Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 229: smooth promotion

"This, this! This power is too terrifying, isn't it called a charging beam? It should be called a charging light cannon!"

Xiaoling looked at the tragic state of the Abo, and then looked at the civilian trainer who was grateful to the emergency team. She couldn't help being stunned. She couldn't believe it. This is the strength of an ordinary low-level elf. .

An elf in its initial form defeated a elf in its full form by leaps and bounds!

"Don't be so surprised, that Aboriginal is quite well-behaved, and the coordination of moves can only be said to be proficient, nothing unusual.

I've seen its trainer in his 30s. He's only in the middle of the age group. I don't think he usually pays much attention to the cultivation of elves.

As for the lightning ball just now, if there are no other moves, it is estimated that Stone's Mountain King or Xiaoling and your Sea Star can defeat him. Of course, your Sea Star should be careful to resist. "

Seeing Xiaoling so surprised, Tianji also analyzed it, saying that the Aboriginal was of a normal level in the civilian training home, and by the way, he encouraged the next two.

"Well, I'm confident!"

"Yes! As long as my luck is not too bad, I should also be able to pass the first round."

Encouraged by Tianji, the two also cheered themselves up.

In the following time, the three of them did not go to the battlefield to watch the battle. To be honest, in the first round of the play-in, I really couldn't see anything. After the third and fourth rounds, no one would go to collect information.

"No. 378, please go to the No. 6 battle field, No. 378, please go to the No. 6 battle field, and No. 378, please go to the No. 6 battle field!"

After waiting for about an hour, the broadcast finally came with Tianji's number. He was the first of the three.

"Come on! Brother Tianji!"

"Brother Tianji! Come on!"

Originally, the two of them wanted to watch and cheer, but Tianji refused. In a play-in match, there were only two people in the audience shouting to cheer, isn't it particularly strange.

Of course, there is another reason that their turn should be coming soon. After all, it is more than an hour away from the first round, so it will be troublesome to run around.

Next, under the leadership of the staff, he first went to the player's area on the No. 6 field. After verifying his identity, he came to the battle field on the right. At the same time, his opponent and the referee were already standing on the battle field.

"The two sides in the next battle are... Please send out elves at the same time!"

Although there is no audience, the referee still has to go through the process. As usual, the two sides of the battle will be introduced first, but the rules are different from the previous team battles. There is no first attacking party.

Tianji expressed his understanding. After all, 1v1, even if the first attacking party, has the right to attack first. But if the late attacking party sends an attribute restrained elves, this first attack power cannot completely offset the disadvantage of attribute restraining, so it is too unfair to the first attacking party!

"Shu~" Two red lights flashed, Tianji released Bibi Bird, and the opponent released an ordinary low-level Big Needle Bee.

I have to say that both of them thought of going together. Although the rules of the conference have restrictions on the flying height, and the maximum flying height is 25 meters, the flying elves will fight against the non-flying elves. Opposite of death.

But now the trainer of the giant stinging bee looks like he is about to cry, cleverness is mistaken for cleverness!

His initial elf was actually a rumbling stone, but he suddenly thought that the rumbling stone was restrained by too many attributes, and the giant stinger can fly, which is also a low-level strength, so he changed it on the spot.

But I didn't expect that the opposite is actually a Bibi bird, with restrained attributes, and the difference in strength will not be mentioned. Just flying speed and flying height are all superior to Bibi bird, how can we fight!

Of course, it's impossible for him to admit defeat directly. Maybe that Bibi Bird is just an appearance, but it's actually quite rubbish.

"The battle begins!" The referee didn't care so much, seeing that both of them had released the elves, and directly announced the start of the battle.

"Bibi Bird, Wind Blade!"

"Big stinger, poisonous needle!"

As soon as the battle began, the two sides began to attack.

"Xuuuuuu~" Upon hearing the order, the big needle bee shot several poison needles directly at Bibi Bird.

"Ding ding ding ~ ding ding~" But it was a pity, Bibi Bird, who received the order at the same time, used the wind blade to blow away the poisonous needles, and the remaining gust of wind quickly blew towards the big needle bee.

"Big stinger, follow the flow of the wind, and try to stay as far away as possible."

This civilian trainer seems to have a good level. After seeing Yu Wei's unabated wind-raising move, and knowing that he can't dodge, he let the big needle bee dodge downwind.

"Buzz~ Huhu~" Big Needle Bee nodded, carrying the energy of the flight system in it, flapping its wings and starting to flee downwind.

"Bibibird, flash peck!" Of course, Tianji couldn't let the big stinger bee run out of the attack range so easily, and directly let Bibi bird pull in the distance with a flash of electric light, and make a quick battle.

"Beep! Shah~" After hearing the order, Bibi Bird agreed, and then her figure flashed quickly, and she reached the left side of the field in the blink of an eye.

"cao! Big stinger, random poison attack! Fight with it!"

The opponent who saw this scene understood that there was no way to escape. This Bibi Bird was not a good-looking creature at all, but was well-bred. Since this is the case, it is better to take a gamble.

A peck is just a single damage. Even with attribute restraint, it shouldn't make the hornet bee lose its ability to fight.

But the stinger's random attack can usually attack 3~4 times, as long as it hits the wings or other key parts, then he still has a chance!

As for why Bibi bird pecks, he is not surprised at all. Unlike those wastes who eat and wait to die, he is 19 years old this year and has been insisting on doing tasks. Therefore, the low-level cultivation recipes for big stingrays are also the cultivation of rumble stones. He has all the secrets.

There are other development of elves in the two cultivation cheats, and he also knows that elves' moves are not static.

Just like his giant stinger, it can carry toxins when it strikes, and this is what he learned from cultivating secrets.

"Heh~ Bibi Bird, attack like crazy!" Tianji smiled contemptuously when he heard the order from the other side, and immediately changed the order again.

"Crazy bashing? What is that?" Not only the trainer of Big Stinger, but also the referee next to him was at a loss.

They have heard of Crazy Luantu. Since that Bibi bird can peck, then the advanced Crazy Luantu has also been said in the past, but Crazy Luanchu, they said that they have never heard of it.


"Buzz! Buzz!"

But soon, they understood what the crazy attack was. After the Bibi bird got close, not only was the bird's beak attacking and jabbing frantically, but also the sharp claws were drawn on the giant needle bee. A bloodstain.

As for the poor stinging bee, after fighting back twice at the beginning, it was beaten directly and could only scream in pain.

"Bang~" After Bibi bird stopped, the giant stinger had lost its ability to fight, and fell to the ground covered in scars.

"I announce that the winner of this battle is No. 378 on my right - Aoki Tianji!"

Seeing the battle that had ended, the referee looked at the unharmed Bibi Bird in surprise, and loudly announced the result of the match.

"Thank you, come back, Bibi Bird." Tian Ji, who had won, thanked the referee, took Bibi Bird back, and walked to the rest area.

"Hey~ You've done a great job, Big Needle Bee." The young man on the other side could only reluctantly take back Big Needle Bee. After comforting him, he gave the Poke Ball to the medical staff, and left the stage alone.

He didn't make it to the play-ins, so he would either continue to stay in the venue as a spectator, or wait until he got the Poke Ball back and go straight out of the gym to participate in other activities.

His plan was to wait for the big stinger to recover, and then go to other activities. After all, the play-in match on the first day was nothing to see.

Might as well take this opportunity to participate in activities organized by other businesses to get some benefits.

"Congratulations! Brother Tianji!"

"Brother Tian Ci, I knew you would definitely win!"

When he left the battle area, he happened to meet Xiaoling and Shishi who came over. It turned out that they were going to fight soon. From the screen in the rest area, I had already learned that No. 378 had won, so I rushed over to congratulate the two of them. In other words, 15 minutes is not bad for a minute or two.

"Thank you, you two should do your best!" Tian Ci smiled and thanked them, and at the same time encouraged the two of them.

After watching the two of them enter their respective battle fields, Tianji continued to walk towards the rest area. He believed that as long as they didn't go too far, there should be no problem for the two of them to go through the first round.

But what Tianji didn't know was that when he left the field, the referee was recording something with a pen, especially on his player information, which was densely recorded for several lines, far more than the other person.

In fact, these referees who are employed by the three major forces are also responsible for intelligence work. They must evaluate both sides of each battle. When encountering potential and strength, they will be specially marked. Even the defeated side must have information record.

The first is the question of matching opponents. In the first round of the play-in, except for a very few seeded players who operated behind the scenes to avoid collisions, the opponents matched by others were really random by computer.

Then it is destined to have relatively good strength, and potential trainers will be defeated by the strength that those trained trainers rely on over time.

This is a pity for those young potential trainers.

It was said before that the first place in the Aoki Tournament was basically a young high-ranking trainer, but this was actually a tournament to screen out talents.

What about these 40-year-old veteran mid-segment trainers?

Few young trainers can rely on their own strength to defeat these veterans. If they don't care, it is very likely that the top 16 and the top 8 are these veteran trainers.

This is not in line with the original intention of the conference. If this is the case, the organizer can only operate it in the dark.

With the information collected in the first round, the veteran and veteran trainers are matched together from the second round, and then the third round, the fourth round, and the last one or two can also be arranged. For the seeded players to beat.

In the end, you will find that the top 8 are basically young trainers, which is in line with the original intention of the conference.

Of course, those veteran trainers must know something, but they don't dare to say anything. Their original intention is to mix rewards. It's still delicious to take the money for nothing, no matter how much or less, after all, according to their strength , the first round is absolutely passable.

Moreover, this information can also help the three major forces to jointly control this town. After all, if you want prizes, you must show your strength in the battle, then your details will definitely be revealed.

From this part, they can infer your potential and talent.

For example, Tianji's information was quickly passed on by a special person, and it appeared in the hands of analysts from the three major forces.

"16 years old, average middle class, excellent in Bibi bird training, good at combo skills, civilian trainer. This is a good seedling~"

After the analyst glanced at it, he typed on the document and put it aside.

It can be seen that the materials on the table are divided into four categories, one category is eliminated in the first round, and the other three categories are placed in order from the bottom, middle, and top.

"This is a fight with him, this is not good, it's easier to arrange the people who go up."

At the same time, there were several people in front of the computer on the other side, anxiously mobilizing the initial battle sequence.

Of course, Tianji and the others must not know for the time being. They are all participating for the first time, and they really thought it was randomly arranged by the master computer.

After Tianji sat in the rest area for about 10 minutes, Xiaoling and Shizuo came back together.

"Brother Tianci! We won! Hahaha~" As soon as she came in, Xiaoling whispered excitedly to Tianci. Although she was very excited, she still remembered that this was the public rest area.

"Oh~ congratulations! Tell me which trainer you met?"

Tian Ci also congratulated the two when he heard the words, and then asked curiously.

"I met a civilian trainer. His elf was the same as Brother Stone's. It was a rumbling stone, or a low-level one. My mosquito coil frog quickly solved it.

On the other hand, what Brother Shitou encountered was a trainer from a family faction~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Xiaoling heard Tianci's question, so he first talked about his own situation, and then turned to Shishi.

"Well, I met a trainer from a family faction. It seems that he is one of the four major families, a member of the Qiushan family, but he should not be a direct line.

Fortunately, the rumbling stone I put on can resist the damage. In the end, I knocked it down with falling rocks and a burst of stone bullets, and I won. "

Hearing that, Shi Shi also briefly introduced his battle situation.

"Speaking of which, as expected of the four major families, after my side was over soon, I ran over to Brother Stone to see. Although that big-mouthed bat is only a low-ranking bat, it has been cultivated very well. I feel that if it is On my Haixing, I may not have beaten him."

After listening to Shitou's brief description, Xiaoling felt that he missed the point, so he added two sentences.

"Well, that one-handed interference skill combination is very good, Ultrasonic + Scare + Strange Light, these three moves are combined very smoothly by him, and they can be used together. My rumbling stone almost lost in my own hands. "

When Shitou heard Xiaoling say this, he also reacted. Tianji should have wanted to ask the trainers of the family faction how strong they were, so he also focused on the use of moves.



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