Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 256: Gym match

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"Koudouhua, grow!" Because he had the right to attack, Tianji made Koudouhua use the status skill for the first time.

If attacking, the attacked party can resist. He doesn't think that the ordinary high-level big rock snake can't use rock shield, digging and other moves.

"Moo (???_??)?" I saw a flash of green light on Kou Da Hua's body, completing this strengthening.

"Oh, the big rock snake digs a hole!" (The wild big rock snake lives in the cave, so I think it is its instinct to dig a hole, and it can be turned into a move with a little exercise.) I saw that I completed a strengthened mouth. Staying spent, Fujidou sneered, and let the big rock snake use his housekeeping skills.

"Roar~ Boom~" Big Rock Snake agreed, and burrowed into the ground quickly.

"Take the opportunity, the seed machine gun!" Tianji, who knew that he couldn't stop it, immediately shouted to the mouth.

"Moo~咻咻咻~" After hearing the order, Kou Dianhua immediately spit out green bullets from her mouth and hit the big rock snake that had not yet fully penetrated into the ground.

"Bang bang bang ~" Because the size was too large, the seed machine gun hit a small section of the back half of the big rock snake without any accident.

"Roar~hiss~" You can see the big rock snake that was about to burrow into the ground, making a painful roar, and at the same time, the body that was hit emits corrosive white smoke.

"The seed machine gun also has a corrosive effect?"


"Is it a combination skill?"

Of course, the audience in the stands saw the smoking injury on Big Rock Snake's body, and asked a little uncertainly.

"It should be the dissolving liquid of the mouth dumb flower combined with the seed machine gun!"

In the end, a well-known local trainer gave the closest answer.

In fact, he was right in what he said, but it was not due to the active combination of the mouth-watering flower, but the poison of the mouth-watering flower was too strong. In the past two years, Tianji has not given up on the development of the poisonous-mouthed flower. In his new With the help of her boss, Miss Mina Mitsui, the poison of Kou Duo Hua not only increased greatly, but also made it to herself, which is equivalent to an additional talent for passive poisoning.

"Boom!" However, the big rock snake that Tengdou spent so much money to cultivate was not a big man who was not worth it, so he endured it deeply and burrowed his entire body into the ground.

"Be rooted and feel the vibration of the ground! When it rushes out, use the shadow clone to escape!"

Seeing that there were only stunned flowers left on the field, Tian Ci hurriedly said with a spiritual contract, that this way of responding in advance must be secretly spoken, otherwise it would be in vain if he was heard, and he could not be attacked when he said, It's too late.

"Give it a fatal blow, Big Rock Snake!" Seeing the dumbfounded flowers on the field, Fujito shouted with a cruel and excited expression on his face!

The violent aesthetics impacted by such giant beasts is the romance of men!

"Boom~" Hearing the trainer's order, the ground trembled instantly. At this moment, it seemed as if it was too late to respond.

"Ooo! Crush it, Big Rock Snake!"

"Big Rock Snake, Big Rock Snake!"

"Defeat that little guy and let him know that attribute restraint is not everything!"

"Rush rush!"

Seeing the constantly shaking ground, the audience in the stands also became excited, and they also liked watching it!

"Boom~" In an instant, the huge snake head of the Big Rock Snake rushed out and slammed into Kou Dinghua's body.

"Huh~" But what made it suspicious was that it didn't seem to have the feeling of hitting something.

"Strong whipping! Koudouhua!" Seeing Tianji who only broke his shadow clone, he immediately said to Koudouhua.

"Moo! Papa! Papapa!" At this time, Kouduhua, who was dodging on the other side through the shadow clone, immediately raised 4 to 5 vine whips and slapped the dazed Big Rock Snake fiercely.

This move is an advanced move of the rattan whip. For more than two years, after long-term training and scientific cultivation methods, Duo Hua has mastered this move perfectly.

It can be seen that each vine is surrounded by strong grass-type energy, but unlike the usual cyan vines, these vines are all glowing with a purple sheen.

This is a powerful poison whip developed by combining the thorn poison whip, and it also carries various toxins.

"Roar~roar~" The big rock snake still maintained the upward thrusting posture, because the strong inertia could not stop for a while, and could only roar in pain.

"咻咻咻~" At the same time as the vine in his hand was whipping, the mouth of the mouth did not stop, and the seed machine guns were fired one by one.

"Bang bang bang, bang bang bang!" In just this short period of time, the body of the big rock snake became pitted, and there was light smoke everywhere.

"Roar~(?_?)?" After stopping the upward momentum, the big rock snake wailed, and was tortured by the grass-type energy in the body and lost its ability to fight.

"Boom~" The huge body fell heavily on the field, causing a burst of dust.

"This, this is lost!"

"That idiot flower actually has a shadow clone, and it moves so fast!"

"The big rock snake is so pitiful!"

The audience in the stands were stunned when they saw the mouth dumb flower dodging to the other side, especially the strong whipping, which was very painful to hear. You must know that some people were in the last row, and it felt the same as the thunder, the force of the blow How big is it!

"Moo!" Seeing the big rock snake, which had already fallen to the ground, Koudouhua shouted triumphantly, waving his whips.

What's so great about being tall, you know how I came here in the past two years!

I'm running laps with all my strength every day! Only in this way did the shadow clones reach the level of 4 all being fake!

Moreover, with the powerful whipping just now, I have broken dozens of special iron targets in the past two years, and the stone body is considered a wool! hum~

Stunned mouth waving double whips, and the complacent emotion in his eyes flashed away. He heard clearly what those melon eaters cheered on the Big Rock Snake just now, and now it wants to tell these people, I have a stunned flower, although Small, but strong enough!

"The big rock snake has lost its ability to fight, please send a second elf to the Fujito player."

The referee also glanced at Koudouhua who moved to the other side in surprise, and then announced the result of the first match, and at the same time urged Fujito to send a second elf.

"Come back, Big Rock Snake, go, Haoli!"

After Fujito took back the big rock snake, he released the second elf, the most common fighting elf in Kanto, Haoli!

"Cool~" I saw the mighty muscles all over my body, and put on a fighting posture with high fighting spirit.

"It's really different, this burly figure and the momentum on his body!"

Seeing the heroic power on the field, Tianji couldn't help but compare it with the heroic power he had seen before, and found that neither the heroic power cultivated by the commoner class nor the heroic power cultivated by the family class seemed to be comparable to this one. Of course, it may also be because The reason for the difference in strength.

However, this one in the gym is obviously bigger than the one outside, and the muscles are very reasonable and streamlined. At first glance, it does not look like a big muscle, but it is honed in actual combat.

"The game starts!" The referee who saw Haoli nodded slightly, feeling that this Haoli was well cultivated, and issued the password to start the game.

"Haoli, Qi Gathering + Bodybuilding!" Fujito made Haoli use the status skill immediately.

"Koudouhua, whip it hard!" Of course, Tianci would not let it complete this move smoothly, and directly let Koudouhua attack.

"Moo-moo, huh-huh~" After receiving the order, Kouduhua immediately swung out several vines, and the huge force made a piercing sound in the air.

Haoli didn't seem to care about the vine whip that was drawn, and saw that it silently mobilized the energy in its body, and with a sound of "beep", a layer of white energy enveloped its burly body like arrogance.

"Papa~" I saw Haoli used his hands and feet together, as if he was practicing martial arts moves, and he easily patted the drawn vines aside, and because of the arrogance offset, he was not injured.

"Hahaha, it appears! The secret skill of our rock gym!"

"Yeah, every time I see this scene, I admire the 6th generation pavilion owner, and jointly developed this secret skill with several fighting gymnasiums at that time."

"Turn state skills into defensive, movable moves!"

Seeing Haoli's arrogance, the audience in the stands became excited one by one, and some knowledgeable local trainers even loudly promoted it to the people around them.

In fact, the correct name of this move should be called martial arts. Its foundation is from the integration of Qi gathering and bodybuilding, but it is more integrated into the martial arts secrets researched by humans themselves, and the elites who really master this move A level elf can not only maintain such a state for a long time, making himself stronger and stronger, but also use martial arts moves to fight the enemy. Although he cannot learn the human martial arts secrets, some subtle moves and routines can still be used.

However, Fujito's tricks are not perfect. He can only use two tricks at the same time, and then combine them mechanically. That's all, bodybuilding was developed in advance by using the resources inside the gym, or else it would be outside. , he was afraid that he would have to wait for the elite level to let Haoli realize this trick himself.

"Oh! It's so strong! Seeing this scene, Tianji's face was also shocked. He knew how powerful the powerful whipping was, but even that kind of force was picked up by that heroic force unscathed. down!

"This trick, maybe my thong dragon can also try it~"

Sitting in the player area to watch the battle at close range, Shishi suddenly widened his eyes when he saw this move. He immediately thought about the possibility of stealing the teacher. He had seen it just now. ponder.

"Haoli, yyds!"

"Amazing, my ho!"

"Just rush up like this, chop with your bare hands, chop it!"

The audience who also saw this scene were also boiling, how painful the powerful whipping of the mouth dumb flower before, they also saw it on the big rock snake, did not expect this heroic to be easily resolved, and couldn't help cheering for heroic again.

"Hey, a group of people who see the wind!" Kou Dianhua also heard these figures, and couldn't help but cursed in his heart, when it was clear that it won just now, this group of people cheered for it and regarded it as a treasure , In a blink of an eye, this group of people fell into the arms of its opponent, and even let people chop it and kick it!

"Moo! (Bah~ scumbag audience! Kou Dianhua called out, making Tianci quickly think of a way to get this group of scumbag audiences back.

"Don't stop the flower vine whip, and then use the venom bomb!"

Hearing the reminder from DAIHUA, Tianji also reacted, and immediately let DAIHUA try the Venom Machine Gun!

You can slap the vine whip away, but my venom bullet will splatter when it touches it, so it can always affect you.

"Moo?ω?~咻咻咻~" Kou Daihua also had eyes, and spit out purple venom bullets from her mouth.

"Papa~" Unexpectedly, a few vines were bounced off by Haoli with the same move.

"Bang~hiss~" But when it slapped away the following bullet with its hands, it found that it exploded directly. The highly corrosive venom, even if it was offset a little by the arrogance, splashed on It also quickly made a hissing sound.

"Cool! Cool~mile~" Feeling the burning pain in his body, Haoli screamed in pain, and the rhythm was interrupted! It's all meat, not stone!

"Bang bang bang~ sizzle~ sizzle~" Its rhythm was messed up, and several venom bullets hit it again, making it feel as if it had been splashed with sulfuric acid all over its body, and its original mechanical fighting state was also directly Forced to interrupt.

"cao! Use poison! Despicable villain!"

"Have the ability to fight in an upright manner!"

"What a big man to use poison!"

"Hey~ That dumb-mouthed flower is so poisonous!"

Seeing the spectators rolling around in pain as if the game was about to end again, some of them had already yelled in the stands.

They originally thought that they had used the secret skills of the gym, and they were sure to be stable. It would definitely be a long-lasting battle, but they didn't expect to be cracked like this directly.

In fact, this is all because Haoli has not fully grasped this move, and his own energy level is not enough, so he can only use a very mechanical combination routine.

With a complete elite-level fighting state, the arrogance alone can neutralize those toxins~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Of course, the poison of the dumb flower will definitely be stronger at that time, and maybe it will be able to break through, but it will definitely not be so easy, nor After not breaking through, there is still such a strong toxicity.

Moreover, the complete martial arts state is very flexible, and it will not be very rigid in routines.

Back on the battlefield, he saw Tian Ci directing Kou Dianhua to continue to beat the underdogs. He didn't care about the opinions of the melon-eating crowd, whether it was a villain or a hero, he just wanted to be the victor who survived.

Since he hadn't said he would admit defeat, the battle wasn't over. He had to do his best to beat the opponent's elves into a state where he couldn't fight.


"Cool! Cool!" Haoli, whose whole body seemed to have been splashed with sulfuric acid, has been beaten by Dukkha since he fell, and the screams never stopped.

"I, I admit defeat!" Seeing Tianji who didn't show any face, Fujito could only reluctantly admit defeat.

In addition to his original appearance, Tian Ci looks so young, and he should be like those stunned youths to give him a chance to rise up. After fighting again, I didn't expect that Tian Ci is a complete villain, an old fritter, there is no way, only admit defeat.

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