Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 241: Compromise and 8 into 4

After a romantic night, Tianji slept directly in this small house until dawn, not because he felt sorry for Ninghui, but because tomorrow's game would not start until 9:30 in the morning.

As for Ninghui, since it has already been said that she wants to plant a spiritual contract, then she doesn't need these small tricks.

Of course, I feel that way in my heart, and of course I don't need to say it out of my mouth.

Anyway, Ninghui was a little moved. In the past, Tianji never cared about her after he released him. He went back by himself. It was the first time that he could stay with her for a night tonight.


The night passed quickly. In the morning, Tian Ci got dressed under the service of Ninghui, had a simple breakfast with the elves, and walked to the gym.

At 9:10 in the morning, he saw Xiaoling and Shishi who were waiting anxiously at the gate of the gym.

"Brother Tian Ci, where have you been? I went to your house this morning to see that you weren't at home?" Xiao Ling asked as soon as they met.

"Uh... I'm sorry, I made you worry. When I got up early in the morning, a small family contacted me and said they were optimistic about me and wanted to invest, so I went to them in the morning to see the conditions~"

When Tian Ci heard Xiao Ling's question, he couldn't help but feel a sense of being caught, his brain was running fast, and he finally decided to tell them about Ning Hui. Of course, the statement must be changed.

He thought for a while, since he decided to recruit Ninghui as the logistics support staff in the team, the two of them would definitely not be avoided, so let's give them a vaccination first.

"Then what conditions did they offer? Brother Tianci?"

After Shitou heard this, he was very happy for Tianji, so he asked a question.

"Uh~ let's go first and talk while walking,"

Looking at the increasing number of people around, Tian Ci was afraid that there would be too many people, so he signaled to go to the gymnasium.

"Tadata~ That little family wanted me to join the family at the beginning, a very beautiful family daughter, plus a high-level cultivation cheat book plus a basic "body forging", oh, I almost forgot, There is also a full set of resources for elves to cultivate."

Walking down the aisle, Tanji began to tell the two of them a half-truth story he made up.

"Well, then~ Brother Tian Ci, did you agree?" Hearing this beginning, Xiao Ling became very nervous, raised her delicate face, and asked Tian Ci with light blue pupils.

"Haha~ Just based on your current strength, Tian Ci, and the potential you can see in the future, how could a woman be able to tie me up, and we have already practiced the "Body Forging", and Shitou and I are both There are advanced secrets, so of course I refuse this condition."

Seeing the girl's nervous appearance, Tianji laughed, touched her long blue hair, and replied.

"Well, it's just a beautiful woman. I believe Brother Tian Ci will definitely be promoted to the elite in the future. At that time, it will be the same as Team Sam, and some people will send beautiful maids home."

Looking at Xiaoling who was restless and nervous, Shitou suddenly added a sentence, and he didn't know if he saw something, so he helped him out.

"Enen, Brother Tianci, you must not agree to this condition of joining the family. For you, there will be more beautiful women in the future."

Xiaoling felt the warm hand above her head, and immediately opened her mouth to express her opinion.

"Huh~ It seems that Xiaoling himself does not contradict the matter of opening the harem, but I think too much. Also, this world is not monogamous, there are maids, and it is common for powerful trainers to have many women. The phenomenon."

Hearing the girl's words, Tian Ci breathed a sigh of relief. In the final analysis, the three views of the previous life had a little influence on him, so he tested Xiaoling.

"Well, their first condition is also to test me, and then the second condition is the real plan, that is to get married, I don't need to join the family, but I need to come up with three middle-stage cultivation secrets as a dowry gift, the woman's dowry is still those above."

After the trial was over, Tianji started to come up with the second plan to see how Xiaoling accepted this condition.

"No, no~ Brother Tian Ci, they just want the secret recipe for your three elves!

Also, let's wait until the elite level to decide on a wife or something. Only then can this position bring you more help to Brother Tianci! "

When Xiaoling heard about the marriage, her reaction became a little bigger, and she immediately began to refute with reason.

"Well, I think what Xiaoling said makes sense, Brother Tian Ci, it is not difficult for us to collect high-level cheats now, there is no need to give the wife's position to a small family that does not even have an elite, if it is a concubine or a maid It can be considered.”

Stone touched his chin and gave his opinion pertinently.

"Yes, I have considered what you said, so I did not agree to this condition.

The plan we negotiated in the end was just like what Shi Shi said. They gave me a girl from the side of the family as a maid. After I became strong, I could help their family several times. "

Tianji took the reaction of the two people in his eyes, and followed Shishi's words to tell the final truth.

"I didn't agree, then it's okay~" When Xiaoling heard the first half of Tianci's words, she was quite happy at first.

"So Tianji-ge, you have hired a maid~" But after hearing the second half of the sentence, the girl's face became a little down again.

However, because of the foreshadowing of the previous two times and the prevalence of the maid system in this world, she did not say anything in the end, and acquiesced.

"A maid only has a few chances to make a move. It seems that this family is really not that good."

Stone was a little puzzled, so he asked directly.

"Well, do you still remember the Soya family that has been selling shops and property some time ago, it's this family.

I heard that some time ago, the family's high-level combat power was almost wiped out. It was because Uncle Sam and several other top families were given a lot of gifts and many servants, and the family's name was finally preserved.

They also agreed to this plan because of my potential and good relationship with Uncle Sam. "

As for Shito's doubts, Tianji simply explained it to the two of them to avoid misunderstandings in the future.

"And this maid once worked in the elf center. She has a good knowledge of elf studies. I also plan to add a logistics support staff to our team, so I agreed.

We only have two or three elves now, and the daily feeding costs a lot. It just so happens that there will be a spiritual contract for sale tonight. I am going to shoot one, plant a contract for her, and train her to be a half-nurturing, half-assistant trainer. . "

After finishing his arrangement in one breath, Tianji stopped and looked at the two with a serious look, waiting for their opinions.

"Well, it doesn't matter to me." Stone nodded indifferently.

"So that's the case, then, then~ then I don't have any opinion."

After Xiaoling heard it clearly, she automatically thought that Tianji accepted this maid for the sake of team development, so she hesitated for a while, but nodded cheerfully.

"Well, let's meet together tonight~"

Seeing Xiaoling nodding, Tianci understood that he had already taken the first step out of the harem, and maybe under Ninghui's stimulation, Xiaoling would become more active, maybe...hehehe

As for Xiaoling, after having been with her for so long, Tianji still decided to accept her, especially after Ninghui had tasted it, he was not ready to let go of the beautiful girl beside him who already loved him. .

Before, he specially dragged Captain Okamoto to ask, what happened to the experimental body that was sent over?

Captain Okamoto's answer to him was that he had died a long time ago, and the corpses were all dismembered and disposed of.

So he was relieved of this hidden danger, and the girl was born with extraordinary nature, and her temperament was becoming more and more mature. If she didn't turn her into "his own", Tianji was really worried that she would run away!

Tianji, who settled this matter satisfactorily, started chatting with the two of them about other things, and at the same time was waiting for the start of the game.

"Ask Tianji Aoki to go to venue 2!"

"Ask Tianji Aoki to go to venue 2!"

"Ask Tianji Aoki to go to venue 2!"

Within a few minutes, the radio called his name.

After some verification, Tianji and his opponent stood on both sides of the No. 2 field.

"Everyone, welcome to the 8-in-4 knockout round, let me first introduce two young opponents!

First of all, standing on my left is Kerry Asada, a contemporary genius trainer from the Asada family!

Then standing on my right is another dark horse among the commoner trainers, 16-year-old Tianji Aoki! "

Different from the nameless passers-by before, on the last day of the top 8, everyone standing here has a strong person with a name and a surname.

Of course, even if you don't have one originally, you can install one for you on the spot. For example, Tianzi's title is the dark horse of civilians, although Tianzi feels a little embarrassed.

"Asada! Asada!"

"Kerry, go!"

"Dark horse, dark horse!"

"Tianji! Kill that genius for me, I bought you 200,000!"

"Come on! For the honor of the Asada family!"

After the referee introduced the two, the cheers from both sides in the stands rang out one after another.

It is worth mentioning that starting from the top 8, the gym will open the bet to win or lose, and use the reputation of the three major forces as a guarantee.

When the opponent of the game is determined, the market will open, and the players will close as soon as they enter the game. In fact, there is only 10 minutes of betting time.

At that time, Tianci was still waiting in the player area, so he entrusted Xiaoling to help him bet in advance. With a bank balance of 2.07 million, he invested 2 million and bet on him to win. The odds were 1 to 1.6, which is It means that if he wins, he will get 3.2 million with the principal and earn 1.2 million.

This odds are definitely high for him, which means that most people should not be optimistic about him. In fact, he is also a genius from the Asada family. Although he is only a mid-level trainer, his elves are rare and powerful.

Because it is the direct line of the four major families, I heard that he is still the son of the contemporary patriarch, so his initial elf is a fire dinosaur, one of the three royal families, with elite and inferior qualifications, and his strength is in the middle of the ordinary.

The other elf was the Flying Mantis he had fought against before, and he also had good aptitude.

The last one is an iron-clad rhinoceros, which plays the role of a defensive elf. Although it is only a normal aptitude, it is said that the defensive power has been cultivated to be outstanding.

As for where the information came from, the world will never be short of those who smell business opportunities. As early as yesterday, the 8 people who had been promoted had their information compiled into pamphlets and sold for 50,000 yuan each, Xiaoling The first one I encountered, I bought a copy for him to see.

Fortunately, because he usually does not go to the elf center for treatment, and he has not told others about his elf qualifications, and he is not famous at all, so although the booklet has dumb flowers, Bibi Bird, Hei Lu. The strength information added, but there is no qualification description, which makes him relieved.

And it was precisely because his opponent was a trainer who was also in the middle, so he handed over the bank card to Xiaoling and asked her to make a bet for him and force him.

If 8 wins and 4 losses, then he will not only lose 2 million but also give a set of high-level cheats for nothing.

Of course, Tianji is also a little confident to bet so big, because the flying mantis and the iron-clad rhino are restrained by his elves, and his opponent has no elves that can fly for a long time, so he still feels hopeful .

However, the odds and the voices of most people on the scene gave him a realistic slap in the face. Most people are more optimistic about Kerry Asada, who is more powerful than him.

Because most of the people at the scene are ordinary people, maybe in their opinion, they are two years older than Tianji, which means that they have accumulated more in the middle stage.

And today's game rules, compared to yesterday's tactics, actually pay more attention to the fight of hard power.

"This battle adopts a 3v3 mode. In the first game, both sides send elves at the same time to attack! The victor cannot take back the elves. In the second game, the first attack is defeated. The rules for subsequent games are the same as the second game."

After some cheers and shouts, the referee said aloud today's 3v3 rules.

It seems that this rule only adds one game to 2v2, but it should be noted that the first game is to send elves at the same time to attack! You can't rely on attributes to dominate from the beginning.

That is to say, the first game was all about strength and psychology. Tanji believed that the trainers who had come to this point could not have read the information booklet, so they must be speculating on each other about the starting elves.

"What should I send? Or Bibi Bird?"

Just like now, Tianji has no desire to listen to the referee's nonsense anymore~www.wuxiamtl.com~ He has already figured out the rules of the battle. Originally, he had decided that the first match was the most secure.

But he was afraid that his opponent guessed his starter, so he sent the Iron-Armored Rhinoceros. The booklet specifically said that the Iron-Armored Rhinoceros was specially trained by Kerry to deal with the flying elves. Its shooting down and the hit rate of rock blasting in the air Very high!

If this is the case in the first game, then Bibi Bird is equivalent to giving it away for nothing. Even if he sends the Outlet Flower in the second game and wins the Iron Armored Rhino, then he will not be sure to rely on the Outlet Flower and Heluga to win the opponent. .

After all, it won't be easy to defeat the Ironclad Rhinoceros, and He Lujia has just broken through to the middle, not to mention the three elves of Kerry, even compared with Bibi Birds, the energy level is also one level worse. Small cut, this small cut is likely to be the key to the outcome of the game!

You must know that Kerry's three elves were at the mid-level last year.

"I said at the beginning, please send elves from both players at the same time. If no elves are sent, the first match will be directly judged as a loss, and one elves will be eliminated."

No matter how tangled Tian Chi's heart is, the referee's words have come to the end.

"The game begins!" As the referee's voice fell, Tianji and his opponent threw the Pokeball at the same time.



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