Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 257: Under the gym

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"This game is won by Aoki Taji from Aoki Town!"

After the referee glanced at Fujito, who had already conceded defeat, he announced the result of the game, and at the same time handed a rock gym badge and a rock-breaking skill ball to Tianji.

"Thank you~" Tian Ci put away his things, said thanks, put away his mouth and walked back to the contestant area.

"Moo-moo~" When Kou Dianhua was withdrawn, he was still a little dissatisfied, and I hadn't enjoyed the cheers yet.

"Cheers to you hammer, those people are going to shout for refunds again."

Tanji patted the trembling Elf Ball and said.

"Refund! Refund!"

"Both games were conceded in a while! Shady!"

"Why did you just admit defeat! How dare you!"


"Double-mouthed flowers are so strong!"

"Today's challenger has something~"

"Shadow, Shady!"

Sure enough, there were a lot of shouting voices from the stands, most of them questioning how the Gym Challenge was so casually admitting defeat, and only a few people were discussing the power of Duan Hua, but it didn't take a while for this to happen. Sporadic voices were drowned out.

"Om~" Hearing these voices, the dumbfounded Poké Ball trembled, and stopped clamoring for it to come out.

"Moo~" This audience is too bad, what a shady story, obviously I am too strong, they have to admit defeat!

After Koudouhua passed a message to Tianci through the spiritual contract, she drew circles in the pokeball depressingly.

"Okay, okay, you're the strongest!" Through the transparent material, seeing the depressed expression inside the mouth, Tian Ci smiled dotingly, and said a few words of comfort.

"The next challenge will be the third challenge, please come on stage."

Hearing the miscellaneous fish in the stands shouting for refunds, the referee still ignored them.

One ticket can watch three games, I am not satisfied, what else do you want, besides, the challenger is too strong to blame us!

"Tadata~" Shitou took a big step and came to the right side of the venue. His strong and burly body made the audience in the stands shine.

"Ouch! It's a big guy!"

"Muscle, muscle! Damn muscle!"

"Looking at this body type, there should be no elves that are restrained by attributes!"

"Let's have a fight with real men!"

"My blood is surging!"

By observing the shape of the stone, a group of melon eaters became excited. Most of them, as locals in Nibi City, were still unable to extricate themselves from the muscular and burly men.

"The next stage is the Gym Challenge. Murayama Shi from Aoki Town will play against the middle-level apprentice Rosen of the Rock Gym. This game adopts the 2v2 mode, without first attack, and adopts the rush attack mode. The challenger Murayama Shi has the ability to change The right of the elves!"

After the players on both sides took their places, the referee also said the rules aside.

Taking this opportunity, Shi Shi also saw his opponent. He was a bald man with a burly figure, but he was still a lot worse than himself.

"Please send elves from both players!"

After quickly explaining the rules of the game, the referee immediately asked both sides to send elves.

"Go, Rumble Stone!" As soon as the stone elf ball was thrown, he dispatched his strongest elf.

"Hey Cha~" In an instant, a huge, shiny rumble stone appeared on the battlefield.

"Hey Cha!" Surprisingly, the one sent by the gym is also a rumble stone, which is also a circle larger than the wild one, but the body surface does not have a dark luster.

"Oh oh oh! It really is a real man! Rumble Stone vs Rumble Stone!"

"The big fist of the casserole looks very cool!"

"Daddy! Rumbling Stone!"

"It seems that the rumble stone on the challenger's side is bigger and shiny!"

Seeing that there were rumbling stones on both sides, the melon-eating crowd in the stands became excited.

"The game starts!" The referee also glanced at the Longlong Stone on the side of the stone in surprise. As an internal member of the Rock Gym, he is also a trainer. He has seen many Longlong Stones. In his opinion, this Longlong Stone seems to be in In the gymnasium, it is considered one of the best, and this is nurturing.

This is also as it should be. Although most of the apprentices in the gym have no shortage of cheats, their resources are limited. It is impossible for any middle-level apprentice to compare to the crazy stone of about 10 million!

Stone is also very willing to his initial elves. Everything is based on the best cultivation cheats. He would rather suffer a little bit of hard work and let Longlong Stone use the best resources he can provide.

"Longlongshi, stomp!" As soon as the referee started speaking, Rosen tentatively attacked a move. As a trainer who also cultivated Longlongshi, he certainly understood that ground-based moves had a restraining effect on Longlongshi.

"Longlongshi, stomp!" Seeing that the opposite Longlongshi had used the stomp, the stone immediately gave an order to his own Longlongshi, if it was a man, just face it!

"Hey Cha! Boom!" I saw that the two rumbling stone fists gathered the earth-yellow energy of the earth, and slammed heavily on the ground.

"Boom~Shashasha~" I saw that the flat field suddenly swayed from a distance, and at the same time, a huge amount of dust was raised in this wave of hedging.

"This! This is the violent aesthetics of men!"

"Cool! That's it, go up!"

"Continue to rush! Rumble stone!"

Seeing this big scene, the audience in the stands were also hooked.

"Longlongshi, the stone bullets burst!" But before the smoke cleared, the stone continued to order.

In the hedging just now, the stone was confident that the long stone was not hurt. The dark and shiny skin was not just beautiful, but it was eaten by tens of thousands of rare metals.

"Hey cha~ 咻咻咻, 咻咻!" Sure enough, after the rumble stone in the sand agreed, stone bullets gathered in front of him and quickly hit the opposite rumble stone.

"Bang bang bang ~ Hey Cha ~" The long stone opposite was injured by the aftermath of the heavy tread, and stayed in place for a while in pain. Unexpectedly, the opposite side was almost unscathed, and he shot a lot of it directly in the face. A stone bullet, hit it painfully, and the stone chips fly around.

"Stone shield, rumbling stone, then rock grinding!" Rosen's face turned black when he saw this scene, and he quickly blocked his rumbling stone with a stone shield, and at the same time used rock grinding to increase his speed to fight guerrilla warfare.

Although when he first saw the appearance, he knew that the opponent was better than him, and it was estimated that he would not be able to beat it, but it was still a bit difficult to accept the fact that it was in front of him.

"Hey ca~ shuh!" The opposite Rumble Stone resisted the stone bullets, and after condensing a large stone in front of him to use it as a shield to block the following stone bullets, he hurriedly began to mobilize the energy in his body to polish his body. .

"Heh~ Rumble Stone has a small earthquake, and then Yan Yu, end it!"

Seeing the rough stone shield on the opposite side, Shi Shi smiled, and let Long Long Shi make a big move, ready to end the opposite side.

He could see that although Rosen's rumbling stone was good, it was estimated that it was better cultivated in the family faction, but compared with the rumbling stone he spent so much money on, it seemed to be worse in every aspect. A lot, so he is not going to play with the opposite, just end the battle.

"Hey Cha! Dong Dong!" Hearing Shi Shi's order, Lung Lung Shi's double fists quickly bombarded the ground twice, and instantly a feeling of shaking that was far more violent than before came over.

"Kaka~bang!" I saw that under such violent shaking, the stone shield of the opposite rumble stone cracked directly, and at the same time, some cracks appeared on its body.

"How could it be! An ordinary civilian can actually use this trick! The power is not small."

In the player area of ​​the gym, a trainer wearing a gym apprentice uniform saw this scene and muttered to himself in surprise.

Their gym has a record of this move. It is enough to combine the heavy step and the magnitude. It doesn't seem to be simple, but the timing and the physical fitness of the elves are very demanding.

You have to keep up with the stomp at the moment when the shock of the magnitude is transmitted, and it is only by bombarding the stomp at the place where the shock is most intense to achieve the effect of a small earthquake.

In the end, you also need to change your moves fast, which means that you must have excellent physical fitness to support the elves to change moves suddenly. You must know that the moment when the shock sensation peaks, the change is very fast. Swap moves to keep up.

"My iron-clad rhino was taught by the elite-level Long Longyan, and I managed to do this step. I didn't expect that a commoner could use it. It's a bit interesting."

This gymnastic disciple (elite level) just happened to be passing by, and he stopped to take a look when he saw that it was all rumbling stones. He didn't expect that he really got something. He got a little interested, so he just stopped here and continued watching. go down.

"Wah woo~ woo hoo hoo" at the same time, after knocking down the opposite rumble stone to the ground, countless small stones floated around it, and then, like a heavy rain, it crackled on the opponent who fell to the ground.

"Bang bang bang ~ Hey Cha! Cha!" Under the blow of the strong wind and rain, the Longlong Stone did not stand up again after falling to the ground, and after making two wailing roars, he lost his ability to fight.

That's right, this trick is the rock rain used by the iron armored rhinoceros that Tianci encountered before. It is a combination of invisible rock and rock blasting. The stone has been explored for more than two years.

"Fuck! That rumbling stone is so good!"

"Yeah, yeah, the fast-shooting stones really look like a heavy rainstorm!"

"It's really fun!"

"And that small earthquake is so powerful!"

The audience in the stands finally had enough eye addiction, although the end was quite fast, but this kind of frontal, fierce battle is what they want to watch!

"Damn, I didn't expect him to even learn the invisible rock!"

Rosen glanced at the stone's rumble stone, and was really envious, jealous, and hateful, his rumble stone was just groping for this trick!

As a rock-type gym, of course they have this kind of combo. After all, even the elite families in Qingmu Town have them, how can they not!

"It's interesting, I don't know if I have changed the special rock-type secrets~"

Seeing that after the small earthquake, the rumbling stone of Yanyu was used again, the gym disciple touched his chin, and was pleasantly surprised to find a good seedling.

The referee also looked at Lung Lung Shi, who looked at the stone in surprise. If someone from his own gym used these two tricks, he thought it was normal, but they were used by outsiders and defeated his own apprentice, which was a bit surprising!

"The first match was won by Murayama Ishigaki, so please send the second elf to Lawson." However, he quickly adjusted back and asked the apprentices of the gym to send the second elf as soon as possible.

After all, some rock-type cultivation secrets can be exchanged for alliance merits. These two tricks have also been circulated outside. It is normal for others to use them. It can only be said that the talent is very good.

"Go, King of Mountains!" After taking a deep breath, Rosen took back the Longlong Stone and dispatched King of Mountains with more mobility. He just didn't want to face it, and it was time to fight guerrillas.

"Come back, rumbling stone, go rat!"

Seeing that the faster Chuanshan Wang was replaced on the opposite side, Shitou also used his own rights and also replaced the Chuanshan Wang!

"Oh oh oh! The King of the Mountain vs the King of the Mountain! There's something!"

"I feel like the challenger is here to slap the face, I like it!"

"You can't do it on the front, and you can't do it with speed! Hahaha!"

Seeing that it was the same elves again, there was a commotion in the stands. Most of the people looked excited, and no one shouted for refunds!

"md! You won't really come here to slap the face." Seeing that the king of the mountain is better than himself, Rosen's face is dark, he is just an ordinary middle-level apprentice, if you want to slap the face, you have the ability to go to the high Apprentice Duan, or an elite disciple, why are you slapping him in the face when you catch him!

"Hey~ that's interesting!" The elite trainer who was hiding in the shadows was also interested.

From the appearance, he can clearly see that the mountain king of the stone is bigger than his apprentice, and the spikes on his back also glow with a cold light, and the length and sharpness of the claws are better than One chip.

It can't be said that the cultivation of his own apprentices is poor. In his opinion, the cultivation of apprentices in the gym is quite satisfactory, and it is excellent in the commoner class~www.wuxiamtl.com~ It is also good in the family class.

"The game begins!" Back on the battlefield, the referee's face also twitched. He always felt that this kid was here to slap his face, but he still endured it and issued an order to start the game.

"Pang Shan Wang, rolling bursts!" Hearing the start of the game, Rosen immediately asked Chu Shan Wang to show his housekeeping skills.

"Rat, let's roll and shoot!" Hearing the order from the opposite side, Shitou immediately gave the order.

"Kuga~" I saw the two mountain kings curled up into a ball at almost the same time, and then began to roll.

"咻咻~咻~" The two khaki orbs on the field rolled and fired poison needles at the opponent.

However, it can be seen that the larger ball is faster, and the frequency of firing poison needles is higher than that of the smaller ball.

"cao! The King of the Mountains! The sky is full of stars!" Seeing this scene, Rosen had no choice but to make the King of the Mountains change his moves, or else it would continue and he would definitely lose.

"Kuga ~ shushushu ~" The trumpet mountain king who received the order immediately turned at high speed on the spot. While blocking the poison needle, he also began to use the high-speed stars. The field was filled with stars for a while, which was very beautiful.

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