Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 242: Fire Dinosaur VS Heluga

"Roar~" A red elf appeared on the field. Its strong legs gave it the ability to walk upright, while its slightly shorter upper limbs gave it sharp claws. A flaming tail was swinging behind it. come and go.

That's right, Kerry didn't send an armored rhino or a flying mantis. After thinking about it, he replaced it with a more secure fire dinosaur.

He also read the pamphlet and found that only fire dinosaurs have no attributes to target, so he did not take risks in the first battle.

"Ow~" He Lujia also let out a long howl in response to the opponent's roar, my dog ​​must not lose in terms of momentum!

Tianji finally changed the elves temporarily, and he also found that Heluga was a more secure choice, leaving out the other two.

Even if it is against the Iron Armored Rhino, even if it loses, it can leave a burn state to this elf with excellent defense, so even if it loses the first game, it will not be a loss.

"Well, fire dinosaurs, it's not a loss, it seems that there is a drama!"

Seeing that Kerry sent out a fire dinosaur, Tianji was overjoyed, because Heluga had not shown the fire-ignition feature in previous battles, and there was no description of the characteristics of Heluga in that brochure!

On the contrary, the characteristics of Yu Sanjia can be said to be well-known, fierce fire: when the elf's physical strength is less than one-third of the original, the power of fire-type skills is increased by half!

This is definitely an explosive seed, the top feature of a desperate comeback. Unfortunately, his Heluga is a fire and is destined to be eaten by him.

Of course, he believed that Fire Dinosaur would definitely have other moves with other attributes, but this did not prevent him from gaining some advantages based on poor information first.

"Fire Dinosaur, fire bullets in bursts!" Sure enough, Kerry directly asked Fire Dinosaur to use the most familiar fire-type moves.

"Don't worry about it, Heluga, the mist!" Seeing the three small fireball-like attacks, Tianci smiled, feeling that it was a good day to come.

"It turns out that sparks can still be used in this way. It seems that I myself fell into a blind spot before, and I blindly increased the firepower of the sparks, trying to turn them into jet flames."

Watching the three fire bullets hit Heruga, Tianji immediately learned another trick.

The principle is very simple. It is compression. The originally scattered sparks are compressed into a ball the size of a fist. Not only is it fast, but it will also sputter when it hits others. After all, flame energy is notoriously unstable.

"Ouch! Huhuhu~" After absorbing three condensed fire bombs, Heluga felt that his state was better than ever before, and his state improved. field.

"What! That Heluga has the ability to ignite fire!"

Seeing this scene, Kerry couldn't help but widen his eyes and scolded the booklet maker in his heart.

"Why did that Heluga hit three fire bombs, nothing happened!"

"Yes, yes, why do I feel that the dog's mental head is better!"

"Well, it's like taking medicine!"

Most of the audience in the stands are ordinary people, so they don't know their characteristics, and there is a lot of discussion there.

"That black ruga has the ability to ignite fire!"

"Fire dinosaurs are difficult!"

"That kid is so sinister!"

"I paid 150,000! My God!"

Of course, there were a lot of trainers in the stands. After all, it was the last day. When they heard the group of ignorant people discussing there, they immediately spread the word to ordinary civilians, and a wailing sounded.

Returning to the battlefield, the field was already shrouded in a black mist, and the fire dinosaurs waited anxiously in place, being careful.

"Heruga~ Long Howl + Trick!" Seeing the silent fire dinosaur, Tanji immediately understood that after the fire-type move was banned, there was no good way to deal with it, so he let Heeruga improve his state as much as possible.

"Ouch~" Heluga used two status skills one after another, plus the bonus from the previous ignition, he felt that his status had never been so good.

"md! Fire dinosaur, tearing claw! The direction of the attacking sound!"

Seeing this, Kerry's face was very gloomy. He had no choice but to let the fire dinosaurs try melee combat!

"Sure enough, the basic move of claw can be upgraded to tear claw. I don't know when Bibi Bird and Heluga will master it."

Hearing the opponent's order, Tianji did not panic at all. There is no doubt that this fire dinosaur is very powerful, but no matter how strong it is now, it is just a blind man.

"Heruga, run and attack as much as you like! Small flames can be used for explosions!"

"Hu~" "Bang Bang Bang~" The Fire Dinosaur, who threw himself in the air, was immediately stunned by a series of attacks.

Especially that small flame, it feels like a jet of flame. Even if it is a fire-type spirit, it can't hold such a huge flame burning!

"Ka-bo! Ka-bo!" In the black fog, the howls of the fire dinosaur kept coming, and it could only be beaten passively.

In the middle, I used a series of melee combat moves such as tearing claws and splitting many times, but Heruga, who was not in direct contact with you, was never hit once.

"It seems that this fire dinosaur doesn't have the wrath of dragons. That's right, dragon attribute moves require the dragon's blood in the body to reach a certain concentration before they can be stimulated. Ordinary fire dinosaurs generally do not meet the standard until their final form. ."

Seeing the fire dinosaur that kept waving its claws, Tianji shook his head, thinking of the difficulty of dragon attributes, he couldn't help but sigh.

Like the fire-breathing dragon, the sea thorn dragon, and the bag dragon, the hybrid dragon species with dragon names, the bloodline concentration is not enough, and the dragon attribute moves are not even one of them.

"Bastard! You coward, what's the point of running! If you have the guts, stop your Heluga and fight head-to-head!"

Kerry's psychological contract had already told him that the Fire Dinosaur's fiery state had been activated, which meant that the Fire Dinosaur could no longer hold on.

Even though he was stronger than his opponent, he could only passively be beaten there, which made Kerry very angry and shouted at Tian Ziji.

"Heh~ The incompetent fury of the defeated dog, Heluga, continue! Just grind him to death!"

For Kerry's provocation, Tianji didn't take it to heart, wouldn't it be good to win without injury! Just let Heruga continue.

"Bastard! This **** commoner! Referee, I admit defeat in the first game!"

Seeing that another challenge had no effect, Kerry reluctantly raised his right hand and shouted to the referee.

"cao! Why did the idiot admit defeat?"

"md! My 100,000!"

"You can't let Fire Dinosaur try again!"

A large group of spectators in the stands who originally supported Kerry began to curse at Kerry.

"Come on! Dark horse!"

"Taji! Go, go, go!"

"I put down 200,000 yuan, I'm going to send it out! Hahaha!"

"Brother Tianji! Come on!"

Contrary to the large group of people in front of them, seeing that Tianji easily won the first game, a small part of the audience who originally supported Tianji, all of them were excited!

"The first match was won by Aoki Tianji, please send Kerry players to send the second elf."

When the referee heard Kerry's surrender, he immediately stopped the game, announced the result of the first game, and then asked him to send the second elf as soon as possible.

"Come back, Fire Dinosaur. Go, Iron Rhino!"

After taking the fire dinosaur back, Kerry the second one thought about it and sent the iron-clad rhinoceros.

The black fog still existed on the field, even though his Flying Mantis was extremely fast and he was sure to stop Heluga from running, his attribute restraint still made him give up sending Flying Mantis to play.

After all, the first game was considered a waste, and the second game was a bit more risky under the restraint of attributes.

So even if he knew that the armored rhino would be used as a target to attack, he could only send the armored rhino to it, because the armored rhino would be able to move in a wide range, and a few unique moves would restrain Heruga.

"Heruga, howl + tricks!" Because he couldn't change spirits, Tianji, who had the right to strike, immediately let Heeruga improve himself again, and the state just now subsided.

"Ow~" Heluga let out a long howl, and his eyes flashed blue at the same time, your dog is back!

"Iron armored rhino, step on!" Hearing the end of the long howl, Kerry immediately let the iron armored rhino attack!

"Huh~dong!" The iron-clad rhinoceros agreed, raising its two front legs high, and bombarded the ground heavily.

"Heruga, jump up! Blast!" Hearing the opponent's order, he felt the ground start shaking violently, and he immediately made Heruga jump up and attack!

In front of such a wide range of moves, there is no point in continuing to hide in the black mist.

"Shu~hu~" Heluga jumped high when he heard the order, and a fire ring similar to a vortex of flames quickly went towards the iron armored rhinoceros.

"Fight down, shoot down! Shoot down Heruga!"

Seeing Heluga jumping in the air, Kerry's expression finally cheered up. He stepped on to force Heluga to show up. It is well known that his armored rhino is best at fighting birds!

"Boom~Bang!" A sharp stone bullet hit Heruga heavily.

"Wow!" Heruga, who was knocked to the ground, cried out in pain.

"Shhh!" But at this time, Heluga's ring of fire also caught the Iron Armored Rhinoceros, and the sudden burst of flames also interrupted the Iron Armored Rhinoceros' subsequent attack.

"Huh~" The armored rhino only felt a little hot on its skin and a little burning sensation, but a lot of flames really interrupted his combo, and it should have been stomping again.

"Stand up, Heluga! You've worked so hard this time, and you'll have to fight with the armored rhinoceros!"

Tianji seized the opportunity to get Heruga to stand up in a hurry, encouraging him to continue fighting!

"Oh! You've spent more than me! Iron armored rhinoceros, step on!"

Of course, Kerry also heard what Tianji said, and immediately let the iron-clad rhino do the same trick again.

"Jump up, explode!" For this move, Tianji had no choice but to let Heruga come here once, which is a waste of time!

Soon the scene just now was repeated again.

"This Heluga is going to lose, if there is no other way."

"Now it's time to consume the stamina and energy of the iron armored rhinoceros."

"It's a half chance of being pulled back by Kerry. After all, the damage of flames to iron-clad rhinos is really average!"

Seeing the repeated scenes on the field, some experienced trainers in the stands have already come up with the results.

"Brother Tian Ci, there is also a dumb flower, it will definitely be very easy to deal with this iron armored rhino!"

"Come on! Brother Tianji!"

As for Xiaoling and Shishi, as teammates who get along day and night, of course they understand Tianji's strength.

So they didn't feel lost when they saw the picture of Heluga in a dying struggle, they were still cheering on Tianji with great interest.

Soon this scene was repeated 4 times. On the fifth time, Heluga finally couldn't stand up and fell to the ground covered in scars.

However, his hard work was also rewarded, that is, this last explosion finally caused the Iron Armored Rhino to fall into a burning state.

"Huha~" At this time, the iron armored rhino could see an obvious red burn mark on the middle part of its back, which was causing it continuous pain.

"The second game was won by Kerry Asada. Please send the second elf as soon as possible."

"Go, Kou Duika!" Hearing the referee's words, Tianji immediately dispatched Kou Duika without hesitation.

The opponent's iron armored rhino's air hit rate has just been seen, and he has absolutely no idea of ​​Pibi bird flying in the air to delay time.

"Hurry up! Stomp + Rock Rain!" Seeing that the Iron Armored Rhino was in a state of burns, Kerry also understood that a quick solution was needed, so he directly let the Iron Armored Rhino use his ultimate move.

"Huh~dong!" At the same time that the armored rhinoceros stepped on the ground, a large number of small stones also appeared in front of him.

"Xuuuuuu~" These stones quickly hit the mouth in the face!

"Shadow clone, then take root to stabilize yourself, seed machine gun + rattan whip! How many blocks can you block!"

Seeing the small pebble shot from the sky and covering the sky, Tian Ci panicked, and immediately asked Kou Daohua to try his best to block it.

"Moo~ 咻咻咻" Kou Duanhua agreed and used the shadow clone first, and then both mouth dumb flowers began to spit out seed machine guns, and they were also desperately waving vines in their hands.

"Bang bang bang~" "Moo! Moo~" Although it was offset a lot by two moves, the stones were too dense, and there were still a lot of stones hitting the mouth, causing it to emanate. Painful cry.

"Brother Stone, this, this, what kind of move is this!" In the stands, Xiaoling looked at the densely packed stones with surprise~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Even if it was an opponent, it felt so powerful!

"Uh~ If I guessed correctly, it should be rock blasting + invisible rock. There may be some skills I don't know about. I can let Rumble Stone try this trick!"

Shitou's eyes also lit up when he saw this scene. After explaining Xiaoling Lianmeng's guess, he decided to go back today and try it out.

His rumbling rock is also an ordinary middle section, and the invisible rock has also been learned. It can also be blasted by rock blasting. It is nothing more than changing the falling rock.

Originally, rockfall relied on condensing large rocks to cause huge damage at one time. Rock blasting is nothing more than reducing the energy, changing from one-time to multiple times, and firing multiple small rocks in a row, which is almost exactly the same as bursting stone bullets.

"Huchi~huchi~moo!" In the end, the blood-thick mouth stayed down, gasping for breath.

"Koudouhua, return the color, first seed the machine gun, and then bind and absorb!"

Seeing that this wave of attacks had finally passed, Tianji immediately let Koudouhua start to attack.

"Moo! Moo! Moo!"

"Papa!" Kou Duihua said that you dared to keep hitting me in the face, and instantly a series of green bullets and several vines attacked the iron armored rhinoceros.



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