Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 228: family and commoners

After speaking for about 20 minutes, Miss Junsha finally finished her speech.

"Okay, thank the three guests for their speeches, our conference is about to start.

Everyone, please look at the big screen. Each of our trainers has a number card in his hand. On the big screen, the order of 8 battlegrounds will be matched in turn.

After seeing your number on the big screen, please go to the corresponding battle field as soon as possible. The battle rule for the play-in is 1V1.

Note that if you don't arrive for more than 15 minutes, you will be directly judged as a loser, so even if there is no trainer's turn, don't worry, you can wait in the rest area. According to the previous time, it will only wait for 3 hours at most. "

When Miss Junsha's speech was over, the host immediately announced the official start of the conference, and also quickly talked about the basic rules of the next venue and battle.

After all, it was just a game in a town, there weren't so many complicated ceremonies, and he looked at the 8 battlegrounds, all of which were the most conventional indoor battlegrounds, and there was no water field or fire field.

"Swipe~" Soon the big screen stopped flipping. Unfortunately, Tianji was not the first lucky one to appear.

"Okay, please follow our staff to the corresponding battlefield. Other players can wait in the rest area or watch the game in the corresponding auditorium."

When the host saw that the candidates for the first game had appeared on the big screen, he immediately called the number 16, and then walked to the next channel.

There were also several people in the left and right teams. Some were worried and nervous, while others were high-spirited. They followed the corresponding staff to the battlefield.

"Brother Tian Chi, shall we go to the rest area? Or should we go to the auditorium to have a look?"

Shishi looked at the scattered crowd, and stepped forward to ask Shimodaji.

"Let's go to the auditorium. During the play-in, the TV in the lounge area will not broadcast. A 1v1 game will basically not exceed 10 minutes. For the first game, we will go to those family children to watch. , it is also good to see where the family children are better than the commoners.

After watching a game or two, we just came back. "

Tian Ci thought about it for a while and decided to go to the auditorium. After all, the children of the family did not have much communication with their commoners, so he was still very curious about the strength of the children of the family.

"Well, I'm also very curious." Xiaoling and Shitou nodded, they also wanted to see how strong the family faction trainers in town were.

Soon the three of them came to the No. 4 battleground, and the first match had just started not long ago.

It can be seen that the young man on their left is wearing a trainer uniform with the words Tanaka printed on it. It is obvious that he is from the Tanaka family.

This family, Tianji has an impression, is in the third echelon in the town. There are three or four ordinary high-level trainers in the family, second only to the four families in the second echelon.

The trainer from the Tanaka clan sent a Panshan King with an average mid-level strength. Judging from those sharp claws and eyes full of fighting intent, this is a well-bred Panshan King.

However, Tianji looks and feels similar to Stone's Pangshan King. After all, Stone's Pangshan Wang was also cultivated according to the cultivation secrets.

As for his opponent, judging from the slightly worn uniform, it should be a civilian trainer, and his face is full of sadness now.

The elf he released at the same time was a Lada, but his strength should only be at a low level.

Although it is said that the elf like Radha is a bit rotten, it is undeniable that its combat effectiveness is indeed quite strong.

Moreover, Lada's cultivation method is widely circulated among the common people. Although it is definitely not as good as the special cultivation secrets, after so many years of wild ways, it is actually not much different.

Of course, when there are enough merit points, those civilian trainers who cultivate Lada will change to a regular training recipe.

After all, there is still a gap between the wild way and the regular cultivation cheats. Maybe the combat power is the same for the time being, but the future potential development is definitely better than the regular cheats that have been verified for a long time.

Now is not the time when the alliance was founded. At that time, except for a very few of the trainers who obtained the heritage of the relic, everyone else was a wild way. After so many years of evolution and elimination, the alliance has a variety of common elves. Formal training tips.

But the strongest is only an ordinary low-ranking civilian trainer. Tianji estimates that he should not have enough merit to replace it for the time being.

As for why Tianji decided that his strongest is the ordinary low rank, that's because in the 1v1, no one should think about hiding his clumsiness. What if he fails because of his temporary clumsiness.

There is no resurrection game at the Aoki Conference. If you lose the first game, you will have nothing. The elves won't say anything after being beaten, and they have to pay the registration fee of 2,000 yuan for nothing.

Back on the field, the civilian trainer was sad, but he didn't want to give up, so he directly let Lada use a flash of lightning to strike first.

"Bang~" But unfortunately, the Chuanshan King who received the order had a direct magnitude, interrupting Rada's rhythm.

"咻咻咻~" At the same time, a large number of high-speed stars were spit out from his mouth.

"Bang bang bang ~ puff ~ da~" This Radha was interrupted by a flash of electric light, and it was suffering. In the blink of an eye, it was hit by a high-speed star again, and was directly sent flying.

"Take advantage of it now, roll over and tear the claws!" The family trainer did not give Radha a chance to breathe, and immediately let the King of Mountains continue to attack.

Of course, Tianji and the others only saw that after the high-speed star hit the Chuanshan King, he immediately shrank into a ball and rolled over quickly. At the same time, when he was relatively close to Lada, he directly recovered his body and used the recoil to jump and wave. claws.

"Rada, kill the front teeth!" The civilian trainer had no choice but to take a gamble when he saw the King of the Mountains attacking close at hand.

Then Tianji and the others only saw the silhouettes of the King of the Mountains and Rada intertwined, and Rada fell to the ground with a bang, losing his ability to fight.

"After all, one came prepared, and the other was hurriedly attacking. The Mountain King escaped directly from Lada's deadly front teeth in mid-air, and his tearing claw hit Lada's right body."

At this time, the three of them are rushing to the next battle field, because this game is too fast, so as a man with two mountain kings, Shitou is explaining the process of the game to Tianji and Xiaoling.

"Well, you really need to look carefully at the stone."

After listening to it, Tian Ji nodded. He is not omniscient and omnipotent. He definitely didn't have a thorough understanding of the game just now.

However, the difference in strength in this game is a bit big. He estimates that the civilian trainer is here to try his luck. If it passes a round, he will earn blood. For an ordinary low-ranking trainer like him, earning 8,000 in a few minutes is not bad. .

"However, Shito, how do you think that man's Pangshan King compares to your rat and mouse?"

After listening to it, Tian Chi asked another question, because he had never cultivated the King of the Mountains, so he couldn't see it clearly, he could only feel the same.

"Uh...how to say, he must be strong. After all, he's in the middle. Although my rat and mouse are also the king of panthers, they're just ordinary and low."

Stone first analyzed his strength, and then continued.

"In terms of physical development, mice should be only a little worse than him, whether in terms of body size, or the sharpness of their claws and spikes, because the mouse is still making up for the previous gap, and it was malnourished at the time of pangolins. It's been too long. According to the cultivation manual, this last bit of damage to the foundation can only come slowly.

As for the rat, I think it's better than his. You all know that the rat is reluctant to use that evolution scheme because he has seen the tragic evolution of the mouse. too big.

So I used the merits I saved to exchange for the low-risk second-stage qualification improvement plan. It is now a good and high-quality qualification. The mountain king of the family should not be a good-high qualification. Although my rat is only in the ordinary low-level, its body size And the sharpness of the claws should be stronger than his. "

Hearing Tianci's question, Shitou also analyzed it all in one breath. It can be seen that his analysis was not biased towards himself at all, but objectively analyzed the gap between the two.

"Wow! Brother Stone, how do you see the sharpness of the claws? I can understand the size."

After Xiaoling heard Shishi's analysis, she immediately asked a question.

"Cough~ Xiaoling, because I've been studying this elf all the time, just like you, if you compare your sea star with other sea stars, you will definitely be able to quickly distinguish the subtle differences."

When Shi Shi heard this question, he also gave an example.

"Aoao, it makes sense. Brother Shitou, you have to do your best! Since the rat is stronger than it, you must enter the third round!"

After Xiaoling understood, she nodded, and finally encouraged Shitou.

Next, they rushed to another venue, where a family trainer was also fighting against a civilian trainer.

This time, there was no scene of falling over again. When Tianji and the others arrived, the lightning ball on the side of the family faction was fighting with another Abo monster, and the two sides fought back and forth.

However, it can still be seen that the lightning ball has the upper hand. Although the Abo monster said that the energy level is slightly higher than that of the lightning ball, it has too few attack methods, and its attack speed is much worse than that of the lightning ball.

Although on the surface it looks like you are firing a charging beam and I firing a poison needle, it seems like they are evenly matched, but in Tanji's view, if this Arbo has no other moves, the defeat is already doomed.

To be able to hold on until now is entirely due to the thick skin and flesh.

Because after a little closer look, you will find that Abo is seldom able to escape the attack of lightning balls. This long elves, which are very similar to red and white poke balls, have unusual attack methods.

Although the back and forth is the charging beam and the sonic boom, but you can't deny that the attack speed of these two moves is extremely fast. Anyway, when Tianci sees it now, he only sees that the strange blind cat encounters the dead mouse and escapes. One charge beam.

As for Abo Monster's dissolving solution and poison needle counterattack, although it seems to be powerful, the lightning ball that has been rolling fast said that if you can't hit me, no matter how powerful you are, it is useless.

The trainer of the Aberdeen also knows this situation, so they often make the Aberdeer stare at him with a big snake, hoping to make the **** lightning ball terrified and slow down.

But it's a pity that the fast rolling lightning ball doesn't look at you, Abo, and it's not difficult to control your ability while rolling. can do it.

For example, the rumbling stone of the stone and the king of the mountain can do it, so of course this lightning ball from a family faction can do it too.

After that Aboriginal tried the big snake's eyes twice, not only did he fail to control the lightning ball, but he also suffered two sonic booms because of it.

"It's almost over, let's go." Seeing this, Tian Chi got up and went back.

Although there are broadcasts in the auditorium of each battle field, the players below are broadcast in real time, but you don't have to leave the auditorium. As a contestant, you must go to the contestant area first to verify your identity. Right next to the lounge area.

"Why? I see that the Aberdeen seems to be able to resist twice, and it is also pulling in the distance. Maybe there is a turning point?"

When Xiaoling saw that Tianci got up, he immediately got up and chased after him, while asking in confusion.

"Xiao Ling, pay attention to the surface of the lightning ball, is there any lightning flashing?"

Hearing Xiaoling's words, Tianji also stopped, pointed to the lightning ball, and began to explain to her.

"The charging beam seems to have a chance to temporarily increase your energy level!

I understand, that lightning ball has used the charging beam so many times, no matter how small the probability is, it must have improved several times. Now its electric energy seems to be expanding! "

Before Tianji could continue speaking, the stone next to UU Reading www.uukanshu.com had already understood something, so he continued to speak after he took it.

"Stone, it seems that I was reading at night. I didn't expect to remember the description of the charging beam."

Tian Ci was quite surprised. I didn't expect that Shitou was even involved in electrical moves. It seems that he listened to his advice and has been teaching himself to read.

"Stone is right, the electric energy of this lightning ball has been raised to a limit, and the approach of the Abo is just deliberately put in, just to..."

"Bang!" "Just right!" Before Tianzi could finish speaking, a huge explosion suddenly sounded on the field below, and there was also the miserable cry of the Aboriginal monster.

"Well, Xiaoling, see for yourself this power."

When Tian Ci heard the voice, he didn't say much, he pointed to the battlefield below, and motioned for Xiaoling to see for himself.

I saw below, the lightning ball looked exhausted and very tired. After the referee announced the result, it was also put into the Poké Ball immediately.

As for the Aboriginal monster, a large area has been scorched black, and even the snake body was partially shattered by the attack just now, and it is now being rescued by the gym's emergency team.



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