Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 230: Goodbye girl who was groped

"Well, sure enough, the lower limit of trainers from a family faction will be much higher than that of trainers from the civilian class. It seems that we will have to be 12 points when we encounter a family faction in the future."

After listening to the battle between the two, Tian Ji's face became a little more solemn. A sideline of the four major families can use combo skills, which means that the level of several of them in the big family may only be upper-middle or even higher. Only medium.

Although he had expected this result, he still felt very uncomfortable when he faced it.

After all, he is the man whose family of the master of the gym has come to bring him in. (Before, Mr. Arai, on behalf of the third room, brought him into the family)

Originally, he was still a little complacent. He felt that he came up with these combos, and his strength has improved so quickly. He must be a great genius!

But the reality gave him a slap in the face. Among the commoners, he is definitely a genius, but in the family faction, he can only be called a talent.

He already knew the real genius, the former seed player, the high-ranking trainer of that family, and the commoner trainer called Lingqi. They all broke through to the high-ranking at a young age.

Don't talk about adventures, family resources are skewed, and there is no absolute fairness in this world.

Just like Tianji himself, being able to become a mid-segment trainer at the age of 16 didn't depend on those adventures.

Of course, adventures are called adventures if you have the ability to take them. If you don't have the ability to encounter them, then they are not called adventures. They should be called natural and man-made disasters.

Just like the Kentaro incident, if it wasn't for Tian Chi's head turning fast and a trainer whose mind was solidified, Kentaro would definitely have been trampled into flesh.

"It's alright, they are in the upper 20s, and I'm only 16 in the middle. I can definitely catch up with them."

Silently cheering himself up, Tian Chi led the two of them to the battlefield. Anyway, the next match should be at night. It's still early, so it's better to observe the strength of the family faction.

Originally, he planned to go out for a walk, but after knowing that he was sitting on the ground and watching the sky, Tianji no longer had the interest to go shopping. Now he is focused on figuring out where the lower limit of the family faction is.


I watched dozens of games like this, all of which were chosen by family factions, and it was almost 5 o'clock in the afternoon before I knew it.

"Let's go, let's go to dinner first, there is a round of play-in matches that will start at 6:30"

Seeing the end of this game, Tianji felt that he was almost done, so he stood up from his seat and said to the two of them.

"Well, I feel that I have gained a lot."

"Yeah, I didn't expect the trainers of the family faction to be able to combine skills."

Seeing Tianji stand up, the two also left their seats and followed behind.

This afternoon's spectating is still effective. Because they have never been in contact with the family faction before, they are all OK except for themselves. They even think that although they are temporarily weak, they will definitely be able to climb to the upper level of the same level given some time.

But after reading it today, I realized that the lower limit of the family faction is actually a grade or two higher than that of the commoners.

Combination skills are basically known to everyone, and elves are basically cultivated according to the cultivation secrets.

I have to say that a trainer who has a family is really much better than a commoner who has nothing. The cultivation secrets that Tianji desperately obtained can be obtained for free in the family as long as they meet the conditions.

He also saw the trainer of the Ninghui family this afternoon. He looked like 27~28. His strength was also ordinary and low. He used a Lada, but his development and performance were obviously much better than the first Lada he saw. .

Of course, this is also the case for Tianji. He feels that of his three spirits, no matter which one he is, he can defeat that one Radha.

It can also be seen that Ninghui's family should be really green and yellow, or else there would not be only a low-level trainer to participate in this conference.

After dinner, Tanji immediately returned to the gym hall and began to wait for his next opponent in the rest area.

"Contestant No. 378, please go to the battle field No. 7!"

Maybe it was because half of the people were missing. He didn't have to wait long when he heard the radio calling him.

"Go away~"

"Brother Tianji! Come on!"

"come on!"

After the three simply said goodbye, Tianji walked to the contestant area alone.

"Hey! It's her!" After verifying his identity, he came to his battle field. This time he was on the left, but when he saw his opponent, Tianji was very surprised, and of course his opponent was also surprised.

"It's him! I didn't expect this Team Rocket member to be from the town from the beginning!"

The girl opposite Tianji also recognized this iconic face, and felt the anger in her heart ignite with a "squeak".

That's right, the opponent this time is a familiar stranger.

The reason for the familiarity is that when Tianji was on the compulsory mission, he carefully touched people from top to bottom, from the inside to the outside.

Unfamiliar, because Tianji didn't know the name of the girl in front of him at all, but only knew that she was a member of the Jiang Qi family, and she was the number one in the same class.

"Standing on my right is Jiang Qikui, a trainer from the Jiang Qi family!

Standing on my left is Aoki Taji, a trainer from Aoki Town! "

Of course, the referee's introduction was to let both parties get to know each other.

"So this stinky man is called Aoki Tianji! I'm going to beat you to tears in this game!"

Although Kui is from the Jiang Qi family, her identity is only a collateral line. Being able to win the first place in the same class is not only due to her own talent, but also to her precocious personality.

So even though she recognized Tianci, she also understood that she was also a member of the Rockets and could not reveal her identity at will, so her anger towards Tianzi could only be hidden in her heart, and her face remained expressionless.

After all, sometimes a small flaw can reveal herself. In the eyes of others, she and Tian Chi should have no intersection at all, so how could they be angry when they met.

"Looks like she's a smart woman, yes, to get the first place in the four major families, her emotional intelligence must be high."

Seeing the girl who pretended not to know, Tianji silently gave her a thumbs up.

If he really rushed up to question him desperately, then he might really have to run away immediately, or confront him in court.

Just now, he had already made plans to sell the Jiang Qi family to protect himself.

I believe that the mutiny of a big family and the mutiny of a commoner will definitely deal with the big family first. At that time, he may still be able to take the blame and make merit.

"But she still seems very angry, too. After all, she should know that I touched her all over."

Of course, the caring person Tianji still saw the girl's hidden anger, which could be judged from the clenched fist and the undulating chest.

"Please send elves from both sides at the same time!" The referee is not a minded person, and he must not have noticed the little girl's small movements. After introducing the two, he immediately asked them to send elves.

"Go, Radha!"

"It's up to you, Bibi Bird!"

Upon hearing the referee's order, the two also released the spirits at the same time.

There was no accident in Kwai's elf. It was her initial elf, the little Radha who was easily defeated by Bibi Bird. Of course, she has now evolved into a Radha.

Tianzi still sent Bibi Bird. Since he had already recognized him as an acquaintance, he estimated that 99% of the time he was opposite to Lada, so why not use a flying elf to suppress him.

Besides, looking at the girl's appearance, although she is calm on the surface, in fact, she doesn't know how much anger has accumulated in her heart!

Then give her a chance, just use Bibi Bird, who was easily defeated before, and do it again!

"Pfft! Pfft!??(◣д◢)??" The simple Radha did not have her master's palace, and directly recognized that the Bibi bird in front of her was the one who easily defeated it at the beginning. With red eyes, it looked at Bibi Bird full of anger.

"Beep~" Bibi Bird didn't even remember who this Lada was? It also paid no attention to Lada's provocation.

"Battle begins!" As for the referee next to him, he just thought that this Rada had a good fighting spirit. He was not a doctor of elf language, nor an elf of his own contract. How could he understand it, so seeing the elf on both sides, He directly said the start of the battle.

"Lada, flash bite!" The girl obviously wanted to take advantage of the fact that Bibibird was not high enough to fly, so she directly asked Lada to use the flash of lightning.

"Pulla da ~ shuh ~" Radha agreed, jumping up quickly and opening his big mouth at the same time.

With the recoil of the flash of electric light, this jump really made Lada jump to a height of more than 10 meters.

"Bibi Bird, with a flash of lightning, it lifts off into the sky! Then the air slashes it down!"

Seeing that Radha was about to reach Bibi Bird, Tianji also issued an order. In his opinion, the end of the battle was doomed. He just let her go first just to see how far the former captives had grown.

"Huh! 咻咻~" Bibi Bird's figure flashed upwards quickly, then waved her wings twice, and two air slashes hit Radha below.

"Puchi~Puchi~" Biting a lonely Radha, he couldn't take advantage of it when he was in mid-air, as long as he watched the two air slashed into him and opened two big holes.

"Bang! Puff~" Radha, who was hit by the air slash, was knocked back to the ground by the impact force.

"Bibi Bird keeps this position, use the wind blade, and slowly grind it to death."

Just now, with the help of a flash of electric light, Lada could only jump to a height of 10 meters. Now, at a height of 20 meters, I believe it is definitely out of reach.

"You, despicable!" Seeing Bibi Bird flying to the highest altitude, the girl couldn't say anything in anger, she could only be incompetent and furious there.

"Huhu ~ Huhu"

"咻咻咻~" Bibi Bird didn't care about despicableness or despicableness, just obeyed Tianji's orders, as long as he could win, but sometimes there was a strong wind on the field, and sometimes a tornado was rolled up.

"Pula~pulada~da~" Radha was able to avoid hard support at first, but after running for a long time, his speed inevitably declined, and eventually more and more scars appeared on his body.

"Are you a man, do you dare to confront me head-on!"

Seeing this scene, Aoi was both angry and helpless. She knew that she would definitely lose if she went on like this.

"Bibi Bird, go ahead!" Tianji wouldn't be stimulated by this kind of kid's aggressive approach, and continued to let Bibi Bird kite down with a blank face.

"Pfft! Pfft~" Radha, who was running slower and slower, inevitably ate the wind blade twice, and let out a painful cry.

"Bastard!" Seeing her partner who could only flee in a hurry, the girl was very unwilling, but when she saw Tianji who was unresponsive, she finally raised her hand.

"Referee, I admit defeat!" When she said this, she felt a lot more relaxed in her heart.

"Bibi Niao, stop." She shouted loudly for admitting defeat, and Tianji must have heard it, so she told Bibi Niao to stop.

"Okay, the winner of this game is player No. 378 on my left."

After the referee heard the declaration of admitting defeat, he immediately announced the result of the battle.

"Come back, Bibi Bird." When Tian Chi heard that he had won, he nodded at the defeated girl, put away Bibi Bird, turned around and walked away.

"Thank you for your hard work, Lada." Kwai also took back the scarred Lada. After comforting her, she looked at Tianci's leaving back, gnashing her teeth in her heart.

"Aoki Tianji, I remember it! My evolution stone is not so easy to get!"

She is not an ordinary girl, just like Tian Zi guessed, she can beat her peers with a small Lada as a collateral in the Jiang Qi family, and get the first place in her class. She has talent, but also has scheming and Chengfu.

That low-grade evolution stone is worth 200,000!

Of course, it doesn't matter to her now, but before she gets promoted, if she has the 200,000, she is sure to let Lada advance to the ordinary level more than half a month earlier.

And the evolution stone was hidden in that place just in case, she put it in temporarily when she was fleeing, otherwise, normal people would keep stuffing that thing in the excretion place.

For her, who was still a freshman at the time, this 200,000 yuan was her most important wealth, especially after her parents died ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ her life in the clan became more and more difficult.

If it wasn't for the fact that her parents' elf left an elf egg before the mission and gave her a little Rada, whether she could become a trainer or not is another question.

But it's not that the bigger the family, the better off the collateral line is, especially for a collateral girl like her who lost both her parents and left behind a large fortune.

Now that the evolution stone was taken away, of course she knew that she was probably touched by the man, otherwise how could she have found the evolution stone!

When she woke up at Team Rocket's base, she was still wearing the previous outfit, the clothes were still there, but the evolution stone temporarily hidden inside her body was gone!

That must have been taken away by the scar-faced man. Since I found this, it means that I must have been touched by the scar-faced man from top to bottom.

Thinking of this, her face turned a little red, although after she came out of Team Rocket, she checked herself for the first time and found that she was nominally perfect.

But she can take out the evolution stone from there, she is really a perfect body!

PS: This chapter is even more grateful to Ai Ruxia (9500 points) and Yidian Jin (5000 points) for their rewards, and also thanks to the crowdfunding of other book friends. It reached 20000 points yesterday.


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