Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 264: on the mine

PS: For the sake of fire, 233 bosses and book friends who have been supporting me add more!

Along the way, a few people walked in the direction of the No. 2 mine, and the elves they encountered were getting bigger and bigger, and Pippi also encountered a few.

I have to say that the contract is really powerful. I said before that the subdued elves will not be relentless even if they face their own kin under the order of the trainer!

Ninghui's Pippi is no exception. The few Pippi encountered along the way were all stunned by it with a series of slaps. Even if it was an ordinary Pippi, it would roar at the opponent's inability to fight. With two slaps, Tian Ci always felt that Ninghui's Pippi had some strange hobbies!

Because I had been going to the No. 2 mine, it didn't take long for a few people to come to the mine. There were people from the Wu Neng family guarding here. After showing them the mission certificate, a few people left. go in.

It can be seen that the mine is inlaid with fluorescent stone all around, and the stone walls are also full of potholes. It looks like an old mine.

In fact, the same is true for these top-ranked mines, because they were dug early and there are many people, so the places with ore are in relatively deep places, and the danger is not very big. Ordinary high-level elves are rare. , Most of them are freshmen level, ordinary low-level two categories.

"Come out, Rumble Stone!" As soon as he came here, Stone called out his initial elf, after all, this is its home court.

"Hey Cha~" As soon as Long Long Shi came out, he happily greeted his companions around him.

"Come out too, mouth dumb flower! Bibi Bird, please come back first."

Tianji also released the more dominant Kouduhua, and took back Bibibird, who could only fly at a low altitude.

As for Heruga, it's fine to put it outside, but a scout wizard is still needed.

"Moo!" Kou Dianhua shouted happily as soon as he came out. Although Tianji and the others had already replaced them with more comfortable luxury balls, they were accustomed to following the trainers when they were young, and they obviously preferred them. outside environment.

"Jenny~Jenny~" Jenny Turtle also came over and said hello to the big brother in the team.

"Moo, swah~swah~" Seeing this little guy, Koudouhua immediately stretched out two vines to tie up the jenny turtle and began to play on the swing.

"Jenny, Jenny~?ω?" The little guy was obviously very happy.

"Wang u~" Heeluga next to him glanced enviously. When he was a child, when he was still Dai Ruby, Big Koudouhua also played with him like this, but now that he has grown up, he is embarrassed.

"Okay, okay, we're going to mine."

After letting all the elves play and communicate for a while, Tianji clapped his hands and signaled that he could leave.

"Well, Lung Lung Shi, you can carefully sense the ore, you are also the mouse, and you are responsible for guarding around the rat! You follow us next to the bag dragon."

Hearing Tianci say this, all the elves also stopped and started to stand in line with each other, among which the stone was the main force, so its elves all stood in the outermost circle.

"Hey Cha~"

"Kujia~ku~" After all the elves of the stone agreed, they began to divide their work and stations.

"Tatata~" Then several people each took a few hoes and walked slowly to the depths of the mine.

Originally, a large section of the road ahead was quite calm, but the more you got inside, the more elves grew, and some would avoid far away, but some would rush up without knowing their lives, or Tianzi took the initiative to find them.

For example, the first two pangolins with nowhere to escape were caught directly by Koudouhua with vines after they were discovered, and they were used as training objects for the two little ones.

The mountain rat, who knew that it couldn't escape, was forced to fight. The two rushed towards the Jenny Turtle and Pippi together, with white lights on their claws.

"Jenny Turtle, shrink the shell, block it!" For this move, Tianji immediately asked the Jackie Turtle to defend.

Because these two mountain mice were only freshman elves, Tianji had no intention of letting other elves intervene.

In this way, the Jenny Turtle must be part-time defensive.

"Pippi, the voice of enchantment!" Ning Hui also shouted from the side, letting Pippi use the voice of enchantment to influence the actions of the two mountain mice.

Otherwise, the fast pangolins, the water gun of the jenny turtle might not be able to hit them.

"Bang Bang~" The claws of the two pangolins hit the tortoise shell of the jenny, and did not cause any major damage.

"Pippi~pi~" When they were about to pull back and use long-range attacks, a very nice song rang in their ears.

I have to say that this Pippi has a good fighting talent. At the beginning, using the voice of charm will affect the teammates next to him, but after training the energy control in the past few days, this kind of thing will not happen again.

"Ku~ku~" The two mountain mice couldn't help humming along, and their spirits were also in a trance.

"It's now, the Jenny Turtle!" Seeing this scene, Tianji immediately let the Jenny Turtle get out of the tortoise shell and attack!

"Jenny! 咻咻~" The jenny turtle got out immediately after hearing the words, and it was two spiral water guns that hit the two pangolins in front of him.

"Bang Bang~" The pangolins that were shot and flew out by the water gun fell to the ground, and the nasty water energy made them uncomfortable.

"Pursue the victory, use the foam!" How could it be possible to wait for the opponent to stand up and then fight, and let the Jenny Turtle beat the drowning rat directly, which is the right way!

"Jenny, gulugulu~" The fighting habits are all the jenny turtles taught by Tianji, and there is no samurai spirit. Hearing this, several bubbles were spit out at the pangolins on the ground.

"Ku! Kuga(?_?)?" After receiving a water gun and a foam, the two pangolins lost their ability to fight.

"Pippi~" Seeing the end of the battle, Pippi immediately walked to the side of the Jenny Turtle, aimed at the scratches on its shell, and used Healing Wave.

"Wow~" After a burst of milky white light waves, the tortoise shell on the Jenny Turtle became shiny again.

"Yes, yes, Ninghui, you Pipi is not only good at fighting, but also more and more proficient in healing fluctuations."

Seeing this scene, Tian Ci couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

"It's all master, you trained well." Ninghui also had a smile on her face when she praised Tianzi, but she still humbly gave the credit to Tianzi.

"Hahaha, okay, come and deal with it together."

After receiving the two mountain mice into the Poké Ball, they tested their aptitudes and they were all general, and after they had no sales value, Tian Chi said to Ninghui.

"Okay, okay, master." Although Tianci has consciously cultivated Ninghui's ability to handle corpses over the past two years, she doesn't know if it was the influence of the previous incident. Two years later, she still responds a little bit.

But Tian Chi won't get used to her psychological problem. As long as there is a chance, let her get started. Now it is much better than before.

After all, he must be in the wild for a long time, and that logistics that can't even accept this **** scene will inevitably drag him down, this is absolutely not possible!

"Shut up~" The two pangolins were quickly dealt with, but Ning Hui couldn't help retching at the end.

"Ninghui, you have to get used to it as soon as possible. I didn't force you to do this, but there will be more and bloodier scenes like this in the future, so I want you to get used to it in advance."

Seeing the pale maid, Tanji explained it again.

"I, I understand, Master." Ning Hui patted her chest and calmed down her body before replying with a smile.

"Well." He also nodded to this, this kind of psychological problem, he had no other way, he could only force her to reverse it.

"Tadata~" After a small episode, several people continued on the road.

"Hey cha ~ cha ~" suddenly Lung Lung Shi called out, and pointed to the left side with his finger.

"Longlongshi said that there may be mineral veins over there, let's go and see."

Hearing Long Long Shi's cry, Shi Shi's face was overjoyed, and after translating it, he told a few people.

"Okay, then let's go!" Tianci and the others had no opinion, and they had to go a little further, but they didn't expect to find it so quickly.


"Hoo~ I'm so tired!"

However, when they walked for a short distance, they heard mining sounds and human voices coming from the front.

"Uh... it seems that someone is there." After the few people stopped, Shi Shi said awkwardly.

"Friends in the back, this is the mine area where I stood first, please keep walking inside!"

At this time, a thick middle-aged male voice came from a distance.


"Hey Cha!"

A rumbling stone and a mountain king also came out of the shadows, watching several people warily.

"Hey cha~" At this moment, it seemed that he had received some information. The rumbling stone took out a dozen ores of relatively good quality from the specially-made large ore basket at the rear and threw it over.

"My friends, these are just money for a free trip, and please give me a face. There are still many mines with no one in the back."

Perhaps it was through the contract that he received feedback from his own elves, knowing that Tianji had many people and his strength was not weak, so he took the initiative to send some benefits.

At the same time, in the mine at the back, a middle-aged man dressed as a miner also looked nervously ahead, and the other mountain king beside him was also ready for battle.

In the mines, it is very common to rob the mining area. Although there are quite a lot of unmanned mining areas, after all, you have to find and clean up the surrounding wild elves. How can it be convenient to directly rob others.

Even deeper, there are occasional direct hunts of miner trainers.

Therefore, in deeper places, the miners who are not strong enough do not dare to go there alone, and often 3-4 people go in together, and the corresponding harvest is not much higher, although the deeper mines are richer and more valuable. , but a few people are divided into one point, in fact, it is almost the same.

As for the benefit of this initiative, Shitou looked at Tian Ci hesitantly. After following Tian Ci for more than two years, he was not a rude person. Looking at Tian Ci, he meant whether to take the mining area directly instead of accepting it. Do not accept these dozen ores.

After all, this place is not too dangerous. Judging from the ore given, the ore deposits are also OK.

"Put away the ore, let's keep going inside."

Tian Ci shook his head, let the stone put away the ore, and gave up the plan to **** the mining area.

Although he was sure to grab this mining area, Tian Chi didn't plan to take the initiative to challenge the mine when he first came to the mine. Since there are still many unmanned mining areas, let's explore it first.

"Thank you friend for letting me know, then we will say goodbye first!"

After letting the stone collect the ore, Tianji shouted from a distance, and then slowly retreated with a few people.

"Phew~" In front of the stone wall, the middle-aged miner finally relaxed after receiving the message from the elves ahead and Tianji's voice.

He was nervous to death. As a mining trainer in the middle, he couldn't deal with that group of people at all. If the other party really wanted to grab it, he would retreat very honestly. After all, life is important!

"Fortunately, although I have given away almost 10,000 yuan, it is worth it to let them let me go, Chuanshan Wang, we have to work harder!"

After wiping his cold sweat, the middle-aged miner muttered a few words to himself, then turned his head and said to the mountain king next to him.

"Kuga!" Chuanshan Wang smiled at his trainer, and then he showed his claws and started digging.

Why did Tianci say that the stone is suitable for the mine, because his elf equipment is almost the same as those of these miners, Rumbling Stone + two Mountain Kings, Rumbling is the main sensor, and the King of Mountains is here to help dig together, and the combat power is not weak, at least clean up The elves in the mines are still okay.

Then they walked in for a distance, and in the middle they encountered a few waves of wild elves and a wave of miners. Those waves of wild elves were quickly resolved, and the two groups of miners passed by very tacitly. .

Looking at the bulging space backpacks on their bodies, they knew that they must have stayed in it for a long time before they were willing to go out to supply supplies and sell ores.

"Brother Tianci! There is no one here, and Ronglongshi said that it is quite rich."

Finally, they came to a deserted mine and snow area, Shi Shi said excitedly.

"Uh~ there are no people, but there are a bunch of elves, and there is a snake."

Seeing the pair of eyes that lit up because he sensed the enemy, Tianji said helplessly.

"Roar~" I saw a roar from a huge rock snake in front of me, which was a threat to invade my territory!

As rocks and ground elves, they also have to eat, and this mine is a resource point for them to obtain food and strengthen themselves. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Therefore, if human beings want to dig stones, they are digging the foundation for their survival. This is a life-and-death battle for survival, and a fierce conflict is bound to break out!

"Prepare to fight! Everyone!" Tianji didn't take the threat of the big rock snake to heart. As the overlord of this place, he was just an ordinary mid-section. They succumb to the pangolins.

But that's because they didn't encounter any spirits with restrained attributes. In front of grass-type and water-type spirits, such a large body was just a living target.

"You use the heavy collapse together, or the magnitude!"

Stone also nodded and said to the elves under his command.

"Dong dong!" "Bang!" Several elves under his command nodded, and they used a combination of earthquakes!

"Boom-Long-Long~" The power of the moves created by several elves has completely reached the power of an earthquake, and I saw the ground vibrate violently quickly!

Of course, relying on the special formation of the Yuejian Mountains, the mine will not collapse.

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