Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 240: Ninghui's arrangement!

I don't know that Tianji, who is interested in his potential, is still watching the battles one by one in the competition venue. I have to say that those who can reach the top 16 have two brushes.

When confronted with attribute restraint, Tianji estimated by himself that he was about 70% sure to win. If he didn't restrain each other, honestly, he could only do 55%.

At the same time, on the other side, in a study room of the Soya family, this new generation of patriarch is watching a video with another old man in his 60s.

The video is playing the previous match between Tatsu and Tomo Endo.

"Elder, do you think he has any hope of getting the top three?"

After reading it from beginning to end, the new patriarch turned his head and asked the old man next to him.

He couldn't tell. To be honest, he felt that Tianji's strength was stronger than him!

Originally, he was only a low-ranking trainer who was waiting to die. It was the family's accident some time ago that gave him the opportunity to successfully ascend to the top and his strength has also broken through to the ordinary middle-ranking.

"Uh... I can't tell you, according to the information returned by Xiao Zhe and other videos, this person's strength is considered to be the upper level among the mid-level trainers.

But the trainers starting from the top 16 are basically at this level. If the top thinks about his meeting, they will match him with an older opponent who is restrained by him, so that he can definitely enter the top 8 or even the top 4! "

The old man, the only high-ranking trainer in the Ninghui family, shook his head and explained his analysis.

"Where is Ninghui? How did you change the law or follow the original?"

Hearing what the Great Elder said, the middle-aged patriarch rolled his eyes and asked tentatively.

In his heart, he still prefers to take a high-level cheat book. As the common property of the family, he, the patriarch, must be able to watch it for free.

Unlike now, although this Great Elder is somewhat related to him, the Great Elder's high-level secrets were exchanged bit by bit by himself. Although he still worked for the family, he also took out some secrets for free.

But after the middle stage, it is no longer free, and it needs family contributions. He, a patriarch who has just arrived, can't make a lot of contributions, so after changing the middle stage cheats, he has no money.

When Team Sam sent someone to pass the word, he was still quite happy. An ordinary woman exchanged a free (for him) high-level cheat book. In his opinion, it was a very profitable business!

Anyway, he doesn't believe that someone can become a trainer and get the top three in a year. Thinking that it took him more than a year to get to the low-ranking rank when he had the basic financial support from his family!

"Uh, let me think about it, I remember that girl Ninghui has been his maid for three months in vain, right?"

The old man waved his hand and suddenly asked.

"Yes, that kid basically didn't waste a day. I heard from the inquirer that he even bought a house in a shanty town to hide his beauty!"

Hearing the old man's question, the middle-aged man immediately replied with envy.

When he was eating and waiting to die, he realized that this little niece was really good-looking and had a good figure, giving people a pure and lustful feeling!

Now that these three months have passed, after a long period of development, the body has become more plump, especially the buttocks that were not so prominent before. Now that this deficiency is made up, it can be said that the body is devilish.

"Cough~ In that case, if he gets into the top four, give him Ninghui, if he gets to the top eight, then give him two plans, the first one is still according to his previous plan.

For the second option, get married! The old man also has a 16-year-old granddaughter who originally wanted to marry the Endo family. If this kid doesn't get the top 4, then change it and let my granddaughter marry him!

His high-level cheat book was used as a dowry, the old man's book was used as a dowry, and the girl Ninghui also gave it to him! There is no need for him to join our family, just help the family when he can! "

After hearing the response, the old man thought for a while before coming up with two plans. In his heart, he actually felt that Tian Ci might not be able to make it into the top four.

"Okay, okay, listen to you, elder!" Although the middle-aged patriarch was not very happy in his heart, and even wanted to scold others, he still nodded with a smile on his face!

He clearly knew that his patriarch was able to sit firmly because of the support of this old man!

"Well, don't tell Ninghui and that kid first, let's talk about it when the conference is over."

Seeing the middle-aged man who was still following his lead, the old man nodded and walked out of the study.

"Elder, walk slowly~" The middle-aged patriarch bent over and sent the old man out.

"Bang! md! This old man really made a good plan! In this way, the high-level cheat book is his private property again, and the highest combat power of the family is in his hands! md!"

After looking at the door and making sure that he couldn't see the old man, he returned to the study and slammed the table and cursed!

At this time, Tianji was having dinner with the two on the street, and he didn't know that his body was being watched again!

On the other hand, Ninghui is working as a volunteer in the gym's medical department. She is very busy, and she doesn't know that her destiny has long been decided by her family!

Because she didn't want to be just a venting tool, she has been frantically reading the teaching materials for elf learning recently, and she also took advantage of the conference to help in the medical department, thinking of getting more practical experience.

Anyway, she also accepted her fate, and it is estimated that she will definitely follow Tianji in this lifetime.


At 7 o'clock in the evening, the lights in the gym were bright, and more people came and went. This game was a 16-to-8 match. No one who could make it to the top 16 was a jerk, so the viewing experience of the game was naturally greatly enhanced.

16 people, 8 against the battlefield, so it is only one event, there is no need to wait!

"Player No. 378, please go to Battlefield No. 4!"

Sure enough, as soon as the time arrived at 7:30, the radio called him directly.

Xiaoling and Shitou also accompanied him to the No. 4 venue. The only difference was that he went through the player passage, while Xiaoling and the others went through the audience passage.

The referee introduced the next two people as usual. After the introduction, Tian Chi laughed and his opponent cried!

"cao! Why is it so unlucky, it's him!"

When fighting Toichiro before, this older young man was sitting in the audience cheering on Toichiro, so he was also a member of the bug catcher.

However, in order to avoid being targeted by others in such a crucial game, he changed all the costumes of the bug catcher.

In fact, he is not stronger than Toichiro in terms of hard power. It's just that Toichiro met a pervert like Taji. He didn't encounter it, but now he has!

And I don't know why he didn't wear a bug-catcher suit, but the referee still read his title when he introduced him!

So now Tianji has a happy face on the field, but he can only have a sullen face.

"Hahaha~ I didn't expect luck to be so good, this game has a good chance of winning!"

Tian Ci silently cheered himself up and sent Bibi Bird!

The older youth had no choice but to send Ba Dahou, who could also fly. Of course, as the elf of the bug-catcher, this Ba Dahu also had psychic powers, but it was not as strong as Toichiro's.

... After a lot of effort, Bibi Bird defeated the big butterfly with half blood.

At this time, Tianji also felt that this person's strength seemed to be a little worse than the one he met before.

Originally thought that Bibi Bird would take a lot of effort to fight against the power of mind, but I didn't expect to use a lot of strength to get out.

"Please send the second elf to the contestant on the right."

After the referee announced the result of the first match with a blank face, he immediately urged him to send a second elf.

Before, he deliberately mentioned the bug-catcher boy. Of course, he wasn't really impressed by this 30-something-year-old young man, but someone specially reminded him about it.

Knowing the inside story, of course he understands why he did it. It was nothing more than that the boy named Tianzi got the attention of the superior and wanted to protect him for another round.

"md, let's go, Big Needle Bee!" Seeing Bibi Bird who was still in good condition, the older youth silently put Da Jia's Poke Ball back and released a Big Needle Bee.

Although Dajia is the ace in his hand, he can't fly. He just learned a trick to shoot down. Unfortunately, according to Bibi Bird's speed, he estimates that the shot down with reluctance will not hit at all.

"Bibi Bird Wind Blade, and then turn tornado!"

Seeing that it was a large needle bee, a trace of disappointment flashed in Tianji's eyes, and he directly let Bibi Bird take action!

"The shadow clone of the giant needle bee, the poison needle guerrilla!"

"Bibi Bird, Air Slash!"


After a fight where you chased after me, Bibi Bird still relied on speed and attribute advantages, and slowly killed the big needle bee.

"Hey~ luck is indeed a part of strength~"

Tianji, who didn't know the inside story, sighed after the referee announced the victory and walked out of the venue.

Because the 8 games started at the same time, when Tianji ended, most of the games ended at the same time.

The three of them walked out of the gym together and went home.

At 10 o'clock in the evening, in Ninghui's temporary house

Tian Ci was holding Ninghui in his arms at this time, groping her with both hands. From the messy clothes by the bed and the tired look of the two, it was obvious that the two had just gone through a fierce battle.

"Master, congratulations on entering the top 8, you are very close to the top three!"

The purposeful Ninghui took the initiative tonight. After she was completely satisfied with Tian Ci, she lay in Tian Ci's arms and started to stir up a topic.

"Well, you are very proactive today, slap! Come on, I have something to ask the master!"

Tian Ci of course understood that Ninghui was so abnormal tonight, there must be something wrong, and after patting her increasingly plump buttocks with a big hand, he asked straight to the point.

"Yeah~ Sure enough, I can't hide anything from the master. Actually, I'm just a small request~"

Ning Hui first acted coquettishly, and then continued.

"Master, look, I can be admitted to the elf center, does that mean that my level of elf knowledge is not bad, doesn't it~"

"Well, it's really okay~" Tian Chi squeezed the giant in front of Ning Hui again, pretending he didn't understand.

Of course he understood Ninghui's hidden meaning, it was nothing more than that the elf would help her become a trainer! But some things you take the initiative to give, and others beg you to give is not the same!

"Hate~ Master, I've been helping out in the medical department in the gym recently, and I usually have some hard work to learn about this knowledge, so Master, when the conference is over, can I be your accompanying maid, and be a logistician? Guaranteed trainer maid~"

She didn't stop Tianji's hand from making a fuss, instead she stiffened even more, making Tianzi feel more comfortable before she uttered her request in one breath.

"Oh? Don't you want to be a combat-type trainer? Control your power in your own hands?"

Hearing Ninghui's request, Tianji was a little surprised. He originally thought that this woman would want to become a combat-type trainer.

"No, no, I never thought about going to a gym, and I didn't want to fight to death with wild elves. My previous encounters in the forest had made me give up the path of fighting completely.

And I'm the master's maid now, so I just want to take care of the master and the master's elves. "

Hearing Tian Ci's rhetorical question, Ninghui quickly shook her head. She had watched her fiance and her elves die one by one before her eyes. This had a huge impact on her heart!

And the fugitive was caught like that in the forest. At that time, Ninghui understood that a small family trainer with outstanding appearance like her is very dangerous to work hard in the wild!

It's better to take advantage of the opportunity to go to Tianji to become a logistical trainer, and develop half-nurturing and half-medical development.

"Let me think about it~" Tian Chi touched Ning Hui's smooth back with his left hand and fell into deep thought.

"Master~ Then think about it carefully~" Ning Hui saw Tianji who was still thinking about it, and she burrowed into the bed as soon as she gritted her teeth.


"That's right, that's it, I remember that there will be a spirit contract paper for sale at the auction tomorrow night. Master, I will spend a fortune and buy one for you to use. If there is a spirit that suits you at the auction, I will buy it for you too. ,How about it?"

Although it was very comfortable to be served, Tianji was still very cautious, especially the logistical position, which must be handed over to those who were 100% in control of him, so he decided to plant a spiritual contract with Ninghui! Even if it costs hundreds of thousands!

After all, Ninghui, as she said, being admitted to the Elf Center shows that she has some talent in this area!

And if the energy block can be made by yourself, then the daily feeding of the elves can be saved a lot!

In the end, Ninghui really has a proud capital~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Recently, he has been obedient, and even if he goes on a trip, he is a little reluctant.

Of course, if she doesn't agree, then Tianji can only dissolve the maid relationship and leave her alone in the town. It is estimated that without him as a reliance, Ninghui, who is not perfect, may be handed over to someone else.

"...I can accept it, Master! Originally, everything I own belongs to the Master, and the spiritual contract is only on the surface~"

Seeing that Tianji's face slowly became serious, she was as smart as she quickly figured out the key. After a little hesitation, she agreed and said some beautiful words.

"Well, that's fine, then wait for tomorrow's auction, but Ninghui, what you said just now was partly wrong. You still have a place that isn't mine? Hehehe~"

Seeing the girl who had agreed, Tian Ji's face returned to normal, and he laughed.

"If the master wants it now, I can give it to the master now~"


"Of course, in fact, I've been the master for a long time!"

Tianji, who originally just wanted to make fun of him, didn't expect that there would be an unexpected harvest. After getting permission, he immediately jumped up.



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