Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 258: Invite and purchase supplies

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"Rat, let's come too, the sky is full of stars!" Shi Shi said that I am imitating you, and I am better than you!

For the same elf, if you are stronger than it, then you don't need to play any fancy moves, just beat it head-to-head, whatever the opponent uses, you can use whatever, and defeat it face-to-face, without leaving a chance.

"Swish swish~" Rat heard the stone's command, and also began to use high-speed rotation + high-speed stars.

This move is a very simple combination move, and it's easy to see at a glance.

"Okay, so pretty!"

"And this kind of fight is so hot!"

"But I always feel that the gym is going to lose~"

"King Chuanshan, come on!"

The audience in the stands enjoyed it very much. The entire battlefield is now a veritable gypsophila. There are white shining stars everywhere, but even ordinary people can see it. stand up.

Next, Luo Sen, a middle-level apprentice in the gymnasium, also began to change tricks and seek opportunities. Unfortunately, Shitou was determined to respond to changes without change. No matter what the other party used, he let the rats learn from the other party!

In the end, he was slowly grinded to death. When Rosen's Mountain King was lying on the ground, Stone also took the victory of the gym challenge.

"I declare that this Gym Challenge will be won by Murayama Shi from Aoki Town!"

The referee also announced the result of the final game and handed the meteorite-shaped badge to the stone.

He glanced at the lost Rosen and shook his head. The child was probably hit hard. Although he lost all three battles, Rosen persisted the longest and fought the most intensely, but that was just for those who didn't understand. Ordinary people have fun.

As long as a trainer with a little knowledge can see that Rosen's defeat was doomed from the beginning, his subsequent attempts were just to entertain ordinary people.

"Congratulations, Shishi, let's go, let's go for a walk in the city."

Seeing the triumphant return of the stone, Tianji bumped his fists with him, and after congratulating him, he was ready to leave the gym.

It is the first thing to come to Nibi City to play a gymnasium, but you can also buy some repairs here. After all, it is one of the eight oldest cities. There must be some things that their small town does not have. Just go shopping, Take a look.

"Wait a minute, some challengers." But just as they were about to go out, a shout from behind stopped them.

Tianji and the others turned around and saw that it was a middle-aged man in a dojo disciple's uniform calling them.

"My lord, what's the matter with you?"

Looking at the exquisite gymnasium disciple uniform, he did not think too much, and brought a few people to the elite trainer. He has been a trainer for three years. Of course, he knows that he can wear a disciple robe. , and the last time is an elite trainer.

"Cough~ Let me introduce myself, I'm a disciple of the Rock Gym, Yamada, nice to meet you."

I have to say that they are disciples of the Grand Dao Pavilion. Although they are elite-level trainers, they have no pretence at all, and they greeted a few people in a friendly manner.

"Yamada-sama, hello hello~" Although the other party was very friendly, but the elite level was the elite level, so Tianji and the others hurriedly returned the salute.

"It's like this, I watched your game secretly just now, and they were all very good, but the spirits and fighting styles you cultivated from Murayama Shi are very similar to our gym's appetite.

So I would like to ask if you would like to join our gym for further study. Maybe you will become a high-level apprentice soon, and in a few years, you will be a disciple of the same level as me! "

After saying hello, Yamada turned his attention to the main target Shishi after a simple greeting, and directly raised his voice.

With his identity and status, there is no need to go around too many detours with Tianji and others, and he has just seen the identity information of a few people, knowing that although Shishi looks mature, his real age is also 18 years old, so he is more determined. The idea of ​​solicitation.

"This, this..." Shitou turned his eyes to Tianji for help. He originally wanted to say directly that he didn't want to, but he changed his words when he said it.

He was just straight-faced, not an idiot. The opposite was an elite trainer. He refused directly, fearing that he would lose face. Moreover, they were still in Nibi City, and they directly refused the invitation of the most powerful force in Nibi City, the Rock Gym. I'm afraid there are unnecessary troubles!

Of course, what he didn't know was that it was alright if he refused. As a thousand-year-old gym, the rock gym is not comparable to the Aoki gym in his town. , even if it is confiscated, it will never happen to Xiaoling's secret stumbling.

"Sir Yamada, can we think about it for a few days. We are also new to Nibi City, and we will be here for a while to repair and see the customs of Nibi City."

Tian Ci saw Shi Shi's look for help, he considered it twice, and then said.

"Hahaha, it's okay, you can take a good look, I will tell the front desk, as long as he is willing to come over, I will take him personally!

And this physique should have been practiced. You two men should be fighters. There are many fighters in our gym. "

Hearing Tian Ci's words, he looked at Shi Shi's sullen face, smiled heartily, and agreed.

With this little action, he had already seen that Tianji was the one who spoke to this team, so he also hinted that he would benefit from Shimo Tianji.

"Thank you, my lord! We will consider it carefully."

As for Yamada's hint, how could Tianji not hear it, but it's really hard to make a decision now, so I can only go back to discuss it after thanking him.

After exiting the gate of the gymnasium, Shi Shi silently followed behind Tian Ji.

"Stone, what do you think?" On the street, the four of them were eating snacks unique to Nibi City, and he also asked Shitou what he thought.

"Brother Tian Ci, I'm not going, I just want to follow you!"

Stone put a big mouthful of barbecued meat into his mouth and answered decisively.

"Well, I know, but stone and rock gyms are indeed the most suitable gyms for you, and they are also the most suitable places for your development, and with the care of elite-level trainers, you don't have to worry about making money."

Seeing Shishi's resolute expression, Tianji nodded, but out of consideration for his brother, he still persuaded him.

It has been emphasized many times before that he has real feelings for Shishi, and in the past two or three years, the brotherhood has become deeper and deeper.

It is true that there is a stone to follow, Tian Ci will be a lot easier, but for the stone, he will be more difficult, even if he can get the secret book, he can only study it himself, not to mention that the alliance can only exchange it for the moment. The public version of the secret book is only, compared to the gym, it is definitely a little worse.

So by his side, his brother Stone may be delayed for a long time, and it may be difficult to say at the elite level.

After getting along for the past few years, Tianji's idea of ​​​​training thugs has long disappeared. He really regards Shishi as a brother, and he does not want Shishi to give up on such an opportunity.

"No, I'm not going, Brother Tian Ci, I'll just follow you! I can change the cheats and study them myself!"

But Shitou still did not hesitate to persuade Tianci, and refused.

He knows that he is quite useful to this team, and Tianji will be a lot easier with him, so he doesn't go! It doesn't matter even if you are suffering and tired, even sacrificing your future!

Without Brother Tian Ci, where would he come from in the future? Maybe he is still moving bricks at the Qingmu Town construction site. Life is very good now. If Brother Tian Ci's team can no longer use him, he will leave silently and come back by himself. Come to the town and retire with peace of mind!

What elite level, gym level, he didn't think so much, he trained the elves so hard, hone his own purpose, just to help Tianci brother.

"Ah~ okay, let's take a look at it when we get there. Anyway, we're going to stay here for a while."

Seeing the still decisive stone, Tian Ci sighed and stopped persuading.

"..." Xiaoling lowered her head and drank the vegetable soup silently. She was also thinking about whether Tian Ci would send her away when she arrived in Hualan City, so when she decided to go to Hualan City, Playing in the gym must be clumsy.

"Gulugulu~ Let's go, let's go to the house of the elves, buy a Pippi for Ninghui, and then go to the largest elves department store next to it, and go shopping! This is the oldest eight cities. , it will definitely be much richer than our small town!"

After drinking the last sip of the vegetable soup, Tianji looked at the few people in a dull atmosphere, and immediately proposed a happy thing - a big purchase!

"Okay, okay!" Xiaoling and Ninghui nodded happily when they heard the shopping and agreed.

Maybe it's the nature of women. Whether it's a previous life or this elf world, buying and buying is a woman's favorite thing, and it is also the most stress-relieving way.

"En!" Infected by the lively atmosphere of several people, a smile appeared on Shitou's face. Although his heart tightened at the thought of those high-priced dragon-type materials, he felt a lot more relaxed.

First, I came to the house of the elves, and found that it really deserves to be a big city. The area is covered with splendid decorations, which is obviously higher than that of Qingmu Town. The makeup on the face of the young lady who is to be connected is also much more delicate than that of Qingmu Town. .

Both Tianji and Shitou blushed a little when they saw it, and they felt as if they had come to a daughter country.

"Hmph~ Brother Tianji, I'm not prettier than them!"

Xiaoling looked at Tianji who was a little confused, pinched Tianji's arm secretly, and complained in a low voice.

"Hey~ No, no, it must be the best looking Xiaoling in my family."

Tian Ci also woke up after being pinched, and immediately touched Xiaoling's hair and comforted him. Of course, he didn't care about one thing or another, and coaxed Ninghui next to him.

Although Ninghui is very obedient and well-behaved because of her identity, women always have to coax him occasionally. He is not a straight man of steel, so he still understands it very well.

On the second floor of the elf house, because there is a clear goal, after explaining the purpose of the visit, Tianji is very happy to pay, and Ninghui gets Pippi with a genetic skill. Of course, the genetic skill is to cure fluctuations.

Although it is a good and inferior qualification, because of the healing fluctuation, it still cost Tianci 650,000 to win this Pippi, which can only cure the fluctuation.

It can only be said that the Wu Neng family has really made a profit. Tian Chi estimates that they should all master the method of mass production to cure the fluctuating Pippi, and a good Pippi can sell for 650,000!

"Thank you, master! Mu!" Handing Pippi's Pokeball to Ninghui, the excited little maid immediately kissed Tianji's face.

"Well, remember to nurture it well!" Tian Ji, who earned a sweet kiss, smiled and nodded, and ordered.

After all, he spent the money from another bank card, and the more than one million in that bank card was earned by Ning Hui by selling excess energy cubes and moo milk in the past two years.

"Well, I will!" The little maid nodded and entered her information into the Poke Ball as she walked.

After buying Pippi, Tianji and the others went to the department store next door. As soon as they entered, there was a very large poster, which recorded in detail the floor area division of various commodities.

"Elf food area, elf ball area, elf move area, elf material area, elf props area, trainer equipment area, trainer cheat book area!..."

Tianji looked at the detailed poster, and couldn't help but nodded. Indeed, the classification is much better than that of Aoki Town, and if it can be turned into a single layer, there must be many more types than the town's Elf department store!

Especially when he saw that there were even trainer cheats and elf items for sale, he knew that he was right. Sure enough, for a big city, there must be no shortage of basic training cheats.

"Let's go, come here, let's walk around layer by layer."

Although he understood the floor distribution of this building, and there were a few floors that he particularly wanted to go to, but after thinking about it, Tianji decided to take the stairs one by one instead of the elevator.

"Yeah!" Several people nodded. They each had a special floor they wanted to go to, but they were used to acting together, and they were really curious about what different products would be available here. UU reading www.uukanshu.com So they all nodded.

The first floor is the elf food area. As soon as you enter it is a spacious and bright hall. There are also bags of elf food of different colors on the silver-gray shelves, and there are also small sections inside, not only elf feed , energy cubes for sale, as well as various raw materials, fruit for sale, and even Tianji saw basic food recipes for sale!

Although Ninghui knows these basic formulas, they are not sold in the department store in the town. Tian Cihua bought them at a high price through various channels. Fortunately, he leaned over and looked at the price. I didn't lose too much, otherwise he would cry to death if he doubled it. After all, this formula is where he spends the most money.

"Master! I want to buy materials~" Seeing the various and complete materials, Ninghui's eyes lit up, and she pulled the hem of Tianci's clothes and said.

"Buy it, buy a little more, especially some that are not common in our town."

For Ninghui's request, he agreed immediately. Anyway, he was serving him. One word, buy it!

"Yeah!" Ning Hui, who got permission, immediately took a special space shopping cart from the side and began to frantically scan the goods!

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