Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 234: Born Warrior - Flying Mantis

From the very beginning of the conference, it can be seen that the family faction and the commoner faction are completely two classes.

The trainers of the family faction despise the civilian trainers, and the civilian trainers have no way to train cheats.

For civilian trainers who want to go further, they can only communicate with strong people who are also civilians.

Whether it is the daily feeding of the elves, or the idea of ​​​​movement training, you can have a friendly exchange after both parties agree.

This is also the reason why every civilian trainer has a cultivation experience in the backpack.

These are all valuable resources at the exchange meeting, and only those like Tianji who have cultivated several books on their bodies will directly dispose of the cultivation experience they have obtained before at a low price.

Of course, this also has something to do with the low level of cultivation experience he has gained. If it is the cultivation experience of a strong person like the bug catcher, then he will take a good look at it.

You must know that if you can become a strong person among the commoners, there must be one aspect that stands out. Whether it is useful or not, it is always right to absorb a little more successful experience from others.

"No, I believe in Ichiro! That Ba Dahu is just Ichiro's previous trump card. When the Flying Mantis comes into play, Ichiro will definitely win!"

Compared with the two adults, Saburo didn't think so much. In his heart, his eldest brother will always be the most powerful, and he will never lose!

"Brother Ichiro! Show your real strength! Come on!" So he looked impatient at the words of the two adults next to him, shook his head, and started shouting at the venue.

"Tachi contestant, do you want to change the spirit?"

At the same time, after the first battle was over, the referee turned around and asked Shimodaji.

"No, I won't change it." To the referee's question, Tianji shook his head, indicating that he would not change the elves.

Heluga's field has been built. Besides, it doesn't consume too much energy against Ba Dahu, so why should it be changed?

"Then ask Toichiro to send a second elf."

After getting Tianji's reply, the referee waved his left hand, signaling the player on the left to send the second elf as soon as possible.

"Sure enough, he won't change spirits~" Although Toichiro had anticipated this situation, he could not help but have fantasies in his heart.

"In that case, let's go! My strongest warrior!"

After shaking his head and dispelling the negative emotions in his heart, Toichiro sent his second elf.

"唦特~唻" As soon as the Flying Mantis appeared on the stage, it raised its double knives, and also called out with fighting intent.

"Appeared! Flying Mantis! So handsome! Come on, Ichiro!"

Seeing the green figure, Saburo was excited, the Flying Mantis is known as a natural warrior of the insect type! It's his favorite elf!

His eldest brother, Toichiro once promised him that when he was 15 years old, he would prepare a flying mantis as the initial elf.

"This flying mantis is really good!"

"His eyes are very sharp, as expected of a natural warrior!"

"I heard that Ichiro has gone bankrupt~ but it's worth it!"

"Toichiro! Come on!"

"Come on! Flying Mantis!"

When the Flying Mantis came on stage, the audience in the stands also boiled.

Most of them are bug-catchers. For them, the Flying Mantis is definitely a dream elf!

Although Heracross and the big armor are also very strong, he can't stand the handsome Flying Mantis!

Therefore, the flying mantis is the most popular insect elves in Kanto, no one!

Correspondingly, the price is very expensive. The official price of the Elf House is 200,000, which is a common medium qualification.

Compared with the price of 50,000 Abo snakes, 65,000 Dairubi is definitely a high price, and the same caliber of Dajia is only 60,000, and Heracross is 70,000.

In terms of cost-effectiveness, if it does not evolve, it is definitely the high cost-effectiveness of Dajia and Heracross.

But the flying mantis can still evolve! The giant pincer mantis was discovered a few years ago and can be evolved from the flying mantis.

As a result, the price of the Flying Mantis is much higher than that of the other two insect elves. Of course, there must be a premium for appearance, as well as the touted price of water. (For example, luxury brands such as Chanel and LV in the real world, they sell brand marketing)

Of course, you may ask, doesn't the bug catcher know a lot about insect elves! Why don't you want to catch it yourself?

You must know that in the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies are paper tigers!

In the Aoki Forest, there is a group of flying mantises, but their strength is what you, a small ordinary mid-level trainer, can overcome?

In the group of flying mantis, there are definitely elites, and there are more than one. Even if you know more about insect elves, if you enter alive, you have to come out alive.

The elves in the wild have no contractual influence. For the Flying Mantis, those who trespassed into their own territory and abducted young clansmen were simply "kill!"

Of course, it does not rule out the chance that you are favored by the goddess of luck and lucky enough to catch a flying mantis outside the territory.

But can you guarantee that the aptitude of this flying mantis will be good?

You must know that no matter what kind of elves they are, they generally protect the well-qualified cubs in the deepest part of the clan.

So even if you are lucky enough to catch a flying mantis, the aptitude of this flying mantis is likely to be the most common common medium, or even a little luckier, the common high.

The possibility of good qualifications wandering around the periphery of the territory is really too small, this has the hope of breaking the elite, even if the probability is relatively small, there is still a chance!

So even for a bug-catcher, a flying mantis with good aptitude can only be bought from the house of elves. Toichiro's flying mantis cost him 1.6 million for his good quality!

This money is about the same as Ryogami's Dairubi, not to mention that Tanji's Dairubi has genetic skills, and Toichiro is just an ordinary flying mantis.

So for Toichiro, it's really not an exaggeration to go bankrupt.

His flying mantis is well-known in the circle of bug-catchers, it is equivalent to mixing a Rolls-Royce in a row of Volkswagen, Dongfeng and other ordinary cars!

Even in these ordinary cars (Bada Butterfly, Big Needle Bee), there are some BMWs (Dajia) and Mercedes-Benz (Heracross), but in front of me, Rolls-Royce (Flying Mantis), they are all younger brothers!

"The second game, start from the right, the game begins!"

Seeing that Toichiro sent a flying mantis, the referee was stunned for a while, and couldn't help but take a second glance before announcing the start of the second game.

"Heruga ran and howled!" Although a few minutes passed in the middle, the fog on the field was still quite thick, so Tianji did not attack immediately, but took this opportunity to let Heruga improve himself .

"Tatata~ woohoo!" Heluga, who was hiding in the fog, began to run around, and at the same time let out a loud roar.

Running around is to avoid exposing your location because of the sound. No matter how thick the fog is, if you hear such a loud sound coming from a place, you can determine your location. After all, elves are extraordinary species!

"Flying Mantis, gather qi!" Ichiro didn't give an order to the Flying Mantis until Heluga's voice became quieter.

"唦特~唰~" The Flying Mantis nodded and stood on the spot, white energy began to emerge from its body, and its aura was slowly rising.

The enemy doesn't move, I don't move. Toichiro chose this strategy. After all, the flying mantis doesn't have a dog's nose. It is better to rush in rashly in such a thick fog and wait for the opponent to attack.

"Heruga, the spark burst!" Of course, Tianji couldn't let the Flying Mantis improve himself steadily, and immediately let Heruga attack.

"Wang woo~ hoo hoo~ hoo~" I saw a dog bark in the purple fog, and at the same time, a circle of sparks, which was obviously bigger, hit the flying mantis.

"Flying Mantis, don't worry about it, continue to complete this Qi gathering!"

Looking at the incoming flames, Toichiro was very calm, and he made a sound so that the Flying Mantis would not panic.

"Hu~hu!" The Flying Mantis nodded, and continued to gather qi with an air of indifference.

At this moment, in the stands, Saburo, a child, looked anxious.

"Hurry up! Flying mantis! Why doesn't Big Brother give an order, why is he still gathering energy!

Even if the Flying Mantis completes the gathering of qi, it will still be a loss if it is hit by the flames! "

"Hahaha~ Don't worry, Saburo, your eldest brother has practiced a secret weapon recently. This little flame can't hurt the Flying Mantis."

Looking at Saburo, whose eyebrows were burning with anxiety, the uncle next to him laughed and said mysteriously.

"Huh? What secret weapon? Is it to keep it?"

After Saburo heard it, he asked curiously. In his impression, it seemed that only this move could block the attack at such a close distance.

"No, no, you continue to be optimistic, you must remember that we are bug-catchers, and we are also experts in developing bug-type elves!"

Hearing Saburo's words to hold on, the uncle waved his hand and pointed at the straw hat on his head in a random and proud manner, indicating that their bug-catchers would also develop their moves.

Although it's a little strange for an uncle to call him a bug catcher, this is the name of a strong man. He is much stronger than those low-level trainers in their 40s who have accomplished nothing.

At the same time, on the battlefield, Tianji also looked at the approaching flames with a puzzled expression. There was no joy on his face that the attack was about to hit, but only doubts.

He believed that the bug-catcher boy on the opposite side would never know even the most basic attributes of restraint. If he didn't care about it like this, if he just wanted to gather qi, he must be relying on him.

"Could it be!" Suddenly a picture flashed in Tanji's mind.

That was when Xiao Zhi was fighting the insect-type gym, and he was also fighting the flying mantis. Xiao Zhi also used the fire-type elf. The flame move was blocked by the flying mantis at the very beginning!

"Sword Dance!" At this time, the opponent's order helped Taji and Saburo in the stands to solve their doubts.

"Swish~" The Flying Mantis, which had completed its qi gathering, immediately turned quickly.

"Bang Bang Bang ~" I saw that the flames that were about to hit were blocked by the rapid rotation, and the momentum of the flying mantis continued to increase.

"Sure enough~ It seems that the Flying Mantis was paid to understand this move in advance."

Seeing this scene, Tianji flashed a hint of helplessness in his eyes, as expected of a bug-catcher who claims to have deep development of bug-type elves!

In the animation, this is still used by a gym owner, but now in the real world, a bug-catcher boy uses it.

Of course, what Tianji didn't know was that the usage of this trick was not discovered by Toichiro himself. He also learned it from the cultivation secrets of Flying Mantis.

And most of the official cultivation secrets of these alliances come from various family gyms, so it is not surprising to have this trick.

"But there is no place to draw on the battlefield. I remember that in the animation, the Fireball Mouse jumped to the top of the unblocked area to defeat the Flying Mantis, but how do I jump to the top on this flat ground? .."

Looking at the Flying Mantis, who was still continuing the sword dance, a hint of helplessness flashed in Tian Ci's eyes.

Without the help, it was impossible for Heruga to jump above the flying mantis.

Moreover, he remembered that there were quite a few speed-type moves in the Flying Mantis. With a flash of electric light, they should be able to move at high speed.

Even if he made Heruga try his best to jump up, it was not a sudden attack, and the Flying Mantis could definitely escape.

"Heruga, trick!" After thinking about it for a while, Tianji found that he had no choice but to lift up with you, so I would also upgrade, and let Heruga use the upgrade move again.

Anyway, he remembered that the Flying Mantis was basically a melee move. As long as the Flying Mantis came to attack, Heluga's thunder bite could also be countered.

If it wasn't for the fact that He Lujia just advanced to the normal middle stage and didn't understand the flame teeth, it would actually be better to use the flame teeth for the flying mantis.

After all, the high-speed movement of the flying mantis also relies on the thin wings behind it.

Although thunder and lightning may also cause damage to the wings, it is certainly not as much damage as the fire of this department.

As long as he loses his wings like Ba Dahu, then He Lujia still has a chance of winning.

"Flying Mantis, high flashing state! Rush over and slash!"

It's a pity that Tanji's opponent didn't want Heluga to complete the trick, and Ichiro also let the Flying Mantis use his ability to press the bottom of the box.

"唦特~唰~" The Flying Mantis cried out ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and immediately spread the wings behind it, and at the same time a white light lit up on its body.

"咻咻咻~" I saw the Flying Mantis flashing quickly on the field, yes, flashing!

With high-speed movement and a flash of electric light, this speed bonus made the flying mantis very fast. Tianji just blinked his eyes and found that the flying mantis appeared on the left, and with another blink, it appeared on the right.

Although this state is definitely not sustainable, it is enough for this not-so-big venue. Soon the Flying Mantis found Heluga and slashed it with one knife after another.


"Wow!" Before Heluga's trick was used, he was hit with one knife after another, making a painful cry.

"Heruga, it's hard! Thunder bite!" Tianji, who saw this scene, understood that he could only fight to the death!

"Wang! Ouch!" He Lujia heard the order, his eyes flashed fiercely, and the electric light surged in his mouth, and he bit towards the knife light that came.

"Bang!" Lei Bite and Lian Zhan collided.

"Wang~(??_??)??" He Lujia was helpless and was knocked out by the last blow, losing his ability to fight.



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