Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 215: Xiaoling's second elf

After returning to town in a hurry, Shi Shi immediately went to train his new elves.

"I'm so envious, Brother Tian Ci, do you think I should prepare my second elf too?"

Looking at the stone with a happy face, Xiaoling said with envy.

"That's right, Xiaoling, you can actually make preparations. It just so happens that the two of you can train new elves together."

Tianji nodded and said with deep conviction.

"But I didn't think about it. What to choose, I always felt like I could do it."

The girl scratched her pale blue hair in distress, expressing that she didn't know what to choose.

"Xiaoling, you should also choose the water system. Tell me about it. I will give you an advisor."

Tian Chi rubbed Xiaoling's hair and said with a smile.

"Well, Brother Tianji, I want to choose the water system. I always feel that the water system is good for my ability."

The girl felt the big hand on her head, and her face flushed, but she didn't struggle, but her voice lowered a little, and she continued to speak her mind with her head lowered.

"The options in my mind are actually the Duck Duck and the Beast Beast. As long as they successfully evolve, they can all use some superpowers, and they are so cute!"

When talking about these two magical species, Xiaoling's eyes began to light up, but she quickly rejected it by herself.

"However, the Duck can only evolve at an ordinary high level, and high aptitude may not necessarily be able to evolve successfully. According to the introduction of the picture book, the mental power in the head will burst out violently when it evolves!

If the resistance is over, it is the Gotha duck who can use super powers. If it is not over resistance, it will be in vain. . . .

This would cost too much. Raised to an ordinary high level for nothing, alas╯﹏╰"

After she vetoed Da Duck, Xiao Ling started talking about the dumb beast again.

"It seems that the dumb beast has evolved a little later than the canduck, and if you want to evolve well, you still need a high-quality big tongue shell, which is not worth it."

After the girl herself had ruled out the two great idiots, she continued to talk about her options.

"The others are the starfish, the big tongue shell, the agate jellyfish and the like, as well as Marilu, which are also very cute!"

After Tianji heard it, he had a feeling of admiration for Xiaoling.

Xiaoling's alternatives did not agree with him, and his analysis was quite straightforward.

"That's right, Xiaoling, you can recognize this clearly, it shows that your knowledge of elves, at least in the water system, is no weaker than other civilian trainers who have been through years."

Tianji first nodded approvingly, and then began to talk about his suggestion.

"Da Duck and Dumb Beast, as a matter of fact, as an extraordinary water system, you may have a solution. Of course, as you said, the risk is too great, so we should not consider the second one.

Marylou is cute and cute, but the upper limit is too low. Even if it is a Hercules trait, it is basically here, and it is not too strong. If you just keep it as a pet, it is fine, if it is a contract to become the main force. , or forget it. "

"Ah~ Okay~" Xiao Ling looked a little frustrated when she saw that Marilou was directly denied by the first one.

In fact, she is more inclined to Marylou among these, not only can she be amphibious, but she is also very cute.

And the feature is very useful whether it is thick fat or strong, but I didn't expect it to be rejected by Tianji directly.

"Well, if I personally recommend it, it's still Sea Star. Amphibious combat is possible, and the probability of awakening superpowers is very high. It can be said that the whole clan can basically awaken superpowers.

Although most of them can only be awakened half-heartedly, they are stronger than Ba ​​Dahu's, and they can also be used in actual combat.

The only downside is that the price is a bit expensive, but we can't hunt wildly in the forests and rivers, so we can only buy them. I think this should be the most suitable for you.

The big tongue shell is basically a living target. The evolved iron shell has excellent defense, but you can't actually use this kind of defense spirit now. As for the agate jellyfish, although it can go to the land for a short time, it is a long-term battle on land. No way. "

Tianji finished his suggestion in one breath, and then waited for Xiaoling to make a decision.

"Brother Tian Ci, in fact, my second choice is Hai Xingxing, but I just don't know if I have enough money."

After the girl heard this, she looked at her wallet with a bitter face, feeling that she was about to return to before liberation.

"Haha, you little rich woman is still pretending to be poor, okay, let's divide the harvest this time first. Shitou means that he won't divide the harvest, so let the two of us divide it in half. Those two tasks Too."

Seeing Xiaoling pretending to be poor, Tianzi couldn't help laughing. At the same time, he also classified some materials in the backpack, some were specially used for submitting tasks, and some were sold directly.

"Mmmm, go to the Elf House to have a look at that time, and buy it today if it suits you."

Xiaoling's temperament has gradually become more decisive. Now that she has decided, she can buy it directly.

Soon, the two of them went to the elf center to hand in the task, and then they went out to sell the materials after they made the merits.

After this operation, each person was allocated more than 20,000 yuan, and there were 15 merit points. Tianci's bank card balance finally reached 300,000, and the merit points also broke the 700 mark, reaching 705 points.

As for Xiaoling, he doesn't know very well. After all, he has no reason to inquire about other people's property.

But in terms of money, it's definitely a lot more than him. He still remembered that when he bought Dairubi, Xiaoling had a huge amount of 500,000 left in his card!

After so many days of tasks, she doesn't need to feed the three elves, so she must still have some savings. Tianzi estimates that it should be about 1 million. This money should be enough to buy starfish.

"I don't know if it's enough, I just remember it's expensive. If it's not enough, will it be embarrassing~"

Xiaoling stood in front of the window of the house of elves, hesitated a little, and looked at Tianji next to her for help.

"Cough~ Xiaoling, it's okay, if it's really not enough, I'll lend it to you first. You're no longer a child. You're a trainer now, and you're a civilian trainer, so you should be thick-skinned!"

Tianji chose to ignore Xiaoling's gaze and stood beside him, indicating that she could go in.

"Okay~" Seeing this, Xiaoling could only walk in alone.


After more than ten minutes, Xiao Ling with an excited face walked out with a Poké Ball.

"Brother Tian Ci, I bought it. Fortunately, it's enough! It cost 800,000 yuan, and I have a good qualification."

As soon as she went out, Xiaoling happily showed her new elf to Tianji.

"En, then it seems that the two of you should train well during this period of time. You can also form a team of two at that time, so I will act alone first."

Tianji looked at Xiaoling who was excited, and also said the next arrangement.

"En, don't worry, Brother Tianzi, soon, the second one can quickly reach the ordinary level! At that time, we will be able to take on the most difficult tasks of the same star level."

Xiaoling also had no objection, so the two of them walked towards the house with laughter and laughter.

When the scene changed, after Shitou contracted the pangolin, he couldn't help but hesitate when he looked at the pangolin that was left in his hand.

Just now when we were feeding together, this common and medium-qualified pangolin actually woke up and offered to follow him.

Tianji and Xiaoling also left the mountain rat to the stone.

"Shu~" He first released the mountain rat that he had contracted with, and after he got in touch with it, he let it stay by his side.

Because the next thing still needs a genie of the same race to translate.

"Shu~" At this moment, a red light flashed, and a thin pangolin appeared in the clearing.

"Kuga~Kuga~" As soon as the mountain rat came out, it didn't mean to escape or attack. On the contrary, it waved at the stone as soon as it came out, like I was very obedient.

"Rat, talk to the mouse, and I'll call it that in the future. You two make a distinction between the names."

Shitou first said something to the contracted pangolin.

"Ku~Kuja Kuga~Jia~" The rat nodded, walked to his fellow clan, and said a few words.

"Kuga!" The mouse, thinking about having a full meal, had no objection, and nodded directly.

"Okay, that rat, you said to the mouse, I won't accept it for now, but I can take it to train and fight together, and I will provide it with sufficient and energetic food every day, but it must listen to me Command, understand?"

Seeing the mice with a good attitude, Shitou nodded and began to talk about his conditions, and asked the rats to repeat them.

"Kujia~Kuku~jia~" The rat walked up to the mouse and began to communicate.

"Ku! Kuga! Kuga!" Hearing the sufficient energy food, the mouse's eyes turned into star shapes, and it still remembered that low-grade energy cube, how delicious it was! So much energy!

"Kuga? Kuga?" But soon it came back to its senses, and pointed to the stone and then to itself, indicating that it couldn't understand what the stone said.

"Rat, you told it that it is like this without a contract, but after getting along for a long time, you can understand it. For the time being, you should be the translator."

Stone understood what it meant when he saw the gesture, so before the rat could convey it, he explained the solution.

"Kooga~Kooga~" the rat began to translate again.

"Kuga? ω?!" The mouse nodded happily, agreeing. Anyway, it doesn't mind if it can eat that every day.

"Okay, then both of you will show all the moves you know first."

Seeing the nodding mouse, Shitou also temporarily put down his guard and tried to give an order.

"Kujia!" "Ku!" The two mountain mice nodded and began to demonstrate in the open space.

In fact, Shitou accepted this common and medium pangolin out of compassion.

Seeing this skinny pangolin, he couldn't help but think of when he was a child, when he had not yet begun to develop, he was so thin and frail.

Moreover, after the mountain rat woke up at that time, he actually bowed directly to him, kneeling and bowing, which he did not expect.

He felt that he had a little fate with this mountain rat, so he planned to give it a try.

In fact, if it wasn't for Tianji's constant instilling in him the importance of innate aptitude, he might have accepted another mountain rat on the spot.

But it's okay now. He believes that the freshman pangolin should not be so cunning and cunning. He should pretend to be obedient and secretly assassinate him to take revenge.

Of course, it is still a wild elves after all, so there should be some vigilance. For this reason, he decided to let the rats follow the mice inseparably in the future. Anyway, they all have to train together, so it is not normal to eat and live together. Well.

After returning to Tianci's side and determined to act alone, he made a special trip to the Elf Center, and compared the task table again. Finally, he chose some tasks that were repeated with the Rockets' tasks, or were also related. Row.

He has already planned to use the contribution of Team Rocket to exchange for the evolution plan of Heluga. After reading the evolution plan attached to the cultivation manual, it is estimated that he can only improve his qualifications by a small amount.

He was going to give it a try and replace it with an evolution plan that could improve two levels of qualifications, and it was even more secure. Such an evolution plan would inevitably be more expensive.

But the Rockets did have it on the exchange list, so he was going to change it.

Moreover, the high-level cheats of Bibi Bird have to be prepared, especially the stupid flower. The energy crystals that Tianji has seized these times has been used for it, and he even bought it halfway. I bought a few grass-type and poison-type energy crystals for Kou Duo Hua.

All of this is to make Koudouhua reach the normal high level faster. On the one hand, of course, there is a reason for the competition at the end of the year. After all, the top three can break Ninghui's last step.

Although it is said that it is not broken now, it has no effect. As an old driver who has read countless films in the past life, Tianci knows more about the tricks than Ninghui, the old lady~www.wuxiamtl.com~ He still remembers Ninghui when he knows there When it was possible, there was a look of shock and resistance, but unfortunately he succeeded in the end.

After all, an ordinary maid, how could she resist his attack, not to mention that he did everything according to the agreement, and he did not break her last step.

Of course, the main reason is that Xiaoling's rapid progress made him really feel the pressure.

Although Xiaoling himself may not care, but as the captain, he still has to maintain the strongest strength in the team at all times.

Otherwise, once or twice he took 40%, and he might not say anything, but in the long run, the gap between Xiaoling and him is getting bigger and bigger?

No one can guarantee this, Xiaoling and Shitou will always be loyal.

He never forgot how Xiaoling was tricked in by him.

So he never thought of pulling Xiaoling into the Rockets. His arrangement for Xiaoling was to go to the league and be his obvious help.

As for Shitou, he had thought about it, but first, he was only a soldier himself, so he couldn't recruit Shitou under his command. Second, Shitou was already very familiar with Xiaoling. He was afraid that Shitou would accidentally say something wrong. He couldn't refuse Xiaoling's participation, and he had misunderstood all his life.

And in this town, the combat power of the ordinary high-ranking section is really a bit of a right to speak. It is equivalent to the strongest combat power of the Ninghui family. Some news that he does not know will naturally be known, whether it is the alliance side. , or the Rockets' side, that's all.

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