Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 214: pangolin ginseng

"En" Stone nodded and put the Poké Ball into the groove of the illustrated book with hope.


"Di~...the elf aptitude is ordinary and high-level..." Although the final result was not bad, it obviously did not meet Tianji's psychological expectations.

That's right, it was Tianji's psychological expectation!

In fact, Stone doesn't have much requirements for elves' qualifications, and he has never thought about elite-level things.

So he actually felt that ordinary and high-class was enough, and it was completely enough, but Tashi shook his head and put the Poke Ball back in his backpack.

"Stone, I hope we can go on together, not that you can't catch up with me slowly, so the aptitude of elves is very important, especially the elves that only evolve once like the pangolin, then the innate aptitude is even more important. So good is really the bottom line.”

Looking at the stone that was hesitant to say anything, Tian Chi still opened his mouth and explained that compared to Xiaoling, deep down, he still valued the stone more.

"Well, I understand, Brother Tianji! I'm afraid it's too much trouble for you, and it's really dangerous in the depths."

Shitou nodded when he heard this, and said something to Tianji and Xiaoling about his own considerations.

"Brother Stone, you are too outspoken! We are brothers and sisters the same, so what's the trouble."

At this time, Xiao Ling, who had already replenished the energy of the mosquito-repellent incense frog, came over and said quickly when he heard Shishi's words.

"Well, what Xiaoling said is right. You have also helped us a lot, Shishi, in the mission, so don't take yourself too lightly."

When Tian Ci heard Xiaoling say this, he also came over and patted Shishi on the shoulder.

"En!" Shitou looked at Tianci, then at Xiaoling, and nodded heavily.

"Then let's hurry up and clean up. It seems that after walking for a while, we arrived at the territory where the mountain rat is infested."

After Tianci got the illustrated book back, he flipped through the navigation and found that it was not far away, so he hurriedly started to harvest the materials.

"Then it's on my side." Xiaoling consciously walked to the other side and started dividing the materials.

"Bang Bang~" As for Shishi, he has already started silently. He is not a person who can talk. All he can do is to do as many things as possible to express his inner feelings.

Soon, with the cooperation of the three, all the valuable things in this battlefield were taken into the bag.

"唦唦~" The three of them threw some fluorescent grass seeds after cleaning up, and continued to walk inside.


Soon the group went deep into the depths of the cave. Correspondingly, the strength of the elves they encountered was greatly improved.

Now it's basically the main force of the mouth dumb flower. Without it, it's because the mouth dumb flower's recovery ability is too strong.

Originally, it could take root and absorb it, plus the black silt that was in hand, which made the speed of self-recovery of the mouth dumb flower much faster than the mosquito-repellent incense frog.

It was because there was no sunlight in the cave, or else coupled with one-handed photosynthesis, Koudouhua said that I could push the road on my own.

After all, the strongest one I encountered now is just an ordinary mid-section rumble stone. Under the vine whip of Koudouhua, there was absolutely no power to fight back. .

"It's finally here, everyone paid attention. This is the area where the mountain rat is frequented, so be careful. It's marked on the picture book. Recently, there are quite a lot of mountain kings."

Looking at the bumpy road ahead, and then at the markings on the stone wall, Tianzi put the illustrated book level back into his backpack, and they had already arrived.

"Well, be more vigilant, Rumble Stone."

"Mosquito coil frog, you should also pay attention!"

The two also warned their spirits with serious faces.

"Ta Ta~ Ta Ta~" The three slowly walked on the gravel road.

Because in the deep cave, Bibi Bird is useless, so there is no way to detect intelligence as before.

However, Dairubi can still be used, and Tianji has specially given it the smell of pangolins, so now Dairubi is acting as a scout, leading them to find pangolins.

"Wang woo ~ **** wang~" I saw that Dai Ruby suddenly shouted not far ahead after taking them for a short distance.

"Shu~唦唦唦~" A lot of sand suddenly rose up on the ground not far away, and rushed towards several people.

"Ku~shashasha~" At the same time, a voice came from the sand and dust, and Tianji and the others also felt that the gravel on the ground suddenly became soft.

"No, it's the quicksand hell, run!" Tian Ci immediately flickered and ran to the other side.

"Bang~bang~" Xiaoling and Shitou also flashed their feet and jumped out.

This is the effect of the book "Vertical Movement". Although they haven't practiced it yet, it is still possible to escape these few meters of quicksand hell.

"Mouth of flowers, seed machine gun fire!"

"Mosquito-repellent frog, water bombs burst!"

"Longlong stone, stomp!"

After escaping by themselves, the three of them hurriedly issued orders to the few elves outside.

"Moo~ hoo hoo hoo! hoo hoo!" Kou Denghua frantically spit out bullets one after another.

"Wow~ 咻咻咻~" The mosquito-repellent incense frog also threw water bombs frantically regardless.

"Puff~pata~pata" After being absorbed by the water bombs, the sand and dust in the sky turned into a pile of mud and fell to the ground.

"Kuga! Ku!" But a few unlucky ones were hit by seed machine guns and water bombs.

These freshman-level pangolins fell directly to the ground.

"Dong Dong~" But before the other pangolins were happy, the ground shaking that followed made them staggered to the ground.

"Crack! Slap!" The following few strokes of the vine whip precisely filled them with the last knife.

"Swish~" At this moment, the leading Pangshan King had just cut a few water polo with his tearing claw.

"Ku?" Originally, it was going to let the other clansmen continue to pour sand, but in the blink of an eye, it was left standing alone, which made it very embarrassing.

"Kuga! Huhuhu~" But it didn't hesitate for a long time, it shouted, and then spit out a large number of white stars from its mouth and attacked the three of them.

"Pada~" After launching the high-speed star, it quickly came to the side of a mountain rat without returning to me, held it in my arms, and ran to the back.

It's not that it's cruel, I really can't see any hope of winning, so let's take the most talented junior and run away, leave the green hills, and don't be afraid of running out of firewood!

"It's quite decisive. It can only be said that it is an elves who fought in the depths of the cave."

Tian Chi watched this scene and thought silently in his heart.

He found that the elves in the depths of the cave seemed to have a stronger fighting awareness and skills than the elves in the forest.

Fortunately, the three of them were all trained just now, otherwise they would have been killed by a direct surprise attack.

First, the sand splashed in all directions to confuse him, then he was trapped in the quicksand hell, and finally, the king of the mountain was killed with a single blow from his tearing claw.

I have to say that this set of cooperation is really good, the success rate is also very high, and everyone in the clan has used it.

In fact, even if one hit didn't kill him, it would have allowed the other pangolins to continue splashing the sand, and then the pangolins would continue to attack, and even other pangolins could be mixed in the flying sand to interfere.

If you look at it this way, if you change to a civilian trainer who is not very strong, it is really possible that you will be planted here.

"咻~咻~" On the other side, when Xiao Ling saw the escaped Mountain King, he immediately shot, and just shot a few water arrows at it.

"Ku! Kuga~Swish~" Although he was surprised that this human being in front of him could also use extraordinary power, the battle-hardened King of the Mountains immediately split the water arrows with a slash.

"Mosquito-repellent frog, right now, Chaoxuan!" Xiaoling didn't expect herself to hurt it, her original intention was to get water all around her.

"Yo po~ woo lah~" Mosquito-repellent frog nodded and spit out a stream of water very quickly from its mouth. Usually, this stream of water is of course not enough, but this is actually just an introduction, and because of the small number, the speed of the moves is faster. !

"Crash~Crash~" I saw this energy-filled water flow quickly flew to Chuanshanwang's side. In the blink of an eye, the stagnant water around it was aroused, and immediately formed a water ring, trapping Chuanshanwang. in.

"Okay, let's end it, water gun!" Seeing that the move took effect, Xiao Ling's face was overjoyed, and he immediately added an order to the mosquito coil frog.

"Koudouhua, seed machine gun!" Tian Chi also followed, knowing that Chuanshan Wang was basically unscathed, so it would be better to take this opportunity to deal with it directly.

"Shhh~ bang bang bang~ Kuga!" Although he blocked it with random grabs several times, the continuous attack still made it unable to react, and he was finally hit on the body.

After being hit once, its rhythm was messed up, and then it was hit by a few water guns and seed machine guns.

"Bang Bang Bang ~ Kuga! Bang ~ Ku (?_?)?" This ordinary low-level mountain king was finally knocked unconscious and lost his ability to fight.

"It's not without its shortcomings. It seems that I'm used to the attack routine. Once the routine is cracked, I don't seem to know how to fight back."

Tian Ci recalled the performance of King Chuanshan just now, and gave him a silent evaluation in his heart.

Or maybe he was used to joint operations. After the tactical failure, this King of Mountains didn't seem to know how to seize the opportunity when fighting alone.

In fact, when it was trapped by the tide vortex just now, it could completely escape after resisting it with its tearing claws.

But it didn't. After being trapped by the disgusting water system energy, he never thought about fighting it. In the face of the attack, he was blindly resisting, so he would definitely be defeated sooner or later.

"Sure enough, this kind of spirit formed in the wild cannot be cultivated as the main force."

Recalling the battle just now, Tanji also has a deeper understanding of this sentence, and also understands the reason why no one is willing to buy the final evolution form of the ordinary level.

"Brother Tian Ci, we have all taken care of it here, come and see, Brother Stone is going to draw a lottery again!"

At this moment, Xiao Ling's shout came over. It turned out that when he was in a trance just now, Shitou and Xiao Ling had already dealt with the battlefield, and the few mountain mice also received the Poké Ball.

"Hmm, here it is." Tian Ci smiled and came to the stone.

"Di... Qualification is ordinary and inferior..." The first one was Puxia, which made Shishi's expression embarrassed.

"Hahaha~ It's normal, it's fine, there should only be good ones, the one protected by the King of the Mountains."

Tian Ji also laughed when he saw this, and suggested that he directly test that one first.

"Brother Tian Ci, you don't understand, we have to have a sense of ritual. Maybe there are fish that slip through the net among these seven common mountain rats. The one to be protected must have better qualifications, and there is no suspense."

When Xiaoling heard Tianci say this, she also took it and stuck out her tongue playfully.

"...It makes sense..." He also nodded when he heard this explanation. After all, testing aptitude is also a great fun to conquer in the wild.

"Di~ the qualifications are ordinary and inferior..."

"Di... The qualifications are ordinary and inferior..."

But it's a pity that opening three Poké Balls in a row is a common qualification. Tatsu has already dealt with them, and the useful materials are also put in the backpack.

"Relax, Shishi, you already have a guarantee, so what are you afraid of?"

Looking at the darkened stone, Tianji couldn't help but comfort him.

It is very common for elves with general qualifications in the wild, and it is normal.

"En!" Shitou nodded, his expression softened a little, and he continued to test his aptitude.

"Di... Qualifications are average and medium" this time is finally not universal, and this one has already earned back the cost of this trip.

But after this one, the next few were popular again, and finally it was the last one, which was the one protected by the King of the Mountains.

"Brother Tian Ci, Xiaoling, why don't you guys come, my hands are too dark."

Stone held the Poké Ball and hesitated a bit, but finally asked Shimodaji and Xiaoling.

"Don't worry, Stone, and this elf is yours, so you should test it yourself. There's no reason to let us do it for you, you can test it directly."

When Tian Ci saw this, he quickly waved his hand and motioned for him to come by himself.

"Yes, yes, Brother Stone, it's no big deal, this is just the first wave~www.wuxiamtl.com~ It's not a good qualification, we'll just go inside."

Xiaoling also waved his hand and persuaded.

"Well, Kacha~" Hearing what the two of them said, Shito also closed his eyes and stuffed the Poké Ball into the picture book.

"Di~...the aptitude is good and inferior..." Sure enough, this pangolin has achieved good aptitude. After all, the offspring who can be valued by the pangama king will definitely not have bad aptitude.

"Hu~ Congratulations, Stone."

"Congratulations, Brother Stone!"

Seeing this, the two were also relieved, and congratulated them sincerely.

"Well, thank you, let's go back, we don't have to go inside, this place is still a bit dangerous for us."

Shito also put away the Poké Ball with a smile and told his decision.

He has been a trainer for a while, and of course he can see the danger when he was attacked just now. Since he has good qualifications, even if he is a good person, he is satisfied.

"Okay, the mission we picked up on the way has already been completed, so let's go back."

Tian Chi didn't say anything like "walk in and catch the better ones", and nodded in agreement.

"Well, then let's go back. It just so happens that we can do something else in the afternoon."

Xiaoling also has no objection. Of course, she can see the danger just now. If Feisha is bigger, there is one more mountain king who is besieged, and the scope of quicksand **** is even more expanded, then the few of them cannot rely on their light abilities. Escape is really not necessarily!

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