Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 233: Heluga VS Ba Da Butterfly

Passing through the passage, he walked into the opposing battlefield, and as soon as he entered, he found that there seemed to be more than twenty spectators, which surprised him a bit!

"Could it be that my talent has been discovered?"

Tianji felt a little bit happy for a while. Who wouldn't want to pretend to be in front of people?

"Toichiro, come on!"

"Don't embarrass us bug-catchers!"

"Come on! Instantly kill that kid!"

"Toichiro, come on!"

But soon, when the cheering sounded, Tianci's face darkened. It turned out that he was just self-indulgent, and the co-author came to cheer on his opponent.

"Humph! It turns out that most of them are bug-catchers. Today, I'll let you know that even the bug-catchers are just my stepping stone!"

After a quick glance without trace, Tianji found that most of the audience was filled with straw hats, which made sense.

Of course, I understand, but Tian Ci is still unhappy at the bottom of his heart. He is inexplicably used as a background board. He is not a generous person.

"On my left is the bug-catcher - Toichiro Kinoshita!

Player No. 378 on my right is Taji Aoki. "

After seeing the players on both sides in their seats, the referee briefly introduced the players on the next two sides.

"md! The title of bug-catcher boy can be hung up during the competition. I can only hang a number card! Damn!"

Tianji, who was a little unhappy at the beginning, immediately complained in his heart after hearing the referee's introduction.

"This game is 2v2. The left-hand side will attack first. During the game, you cannot change sprites in the middle of the game. When a sprite is defeated, the trainer of the defeated side will send out sprites.

At this time, the right to go first in the second game rests with the victor. If the two players have no objection, please be prepared. "

The referee didn't know that Tian Ci was complaining in his heart, and he was still talking about the rules of the battle in Barabara.


"Yes." Both of them nodded in agreement.

"Please, the trainer on the left, send the elves first!"

After seeing the two nod, the referee shouted to the left.

"Go, Ba Da Butterfly!" Toichiro threw the Poké Ball first, and a red light flashed, and a well-developed Ba Da Butterfly appeared in the air.

"Fuyi~" Ba Dahu called out on the field with high fighting spirit.

"Ba Dahu, it is almost certain that he has awakened his superpowers, after all, he is the elf of the bug catcher.

Although Ba Dahu's super power is not strong, it can even be said to be mediocre, but in front of the unresistable elves, he can show his prestige.

But unfortunately, my Heluga can resist~”

Looking at the big butterfly that fluttered its wings slightly, Tian Ci smiled, and a flash of pride flashed in his heart quickly.

"If it's an ordinary trainer, even those family members, they would have a headache when they encounter Ba Dahou who has superpowers."

"Go, Heluga!" Without making the opponent wait for a long time, after thinking for a while, Tanji threw Heluga's Poké Ball.

"Ow~" Heluga let out a long howl as soon as he appeared.

"Damn it! That kid Ichiro is going to lose the first game!"

A middle-aged uncle in the audience's face turned gloomy when he saw Heruga.

"Why? I remember Big Brother Ichiro's Ba Dahu. He uses super powers very well, and he can fly. Although that dog looks fierce, it must not be able to beat Ba Dahu."

Hearing the middle-aged uncle's prediction, the child next to him was unhappy and immediately retorted.

"Cough~ Saburo, you are still young, you haven't become a trainer yet, and you are basically in contact with worm-type elves at home, so it's normal not to know about Heruga.

Heluga is an elves in the Chengdu area. Of course, we can basically be regarded as one family in Kanto and Chengdu, and it is not uncommon for Heluga to appear.

It's a pity that it happened to be met by Ichiro. Heluga is a fire-evil dual-attribute elf. The fire type restrains Ba Dahou's insect type, and the evil type is almost completely immune to the damage of the super power type at the same level.

That's why I said that the first game, Ichiro was probably going to be difficult. "

Seeing Saburo with puffed cheeks, the uncle didn't get angry, but explained to him patiently.

"Ah~ what's the matter! But I still believe in Big Brother Ichiro! Insect spirits are always the strongest! Big Brother Ichiro! Come on!"

Hearing the neighbor's uncle's explanation, Saburo's small face collapsed, but he quickly recovered himself and shouted loudly at the venue.

"Fujiichiro, there is still a chance, don't forget, he used all his net worth to buy one... Now that elf is definitely the trump card in his hand, and a string of two is not impossible!"

Hearing Saburo's cheers, another bug-catcher in the back row also spoke up and expressed his support.

"That's right, that elf is a natural warrior. As long as this Ba Da Butterfly can add some negative state to Heruga, it can be easily resolved at that time. I believe that the commoner will not be a trainer specializing in fire. ."

Hearing the words of the people in the back row, the uncle also quickly thought of the appearance of the elf, and his spirit was also lifted.

Back on the battlefield, Toichiro also had a solemn expression on his face. He was not that kid from Saburo. He knew Heruga.

"We can only consume as much of that black ruga as possible~"

Toichiro made a silent decision in his heart.

"Ba Dahu, spread the powder down the wind!" Now that he had a choice, after the referee announced the start of the battle, he immediately gave Ba Dahu an order.

"Fuyi~ Huhu" Ba Dahu agreed, flapping his wings, and the wind that drove him to fly appeared around him.

"Shashasha~" With the blessing of the downwind, Ba Dahu soon came to the sky above Heluga, and soon mixed powder of paralysis, hypnosis, and poisonous powder fell to Heluga little by little.

"Heruga, use a small flame, and then use the haze while running~"

Because of the right of first attack, Tian Ci did not interrupt Ba Dahu's downwind blessing, but for the powder attack, Tian Ci could defend and counterattack.

"Wang~hu!" Helujia raised his head and burst into flames.

"呲呲~呲zi~" The flames instantly burned the scattered powder clean.

"Hush~hh~hu~huhu~" He Lujia, who spit out the flames, did not stop, and ran and spread the turbid mist.

"Damn it, it's my fault that I usually pay too much attention to superpowers!"

Seeing that Heluga easily resolved this wave of attacks, Toichiro's face became ugly.

This Ba Dahu was his ace in the past, relying on his superpower skills. For this reason, he also spent a lot of money to buy Ba Dahu a skill ball with strong mental ability.

Ba Dahu lives up to expectations. Although the total amount of superpowers is not much compared to other superpowers, compared with other superpowers, its superpowers are far ahead of their counterparts in terms of skills and total amount.

Relying on the ability of this superpower, it once helped Toichiro to pass five levels and kill six generals, and completed various difficult and high-reward tasks.

Only then did he have the capital to buy a Flying Mantis, and he had a good mid-level qualification! The best quality available on the market.

But as the saying goes, success is also Xiao He, and defeat is also Xiao He. Because he pays too much attention to super powers, the current Ba Dahu has not used other skills much, which has caused the power of his other moves to begin to decline.

As for the combo he used just now, whether it's a tailwind move or a dusting move, the power can't be said to be at the level of an ordinary mid-rank, it can only be said that it is still within the range of an ordinary level.

"Badahu, fly high, silver whirlwind! Blow these mists away."

Ichiro didn't have a good way, but he knew that he couldn't let Heruga hide, otherwise he would be a target if he flew to the highest point.

"Heruga, fire bursts of sparks, interfere with it! Seize the opportunity and continue to use the turbid mist."

Tian Ci was of course not reconciled. Even if the downwind move that Ba Dahu didn't use very well, he couldn't help but keep using it!

If you don't care, Ba Dahu's speed will definitely get faster and faster, then even if Helujia can win, he will be consumed by seventy-eighty-eight.

So it's better to build a field at the beginning, hide in the fog, so that the opponent can't see where the attack is coming from.

"Wang~huhu~huhuhu~" He Lujia hiding in the turbid fog is not blind, its smell detection is a good radar to find out the enemy's position.

"Fuyi!" Ba Dahu just used the whirlwind to blow away a little fog, when he saw three sparks suddenly shot at it, so frightened that it quickly gave up maintaining the whirlwind and dodged everywhere.

"cao! Ba Dahu, try using your mind to find out the enemy's position."

Seeing Ba Dahou who was interrupted, Toichiro uttered a foul language angrily, and decided to let Ba Dahu try his superpowers. Even if it can't cause damage, I can always check it.

"...Fu...Fuyi~" Ba Dahu heard the words and flew to the sky immediately, and he didn't care about the turbid fog below for a while, his eyes turned blue in an instant, obviously using his mind power.

"Fur..." After a while, it shook its head at Toichiro, indicating that its mind power could only detect a little bit of the surface, and there was no way to go inside.

"Then it's up to us, Heluga, fire bursts of fire!"

Seeing this scene, Tianji laughed, and immediately let Heruga, who had finished the structure, start to attack.

When Ba Dahu used his mind power to probe just now, he didn't attack because he wanted to create a dense foggy environment!

You must know that even if the first game is over, this environment can still be saved for the second game.

As for worrying that Ba Dahu's mind power can penetrate the turbid fog, Tian Ci said that Hai Xingxing had already tested it, so he was not worried at all.

The super power level of the starfish group is higher than that of the Ba Dahu group, not to mention that the turbid fog of Heluga has been specially upgraded with materials.

These filthy particles are mixed with some poisonous powder, and the mouthless flower is an expert in poisoning among the three elves. It has specially instructed Heluga on how to deepen the toxicity of the turbid fog and how to increase it.

Although one is fire poison and the other is grass poison, some of the manipulation experience is universal, so the haze concentration of Heluga is obviously higher than before.

"Huhu~咻咻咻~" Heluga, who received the order, immediately ran in the field, firing sparks as he ran.

"Fuyi~Fu~" Heluga's spark was extremely fast, and Ba Dahu couldn't see the direction of the attack, so he was embarrassed to hide.

"Bang~" Although he had the blessing of the wind, he still did not dodge in the end and was hit by a spark.

"Fuyi!" Ba Dahou, who was hit, let out a scream and fell from the air.

"Go on, Heiluga, Whirlpool!" With a spark, of course, it was impossible for Ba Dahou to lose his fighting ability, so Tianci hurriedly asked Heluga to make up for the knife.

As for the name of this move, which is the abbreviation of the flame vortex improvement move, for Tanji, it's good to be short and concise.

"Wow, huh~" Helujia immediately spit out a swirling ring of fire from his mouth and flew straight towards Ba Dahu.

"Fur! Furu 咿~咿!" Ba Dahu desperately controlled his body, but the flames damaged a little of its wings, so although the falling speed was slowing down, it did not fly again.

This is the difference between the flying ability of insect-type elves and bird elves. The wings of insect-type elves are generally very fragile. Like the common butterfly and giant stinger, their wings are more like a thin film.

As for the Bibi bird, the wings of the flamingo have skeletal muscles. In comparison, their protective power is significantly stronger.

For example, if this spark hits a strong bird, it will not have much impact on their wings.

Moreover, although the Ba Da Butterfly and the Giant Stinger Bee can fly, they are limited by the structure of their wings, and their flight speed and flight height cannot be compared with those of the bird elves.

As far as the flying speed of this big butterfly is concerned, in comparison, Tianji's Bibi bird is much faster than it. Even if it uses a tail wind, it can be compared with the naked eye, but it is still faster than the Bibi bird.

"Shu~" The fire ring caught Ba Dahu without any accident. After all, Ba Dahu has not fully recovered his wings. In Heruga's eyes, this state is no different from a fixed target.

"Oops, Ba Dahu, keep your mind strong and destroy this flame vortex!"

Seeing this scene, Toichiro hurriedly shouted.

Although super powers cannot cause damage, counteracting moves are still possible.

"Fu~" Ba Dahu's eyes just showed blue light.

"Bang!" The flame vortex suddenly erupted by itself.

"Fura! Fur~" Ba Dahou, who was caught off guard, was directly interrupted by her move~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and flew out with a charred figure.

"Hu~" At the same time, another spark followed.

"Fu! (??_??)??" Seeing that Ba Dahu was still flying in the air, he was hit by another spark, and finally screamed and fell to the ground, losing his ability to fight.

"Then~ what is that? How did the flame vortex suddenly erupt?"

In the stands, Saburo looked dumbfounded. He didn't expect the big brother's Ba Dahou to be defeated so easily.

"That's a fusion move. Just like our bug-catcher, he has developed a lot of elves. It seems that Ichiro's opponent is not easy!"

When the uncle next to him heard it, he explained to Saburo.

"Yeah, but I didn't expect that there is such a person in the civilian training family. He doesn't look very big. It seems that after the deed, the civilian faction has another genius."

The young man in the back row also sighed in agreement.

Although they are all bug-catchers, they are also part of the civilian faction. For talented civilian trainers, even if they are opponents, they will not deliberately belittle them.

On the contrary, they are happy that another talented trainer has appeared among the commoners.



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