Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 232: Helper (using each other) and the bug catcher

"Miss Kui, I have one last question, so why are you so eager to know?"

Concerning the safety of his identity, Tianji still chose to break the casserole and ask the question to the end. Only when he got a definite guarantee would he tell her what she wanted to know.

"...Okay, Tian Ji-kun, you are really cautious."

The girl looked at Tianji who was looking into the bottom line, a hint of helplessness flashed in her eyes, and finally she explained the reason.

"I'm actually a sideline of the Jiang Qi family, or a sideline of both parents who died and the property was gone. Little Rada is also an elf egg left to me by my parents.

At the freshman level, he could still save a little by hard work. He ranked first in the same class and received a fairly generous salary.

But after the ordinary level, the cost is too high. Others, especially the direct descendants who were once suppressed by me, now have other resources to provide, but I don't have it!

If I don't find new ways to open source soon, I may not even be able to keep my current position soon.

I have also done two alliance missions, but it was too difficult for me to do it alone. My peers in my family were shunning me, so it would be nice if they didn’t stumble me, let alone form a team with me.

As for the civilian trainer, I teamed up once, but it was very difficult. I almost got killed by them. "

As she spoke, the girl's expression became sad.

When she was at the freshman level, she used some small tricks to get the first grade in the same grade, but it was also because of these small tricks that her peers began to exclude her faintly.

"Oh, so that's the case, okay, then I'll talk to you."

Tianji took a closer look and found that the girl's demeanor was very real, and it should be revealing her true feelings, so she was going to tell her something about her contribution.

If he randomly encounters a girl who is an old monster at the level of a movie queen, then his luck is also very good.

As a human being in two lives, they are all at the bottom, and he still has a bit of morality when it comes to judging expressions and demeanor.

"First of all, you know the merit points of the alliance. In fact, the contribution points of the Rockets are very similar to it, but in some things, it is 20% off the alliance..."

"Twenty percent off! ??ω?? Tian Ji-kun, can you tell me in detail what is 20 percent off?"

"Forget it, I'll turn on the computer and show it to you. You still find a chance to go to the base. You can buy one for 10,000 yuan for this computer."

"Mmmm, Tian Cijun, you are such a good person"


In the following time, Aoi seemed to have discovered a new continent, yelling at Tianji's computer, and asking Tianji some questions from time to time.

In the spirit of helping people to the end and sending the Buddha to the west, Tian Ci also answered them one by one. Of course, he would often ask the girl some questions about the family faction. The host and guests enjoyed each other.

Time passed like this for more than an hour, and a few minutes after 10 o'clock, the girl reluctantly returned the computer to Tianci and bowed her thanks to Tianci.

"Thank you, Tian Ji-kun!"

"It's okay, we are also colleagues now."

From the girl, Tianji also got a lot of information about the family, so his attitude towards the girl has eased a lot at this time.

"Tianji-kun, um, um~ I have an unkind request."

Seeing Tianji with a friendly expression, the girl's heart couldn't help but move. Originally, she wasn't going to speak so early, but tonight seemed to be a good opportunity. When everyone was in a good relationship, she gritted her teeth and said it anyway.

"Oh? Miss Kui, tell me, I'll take a look."

For this unkind request, Tianji actually had a little guess in his heart, and even he was a little inclined in his heart, so he chose to let the girl say it directly.

"That's right, I want to ask Tian Cijun, you take me to the base after the festival, I buy a computer and spend the contribution points.

Of course, I won't let Tian Cijun go away in vain. I can directly give you half of the 100 points of contribution.

At that time, we can even do the rocket mission together. Although my strength is low now, there are still some secrets that I should have. It will be very fast to cultivate a second elf. Can you think of it? "

Aoi was overjoyed when she heard Tianji's words. She didn't refuse and said she had a play. She immediately expressed her thoughts.

"It's a smart girl~" Contributing 50 points for free, Tianji certainly won't miss this kind of good thing, but his focus is not on this, but on the later cooperation!

"But Miss Kwai, I have a companion. Tonight I remember I said it in the gym lounge area."

Although he also has this tendency in his heart, on the surface he still has to shirk it for his own benefit.

"Tian Cijun, you are also a smart person. In this room tonight, there is no companion for you, only you. I believe you know better than me why this is.

Of course, I also understand that there is a big gap between my strength and Tian Ji-kun, so I can only account for 20% of the harvest, and you have the priority to choose the spoils, how about it? "

After hearing Tian Zi's prevarication, Aoi didn't want to push Tianzi any longer, and directly reported her bottom line.

"Oh! Miss Kwai is really willing!" Hearing these words, Tian Chi couldn't help but re-evaluate the girl in front of him.

20%! You must know that although there is a gap between the ordinary low section and the ordinary middle section, it is definitely not that big!

Don't you see that thunderbolt in the play-in match defeated the Abo monster in the middle by leapfrogging?

He was able to defeat Radha so easily, that's because he occupied the sky, and Radha couldn't do anything about it. It would not be so easy if it was replaced by Heluga or Duan Hua.

Aoi's Rada, he has carefully observed it on the field, it was well cultivated, and its actual combat effectiveness is definitely not weak.

"Then I don't know, is it always 20%, or is there a deadline or something?"

Although he was very moved, Tianji was prepared to ask questions just in case.

"How can I be reluctant, if I hadn't taken you with me, Tian Cijun, I wouldn't be able to get a penny, and it's pretty good to get 20% now.

As for the time limit, how about when my two elves are in the normal middle stage? "

To Tianji's surprise, Aoi first flattered Tianji calmly, and then revealed her time limit.

Tianji felt very familiar with Kwai's set, and then he suddenly realized that this was the way he flattered Uncle Sam before!

"This woman has the wealth of a great emperor!" He couldn't help but admire the woman's means and scheming, and of course he boasted in his heart without showing any trace.

He was a talented person in two lifetimes with such a small skill. I didn't expect that this woman was 15 years old and her level was almost the same as him. What's more important is that this woman is more willing than he is!

Of course, what Tianci doesn't know is that the two lives are also divided into two lives. Just like him, the two lives are still struggling at the bottom, and the two lives that have never taken over any major industries are normal at this level. !

The family, Jiang Qikui, "sends" the legacy industry bit by bit with his own hands. This growth process definitely overwhelmed Tianji.

"...That's fine, but I can only choose the task and the time, how about that?"

Tian Chi pretended to think for a while, and then nodded slowly.

"Okay, then please ask Tian Cijun! In the future, Tian Cijun doesn't need to call me Miss Kwai, it's too outlandish, just call me Kwai directly."

Seeing Tianci nodding, the girl was overjoyed and agreed immediately, and immediately surrendered her identity with interest.

"Okay, Na Kui, you can call me Tianji in the future."

Seeing such a sensible girl, Tianji nodded and gave up the honorific title.

"Tian Cijun, you should be older than me, so I'll call you Brother Tian Ci!

Brother Tian, ​​we'll see you then! "

Aoi didn't have any interest in this either, but the girl, who was very knowledgeable about the world, immediately called her brother out of her own accord, which was very helpful for the relationship!

"Goodbye~" Tianji didn't object to this title, so he just waved at her.

After the two parted, Tian Chi returned to the house and his eyes returned to calm.

He understood that regardless of the affection they called just now, they seemed to have a good relationship, but they were actually just taking advantage of each other.

Kwai's guess was right. On the Rockets mission, he was alone and confirmed that he needed a helper. Even if the helper only had a low-level Lada at the ordinary level, it could still play a lot of roles.

If there is a helper, he will not only contribute more than 20 points a day by brushing the Rockets tasks every day.

Now, he still needs the contribution of the Rockets very much, and no one will think that he earns too much.

On the other side, Kwai walked slowly on the deserted street by herself, her eyes were also calm and indifferent.

She just needs a guide, and a temporary protector. As long as she has two ordinary middle section, she can get rid of Tianci and do it by herself, or else she will always get 20% of the harvest, when she is a mine slave!

Of course, everyone was happy with the result, everyone just got what they wanted.

After sending Aoi away, Tianji didn't wait long before the little maid who was dressed as instructed.

"Sure enough, you are the most adorable! Baby!" Looking at the tightly bound figure, Tian Chi screamed and jumped up.

"Yeah! Master~" Ning Hui just resisted in a symbolic way, and let Tian Ji Shi do it.

Looking at Ninghui under him, Tian Chi smiled, feeling that Aoi was actually an enhanced version of Ninghui, of course not referring to her figure and appearance.

He was referring to strength and scheming. Lucky Aoi was lucky to have a rich heritage that could help her get through the most difficult rookie stage, not only on the road of being a trainer, but also in the rookie stage of being a human being.

"However, the external condition of this girl, Kui, is also quite good! After using it, maybe it's okay... Hehehe"

Comparing the two, Tianji unknowingly thought of some strange things, and let out a wretched smile.

As for the woman Kui, he didn't plan to treat her the same as Xiaoling and the others. This woman has strength and means, and the level of means is not even inferior to his. He is not sure to fool her with sincerity.

Anyway, they are using each other. When one shot and two break up, maybe she will be the first to attack, and then she will fight with her backhand. He believes that he has this strength.

Of course, if not, he would have proposed to disband the group early to avoid being beaten. Anyway, his strength is overwhelming now, so it would be good to observe more at that time.

It's a new day. This morning, the three of them came to the gym.

Although the number of people has decreased, but because the 2v2 time will be longer, the game time of the conference will start at 7:30 in the morning.

Today's intensity is relatively high, there will be 3 duels, and finally the top 8 will be determined, and then tomorrow will be the final.

As for why there are only 8 people left, of course it can be done behind the scenes.

At each conference, there will be people from the three major forces. These people can be regarded as more or less water. Some of them are here to experience, and some are completely here to be robots. When the organizer needs it, they abandon the competition. Make up the number of people.

They themselves come from the three major forces, so they are not very enthusiastic about the conference. Since the forces behind them have requirements, it doesn't matter if they give up directly.

Besides, if you don't give up, it's not worth the loss to be an iron-headed baby.

After waiting in the rest area for a while, at around 8:30, the radio finally called his number.

"Player No. 378, please go to Battlefield No. 2!"

"Player No. 378, please go to Battlefield No. 2!"

"Player No. 64 please go to Battlefield No. 2!"

"Player No. 64 please go to Battlefield No. 2!"

After the broadcaster called his number twice, he soon called another number, and number 64 was his opponent.

"Tadata~Tata~" On the way to the player area, there were quite a lot of people coming and going along the way.

But as he was walking, Tianji noticed that on the way to the No. 2 venue, he and another young man in a straw hat seemed to be the only ones left.

"This person is my opponent? It's especially like the dress of the bug-catcher boy in the game of the previous life."

Tian Ji looked at the dress of the man in front of him, and his expression was a little dignified. In this world, a bug-catcher is not a representative of a weak chicken!

On the contrary, in the circle of civilian trainers, UU reading www.uukanshu. The com bug catcher is more like a distinguishing powerhouse title.

Insect-catcher, as the name suggests, is a kind of trainer who has a deep understanding of insect-type elves.

Their level of development of insect elves is generally much higher than that of ordinary civilian trainers.

Thanks to this, in order to distinguish themselves from other weak chickens, the bug catchers often wear straw hats on their heads and cool vests and shorts when they are in towns.

Of course, when they went to the field, they would still wear protective clothing if they didn't reach the elite level. In the field, they dressed like other trainers.

However, if you encounter a trainer dressed as a bug catcher in the wild, don't doubt it, 99% of them are at the top of the ordinary high rank, and most likely they are elite bug catchers!

After all, she is dressed in cool clothes, has no props to protect, and has survived in the wild for so long, that is definitely a strong representative!

"But bug-catchers usually also use bug-type elves. In that case, it seems that they need to be replaced. Let's use Bibi bird and Heruga. Attribute restraint!"

After quickly verifying his identity, Tianji changed the original order of appearances. He all guessed that the opponent was a bug-catcher, and he still used a dumb flower. The attribute restraint was not good.



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