Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 301: Poison Rose (with evolution, happy Mid-Autumn Festival! 4D characters contain 5…

When Tian Ci fully grasped it, Na Zi also understood that it was time to part, it was night, Na Zi, Ning Hui and Xiao Ling accompanied Tian Ci for a crazy night, and then took the three elves under her command at dawn. Set off for Golden City.

"I didn't expect that the maid Ninghui is more skilled than me, and Xiaoling has so many tricks. After I go back, I must secretly find a book to learn."

At this time, Nazi, who was resting in a dense forest, rubbed her sore buttocks, secretly ruthless.

As the main palace, it's okay to be overtaken by a sister. What makes her even more embarrassed is that she is overtaken by a maid!

Nazi, who has been reading books since she was a child, decided to read more books when she went back.

Of course she didn't know about Ninghui, but she had to know this from two or three years ago!

On the other side, Tianji, who was already awake on the big bed, looked at the torn tights beside the bed with loss. He knew that Nazi was gone. As a super queen, she still had a lot of things to do whether she liked it or not. She was afraid that she could not help staying, so she didn't tell anyone and left after a crazy night.

"Tianji, I'm gone, the things you exchanged, and my gifts will be sent to you soon, this is the sound transmission mark I left, although you can't give me sound transmission, but I think I will give you a voice transmission when you are there, I hope you will practice hard, and you will be able to respond to me when you reach the elite level."

However, when he was still feeling melancholy, a new mental imprint in his mind came the recording that the girl had set up in advance.

This is a little skill of a power user at this level of Nazi. As she said in the recording, even if Nazi is far away in the golden city, as long as she is willing to spend a lot of mental energy, she can achieve sound transmission. As for Tianci It's definitely not possible, at least after the elite level, and it can't last for a long time.

However, with his current strength, with his special skills, he can barely be separated by a city, which means that Jiang Qikui, who is still in Aoki Town, can be contacted.

Jiang Qikui, the Rockets' secret hand, he also talked to Nazi. After discussing it, he plans to cultivate first. He may become a member of the left-behind Kanto region in the future, and he may be able to help Tianji, so for the better To cultivate her, Nazi would transfer her to her own staff, instead of always being under the elite-level patriarch of the Jiang Qi family.

In Nazi's establishment, it means that Jiang Qikui is very free and can go out to travel or continue to develop near Qingmu Town. Of course, this is not up to her. Looking at Tianji and Nazi's arrangements for her, now she is currently traveling. I still can't use her. I really take her. It is estimated that the biggest role is to act as a venting rbq for Tianci.

Because Kwai's elves are currently Radha, Bibi Bird, and Baby Bear, they are not very helpful to Tianji's team. I feel that she can do it or not, and Tianji is not a creature who thinks with his lower body, so let it be Nazi arrange it.

At the same time, in the town of Aoki, after Tianji was gone, no matter whether it was a commoner class or a family class, there were no particularly bright characters appearing.

With the resources of the Rockets, coupled with the support of the family slowly tilting, the name Jiang Qikui is also the number one person in Qingmu Town. She has a good appearance and a bumpy figure. A girl who likes to wear tight clothes is known in the circle of trainers. Make "Poison Rose"!

This was originally the name of a grass-type elves. They are beautiful in appearance, but they are unexpectedly dangerous and highly poisonous. It means Jiang Qikui, a ruthless woman, and even the "Poison Rose" in Team Rocket's base. fame.

Because of her beautiful appearance and her young age, there are always trainers who have bad intentions to do tasks with her, but often only Jiang Qikui comes back alone. The number spread like wildfire.

At this time, Aoi was dressed in black tights, carrying a **** space backpack, and walked to the mission delivery place in the elf center.

The walking sound of "Tadata~", coupled with the slender and stylish black silk legs, quickly attracted the attention of a large number of male trainers. When I saw the tight curvature of the upper body of this woman, I couldn't help but breathe quickly. He got up, but when he saw Jiang Qikui's charming and glamorous face, he couldn't help but turn his eyes away quickly. This is "Poison Rose", and it is the facade of one of the four major families. !

"Hey~ Uncle, why are you pulling me? It's rare to see a big beauty!"

There was a young man who was not too old, and apparently just broke through the ordinary level. At this time, he was looking at Jiang Qikui's figure with a slap in the face. He was pulled back by his uncle and said a little dissatisfied.

"Bastard! You're not afraid that there will be no bones left after being eaten, that's poison rose!"

Seeing a nephew who was bewitched by beauty, the middle-aged uncle immediately slapped his head hard and said in a low voice.

"This... this... let's go! Uncle, let's do the task!"

Hearing that it was Poison Rose, the young man's expression changed, and he immediately took the initiative to pull his uncle to the door.

"Hey~" Hearing the discussions from the surrounding people, Kui's face remained unchanged, but she sighed inwardly. Could she not know what these people were talking about, it was nothing more than "Before making a fortune through her body, I killed several Concubine, only now..." and so on.

God is pitiful, but she was only captured and owned by Tian Ci, and Tian Ci gave her the slave seal before leaving, and issued various orders to prohibit cheating. How could she have as many concubines as the outside world said? !

With these words, she also understands who is fueling the flames. It is nothing more than the wave of people at the beginning. After adding the people who are soft-hearted and let go of their backgrounds for various reasons, they worked together to spread the word "Poison Rose" to her in the town. "'s fancy name.

But what can she do, that group of people are not out of town, and it has already spread, killing it will not help, she can only slowly become lonely again, cover herself with coldness, you must know Poison Rose She also needs water to nourish her, and now the person who can nourish her has gone on a trip, and probably has forgotten her.

"Kwai! Kwai! You can hear me, I'm Tianji, don't be surprised when you hear it, this is the secret technique of teleportation!"

But when she handed in the task, a familiar voice suddenly appeared in her heart, which scared her, thinking it was Tian Ci coming back, but after looking around, there was nothing at all. After listening to the explanation at this time, Only then did I understand, I quickly walked out of the elf center, found a hidden place, and tried to contact.

"Master, Master, can you hear me?"

"You don't have to shout or think in your heart. You are not a superpower, and you can't transmit your voice through your mind, so I can only communicate with you unilaterally. Listen to the next words."

Perhaps guessing what Aoi would do, Tianji, who was far away in Xiaoshan Town, Nibi City, continued to say something.

Chapter 302 Arrangements

Hearing what Tian Ci said, Aoi was shocked and calmed down at the same time. She felt that her mind had to be quiet, how long it took Tian Ci to go out, and she actually became a superpower!

"I will make a long story short. It is estimated that this news will soon reach Aoki Town. The Rockets attacked the Moonlight Mountain in Nibi City and robbed a part of the huge moonstone. I also participated in this operation and was arrested by a certain A big man who is good at superpowers is valued. With her help, he broke through and became a superpower. In the future, you and my organization will be assigned to the big man.

In other words, your immediate boss in the future is not your patriarch. Remember to go to the base in a few days, and a notice should be sent to you at that time. What the new Rocket boss asks you to do, do whatever you want, don't disobey, There should be benefits waiting for you. "

Tian Ci quickly passed on these two passages. It was the first long-distance sound transmission. He felt that his mental power was quickly exhausted, but the shock and joy from the slave seal let him know that Kwai Should have received it.

"Okay, okay, master!" Although according to Tianji's statement, her answer was inaudible, but Aoi replied conditioned reflexively.

She knows that Tianji always talks about big figures, so he is definitely not an elite class, at worst it should be a gym class, and he is also a strong person who is good at spiritual power! Her "Poison Rose" will be considered a backer in the future!

During this period of time, why she was doing allied missions was because as her famous name spread, only elite-level families could no longer protect her. Big family, but don't forget, they were easily captured by a squadron of the Rockets.

So she didn't dare to go to Team Rocket anymore, because the squadron leader, the group leader, and even the second generation in some of the bases seemed to see her as a piece of meat on a chopping block. If it wasn't for the patriarch who protected her once , it is very likely that now she has died in the bed of some second generation.

After all, the slave seal only made sure that she could not take the initiative, but if she was forced, she had no choice but to commit suicide under the order.

There is no stronger backer, her appearance is excellent, and she has a good reputation. This is too dangerous for the Rockets, who eat the weak Those people didn't dare to go too far.

However, there will also be pressure in the dark. She has been reminded once or twice by side-by-side in the communication with the patriarch. It seems that a certain captain has taken a fancy to her. base.

She couldn't get in touch with Tianji either, so she could only drag it out. As long as the gym owner didn't fall, she could drag it down, but now she doesn't have to drag it! In the future, I can continue to eat resources openly and honestly, so I am very excited and happy!

"By the way, I also sent you a new elf, which contains a good supersonic bat and an ordinary high-level cultivation manual. I hope you can do it well for me and the big man."

Tianji, who is far away in Nibi City, of course does not know the tragic situation that Aoi is facing now, but he also knows that as a master, he still has to come out from time to time to show his presence, give some benefits, and win over people's hearts. Slavery alone is not enough.

So he handed over the big-mouthed bat high-level cheat book that was useless to him, and a supersonic bat to Kwai, and went through Nazi's channel.

The supersonic bat was caught in the cave of the main line of Yuejian Mountain. It has to be said that it has lived under the energy radiation of the huge moonstone for a long time. This supersonic bat group generally has very good qualifications. In that big explosion, a few were scattered. The Poke Ball was in the place where he and Xiaoling were unconscious.

When I went back to the hotel to sort out, I checked all of them, and none of them were lower than good qualifications. It was a pity that they did not have elite qualifications. Deal with Nazi.

On the other hand, Tianji still remembered that he still has several common-level cultivation cheats, among which is one of the high-level Big-mouthed Bat cheats. To be honest, these popular versions of cheats are no longer useful to him. The biggest effect is that Rewarding his subordinates, so he thought of Kwai. The past few months have passed, just to win over people's hearts and show his current strength, so that she doesn't think about anything that shouldn't be moved.

"Supersonic bats with good aptitude, as well as secret recipes that match the high level! Master! It's great!"

Sure enough, as soon as she heard the big gift Tianci gave her, Kui's cold little face was full of excitement, and she began to smirk. The supersonic bat was originally a good aptitude, and it could evolve in the second stage, although she didn't know about the cross-shaped bat. How to evolve, but even if it evolves into a big-mouthed bat and spends some resources to assist, it will properly enter the elite qualification!

This is the only elf in her hands that can definitely enter the elite qualification. It can be said that with this supersonic bat, she has already entered the elite level with half of her feet, can you not be excited!

"It seems to be of some use." Although Tian Ci couldn't receive Kwai's words, he could feel Jiang Qikui's emotions through the slave seal. He was ecstatic and grateful!

If there is loyalty, Jiang Qikui's loyalty has increased by at least ten or twenty points, because this gift is too precious for Kui who stayed in Qingmu Town, and it is almost her ladder to heaven.

"However, perhaps from the perspective of Nazi and the others, the commoner trainers are the same as the current Kwai, and some leftover resources can make the talents who stand out among the commoners ecstatic and greatly increase their loyalty. ."

After talking about the two things, Tianji couldn't hold back his consumption, so he took the initiative to hang up telepathy, closed his eyes and meditated to recover, and this thought flashed in his mind.

He feels that the probability is like this. After the rich and powerful families of aristocratic families monopolize resources, commoners, and trainers from small families stand out from a lot of mediocre people, they will impose a little monopoly of resources, absorb them into their own side, become their own people, and help them. Continue to monopolize resources, maintain dominance, and the cycle continues, and these warriors will eventually slowly become dragons.

After all, most people are not so selfless, as long as they have a good life with those they care about.

On the other hand, a team transfer notice about Tian Ci and Jiang Qikui is being transferred one by one to the new base in Qingmu Town. When it arrives there, it is estimated that the person in charge of the branch except the base will know who sent it. Other than that, other people will only know that the two of them are in the eyes of the head of the branch, so they have changed their system.

That's right, for the sake of concealment, Nazi did not change the establishment of the two to her own direct troops, but transferred them through a gym-level subordinate Anzi, paying a little price and letting the person in charge of the base in Aoki Town take care of them. One or two.

Chapter 303 Going to Hualan City

In the next few days, Tianzi and Xiaoling returned to Nibi City, tried to contact Shishi, and wanted to get together at the end to say goodbye, but unfortunately, they went to the gym and were directly rejected. The official reception staff The argument is that they are receiving training for new people, and they cannot go out for a period of time. When the training is over, they will notify Shitou to call them back.

What else can I do? Although I know that Shitou is probably under mental restraint and brainwashing education or something, Tianci and Xiaoling are two commoners, and there is nothing to do. They can only promise with a smile, "Okay. , okay." Then he exited Nibi City.

Speaking of which, other people's Rock Gym also has reasons to hold people back. They broke into other people's forbidden areas without permission and were caught. It's not bad that they didn't send them to the alliance prison. I heard that the Wu Neng family has arrested a lot of people who are still on the mountain these days. All property was confiscated, and everyone was sent to the alliance prison.

As for those who were not caught, the Wu Neng family did give up because the law did not blame the public. After all, there were too many, and there was also the secret bewitchment of Team Rocket. They also needed this group of civilian trainers to continue to help them mine, so it was still Let go of a horse.

As for Shi Shi, because of his special martial arts talent, he was kept as the guard of the master of the young pavilion, which in the eyes of most people can be said to be a blessing in disguise.

Of course, Tianci and Xiaoling don't see it this way. Fortunately, Nazi said that she can break through the king and can lift the ban. deal with.

On the other side, Aoki Town, the Rocket Base in the forest

At this time, Kwai also got the Poké Ball and the training recipe. Of course, the most important thing is that she was personally met by the person in charge of the base, a gym-level big man, and was included in the direct core unit, which also made the base feel good about her. She gave up on those who had bad intentions.

After all, they all know that Jiang Qikui, the famous "Poison Rose", stayed in the room with the head of the base for two hours, and was even included in the directly affiliated troops. This is not enough to explain what! It must be the woman who has become the head of the base!

In this way, how could they dare to act rashly, and some even brought gifts to apologize, allowing Kwai to make a lot of money.

Even the patriarch talked to her and made her the next patriarch of the family. This is a woman of a gym-level boss. Breaking through the elite must be more interesting!

Of course, only Jiang Qikui knew that she was the only one in that room for two hours. The person in charge of the base just explained the situation to her at the beginning, then he secretly left and went to do his own business, leaving two For many hours, the person in charge of the base asked her to stay.

Of course, she won't explain to others about the fact that she is alone in the vacant room. In this way, the "truth" is almost confirmed. The person in charge of the base did not come forward to admit or deny it, but acquiesced, so it can be said that the current Kwai is really She became the "Poison Rose" in Aoki Town. It looked very beautiful and moving, but it was so poisonous that no one dared to pick it, except for one person.

Back to Tianci's side, since they couldn't see the stone, Tianzi and the others didn't stop. They walked along the No. 3 road to No. 4 road. After passing through No. 3 and No. 4 roads, they could reach Huahua. blue city.

Because of Na Zi's revelation, Tian Ci planned to step on the spot first to get familiar with the situation. Of course, Xiaoling no longer resists Hualan City. Before, she was afraid that she would be forced to stay in Hualan City, but Now that Sister Nazi is on the list, what is she afraid of.

If the plan goes well, the entire Hualan City will become Sister Nazi's, and Sister Nazi is Tianji's, which means that the whole city will probably be theirs soon, and it will be their own. What is there to be afraid of.

Therefore, Xiaoling did not deliberately delay anything along the way. The three of them walked to Hualan City at a normal speed. When they encountered a small town on the way, they would also do tasks and exchange information with other people in the town. Yes, after all, I still have to live. I said before that I have been relying on Nazi for funding. It is unrealistic and not worth it in any way. It is better to make money by myself, and it is better to use the next channel to exchange.

On the other hand, the 500 contribution points from the Rockets finally called after several days. Tianji thought that it was Nibi City's revenge attack that uprooted the base there, so he asked the team. Without the list of participants, it is more difficult to give, it seems that the Rockets are still the Rockets after all!

Through Nazi's explanation, he has understood that the Rockets in this world may be inferior to the entire league, but compared with several aristocratic families alone, they are all crushed, that is to say, the Wu Neng family in Nibi City, After the chaos was settled, the massive slaughter operation launched did not wipe out the Rockets in Nibi City, but it was hidden deeper.

This can be seen from the signature of the email uploaded from the special computer, because the signature is the Moonlight Rockets branch in Nibi City.

After more than half a month, Tian Ci and the three of them are not far from Hualan City. They are in Sishui Town on No. 4 Road. They have just finished the task. Now Tian Ci and Xiaoling are both incompetent. A vulgar extraordinary person, so the harvest during this period not only did not decrease due to the departure of the stone, but instead increased.

Moreover, because Xiaoling had all his heart on Tian Ci, and in the future, he would go through the Nazi channel to exchange resources, so the two did not talk about the distribution, and left everything to Tian Ci to make the decision. The accumulation of wealth on the body is very fast.

In the past half a month, his bank card has increased from a few million to about 11 million, and the alliance has reached about 6,000 points. The Rockets have also done a little bit of mission, plus the 500-point mandatory task, it reached 2500 points.

They didn't spend much, because they were all still waiting for the resources that Nazi exchanged, and the Jenny Turtle was also suppressing the urge to evolve. In the past few days, Tianji didn't let the Jenny Turtle come out to fight, because it was difficult to suppress it. Energy, when the moon sees the mountain, the Jenny Turtle felt the evolution. Now that it has been so long, the non-stop fighting and the accumulation of energy have made it difficult to suppress. If you use too much force in the battle, you can directly Evolved, then he will cry to death.

"Tianci, the first batch of exchanged resources, including elite-quality props, evolution resources and cultivation secrets, will be delivered to you through reasonable and normal channels. It is now in Sishui Town, when you arrive..."

In the hotel room in Sishui Town at night, Tianji, who was enjoying the flanking attacks of Xiaoling and Ninghui, suddenly received a voice transmission from Nazi, and she was overjoyed immediately, sending Nazi a feeling of joy.

With such a long distance, with his strength, sound transmission is impossible, and it is very difficult to convey an emotion!

Chapter 304 Jenny Turtle Evolution

"Tianji, you will go... and then..."

In Jinhuang City, Jinhuang Taoist Hall, in Nazi's blank and cold room, the girl was sending a voice transmission to Tian Ci, so that he could get these arranged resources reasonably and legally.

Suddenly she noticed the joyful emotion from the imprint in her mind, and her mood suddenly became very good. Although she understood that Tianji couldn't pass on more because of her strength, she was able to receive a response from her lover. Very happy.

"Then, Tianji, the gift I have prepared for you should be coming soon. I believe you will like this little guy. It is also a pure super power elf. With its help, your super power cultivation should be faster. ."

After talking about the first batch of resources, she continued to talk about the gift she prepared for Tianji.

She has sacrificed a lot for these two little guys, but when she thinks of one of her, one of Tianji, and the picture of loving a family, she feels that it is all worth it. The only bad thing is that it is for the sake of a compatriot The peculiarities of these two little guys are not very good. They don't even have leaders. They are only elites. Fortunately, they can evolve in two stages, and their genetic skills are also very good.

"Little guy, pure super-type elf, is it **** or xxx? I'm really looking forward to it." He sucked the coconut milk from Ninghui next to him, touched Xiaolingshui's soft blue hair under him, and rested on the bed. Tianji's heart was full of anticipation.

"Tianci, I missed you, did you miss me... I will also come over in Hualan City. When we meet again, I will definitely not lose to Sister Ling and Ninghui."

After explaining the matter, Nazi's tone became very soft, and she began to talk to him about her lovesickness. Finally, she looked at the various fresh books collected during this period in the small backpack next to her, her face flushed. said.

In order to save the face of the super queen, she secretly took action and searched the whole city to get this backpack. She studied hard every night. I believe that when Hualan City takes action, it will definitely surprise Tianci. And even if she can't do it alone, there is also the local family in Hualan City, the Qingshui family!

The book she was reading recently said, "Men like generous women...no man can refuse a big crystal palace..." Isn't Hualan City, a city rich in beautiful women, a big crystal palace!

"Think!" Tianji was also moved from the bottom of his heart about Na Zi's pain of lovesickness, and he almost used up all his mental energy before spreading a word.

"Tianji! You are so kind! Rest well, I'll give you a big surprise then!"

Nazi, who received Tianci's voice transmission, was ecstatic. Although there was only one word, the cold super queen understood how laborious it was to send this word with Tianci's strength, so she was also satisfied, in order to let Tianci After a good meditation recovery, he took the initiative to end the conversation.

"Xiaoling, Ninghui, our first batch of resources should arrive. Nazi also mentioned Hualan City. After the operation is over, she will compete with you again!"

Seeing the spiritual imprint that was not flickering in the sea of ​​consciousness, Tian Ci rubbed his aching head and said happily to the two of them.

"Hmm~ Ubupa~" The gentle girl with blue hair also raised her head, nodded happily, and replied vaguely.

She Tianshui Ling, after obtaining the secret manual of cultivation, has made a new breakthrough in the supernatural water system, and now she can perform both hot and cold tides at the same time!

At that time, the veteran Tanji who experienced it for the first time, was killed in an instant and lost his armor and discarded his armor. Now that he has tried many times, he is a little better.

So in this respect, Nazi can be said to be an enemy, she Tianshuiling will not be afraid of Sister Nazi!

After a night of silence, in the early morning of a new day, Tianji took the two girls to get his resources. After a series of operations according to Nazi's instructions, he successfully obtained these resources worth tens of millions.

After all, the wild is a place where opportunities and dangers coexist, not to mention that the people who Nazi explained also guided them to the dangerous roads that were not marked by the alliance. These unmarked areas are not regularly cleaned by the alliance, and everything can be found. Very normal.

After getting the resources, Tianci did not return to Sishui Town, but directly found a hidden tree hole on the No. 4 road, ready to let the Jenny Turtle evolve directly.

These roads marked by the alliance have been said before that they are not very dangerous, especially Tianji himself has become a superpower, and he can use his mental power to detect the surrounding.

"Jenny Turtle, are you ready?" Asking the two girls to wait outside, he took the Jackie Turtle to the tree hole and asked.

"Jenny!" The jenny turtle also understood that he was finally about to evolve, nodded nervously and excitedly, and replied.

In this regard, Tianji is no longer worried. He has experienced the evolution of elves quite a few times. If he was afraid of failing to evolve due to lack of preparation at the beginning, now he is not afraid at all, because now he can give elves The resources provided are better and safer, there is little chance of evolutionary failure, and it is less painful.

"Shu~" I saw that he immediately threw a high-grade energy crystal in his hand, which was the approach of pure water energy.

The Jenny Turtle broke the energy crystal with a "bang" of its claws, and in an instant, the rich blue energy surrounded the Jenny Turtle.

At the same time, the white light of evolution also lit up on the Jenny Turtle, and the size began to grow slowly.

"It's now!" Seeing the opportunity, Tianji immediately threw out a middle-grade general-type energy crystal, and a top-grade water-type energy crystal, and also sprinkled a bottle of powder into it.

"Roar~" This bottle of powder was stimulated by the homologous evolution of the johnny turtle, and actually appeared in mid-air a roaring water arrow turtle phantom!

In fact, this is the powder ground from the shell of the elite water arrow turtle, which can not only help the turtle to control the energy of the runaway, but also wash the body of the turtle and improve the hardness of the turtle's body, especially the shell on the back. .

As for the general energy crystal, it also helps the johnny turtle to improve its physical strength.

"Jenny! Jenny!" Jenny Turtle's voice, apart from being a little painful at first, quickly turned to joy, and at the same time, it began to change from immaturity to maturity.

Listening to the vigilant Koudouhua and Bibibird outside, they are very envious. I think when they evolved, they were all heart-piercing pains. Not like the jenny turtle, they all screamed comfortably. .

"Wow!" The light quickly dissipated, and an elf whose size was much larger than the ordinary Kamy Turtle appeared in front of Tianji. He roughly estimated that it was about 1.4 meters. It was really big!

It may be due to the fact that the resources sent by Nazi are the top level within the range that the Jenny Turtle can accept. The phantom of the water arrow turtle is not something that ordinary elites can do. Just one step away from the Gym's water arrow turtle shell.

Chapter 305

"Kami!" But even though he grew up, from a little girl to a big girl, the Jenny Turtle, oh no, it should be called Cammy Turtle now, and the habit of riding Black Luga has not changed. He jumped to Heruga, who was waiting silently beside him.

Because it's all Helga who is leading the Jenny Turtle, so the Jenny Turtle and Helga have the best relationship, and Helga must watch them together when they evolve. Witness, Helga is a fire element and hates water energy, but Can't stand Jenny Turtle's big eyes full of tears, but he still came in.

Tian Chi found out that Heluga is really a dog that dislikes integrity. When the jenny turtle made a painful bark, its fierce face was still tense, and its claws began to dig the ground. Now it has evolved. , it turned into the appearance of a cold male **** again, and he was impatient with the Kamui turtle who rushed up.

It's a pity that He Lujia's high-cold male **** couldn't hold back anymore, because Kamui suddenly sat up, only to hear a "click", He Lujia's dog face began to deform, a look of wanting An expression that screamed in pain but forcibly held back.

"Ordinary development of Kamui turtle is about 45 pounds, and my turtle has spent so much resources and specially strengthened the hardness of the body's turtle shell. Jin, plus the bonus of jumping..."

Tianji could only mourn for Heluga, silently calculating the weight of Kamy Turtle in his heart.

"Kami? Kami?" At this time, Kamui, who successfully sat on Heiluga's back, seemed to have discovered the truth of the matter. I, I didn't mean to, am I too heavy, I can't sit on Brother Heluga's back after evolution.

"Wow!" After hearing Kamui say that, can Helujia bear it? He just gritted his teeth and stood up and walked around on the ground. As a vicious dog, he couldn't say no!

"Okay, okay, Kamui, come down first."

Looking at Hei Lujia who was holding on, Tianji was also very interesting and asked Kamui to come down quickly, otherwise he would walk one or two more laps, and he was afraid that Hei Lujia would not be able to hold on and would have to wear help.

Hearing what the trainer said, Kamui didn't doubt anything, and immediately jumped off Heruga's back, with a "bang~" sound, and stood firmly on the ground.

Helujia quickly took this opportunity to lie down and rest, and cast a grateful late look at Tianci, you must know that it is only about 1.6 meters, and its height and weight are not much different from the evolved Kamui turtle, not to mention the card. Mi turtle has just evolved, and there is a lot of water energy left in the body. Sitting on its back, water energy erodes its body all the time.

When Kamui stood firmly in front of him, Tianji had a chance to take a good look at its evolution.

Its head has a pair of furry ears that resemble wings, its eyes are brown, and its fangs can be seen in its mouth. The waves are also fluffy.

Generally speaking, it is not very different from the time of the Jenny Turtle, that is, the size has become larger, the strength has become stronger, and a little fluff has grown, just like growing from a little girl to a yellow-haired girl.

"Kami turtle, come first, I'll see your qualifications."

Tianji was quite satisfied with Kamui's new look. After nodding, he took out the luxury ball from his belt and said to Kamui.

"Kami!" Kamui nodded and returned to the luxury ball with a "swipe" in the form of red light.

"Crack~The elf is scanning~" He put the luxury ball in the groove of the elf picture book, and soon came the emotionless mechanical sound of the picture book.


Elf: Cammy Turtle

Attribute: Water

Feature: Torrent

Category: Turtle Spirit

Height: 1.45m

Weight: 33.4kg

Description: Kamy turtles are loyal and more capable than jenny turtles. They will hide under water and wait for their prey. The scratches on the turtle shell are a sign of heroic fighting. They are very popular elves because they have more than ordinary longer life.

Qualification: Elite and Superior

Strength: Ordinary low section

Condition: intact

Cultivation plan: Kamui can use water column tail and iron tail with its tail, and use turtle shell to make high-speed rotation. Like most water-type Pokémon, it can learn ice-type skills...

"Come out, Kamy Turtle!" Seeing that Kamy Turtle's qualifications had indeed improved by two stages, Tian Zi also had a smile on his face, so he put Kamy Turtle back out.

With Kamy Turtle, he will almost be a proper entry into the elite in the future, and even a gym is not unthinkable. There are two reasons. One is because of Kamy Turtle's aptitude, when he evolves into a Water Arrow Turtle, as long as he is willing to spend money , can definitely be upgraded to the leader's qualification. As long as the elves with such qualifications are properly cultivated, it is almost inevitable to enter the elite level. The magic wall puppets that have not seen Nazi are only the leader's qualifications.

The second is because of the long lifespan of turtle elves. Even if other elves under Tian Ci's command have an accident in the future, as long as the turtle is still there, nothing will happen. As long as he cultivates the turtle well, it will depend on time. can grind up.

He remembered that in the library of Qingmu Town, he had seen such an interesting story. The initial elf of a family child was the Jenny Turtle. He did not break through the elite before the age of 55. The other elves were going downhill. The Arrow Turtle was still at its peak, so he devoted all his resources to the Water Arrow Turtle. At the age of 60, he helped him break through to the elite level!

This is an example of how time goes by! So the turtle elves are actually quite popular in the trainer circle~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Even if such a miracle does not happen to them, but they die, they can still let the turtle elves protect their next generation.

"Kami turtle, have you learned any new moves?"

After putting the Kamui turtle back out, Tianji asked about its strength.

"Kami~Kami~" Kamui nodded and began to show it to Tianji.

I saw it closed its eyes, the energy floating on the body surface, and soon a water-based energy cover wrapped its whole body.

"This is guarding! Hahaha!" Tianji, who saw this move, immediately laughed out loud, guarding this is a magical skill! Claims to be able to resist any attack!

Of course, it is definitely not so exaggerated in fact, but it can also resist a blow that surpasses one of its own strengths at the highest level. For example, Kamui is now an ordinary low-ranking player, and it can block an elite-level low-ranking attack by defending it.

As for the same realm, even ordinary high-ranking, it is not so easy to break, after all, this is the best defensive move known as perfect defense, whether it is poison powder, energy shock, or melee move, it will be guarded and blocked.

However, behind the perfection is a very low success rate. In a battle, the first time is fine, and it is basically successful, but the second time in a row is almost always a failure, let alone the third and fourth times. .


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