very useful.

After hearing Tianji's comment, Kamui immediately stopped spinning and stretched out, "Kami!" After shouting happily, he continued to show him his strength.

I saw Kamui’s mouth bulging next, that is, a large amount of foam was hitting the ground. This is foam light, an advanced skill of foam. After Xiaoling taught it the trick, it is now finally completed. Advanced.

"That's right, what else?" After recording this move in the notebook, Tianji asked Kamui again.

"Kami!" Kamy Turtle nodded, this time it ran quickly, the evil energy appeared in its mouth, and bit on the inner wall of the tree hole with a "click", and the sawdust was splashed in an instant, the power of the bite Absolutely not weak!

"Kami~Kami~" After demonstrating this move, Kamui shook his head at Tianji to indicate that it was finished.

"That's right, that's right. When the time comes, we'll find an elf to give you a real fight and try your hand at it."

Seeing that the move was over, Tanji took the last move and took note of the last move, and walked out of the tree hole with Kamui and Heiluga.

Why can Kamui be able to fight directly? Didn't they have to train energy control and proficiency before?

That's because before the evolution of Kamy Turtle, it couldn't continue to increase its energy. It has been practicing energy manipulation. In addition, when it evolved, it was helped by the quasi gym-level water arrow turtle phantom, so it evolved. The foundation is very solid, and it doesn't look like it just entered the ordinary level at all. It adapts very quickly to the breakthrough of strength, and can directly enter the actual combat stage. Tianzi estimates that it only needs a few more battles to control the energy perfectly.

"Kami, Kami!" As soon as he came out of the tree hole, Kamui greeted his other friends enthusiastically.


"Beep beep~"

Tian Ci's subordinates, Duo Hua and Bibi Bird, all responded with a gratified expression of looking at the younger generation.



Xiaoling's mosquito-repellent incense frog and starfish are almost the same. They are all elves of the same age as Koudouhua, so they all look at the growth of younger generations.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it is different and he went up to say hello to the turtle and the two of them clapped their hands and gave him a warm hug. .

Seeing this scene, Tian Chi secretly glanced at Hei Lujia with strange eyes, and always felt that Hei Lujia was dangerous. Although it seemed that Kamui would prefer to take her Hei Lujia all the time, but it was destined to be fruitless. ! They are all in the same egg clan, and their attributes are still restrained!

Heluga didn't find it. Of course, if it did, it would shoot flames at this ruthless trainer. What was he thinking! I have always regarded Kamui as a younger sister. You will be like you in the future, thinking about contributing to the growth of the human race all day long! Dirty!

"Pippi~Pippi~" Pippi saw the big change in her little friend, so she joined in curiously. It also broke through to the ordinary level a few days ago, but it hasn't evolved, and its appearance has not changed.

"Haha~ Pippi, you have to use evolutionary stones to evolve. Wait until you reach the normal high level."

Ning Hui, who had been smiling gently beside her, immediately laughed when she saw this, and then said something to Pippi.

This is also a decision after discussion with Tianzi. Although he has already obtained the evolution resources, there is no need to hurry. You can use the best moon stone to make a breakthrough in the ordinary high stage. With the dual help of evolution and the best moon stone, Pippi breaks through. The hope of the elite is still quite high, so that she can also become an elite.

As for whether the ordinary high-level can be achieved as soon as possible, Nazi has sent the secret cultivation secret book, which is definitely achievable.

Tian Ci's requirements for Ninghui have also become higher. Since Nazi is the biggest help, his future path must be very bright, and an ordinary level logistics will definitely not be able to keep up with him, so the elite level is still very necessary. , that is, the big milk tank may really have no way, nor can it evolve, but I can't say for sure. When he is strong, he can go to Chengdu to see Manjin City.

"Moo~" On the other side, the big milk tank also glanced at the Kamui turtle with affection. In its view, these little guys were all raised by it, so it has a kind of love for them.

After all, in the food made by Ninghui, the milk in the big milk tank can be said to be added to every kind of food. This is a kind of panacea ingredient.

"Let's go, let's find an opponent and give Kamui a test of his strength."

After everyone had greeted each other, Tianji, the captain, said immediately.

"En~" The two women, of course, had no objection, they greeted their respective elves and followed.

On the No. 4 road, there is never a shortage of elves such as Little Lada, Green Caterpillar, and Aberdeen. Soon they found out that it was an ordinary low-level Aberdeen monster.

"It's decided that it's you, Apomon!" Tianji nodded with satisfaction as he looked at the snake, 1-to-1 was just right.

"Kami Turtle, Foam Light!" He immediately directed the Cammy Turtle to launch a sneak attack, ahem~ it's an old problem, he is used to trying to give himself an advantage in the wild, even if his own strength is crushed.

"Kami!" Kamui agreed, and spit out a lot of foam from his mouth, shooting Abo Monster straight away.

Foam light, since the word light is added to the back of the foam, it is because its attack speed has become much faster, "Bang Bang Bang ~", so these bubbles hit Abo Monster in the blink of an eye.

"That's right!" Abo shouted angrily, the pain was definitely not so painful, but the body was slippery and sticky and uncomfortable.

"Just right!" It opened its big mouth and shot out a large number of poisonous needles, taking the Kamui turtle directly.

"Shrink the shell, Kamy Turtle!" It is worth mentioning that now Tianji is directly commanding Kamy Turtle to fight with telepathy.

After hearing this, Kamui immediately shrank his body and resisted the attack. Although the sound of "ding ding ding" sounded nice, it did not cause any damage to Kamui.

"Turn it up, spiral water gun!" Seeing that Kamy Turtle's shell defense was so good, he nodded and instructed Kamy Turtle to try a combo.

Chapter 307 Bibi Bird's Plan

Hearing what the trainer said, Kamy Turtle immediately understood what it meant. In an instant, it swirled "rustling" in the turtle shell, and at the same time, water guns shot out from the holes.

"Bang! Bang!"

"Just right, just right!" The Abo Monster originally wanted to hide, but who knew that Kamy Turtle's water gun range was too wide, and the rotating Kamy Turtle was like a 360-degree fountain with no dead ends. Hit a few times.

"Now, push yourself with water, spin at high speed + hit, hit!"

Seeing that the attack really worked, Tianji immediately asked Kamui to test another combo.

"Kami!" Kamui called out, and most of the water guns that were originally attacking rushed to the ground at this time. With the reaction force, Kamui spun and slammed into the Abo monster with a "swoosh" sound.

The Abo Monster, who was also hit by the spiral water gun, was a little stunned, and with a "bang", the eyeballs that were directly hit by the powerful impact almost burst out, "Just!" It spit out a little blood from its mouth.

However, as a cruel hunter in the wild, it is also a ruthless man, with a big mouth, lightning surges in its **** big mouth, and with a "click", it bites the still-rotating Kamy Turtle.

"Kami!" Because of the water gun, there are still water stains on the shell of the tortoise, so under the condition of current conduction, although the shell of the tortoise is not bitten, it is still attached. Thunder and lightning hurt the inside, and let out a painful wailing.

"Hold it back, Kamui, it's a tooth for a tooth, we also have to bite it and take a bite!"

Seeing the injured Kamui Turtle, Tianzi immediately gave an order to continue the attack by telepathy, and the maximum damage was blocked by the turtle shell. It is impossible for the Kamy Turtle to lose the fighting ability due to this lightning.

Hearing the trainer's order, Kamy Turtle endured the pain and shrank out of the turtle shell. It also had a mouth with fangs, and the strong evil energy filled its teeth. "Ah!" It bit on the open body on the right side of the Abo monster.

"Just!" Being bitten by Kamui, under the severe pain, Abo, who couldn't bite because the tortoise shell was too hard, let out a painful wailing, and let go of the turtle shell around his mouth. .

"Tear off the claw now!" Seeing that Kamy Turtle broke free, he immediately asked Kamy Turtle to give the Abo Monster the last blow.

As for how the tearing claw was learned, of course, it was learned from Bibi bird. The jenny turtle also has claws, so it can definitely learn the claw. Now it has evolved into a cammy turtle. When it is sharp, it will naturally tear the claws. The key to the advancement of this move, Bibi Bird has told Jenny Turtle long ago, is to rely on the sharpness of the claws.

"Kami!" The Cami turtle's paws in the mid-air lit up with white light, and with a sound of "Shu!", three deep claw marks were left on the pattern of the Aberdeen.

"Just right! (?_?)?" Aboguai cried out in pain, and fell to the ground with a "bang", losing his ability to fight.

"Kami!? ω?" Kamui, who won the first battle after evolution, was very excited and stood on the spot and cried happily.

"Kami turtle, let me see your turtle shell."

At this time, Tianji shouted at it, because he wanted to see the injury of Kamui, so that he could have a general understanding of the defense power.

Hearing the trainer's voice, Kamy Turtle immediately ran over with a "tap-tap~", let's show his turtle shell to Tianji.

I saw that there were two black spots on the turtle shell where the teeth were biting, and there was almost no change in the rest. This made Tianzi feel that kryptonite was still very useful. The shell powder of the water arrow turtle is really good So powerful.

"Pippi~Pi~" At this time, after seeing Tianzi, Pippi also showed white healing energy in his hands. He stroked the turtle shell twice, and instantly the turtle was full of blood and resurrected. Well, in fact, this innocuous little injury, Kamui can heal itself after a while, but who made them two good friends?

"Kami~" The full-blooded Kamui turtle nodded to Pippi gratefully.

"Pi~" Pippi's eyes were also curved, indicating that it didn't matter.

"Tianji-ge, when are you going to let Bibi bird evolve?"

At this time, Xiao Ling, who was helping to clean up the body of Abo, came over and asked curiously.

She knew that Tianji's Jenny and Bibi had to evolve. Now that Jenny has completed the evolution, Bibi has the materials.

"Beep~" Hearing the girl's question, Bibi Bird, which was flying in the sky, also cast an inquiring look. As long as it evolves, it can take Tianji to fly in the sky!

"Cough~ I'll talk about it in Hualan City in a few days. I find that it is very beneficial to accumulate more and exercise more energy control. Watching Kamui, you almost don't need to spend any time to polish your strength."

Hearing Xiao Ling's question, and looking at Bibi Bird's longing eyes, Tian Ci coughed and said his plan.

"Also, Bibi Niao, your evolution this time is likely to break through to the elite level, so be absolutely prepared to train yourself to the point where you can't make progress in any aspect. Nazi sent it here specially. I have brought a copy of the origin feathers of the gym-level comparison carving, so that you can try it out and not break through to the elite level directly when you evolve."

Originally, his plan was to let Bibi bird use evolution to see if he could break through to the elite level, but the high probability is not. The resources on the material list will only allow Bibi bird to improve his aptitude and his strength. To the point of comprehending the elements, and then in the period of the sculpture, grind for a year or two, comprehend the power of the elements, and be promoted to the elite.

But now Nazi has specially added a gym-level origin feather to him, which is different. This is a feather that can only be left after a gym-level Bidiao dies, as a Dao that has integrated elements. A pavilion-level elf, perhaps it is still a peak-level gymnasium-level sculptor who has already begun to understand the law. It should be no problem to help Bibi Bird cross the threshold of the power of elements.

He guessed that there is a high probability that this feather came from Bi Diao, who had already begun to understand the law. When he did not see the evolution of the jenny turtle, the tortoise shell powder sent by Nazi was all from the water arrow turtle who was only one step away from the gym. material!

The things she sent were basically the best that Tianci elf could bear. With such a big girl who took the initiative to help krypton gold, Tianci was really touched, and if he couldn't advance to the elite level as soon as possible, Then he is too rubbish.

Now, the things that Tian Ci's elves use for evolution are definitely those of the young master level of those thousand-year-old families!

"Beep!?(\'ω\')?" When Bibi Bird heard Tianji say this, she also agreed excitedly, saying that she would work hard!

Chapter 308 Hualan City

As for Xiaoling's two elves, Haixingxing and Mosquito-repellent frog are also planned in the same way. With the secret collection version of the cultivation cheats, coupled with sufficient resources, it is still possible to rise to the level of ordinary high-level as soon as possible, and then in the high-level After accumulating to the point where there is no progress, and then use the best evolution stone to evolve, so that there is a 7-80% chance of breaking the elite level, don't forget that she also has the extraordinary bonus of the natural water system.

It was Dumb Flower, Tian Chi wanted it to try to see if it could break through to the elite level on its own, because Dumb Flower still has special properties compared to Bibi Bird. The evolution with a very high failure rate made Duo Jia Hua. The poison attribute has been greatly improved. In addition, the secret collection version of the cultivation cheats he has exchanged from his boss Mui Ne over the past few years, and the pointers he has received from time to time, it can be said that the current pocket poison has completely exploded other pure poison attributes of the same strength. the elf.

Therefore, compared with Bibi Bird, the background of the mouth dumb flower is undoubtedly much deeper than it, so there should be hope. He hopes that the only evolution can be arranged at the time of breaking through the gym level.

In the next few days, Tian Ci took Xiaoling and the two to do tasks and hurry on the road. After 5 days, they finally came to the gate of the big city of Hualan City.

Like Nibi City, the inspections are more stringent, but the three of them managed to get in smoothly. After all, their identities were not revealed.

"Fat head fish and clams are all fresh, come and have a look!"

"The latest version of the swimsuit is on the market, designed by the gym owner himself!"

"King carp, the king carp I just caught from the wild! Take it back and make bone soup, it's delicious! Don't miss it when you pass by!"


After entering, the three went to the commercial street with the most traffic, and soon the sound of one after another hawking sounded in their ears.

It can be seen that it is different from Nibi City, which has gray-yellow buildings. This city, Hualan City, which is famous for its water system, is obviously more refined and elegant. It is basically a water-blue building in the past. .

And maybe it’s the reason why one side’s soil and water nurtures the other side. Tian Chi also found that the people who come and go, the skin of the local residents is obviously fairer and more delicate, regardless of men and women. The male style of the blue city should be Junxiu milk dog?

This made both sides untouched, and Tianji, who took the spiritual beauty route, was a little embarrassed. He found that when he arrived in this city, his appearance seemed to be lower than in Nibi City...

At the same time, he carefully observed the flow of people, and after calculating with his strong mental power, he also found that the ratio of males to females in this city seems to be a little unbalanced. There are obviously more females. It was also relatively cool. He had seen the store that was shouting swimwear for the market before, and both the clerk and the customers who came in and out were all walking around in bikinis!

In other places, there are so many beautiful women in bikinis walking up and down the street, I'm afraid it would cause a sensation, but men on the commercial street seem to be used to it.

And there are buses that promote water ballet going back and forth.

"The newly opened water ballet performance in Hualan Taoist Hall is only 1088 tickets! The close-range special seat is only 6888 tickets! Don't miss it when you pass by!"

"Brother Tian Ci, this, this, this is what the gym should do?"

Xiaoling saw several beauties in bikinis on the tour bus shouting over and over with loudspeakers, and then looked at the Hualan Gym logo on their bikini straps, which meant that these fair-skinned and beautiful girls were all The staff of the gymnasium or simply an apprentice, she always felt that Hualan City was really a bit miserable, how could it have reached the point of entertaining people!

This is one of the eight great ancient cities! Should it be so miserable, with the strength of the gym, the master of the gym will take the elite of the gym to hunt elves in the unmarked area, and it will be very profitable!

"...Come on, let's go and have a look. It's not really a gym trainer coming out to perform water ballet, let's find out the information."

Hearing Xiaoling's question, Tian Chi was silent. He thought of a scene in the animation in his previous life. The three Hualan sisters: Sakura, Ayame, and Peony are the masters of the gym. All three of them actually went to perform water ballet. This is really Too embarrassing for the gym owner.

But this life should not be like this. In the anime, the parents of the three Hualan sisters did not explain, and now the host of the gym seems to be a beautiful woman, and the gym owner in Nibi City directly calls the family name Like Wu Neng, these commoners only know that their gym owner is called Shimizu.

"Mmmm." Hearing Tianji say that, Xiaoling and Ninghui nodded and walked towards the direction marked on the bus.

"I heard that today is the water ballet of Miss Rana, Miss Sydney and Miss Yinglin!"

"Not only that, there seem to be other beautiful girls out there!"

"It's worth the money, to see the female trainer and the elves under her command dance for us in ballet costumes!"

"Yes, yes, although the tickets are a little more expensive, it's not only one-third of the salary, I'm out!"


When they came to this building that looked like an aquarium, the three of them turned a blind eye to each other. If the four big characters above also marked Hualan Taoist Hall, they would have thought that this was a really large water park!

And because of the water ballet performance, there is already a long queue in front of the gate. Well, most of them are men, and from the gossip I heard, I also learned that there is actually a trainer inside the gym to lead the others. The staff dives into the water ballet!

This is simply ruining the three views! You must know that when you were in Aoki Town~www.wuxiamtl.com~ the commoners in the town wanted to be valued at the Aoki Conference and join the gym.

But now one of the eight ancient cities, the apprentices in the Hualan Taoist Hall, the worst are ordinary trainers, actually want to perform water ballet for a group of ordinary people!

In the final analysis, water ballet is just a ballet, a high-end and elegant fig leaf. In the final analysis, it is not to entertain people and earn ticket money! It's basically a man in front of the door to know.

The three Tianzi, who couldn't understand it, just lined up at the back of the line, thinking about going in and seeing what was going on. Logically speaking, they shouldn't. How could they not have fallen to this point.

But before they lined up for a while, maybe it was because of the distinctive temperament and appearance of the three of them that it was obvious at a glance that they were not locals, so a young man with quizzical eyes came to Tianji and spoke. asked:

"Brother, do you want a ticket? A special ticket. Not only will you watch our Hualan City beauties from a very close distance, but you may even be selected by the girls who are performing. Then we will have a water show together, hehehe~"

While introducing, the young man winked at Tianci and smiled. These people are not locals when they see the exposed skin and clothes on their bodies. They are proper fat sheep!


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