Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 265: Under the Mine (New January! Come on!)


"Hey Cha~"


Under the attack of the one-movement combination of earthquake, a large number of elves with insufficient strength all let out a painful cry, and there are many new-level elves, or just ordinary low-level elves directly lost their fighting ability.

"Mouth of flowers, seed machine guns, strafing!"

"Mosquito-repellent frog, starfish, marsh jumping fish, water gun burst!"

"Pippi, the voice of charm, Jenny Turtle, burst of water bombs!"

Taking this opportunity, Tianji and Xiaoling immediately commanded the elves under their command to attack, focusing on those elves who were not restrained by the earthquake, such as the mountain rat family, the big-mouthed bat family, and so on.

"咻咻咻~" For a while, I saw all kinds of water and grass-type energy flying around among the opposite group of elves, and many elves lost their ability to fight directly.

However, it is not without wisdom. I saw a few rumble stones work together to create a huge stone wall, which protected some of the elves.

"Heh~ Banmen gets an axe." The stone who saw this scene said with a bit of disdain. Maybe these rumble stones in the wild are good for the development of energy moves, but in his opinion, the bumpy stone wall is too rough. .

"Longlong stone, rock rain! Rats and mice cooperate with splashing sand! Let's have a heavy rain!"

After complaining, Stone immediately asked the three elves under his command to cooperate again.

"Shashasha~Shasha~" I saw a lot of small gravels floating around the Longlong Stone, some of which were manipulated by myself, and a large part was helped by two mountain kings.

"Hey cha~" I saw Long Long Shi shouted, and the gravel covered the opposite elves at a very fast speed.

"Bang bang bang~" In just a moment, the stone wall was shattered, and the elves inside let out bursts of screams.

Xiaoling and Tianci also let the elves under their command watch the mending swords, and soon the elves who were only surviving fell under their attack.

"..." After more than ten minutes, all the elves in this area were cleaned up and the entire army was wiped out.

"It's amazing! Brother Shishi!" Xiaoling said to Shishi with admiration while helping to subdue the elves.

"Hahaha, no, but they don't cooperate, and I also have a geographical advantage."

Stone picked up a Poké Ball with a small fist stone, laughed, and said modestly, but his face was still quite proud.

"Yes, Shitou's tactical coordination is really strong!" Tian Ci also praised when he saw this.

"Hehehe~ They are all self-confident and willing to practice over and over again."

Hearing that even Tianci praised him, Shishi's face became even more proud. Looking at the few elves who helped guard the surrounding area, he said proudly and a little lonely.

Obviously, he thought of his own predicament, and he did not have enough resources to cultivate the elves who had been studying and working hard all the time.

"Well, you are also very thoughtful, but thanks to you, Xiaoling, if your mosquito-repellent frogs hadn't used moisture to control those elves who wanted to explode themselves, I'm afraid it wouldn't have caused us some serious damage!"

Seeing the complicated expression on Shi Shi's face, he wisely changed the subject. It's enough to say everything once and for all, there's no need to expose other people's scars again and again.

To be honest, the moisture characteristics of the mosquito-repellent incense frogs under Xiaoling’s command are really useful, not only in today’s mines, but in the past two years, they have also encountered a trainer with bad intentions and a self-destructing elves. There are several types, basically three types of elves that are very common: small fist stones, lightning balls, and gas bombs.

If there is no mosquito incense frog under control, it is estimated that so many resources will not be accumulated so smoothly. The most dangerous one is that Tianji may be disfigured again. At that time, the enemy who has no way back will throw the lightning ball as a special pokeball. Come here, because he has been specially trained, Tianji really didn't recognize it!

At that time, the lightning ball was less than 5 meters away from Tianci. When he sensed the expanding energy, the elves under his command were too late to rescue him. Fortunately, the moisture pressure of the mosquito-repellent incense frog restrained the lightning ball. Throw it back to save him.

For more than two years, Tian Chi also wanted to go to the black market or special channels to get some such lightning balls. There was no way, it was too confusing, and it was impossible to prevent, but in the end, he gave up after looking at the price, it was too expensive! And there is Xiaoling's mosquito-repellent incense frog, so they are not afraid.

After they were all cleaned up, I counted a total of 62 new-level elves, with the rock-ground elves being the most. In the end, only 14 were found to be valuable, 11 of them were of general qualifications, and 2 were of general qualifications. There is also a supersonic bat with good aptitude, plus the materials of the rest of the elves, it can be said to be a bumper harvest!

Of course, don't look at Tianji and the others who seem to be relatively relaxed. In fact, this mining area has been abandoned by several ore teams. How can the miner trainers who usually form a team specialize in training water elves, just to prevent self-destruction? They are all here to make money, and the mining area is not the only one, so after looking at the number of wild elves, they retreated.

This is also the reason why the big rock snakes didn't make the first move just now, but foolishly threatened them, because they have already forced back several waves of humans!

As an ordinary miner team, they have not specially trained the elves to cooperate with their moves. Although their strength is maintained at the basic level due to the frequent battles in the mines, it is really difficult for them to use the combination skills just now. Too difficult.

You must know that it is not used by ordinary apprentices in gymnasiums. They are used by miners. Since there is no large-scale combination skill, they can only give up with so many wild elves.

It can be said that this mine is really like a duck to water for Shishi, and with the additions of Xiaoling and Tianji, his combat power is considered to be the top in the mine!

"Pong Pong! Rats don't be lazy, keep digging!"

After the cleaning is completed, it will definitely be digging. The stone uses a mining hoe, and the elves under his command are basically bare-handed, and the bag dragon is no exception. When a paw is slapped, the stone wall will crack several gaps, which is not faster than a mining hoe. ?

"Pong pong~" Tian Ji was also digging. As a fighter comparable to his arm strength, his strength should not be underestimated.

As for the elves under his command, he had no choice but to do some logistical work. Kouduhua used a cane whip to help transport it, Heluga used flames to smelt the raw ore, and Bibi bird was also called out by him and used his claws to divide the ore. After several years of uninterrupted training, Bibi bird's claws and beaks are no less sharp than those of natural sharp elves like Thyrogonas.

And Xiaoling is the same, responsible for quenching and refining the raw ore together, but the Marsh Leaping Fish under her command also digs there with a **** because of its ground properties.

As for Jenny Turtle and Pippi, the two new-level elves were also digging there with specially made small mining hoes.


"Pippi~Pong" However, it is obvious that the two elves are more like playing. With their strength, it will take a long time to dig out a piece of raw ore.

"Huhu~" Heluga spit out extremely high temperature flames melting the ore in front of him.

"Hi~" Mosquito-repellent frogs tempered the iron ore with water balls... Almost every elves were working.

Because the price of the refined ore is higher than that of the original ore, since a few elves can do this, Tanji also let the elves refine it together, which can be regarded as training for energy control.

The only thing that makes other elves envy is that the rumbling stone of the stone can be eaten here!

"Hey cha ~ ka za ka za ~" I saw Longlong stone digging and eating, looking very satisfied, which also indirectly shows that the quality of the minerals here is rich.

This is also permissible. There are so many ore mountains here, and so many rocky ground elves multiply, and they haven't eaten up Yuejian Mountain. On the contrary, there are more and more minerals, so the Wu Neng family doesn't care about this at all. On the contrary, this is the highlight of attracting a large number of civilian trainers to become miners!

You see, if you come here to be a miner, you don’t have to worry about the food of your elves. The food you eat is not ordinary fodder, but high-quality ores. Your elves eat more and stay longer. These 1 What is a ten thousand dollar ticket!

Therefore, this is also the reason why many civilian trainers are willing to become miners, and the reason why there are so many new trainers near Nibi City.

After all, it is still very cost-effective to raise a few small fist stones. You can get food from the Moon Seeing Stone, and you can also make money from mining at the Moon Seeing Mountain. The investment can be said to be quite small, so why don't you become a trainer!

Of course, there is still the risk of being forcibly recruited, but with so many miner trainers, you may not necessarily be recruited. As long as there are more new miners, the risk of being recruited will be less!

I almost forgot about Ninghui, she was making food for all elves, after all, only Rumble Stone here eats ore, other elves don't, and the big milk jar is holding an empty bottle and making moo milk by herself.

In the blink of an eye, a few people have spent 4 days in the mine. Anyway, there are travel tents and warning bells. Like other miners, they all eat, drink, and salsa nearby.

In 4 days, they got a lot of ores. Because they were all tempered, they also compressed the space and filled only one space backpack. However, this space backpack was roughly estimated, and it was about 600,000!

According to Tianci's share, he earned over 70,000 in this non-hazardous place in one day!

It can only be said that it is indeed a mining and snow area that has not been developed. It is really profitable, and it has not been dug in four days, and it is estimated that it will take two or three days.

Of course, in the past 4 days, Tian Chi didn't let Pippi and the Jenny Turtle really play there, and he also trained them. The Jenny Turtle's strength has broken through to the high level of freshmen, and Pippi's control of energy has reached a new level. , and also learned a new move - rounding.

After the Jenny Turtle broke through to the new high level, Tian Chi also has to prepare its evolution plan. Fortunately, as the Yu Sanjia, their evolution plan has been thoroughly researched. There is an evolution plan to upgrade two stages, but the price is equally expensive, almost 700,000 materials.

It may be related to the improvement of elite qualifications and the relationship between the three imperial families, so it is much more expensive than the evolution plan at the time of Dalubi.

Tian Chi remembered that Dai Ruby's two-stage evolution plan was about 500,000 at that time, Bibi Bird was about 400,000 at that time, and the Jenny Turtle was more than 700,000.

There is no way, it still needs to be spent, as long as Kamui has reached the elite and high-level qualifications, then when the ordinary high-level evolution is performed, how can it also be the leader's qualifications!

He has decided to buy the evolution materials of the Jenny Turtle first, after returning from Yuejian Mountain. Of course, he must shop around. The alliance store sells it more expensive, so he will go to the Rockets base to change it.

Even if it is only a few thousand cheaper, he will choose to go to the Rockets to change it, after all, a few thousand yuan is enough for him to live for a month.

The plan was perfect, but in reality, it was always full of surprises. On the night of the fifth day, Tanji and the others were sleeping soundly in their tents, and the three elves, Heluga, Sea Xingxing, and Mice were watching the night.

"咻咻~" Suddenly a few stones flew towards a few elves quickly.

"Om~" Hai Xingxing used his super power to control it for the first time.

"Buzz~" The ruby ​​in the middle of its body flashed, and it asked Brother Helujia next to him, do you want to go take a look?

Because Tianzi has been in charge of the right to speak for a long time in the team, even the elves under Xiaoling and Shitou are generally dominated by Tianji's elves when they act collectively.

"Wang~" Helujia nodded and replied, letting Hai Xingxing move forward a little and use his mind power to inquire.

The detection of starfish in the cave with super power is actually stronger than it, and it is also very fast.

"Buzz~" Hai Xingxing nodded, walked a short distance forward, and began to release his mental power.

In the past few days, vigils often encounter some wild elves entering by mistake, so they are not prepared to make a fuss and wake up the trainers. Tianji also instructed them to solve some small problems by themselves.

"Om~" Soon Hai Xingxing knew that it was a combination of a dozen small fist stones, mountain rats, and a rumbling stone, with the mountain king among them.

"Swish~ 咻咻咻~" It immediately started to solve it, the superpower first controlled these most powerful but ordinary low-level trash fish, and then the water guns shot straight away.


"Hey Cha~"

"Bang bang bang~"

Through his sensitive ears~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Heluga heard the sound of the battle over there, because it was all the screams of wild elves, so it lay down quietly, waiting for the triumph of Haixing.

But what they don't know is. In the dark, a man wearing a black protective suit patted a particularly short Pangshan queen and waited on the rock wall.

"There can be almost a million in that backpack~ and that bag with materials, I'm afraid it's not going to be sent!"

Licking his lips, his eyes under the mask showed greed.

That's right, he is a trainer who does some shady activities in the mine. From the third day, he has been observing the Tianji people, and from the rich mines, he has estimated the harvest of the Tianji people.

Of course, it is impossible for him to grab it hard. He only has the strength of an ordinary middle class. Although he has 5 elves on his body, he can't beat as many elves as Tianji and several others. !

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