Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 263: Battle with Nido 1 on the mountain

PS: For the reward of the popular 233 bosses!

Of course, for Xiaoling, he still depends on Xiaoling's own thoughts at that time. If the gym owner in Hualan City really likes her and offers generous conditions, if she wants to go, Tianci will not stop her.

He believed that with more than two years of getting along, there was still an intimate relationship. As long as the girl was not forcibly brainwashed, he should remember him well after he became stronger.

After a night's rest, a few people walked up to Yuejian Mountain with the elves.

Maybe it's because this road is the only way to go to Yuejian Mountain. There are many people coming and going, so although it is in the wild, he really hasn't seen a few wild elves, and he arrived very smoothly. Entrance to Mount Tsukimami.

"Da'er, you just went out to sell the ore, and then you came back and didn't accompany your wife and children?"

"What do you want to accompany him? Giving him an initial elf with good qualifications is the love for him. I will work hard to mine!"

"Yes, yes, Yuejianshan is really a treasure!"

"I heard that it was digging thousands of years ago, and it's not finished yet!"


As soon as they came to the entrance, they saw a dark crowd and noisy discussions.

"My God! How profitable is this!" Shitou was startled when he saw so many people waiting to enter Yuejian Mountain.

There are about 60 people at this entrance, that is, more than 600,000. They have not done anything. They collect money here, and the Wu Neng family has received more than 600,000!

Moreover, Yuejian Mountain is very large. It is said to be a mountain, but it is actually a rolling mountain range. The Wuneng family has made dozens of toll entrances like this, and this is tens of millions of income every day!

Legend has it that there were not so many mountains in the first place, but after being built by the Wuneng family's successive kings and gym-level powerhouses, they have the current scale. of.

Of course, others didn't go in either. They were going out on the same day. They usually brought supplies. They only came out when their supplies were exhausted or their backpacks were full.

The thief's Wuneng family did not set up material points or recycle shops in Yuejian Mountain at all, so they could only come out to supply supplies, and the nearest surrounding is Xiaoshan Town, so even though Xiaoshan Town is relatively small, its annual income is still considerable. of.

"Brother Tian Ci, didn't they think of sneaking into such a big mountain range?"

Xiaoling also looked at this large mountain in surprise and asked secretly.

"Cough~ There are high-tech drones patrolling around the house, and they also keep a lot of giant stinger bees as vigilance, not to mention you believe that such a large resource point, there is no powerful elves to take care of it~"

When Tianji heard this question, he also answered in a low voice.

Before he came here, he had done his homework, and if he dared to sneak in, 99 percent of them were caught, and all the money was confiscated. You will also be caught afterwards and fined more than 500,000! You will not be allowed to re-enter for 3 years!

In this piece of Nibi City, the Wu Neng family is heaven, not to mention that this is a resource point for others. If you sneak in and get caught, even the laws of the alliance are on the Wu Neng family's side.

A group of ordinary miner trainers can't imagine the Wu Neng family, the heritage of a thousand-year-old family!

Of course, in front of Team Rocket, the thousand-year-old family is probably not enough to see, because he learned from the special computer that Team Rocket's base is around here, under the eyes of others' resource points, and he browsed the local tasks and found that almost It's all about Mount Moon!

It's equivalent to secretly scouring the wool of the Wu Neng family!

But it may just be the reason for a sub-base. Although he is scouring the wool, he does not dare to be too open and aboveboard. The task is to collect some less important resources.

Anyway, I have to go in, so Tianji also picked up a few alliance missions by the way.

"Oh, so that's the case, but they really make money!"

After Xiaoling and Shitou heard it, they also dispelled their thoughts of taking advantage of the petty advantage, nodded, and looked at the person who charged the entrance with envy.

After the next few people each paid 10,000 tickets, they entered.

Perhaps it is precisely because of the model that the elves are in charge of elves. Along the way, Tianji really feels that he has come to the primitive mountains. There are lush and big trees everywhere, and dense grasses, if there is not a guide card from time to time. , and the map in his hand, he was really afraid that he would get lost in it.

And it is precisely because of this that after walking a short distance, they can't see anyone other than themselves. It is obvious that dozens of people have come in from this entrance and before and after them, but after a few corners, they are scattered. , no one else can be seen around.

"It's really big, Yuejian Mountain is indeed the foundation for the survival of the Wu Neng family!"

Tian Ci also sighed about this. He felt that the Wu Neng family was really smart. Maybe the resources of Yuejian Mountain were limited at the beginning, and there might only be one or two mountains in the area, which could only be developed by the family for more than 100 years.

However, the Wu Neng family did not exhaust the water to fish, but instead invested while developing, and abruptly managed Yuejian Mountain for thousands of years, leaving behind a resource point that is enough to be handed down to the world.

Elf tribes can be scattered and cultivated, and they will gradually prosper on various hilltops, and the mines, Tianzi estimates that they can also be cultivated, maybe in addition to the huge moon stone, there are other handed down treasures in Yuejian Mountain, such as rock Essence mother ore, earth core stone and other rare treasures that can evolve into ore veins!

Of course, it may also be the extra effect of the huge moon stone. After all, in the anime he watched in his previous life, such a big moon stone definitely surpassed the best! Some extra magic is also normal.

On the way, maybe because it was close to the entrance, I didn't encounter any elves. As the road here became more and more difficult to walk, there were more and more gravel and weeds, and the elves finally increased. is one of their targets, Nidolan and Nidolan!

Of course, this is their goal, and for this purpose, they must defeat Nidorino and Nidona who are standing in front of their own children!

"Nijia~" Nidorino's body is the same purple as Nidorang, but the spikes on his body are sharper and his limbs are stronger. If Nidorino is an immature child, then Nidorino is The burly strong man was screaming at them threateningly at this time.

"Nido~" As a mother, Nidona is not to be outdone. Her whole body is light blue and her ears are wider and rounder than the male Nidorino, and the spikes on her body are compared to her daughter Nido, who has not grown much. Lan, is also a lot longer.

These two are only at the low level of ordinary strength. They are obviously newly married couples who have just evolved. They were taking their two cubs out for an outing when they were blocked by Bibi Niao at the door of their house. But in front of the child, he can only bear it hard.

"Ready! Jenny Turtle, screw water gun, attack the two little ones."

Tianci glanced at the Nido family who were slowly on their backs, and immediately shouted, and at the same time let the Jenny Turtle shoot!

"Pippi, the voice of enchantment! Take control of Nidoran for the time being, Nidoran!"

"Mudshot, Swamp Jump, target Nidolan, Nidolan!"

"Rush up, Thong Long, high-five surprise attack!"

Seeing that Tianci made a move, the other three immediately commanded.

"Jenny~ Wow~" Jenny's cheeks slammed, and a water gun shot at Nidoran.

"Wang Wang~" Nidolang wanted to hide, but suddenly a song of "Pi~pi" reached his ears, causing him to squat.

"Nah!" For this unsatisfactory son, Nido Lino had no choice but to stand in front of the water gun. The sharp purple corner lit up with white light, and a horn knocked off the water gun.

But what Tian second wanted was that the two of them had to defend, because the real killer was still behind.

"咻咻咻~" I saw that after the water gun passed, one after another of mud shot at them quickly.

"Hey duo~" At this time, Nidona stood up and shot one after another of poisonous targets.

"Bang bang bang ~" Although it was offset a lot, it is a pity that Nidona obviously did not go through many battles, and many mud bullets still hit the Nido family.

"What! What!" For a while, the four of them were all mourning because of the annoying ground-based energy, and there was mud that blinded their eyes and affected their sight.

"Roar~ snap!" But it wasn't over yet, and finally the Tsack Dragon rushed up, and the two huge claws went up to face Nidorino, Nidona and his wife, each with a big ear!

"Bang~" Both elves were knocked to the ground by the huge force.

"Wow!" Nidolang's bark was indeed like a puppy when he was a child, and he shivered with the double kick that his father had just taught him to the behemoth in front of him!

"Hey!" Nidoran next to him also used the double kick together with the encouragement of his brother.

"Hoo! Bang Bang~" For the attack of the two little guys, Tsacron directly blocked the attack with white light claws, and then knocked the two babies who were just in the middle of the newborn level to the ground, and then continued to clean up Dolino went.

It's better to leave these two to fellow freshman-level companions, since it has heard the order coming from behind.

"Jenny Turtle, Bubble!"

"Pippi, rush up! Serial slaps!"

How could one give up such a chance to find a leak? Seeing Nidoran and Nidolan who were photographed falling to the ground, Tianji and Ninghui immediately let the two elves rush up.

"Shhh~ bang!" On the other side, the bag dragon came to Nidolino's side, facing the opponent who had just stood up, under the order of the stone, with two quick punches.

"What~" With continuous punches, Nidolino, who had just stood up, was beaten to the ground again.

"Roar~" Baolong shouted excitedly, it loves the silk scarf given by the stone so much, and it feels that the power of the moves is much greater!

"Swamp jumper, mud bomb!" At the same time, Xiaoling was directing the swamp jumper to deal with the female Nidona.

Because of the many times of mud shooting, the Swamp Leap finally realized the mud bomb in the past few days, but although the power is more powerful, the target head and the speed are still faster.

Of course, this is the reason why it has not been specially trained. As long as you use it more and train more, you can still improve it and replace the mud shooting.

"Oh~ Duo~" Nidona just stood up staggeringly at this time, so Xiaoling asked Marsh Yueyu to use this trick.

"Swish swish~" Marsh Leaping Fish immediately began to rub the mud ball and threw it over. It can be clearly seen that the mud ball is hollow, and the ground energy is hidden in it, and it will explode when touched, so it is called a mud bomb!

"What! Huuuuuu!" When Nidona stood, the mud ball was already close at hand, and it hurriedly fired poison needles in an attempt to resist.

"Bang Bang Bang ~" Unfortunately, as soon as the poison needle touched the mud ball, the unstable bomb exploded directly in front of it.

"What!" Nidona was blasted out again, covered in mud!

"Give it the last blow, the screw water gun!" Seeing Nidona covered in mud, Xiaoling decided to help her wash it, otherwise the harvest would be too dirty, and at the same time, it would be killed directly!

"Hey, huh~" Marsh Yueyu was also very happy when he saw that his new move was effective, nodded, and slammed his cheeks, and a quick water gun shot straight away.

"Bang~niduo(?_?)?" Being hit by the water gun again, Nidona finally lost her fighting ability.

"Little Ling, I'll trouble you to harvest the spoils, and I'll take the two little ones."

Seeing that it was all over, Tanji said immediately.

"Oh!" Xiaoling nodded, picked up the dagger and walked towards Nidona. She had already seen that Brother Stone was already dealing with Nidorino's body, so she couldn't be too slow.

"Jenny, Jenny!"


When Tianzi took the Poke Ball and walked to the two little ones, Nidoran and Nidolan, Jenny Turtle and Pippi were happy to ask him and Ninghui behind him.

It can be seen that Nidolan is okay, but he lost his fighting ability. After all, Nidolan was miserable, his face was red and swollen again, and it was obvious that Pippi used a serial slap fan to get on the ground again.

"Okay, well done, Jenny Turtle, Pippi!"

After giving a simple compliment to the two little ones, he took out the Poké Ball and started to subdue them. It cost a total of 5 Poké Balls. After subduing the two, he put Nidoran's Poké Ball on the picture book, and the machine immediately became cold. The sound played out the information about Nidoran.

"Genie: Nidoran

Attribute: Poison

Ability: Stinger

Category: Poison Needle Elves

Height: 0.53m

Weight: 9.6kg

Explanation:\tThe ears are large and flap like wings when listening to distant sounds. When angry, it will release poisonous needles, and the muscles that affect the ears are also very developed~www.wuxiamtl.com~ You can turn the ears to any direction at will. It's a spirit that won't miss no matter how small a voice is.

Qualification: general medium

Strength: Freshman mid-section

Status: Seriously injured

Cultivation plan: Nidoran can train his body a lot, as well as the stinger on his body..."

After such a test, it turned out that he was an ordinary person, not the emperor of Europe. The mission required good qualifications. The first time I encountered this one obviously did not meet the requirements, so I could only keep it for sale.

Immediately after that, I tested Nidolan, and my classmates are also ordinary Nido families with ordinary qualifications.

"Let's go, Shitou, Xiaoling, both of them are general talents!"

After putting away the Poké Ball, Tianji touched the head of Heluga's dog next to him, and shouted to the two of them.

"Come on!" The two of them also speeded up their speed and quickly dealt with it. After handing it to Tianji, they set off, and there were some wreckage and bloodstains left on the gravel ground...

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