Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 266: special pangman

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This pangolin was exceptionally short in size, although it evolved to the point that it was actually similar to an ordinary pangolin, even smaller, and of course faster.

"Shashasha~" I saw it dig deep into the ground and disappeared.

Otherwise, the thief had a spiritual contract with it, and he wouldn't even be able to find the traces of the King of the Mountains traversing quickly underground.

Because from the ground, there is no shaking at all. As a habitual thief, this King of Mountains is his trump card.

"Patta, Patta~" I saw that it soon came to Tianji's tent, and the Heruga and mice not far away were not aware of it.

It walked to the two backpacks little by little, and soon its claws were very close.

"Hmm~" Ning Hui, who was suddenly asleep, suddenly turned over, and two large watermelons pressed against it instantly.

"Ku! Kuga~" The Chuanshan King was caught off guard and fell down on the front. Fortunately, its soft abdomen was in contact with the big watermelon. If it was the back, it was estimated that Ninghui had leaked directly.

"Ku, Ku~" Chuanshan Wang didn't dare to struggle violently, and climbed out with a little difficulty, because there was still some liquid left on the watermelon, so it climbed fairly quickly under the aid of sliding.

"Uh~ Pippi, don't be a fool." Ning Hui also noticed the movement in her chest, and cried out in her sleep, thinking that it was Pippi who was released to sleep with her after the war, and stuffed the mountain king who had just climbed out.

"Kuga~" The petite Pangshan King looked desperate and could only try to get up again.

"Pi~" But at this time, Pippi, who was really sleeping beside him, woke up. As an elf, it was still very sensitive to the master's call. After rubbing its eyes, it suddenly became surprised.

"Pippi!" Who are you a mouse! How in the arms of my trainer!

"Kuga!" The King of Mountains, who knew that he was exposed, didn't care about hiding anything, so he accelerated his speed and climbed out of the big watermelon, and he just wanted to drill down.

"Pippi! Papapa~" However, the angry Pippi slapped him a few times because he was a step ahead.

This Chuanshan King is very petite and special, and its real strength is only the appearance of a freshman high-ranking. In addition, he just came out of the oppression and did not respond, and was directly slapped by Pippi's serial slaps. On specialized soundproof and shockproof tents.

"cao! Dare to take advantage of my woman, Jenny Turtle, Spiral Water Gun!"

As a veteran trainer with rich field experience, Tianji woke up when Pippi called for the first time, and saw the Chuanshan Wang who was beaten and flew out. Although it was a little strange why it was so small, he still took it with him. Jenny Turtle released and commanded.

"Jenny~Jenny! Huh!" The jenny turtle was still a little puzzled when it came out, but after hearing Tianji's order, it immediately aimed at the shadow that was staggering and was about to escape, and used a spiral water gun.

"Bang~" The water gun accurately hit the mountain king who wanted to dig a hole and escape.

Knowing its own family affairs, it is also good at doing things like stealing chickens and dogs. When it comes to frontal combat, it may not even be able to beat a normally developed pangolin. So after being discovered, its first reaction is to burrow into the ground and run.

"Kuga~(?_?)?" But I didn't expect the target to react so quickly. He was hit by Pippi's serial slaps in front of him, and now he was hit by a spiral water gun, and he lost his fighting ability immediately after screaming.

"Ah!" It was only a minute of battle, but the little maid woke up. Seeing that there was still a little liquid left on the special mountain king, she didn't understand what happened, and immediately let out a scream.

"Okay, Ninghui, it has been resolved, clean up a little, there should be an enemy."

Tianji, who had already tried to subdue it with the Poké Ball, immediately comforted the frightened little maid, and then he carried this special mountain king and walked out of the tent.

"Heruga, mouse speed search around to see if there are other hidden enemies!"

After saying a word to the two elves on duty, he also released Bibi Bird, dumbfounded.

"Bibi Niao, Duan Hua, you should also pay attention to your vigilance, there are enemy attacks!"



Unlike the Jenny Turtle, who was still a little sleepy at first, Bibi Bird and Koudouhua are both seasoned fighters. Hearing Tianji's words, their eyes immediately sharpened, and they carefully guarded their surroundings.

"Wang Wang~" He Lujia also saw the special mountain king in Tian Ci's hand. He didn't understand that he was being tricked. He cried out angrily, and smelled the enemy's traces on the ground.

"Kuga!" The mouse also showed its claws and made a fighting stance.

Hai Xingxing, who had just returned, saw this scene and understood that he had fallen for a trick, and immediately released all his mental power to start detecting.

"What's the matter, what's the matter, Brother Tian Ci!" The other two tents also heard the movement, but the sound insulation inside and outside was not completely soundproof, and it was difficult to achieve 100% sound insulation. After being awakened, he ran out immediately and released all the elves in the pokeball.

"There was a little thief who got into my tent. But it has been subdued. It is estimated that he wants to steal our space backpack! Its trainer must be nearby!"

Tian Ci heard the two people's questions, and Yang Yang's special form of the mountain king said to the two.

"Okay, let's go to both sides to look for it!" Hearing Tianci say this, the two also understood, and immediately began to divide their labor to find the enemy's traces.

But on the other hand, as a habitual criminal who has never been caught, he ran away when he received the information about the spiritual contract from the King of the Mountains.

"Damn, damn, it's a big loss!" He ran and complained that he was so greedy, but it was only a million or two million. He knew that those people were not easy to provoke, so why couldn't he control himself and just want to start!

One or two million is a big deal to steal those miners, and if you steal a few more people, you will get together! Now it's good that I haven't earned anything, and I have also lost the trump card that I have been stealing all the time.

However, if you want to catch him, you will definitely not be able to catch him. He has already run for a long time. When necessary, a strong man can break his wrist. It is still possible for people like him.

There have been cases of thieves being discovered before, and then abandoning the elf and running away. After all, he is not a thief, but this time he lost his ace elf, which made him heartache, but it was better than being caught!



"Beep beep~"

Because the thief broke his wrist for the first time, the three elves in the team who were good at reconnaissance did not gain much, but Helujia used his sense of smell to smell the king of the mountain in Wen Tianci's hand, and found the thief's previous hiding place But unfortunately, the thief had run far away by that time, so he couldn't catch it at all.

"Forget it, I don't blame you, this Mountain King is different from ordinary elves. It's special."

Seeing the black Luga and the mice who were admitting their mistakes, including the low mood from the starfish that they had just received, Tianji and the others comforted them.

To tell the truth, this mountain king is really strange. It is obviously an evolutionary form, but its strength is only barely at the high level of the freshman, and its body is very petite, but the hidden aura is really powerful.

The few people who had woken up at this time gathered around to discuss this mountain king. Of course, most of the opinions and opinions were based on the stone. After all, he raised two, and he was also proficient in this attribute.

"Brother Tian Ci, this King of Mountains should have been born with dysplasia or a genetic defect when it was in the egg."

I saw that Stone came to his conclusion after a careful inspection.

"Oh, is it possible that it was cultivated by a special cultivation method? You must know that its hidden talent is very strong."

Hearing Shishi's words, Tian Ci still reluctantly asked, although this King of Mountains is not strong, it can even be said to be weak, but in certain situations it is definitely very effective!

If he can master the cultivation method of this type of mountain king, he will undoubtedly have another trump card in his hand!

"It's not very likely. I saw its development. It's very healthy. The development of the backstab and the claws may have been cultivated in a specific way, but the overall shape should be so petite at the beginning."

Seeing that Tian Chi still had hope, Shi Shi shook his head and began to explain.

"So, let's treat it a little bit, and let the rats, the mice ask."

Xiaoling interjected at this time, she also understood the special features of this type of elves, so she didn't give up until the Yellow River and wanted to try again.

"Well, let's do it." Shitou had no objection to this, and nodded in agreement. If Bodhisattva really has a special way of cultivating, he is also happy, knowing that he has two mountain kings.

"Hiss~" Then Tanji took out a bottle of special healing spray from his backpack and began to process it.

"Ku~Kuga~" The petite Chuanshan Wang slowly woke up as his injuries improved, but when he opened his eyes, he found two tall fellows standing in front of him, so frightened that he hurriedly closed his eyes and pretended to be faint.

"Crack!" The mouse obviously didn't like this little thief who almost caused losses to the team. Even if it was of the same clan, he slapped it directly.

"Ku, Kuga!" The thief, explain honestly! How are you so small! Or kill you!

"Kuga! Ku!" The rat also showed off his sharp claws in a demonstration, and then slammed into the ground with a "puchi".

"Kuku~ku..." The petite Pangshan King glanced at the paws of the rat and the mouse with envy and fear, and began to say it word by word.

During the period, Shitou also asked the rats and mice to repeat some questions to ask. The petite Pangshan Wang also answered all questions. Maybe he realized that he was abandoned, and his mood was very low.

After all, it didn't see his master at all, but he didn't expect this day to be so fast. Before, it saw that many of its companions were directly abandoned after the incident. He thought that as long as he was obedient, as the most stealing technology A strong trump card should be able to stay by the side of this trainer who doesn't dislike it, but he didn't expect it to be abandoned at the end of the day.

"Bang~" After asking for dozens of minutes, after figuring out the situation, the rat directly knocked out this special Pangshan King again, and dragged it aside, while Shitou was talking to a few people about the results just now.

"Cough~ Sure enough, the size of this pangolin is innate. It said that it was more than half smaller than the average pangolin when it was born, and its strength increased very slowly. At that time, the people of the ethnic group always bullied it, so it ran directly. Out.

But the only advantage is that it hides its aura, and it has a particularly strong ability to fluctuate in energy, so it is still hiding in the mines and surviving. "

Hearing this, Tianji felt a little familiar. This seems to be the strange-colored elves mentioned in the previous life animation! Although this mountain king is not a different color, it is a special type of elves, and he also has unique talents!

It's a pity that it was subdued and can't be used by myself, but it can also be sold to the Rockets. Special elves like this should have a high price!

On the other side, Shi Shi continued to tell the story of the petite Chuanshan King.

"Then it stole from its trainer, and its trainer is also a habitual thief, so I caught it, I liked it very much, cultivated it, and then it evolved into a mountain king, burrowing and other The ability to hide has become stronger, so he continues to follow its owner to become a thief, relying on its ability to succeed again and again."

After he finished speaking, Shitou looked at the petite Mountain King who was in a coma with a pity.

If it was him to train, he would not waste the talent of this child, a proper assassin template, as long as he is willing to spend resources, the ordinary level is not a problem, he has also tested the aptitude of this king of mountains, and it can be said that it is good. Very good!

At that time, the rats and mice will attract feints from the front, and this king of the mountain will be killed in one hit.

But it is a pity that this mountain king has been raised and abandoned. Its owner has cultivated it a little better, and has not invested any resources at all, even when it evolves, so its potential is greatly damaged.

In addition, this mountain king stubbornly believed that its owner was very good to it. It may be because of his miserable childhood, so he was unwilling to obey his own orders and resisted it very much. There is a high probability that he would kill and sell the materials.

Because of the spiritual contract, the thief has not been released at all, so the ordinary Poke Ball can't conquer it at all, and the Pokemon that has already been subdued will not have the effect of reversing intimacy and cognition if it is contracted again.

Therefore, this petite mountain king, carrying it alive, is completely a burden. It would be good if it could be included in the Poké Ball, but there is someone else's contract, so that even the Poké Ball can't be included, and it can only be taken care of by the Pokémon. .

Otherwise, they would go directly out of the moon, but they didn't plan to go out, so it was very cumbersome and tasteless, so they could only kill them.

"It can only be killed~" After the stone finished speaking~www.wuxiamtl.com~ came to a conclusion.

"En." Xiaoling had no objection and nodded.

"Okay, Ninghui, go and kill it!"

Tian Ci didn't have any opinions on the surface, but Tian Ci, who had an idea in his heart, handed over the task to Ning Hui, who was silent next to him.

Pulling her to the other side, he secretly took out a black Poké Ball from his backpack, as well as a Poké Ball with a pangolin, handed it to her, and winked at her.

"Okay~ Master." Ning Hui knew the identity of Team Tianci's Rocket Team, and she understood what to do with her, so she nodded and started to deal with it.

Xiaoling and Shitou also doubted that he was there, but being Tianji also had to exercise the psychological quality of their maids.

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