Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 231: Jiang Qikui (1st day of August! Crush!)

"Sooner or later, you will have to pay the price~" After handing Lada to the medical staff, she became more and more angry, and finally walked to the rest area, ready to ask Tian Sub for an explanation.

Of course, this statement is not a mindless questioning, she is no longer the silly white sweet she used to be.

The innocence at the beginning was long gone in the process of the industry dissipating, and now all that remains are precociousness and interests.

I asked Tian Minya to explain, to see if I could put something on this man. After all, they are all members of the Rockets now, so they can be said to be colleagues!

And they are all trainers in the town. To be honest, this is the first time she has seen members of Team Rocket other than her own family.

She was there, but after taking an oath to join, she came back with her patriarch. Although the card and badge were also given, she didn't know what to use it for?

I just heard from the team who handled the team that they are still under the control of the patriarch, and what is normal or what is going on? He also said that Kali has contributed 100 points, but he didn't explain it in detail at all!

In addition, she was busy promoting the little Lada at that time. Even if the promotion was successful, she would not dare to go to the inner circle of the forest alone, let alone the base of the inner circle, for an ordinary low-level Lada. went.

As for asking the patriarch and asking the patriarch to explain it to them clearly, this is nothing short of a fantasy. After the patriarch came back, he has been recovering from his injuries and recovering his combat power, and he didn't care much about the family at all.

So to sum up, although she joined the Rockets, she actually didn't know anything about the Rockets, and her impression was still on the appearance of the league's publicity.

I just took a uniform, a badge, and a black ID card, oh! By the way, there are 100 points to contribute.

Although I don't understand the use of this contribution point, Aoi, who has done alliance missions, is still keenly aware that this should be Team Rocket's mission system.

But she can't even enter the base, it's useless at all!

As for the rest of the family, hehe~ they are still under the control of the patriarch, and they are also confused about Team Rocket.

Of course, she estimated that she should give everyone a detailed explanation after the patriarch leaves the customs, but now she has met another member of Team Rocket!

So it's better to take the time to ask clearly, as long as she understands it a little earlier than those in the family, then she will have an advantage.

Don't look at her being the first in her class when she was a freshman, but that was her last inheritance after she sold it.

Now that it is at the ordinary level, the cost of cultivation is even higher, so I have to think about the second elf. Apart from the family salary, other direct descendants have additional resources to supply. She doesn't have a helpless sideline!

If you don't work hard, you will be defeated and surpassed, and you may not even have the current treatment.

So although she was very angry with that man, the girl who had been polished by reality was still ready to seize this opportunity and go to clichés.

She searched carefully in the rest area, and finally found the bored Tashi in a corner.

"Why do I go first? Xiaoling and the others go last. I hope they will make a quick decision."

Tianji, who was sitting on the bench, was a little bored. It was similar to the first game. Xiaoling and Shitou were two rounds behind him.

When I came in just now, we chatted for a while, then they all left and went to the game, leaving him alone waiting here boringly.

"Tata~ Hello! Tian Zijun~" At this moment, a pleasant female voice came from the side.

What caught my eye was a delicate face with a smile like a flower. I saw the opponent just now, who was looking at him with a smile, and then reached the opposite side of him.

"Well? Are you Miss Kwai just now?" Although I don't know why this woman changed her face again, but if she wants to pretend, Tianji will accompany her to do it.

And this is still inside the gym, in the public rest area, he believes that this woman should not be so unwise.

"Yes, Tian Ji-kun, your Bibi Bird is still as strong as before!"

The girl looked at Tianji, who pretended not to know her, and felt that the anger in her heart was burning again with a bang!

"What! You ransacked the old lady's belongings, and touched the old lady all over! Now you have it on!

You scumbag! Robbery and robbery, eat and wipe clean without admitting it! "

In her heart, the girl scolded Tianci, but on the surface she still managed to keep a smile, but she added two words "before" to her words.

Of course, she understands that she is still in the gym, and this is also a public area, so she must pay attention to some sensitive words, but a few vague reminders are definitely fine.

Even if other passers-by heard it, they just thought she knew him before, or watched his game.

"Cough cough~ There's no such thing, Miss Kui is the one whose strength has improved very fast! It's normal level so quickly, and the elves have also evolved."

Hearing this, Tian Chi understood that the girl in front of him must have recognized him, but he couldn't figure out the girl's intention for a while, so he slapped the girl, and gave the girl a hug, and then threw the talk back to him. girl.

"It's not like he was defeated by Tian Ci-jun as usual, alas~"

Seeing Tianji's behavior, Aoi immediately put on a pitiful expression and continued.

"Tian Cijun, you've improved so fast, can you give me a hint? Now the game is over, and tomorrow will be the top 100."

She understands that this is not the place for deep conversation, so she proposes another place.

"Well, it's ok, leave a contact information first, I have to wait for my companion, and I will contact you when I get home."

Although he didn't know the specific intention of the girl, but looking at the performance before and after, he should not come with malice, so he nodded and agreed.

It just so happened that he also wanted to chat with the trainer of the family faction to learn more about the family.

"Okay, my number is 1354... Then I'll wait for your call tonight, Tian Ji-kun~"

Hearing this, the girl understood in seconds, and understood that it was inconvenient for him and his companions now, so she took advantage of the situation and left her number and walked out of the gym alone.

"It's a pretty smart woman~" Seeing the girl standing up and leaving, Tianji looked at the note on the table, and took it into his pocket with a smile.

This woman gave him a feeling of Ninghui. He knew that Ninghui had careful thoughts, but Ninghui had no strength and could only rely on him, so he was confident and convinced.

But this woman came from the four major families, and her own strength has reached the ordinary level, thinking that it should be impossible to conquer it hard, but it is possible to cooperate (use) one or two.

After all, she and he are both members of Team Rocket now, and the girl is also a trainer for the family faction, so it should be helpful to him.

"But it seems that I have grown a little taller, and my body has become a lot more well-proportioned. Is it feedback from being promoted to the ordinary level?"

Tianji, who watched the girl leave, finally muttered to himself. He suddenly remembered the scene when he took out the Evolution Stone. He remembered that his buttocks were not so upturned...

"Uh~ it looks like Ninghui is going to be called over tonight..."

Thinking about it, he found that a certain part of himself seemed to be reacting, and he couldn't help but take out his mobile phone and sent a text message to his little maid.

"Old time, come with the black one~" Ning Hui, who was working the night shift (playing games) at the Elf Center at this time, also saw the text message prompted by her mobile phone.

"Crack~" Her phone was not steady for a while and fell on the table.

"Ugh~ Isn't he playing a game! Why do you want it again..."

Ninghui rubbed her buttocks and felt that she was going to suffer again tonight. To be honest, it was better to break her last step. Ninghui, who was paralyzed on the seat, thought that she would have to... Immediately, the game doesn't feel good.

"Okay, Master~" Of course, no matter what, she had no choice but to go all the way to the dark, or quickly sent a message to Tianci.

"En~" Seeing that Ninghui was so acquainted, Tianci nodded, put the phone back, and continued to wait for Xiaoling and Shitou to return.


After waiting for another 20 minutes, Xiaoling and Shirou came back with a happy face.

"Brother Tianci! We have passed two rounds!" As soon as he saw Tianci, Xiaoling immediately shared the joy with him.

"Well, congratulations, are you still playing easily?"

Tian Chi smiled and congratulated, and then asked a question.

"This round is quite simple. Brother Shitou and I have not met trainers from the family faction. They are both civilian trainers, and their strengths are both ordinary and low-ranking.

What I encountered was a big butterfly. To be on the safe side, I used a mosquito coil frog. After the freezing wind was controlled, it was easily resolved. "

Hearing Tianji's question, Xiaoling immediately gave a simple answer.

"Well, the one I encountered over there was a mosquito-repellent incense frog, which was the same as Xiaoling's original elf, but it was quite different from Xiaoling's.

I was riding a rat, and there was a sand shield. His mosquito-repellent incense frog, which was generally trained, didn't cause any big damage to me even if it was a water-type move. "

Stone had the experience last time, so when he answered this time, he focused a lot.

"Mmmm, let's do our best in the play-in match tomorrow. Now that it's over, let's go back and have a good rest tonight. It will be 2V2 starting tomorrow."

After listening to the answers of the two, Tianji nodded, and after a bit of encouragement, he didn't say anything more.

"Well, go home." The two of them didn't have any opinion either. It's almost 8 o'clock now. After staying here for a day today, it's quite tiring to play and watch the game.

After the three of them returned home, Tian Ci finished today's homework (practice) as usual, and then took out his mobile phone and called Kwai.

"Hey~ Miss Kwai, I'm Tianji, is it convenient for you to come to No. 49 in the shanty town now?"

"Tian Ji-kun, yes, I'll be there in about 20 minutes."

After making an appointment, Tian Chi put on a coat, took out a key, and went out.

The first interview, of course, could not be at his own house. The place he made an appointment with was a temporary hut he bought for Ninghui. Ninghui would come to his side at 10:30.

"Bang bang bang~" After Tianji waited in the room for 10 minutes, there was finally a knock at the door.

"Please come in~" Tian Chi opened the door and saw Jiang Qikui, who was panting. He was probably running all the way when he was panting.

"Drink some water, Miss Kwai." After bringing the girl to the chair, Tianji went and poured a glass of water and handed it to him.

"Gulugulu~ Ha~ Thank you, Tian Ji-kun."

Tian Ci guessed right, she ran all the way here. After all, it was in her interests, so she was eager to ask.

"Then, Miss Kui, let's keep it short. Do you have anything to ask me?"

After waving his hand to the girl, Tian Chi sat opposite and asked with a puzzled face.

"Yes, Tian Cijun, you should understand that our identities behind the scenes should be the same, right?"

Kui gave a hint first, and then went to the bottom.

"Well, Miss Kui doesn't have to be so cautious, if I guess correctly, your Jiang Qi family should be the whole family who joined the Rockets.

But I want to explain that even though we are colleagues now, it wasn't during the previous mission. Miss Kwai didn't come to me to settle old accounts, right? "

As for Aoi's suggestion, Tianji directly challenged his identity, and expressed his attitude, saying that one size should be returned to one size.

"Damn! This stinky man!" After hearing the second half of Tianji, she understood that she couldn't settle accounts with that old incident, or else the relationship would definitely drop to freezing point!

After scolding inwardly, she showed an understanding smile on her face and slowly said to Tianji.

"Of course not, it will pass when it passes."

"Well, it's good that Miss Kui can understand it. At that time, it's inevitable that everyone has their own masters. Then I don't know why Miss Kui is looking for me in such a hurry?"

Hearing this, Tianji was also relieved. Unless it was necessary, he didn't want to turn his back on this woman.

After all, she was exposed, so it would be difficult for him to stay safe on his own. The best case would be to take the blame and make merit.

"Actually, Tian Cijun, I came here tonight just to ask you for advice, what is the formula for the Rockets' contribution points?"

Hearing that Tian Chi finally asked a crucial question, the girl smiled and hurriedly expressed her doubts.

"Huh? I remember that you joined the Rockets for several months, right? You don't know that?"

Hearing this question, Tian Chi was a little stunned, but he didn't expect this, and he was still nervous for a long time.

"Yes~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I have only been to the base there once, and the strength is not enough. The Lada has just evolved, and I don't dare to go deep into the inner circle with an ordinary level.

Then our patriarch also retreated, and no one explained it to us, so no one in our family knew very well. "

Seeing Tianji's shocked look, the girl was a little embarrassed, so she lowered her head and said the reason again.

"Your strength is not enough, I can understand that you can't enter the base, but none of your family's middle-rank and high-rank ordinary-level trainers have ever returned?"

To the girl's explanation, Tanji nodded, but quickly asked in confusion.

"Uh~ that's because the people at the base said that we should just listen to the arrangement of the patriarch as before.

The trainers who came back at the beginning were all the direct descendants of the patriarch, except for our few excellent freshmen, so the patriarch did not say anything in retreat, and none of the older trainers in the family dared to act rashly. "

As for Tianji's doubts, the girl quickly explained.

For this answer, Tian Chi agreed in his heart, and it was quite reasonable.

Everyone in the base said that they had listened to the arrangement of the patriarch. If they acted privately and did something wrong without knowing it, then if they didn't reveal it, they would also affect the entire family.



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