Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 216: Information and stinky flowers (5,000 words large)

In fact, Tianci's contribution to the Rockets has not been touched for a long time. After taking the black silt that time, his focus was on the alliance, and the Rockets' tasks would only be completed when they occasionally encountered them.

In this way, his contribution to the Rockets has actually grown very slowly. Up to now, it has only 180 points. This value is not even affordable for ordinary high-level cheats.

He clearly remembered that the high-level cheats of the mouth dumb flower required 250 points of contribution.

On the other hand, Dai Ruby's evolution plan only needs 120 points, which is 120,000 in money, which is acceptable. He has already exchanged it.

However, the above materials are the bulk, which requires him to make a lot of contribution points.

After he simply flipped through it, he roughly estimated that it would cost about 500,000 to buy all the materials, or about 500 contribution points.

He also secretly went to the material shop in the town and asked about it. After calculating it, he found that it was still cheaper in the Rockets, so he planned to do his best for the Rockets mission during the time he was acting alone.

"A low-grade fire stone, plus a middle-grade evil-type energy crystal, and a low-grade general-type energy crystal, that's 350,000."

Looking at the evolutionary resources above, Tianji patted his head, feeling that he has a long way to go.

Although it only needs 320 contribution points after converting to contribution points, this is also a huge sum of money for Tianji who only has 60 contribution points.

As for why the Rockets were cheap, he guessed that it was the reason why they robbed the Jiang Qi family last time. They all made a lot of money that time! There is definitely no shortage of evolutionary resources.

When he returned to the town, he also inquired about the situation of the Jiang Qi family. It seems that the external statement was that they were besieged by the elves, so most of the goods were lost, and most of the personnel were also lost. Fortunately, the elite-level patriarch was fine. The few talented clansmen lost only one.

So although the losses are a bit heavy, as long as there is an elite level of combat power, it will not hurt, and it is still one of the four major families in the town.

"However, it seems that this is the most difficult to get in the materials. There are 2 elite Heruga horns on the exchange list. The low-level ones are fine, but even the low-level ones cost 80 points. It's too expensive, it's 80,000 yuan in exchange for money!"

Putting aside the affairs of the Jiang Qi family first, he continued to read the evolution plan, and after seeing this material, he was even more helpless.

He clearly remembered that when Bobo evolved, he used gym-level Bidiao feathers, and he only needed 50,000 feathers.

Unexpectedly, the horns of elite-level Heruga are so expensive!

But after thinking about it, the horn of Heluga can be said to be the most valuable material on its body, and it is also a symbol of its deterrence. In contrast, although the two feathers are gym-level, they are not the most important feathers, just Just an energy-rich feather.

After thinking about it this way, Tianji also accepted the price of 80,000 pieces, otherwise what else could he do.

This is already the best evolution plan he can find within his authority.

Although there is a possibility that the other ones can increase their aptitude by two small stages, his Dairubi is an elite and inferior aptitude. After reading the introduction of those evolution plans, he felt that the energy might not be enough to increase.

Besides, he didn't dare to gamble. After all, Darubi only had one chance to evolve, so he finally chose this evolution plan based on the principle of being expensive.

"Next, let's look for tasks and see if there is a large amount of them."

At the Rockets base, Tanji began to read the task sheet in front of the self-service computer.

He is going to find the kind of person who gives more contribution points. It doesn't matter how much other rewards are, but he must have more contribution points.

After all, his gap is too big. Except for the evolution plan, Bibi Toriguchi's high-level cheats are all counting on the Rockets.

As for Xiaoling and Shitou, he is not their nanny, how could he use the Rockets channel to upgrade their cheats!

Anyway, as far as he knows, Xiaoling himself has already used the alliance merits to exchange for a copy of the mosquito-repellent incense frog's mid-level breeding cheats. He estimates that Xiaoling should also exchange for Haixing's ordinary low-level cheats.

Besides, it's okay to take out the low-level cheats. You take out the corresponding mid-level and high-level cheats one after another. This is too suspicious.

The three of them often do tasks together, and they actually have a general understanding of each other's income. It is impossible for you to suddenly come up with so many secrets without arousing suspicion.

So it's better to use it secretly, and Tanji has a very selfish idea.

In this way, Xiaoling and Shizuo's progress will definitely slow him down a bit. After all, he can get the cheat book at a 20% discount. In this way, there is a leading place in the comparison.


After going through this for a long time, he finally decided to do the following tasks.

One of them, or it should be called a class, can do it for a long time, is to hunt elves and obtain materials.

Team Rocket seems to have a huge demand for elf materials, all kinds of materials are required, and they are all settled by contribution points.

This means that as long as he pays attention, he should be able to complete one or two such tasks along the way.

The second one is quite easy for him, or rather easy for Ning Hui, that is to collect some rookie materials of small and medium-sized families in the town in the past few years, and make contributions based on the completeness of the materials.

However, as long as it is considered valid data, the lowest price for that data is 5 points.

Ninghui is specialized in the identification of trainers, and she has the authority to view the initial information of those people.

Although there is only an initial elf and a qualification level, it is useful, but it is actually useless. After all, it has been so long, and some rookies may have passed a year or two. Just looking at the registration information of this initial elf, it is also useless. It is impossible to judge the current state of strength.

But no matter what, it must be valid data. After all, it contains the data of their initial elves. At least they know what kind of department and what kind of qualification.

Of course, whether it works or not depends on how the recipient decides it. Tian Chi is only going to gamble. Anyway, there is no loss to him. The failure of this mission is specially marked, and there is no punishment.

For the third task, he decided to look at the schedule of the day. If there is one, he will just take another one. If not, forget it and concentrate on the first type of hunting task.

Today, he is planning to pick up the third one, that is, the walking grass group that has just relocated not far from the base.

It's not that there can't be elves around Team Rocket's base, it's just that the grassy clan is developing too fast.

Perhaps because Team Rocket often cleans up, there are no powerful elves passing by in this area. Of course, to outsiders, there are still some elves. In fact, those elves are deliberately disguised by members of the patrol team.

This also led to the rapid development of the walking grass group. It has only been here for more than a month, but there are already 7-8 stinky flowers. This makes the base around the base full of stinky odors, which is very uncomfortable! It seems that the stench also disturbed a base executive, so this task was created.

The remuneration is also very good, there are 40 contribution points, and there is no need to submit materials.

It is equivalent to Tianji who can collect materials and sell them for money, and then use the money to exchange contributions.

In addition to the plants on the head that can be used as medicine, the stinky flower has a special thing, that is, nectar!

Nectar is also very valuable. Although it does not have the effect of improving qualifications of honey, it is also a very good nutritional product. In terms of human nutritional value, the effect of this nectar is better than that of honey, so the market price is also 4,000 yuan a piece. kilograms.

As for whether you can play or not, according to the quest description, it should be possible. Not long after we moved in, the quest description said that the stinky flowers were just evolved, and they should all be ordinary low-level players. , The great thing is that there are one or two ordinary middle sections, plus more than 20 new-level walking grasses.

Tianji said that this is not a problem. He believes that he should be able to fight. With the cooperation of Dairubi and Bibi Bird, the damage bonus of restraint should be no problem.

As for Koudaihua, Tianci's arrangement for it is to resist damage in the front. Grass poison will not cause much damage to Koudaihua, and there is still a big sun today. Then take root + photosynthesis and add black silt. He believes that Dazed Flowers absolutely resisted.

"Let's go!" After accepting all these tasks, he immediately walked towards the first task point, the walking grass group not far away.

"唦唦~" Soon Tianji brought the three little cubs to the vicinity of the walking grass group.

"Wang woo ~ **** wang~" As soon as he came here, Dai Ruby started to cover his nose. He said it was really too stinky, even more stinky than that industrial area!

"No wonder no one picked it up, it's so stinky!"

Even with a mask on, Tanji could smell that indescribable stench, not to mention Darubi, who has a keen sense of smell.

"Beep~beep!" Bibi Bird also called out a few words, covering her wings with her wings, indicating that it stinks very badly.

"Moo~moo~" Kouduhua is quite indifferent, it may be because of playing with drugs too much, because those poisonous fans, the smell of venom is not good, so it feels good, of course, this may also be related to It is plant related.

"Take this first, Bibi Bird and Derubi."

Tianji also prepared in advance and took out the elf nose plug he bought. It is a bottle of mud that can be large or small, and can be stretched. It can be covered with a layer to cover the nose, or it can be rolled into a ball to block the nose.

For Contrast Bird, he put a layer on it, while Derubi rolled it into a long strip and blocked his nose.

"Wang woo~wang~(?_? Darubi said pitifully, still feeling very stinky.

"Darubi, let's fight quickly. When you breathe fire, increase your firepower! Then I'll give you another layer, so you can bear with it a little."

Seeing the pitiful Dairubi, Tianji had no choice but to comfort him, and then he covered the outside of his nose with a layer.

He kind of understands why no one is willing to take on this task with a fairly generous contribution point. This is actually a dirty job, it really stinks!

To be honest, he felt that he was a little out of the way, and he didn't consider that Darubi's sensitive sense of smell was actually a burden in this environment.

Of course, it is not realistic to give up now, and Darubi is still one of the main force, so he can only grit his teeth and persist.

"Wow!" After Dairubi put another layer on, he finally felt a little better, and he nodded when he heard Tianji's consolation.

"Then let's go, let's make the movement smaller first to solve a few, and solve a few first, don't let them all converge."

Seeing that Dai Ruby could accept it, Tian Ci immediately ordered an attack. He didn't want to stay here any longer.

"Beep~" Bibi Bird agreed and flew forward, with Tian Zi, Kou Duhua and Dai Ruby following behind.

Soon they found 4 walking grasses and a stinky flower. Because Dairubi had smelled it, even if those elves were buried in the ground, they were still smelled by Dairubi's nose. (Although the nose is blocked, Dairubi's nose can still distinguish a little from such a close distance, but the smell is much weaker.)

"Come on, Bibi Bird Tornado, just roll them up!

Darubi, you give each little tornado a spark. "

Seeing the five positions pointed out by Derubi, Tianji also ordered directly to the two elves.

"Beep~ Huhuhuhu~"

"Wang woo ~ hoo hoo~"

With the cooperation of the two elves, the original tornado instantly turned into a fire tornado.

"Do!" "Mana!" "Hana~poof~"

I saw that the walking grass and stinky flower feet that were suddenly attacked were not pulled out of the ground before they were carried to the sky by the tornado.

"Mana~(?_?)?" Originally restrained by the energy of the flight system and assisted by Darubi's flame, under the double blow, these walking grasses lost their fighting ability directly, and when they fell to the ground, There were burns and scratches all over his body.

"Hana~ha~" The only remaining stinky flower, although still conscious, was severely injured, and could only lie on the ground and wailed.

"Let's end it, Dairubi, Spark!" Seeing that there were still fish that slipped through the net, Tianji directly asked Dairubi to make up for it.

"Wow! Phew~" Dai Ruby immediately spit out a spark from his mouth and hit Stink Flower with precision.

"Zizi~Hana~Hana! (?_?)?" The stinky flower was burned by the flames for a while, and then lost its ability to fight in the wailing.

"Help me on guard, I'll go collect the spoils." After the battle was settled neatly, Tianji began to harvest the spoils with a mask on.

"Ouch~ My God! Why is it so smelly! Ouch~" It was fine when the walking grass was harvested in front, and it was finished very smoothly. When it was the stinky flower's turn, Tianji couldn't take it anymore.

Close contact is already very stinky, and after the flames burn, the smell is even more violent and strange. He swears that Yoneda has never been so stinky in his previous life!

This is exactly the smell that can't be compared to the combination of Yoneda Gong, stinky tofu and canned herring!

"Ouch~ Puchi~ Bang Bang~ Puchi~" Although it smelled bad and couldn't bear it, he still held his breath and started to deal with it.

This is all money! How can you stop it just because you smoke it!

"Wow~ It's almost, the nectar is finally taken out, and the nectar is still quite fragrant."

After finally finishing the treatment, he threw the residue aside, took a quick sniff of the nectar, and found that the nectar was so fragrant, I felt that there was nothing more fragrant than it!

Of course, this must be his delusion. Although it is quite fragrant, it is definitely not the first in the world. It should be because the contrast is too strong, so it gave him this illusion.

After harvesting the spoils, Tanji continued to walk in with the three elves.

After dealing with another 3 waves of elves, the walking grass group finally realized that something was wrong.

"Hana ~ Hana~" I saw their leader, a stinky flower that was about to be in the middle of the ordinary shouted, and then the flower on its head began to emit a special smell, spreading around.

"Mana! Mana" "Doo~" The spirits who smelled this smell began to gather in the direction of the leader.

After a while, the remaining clansmen appeared in this area. I saw a green grass with three stinky flowers standing in the middle. One of them was obviously bigger and the color of the flowers was darker. It was the leader of this clan. Now, it still smells like crazy.

The other two stinky flowers were helping to count the number of people. After two rounds of counting, their faces became ugly.

"Hana~Hana!" "Hana!" Chief, it seems that our clansmen are all here, there are only 14 walking grass left, and the three of us are the stinky flowers.

"Hana!??(◣д◢)??" The stinky flower leader who heard the result was very angry. They finally regained some vitality, and it didn't take long for them to lose half of their clan.

In fact, they were originally just ordinary people in a large ethnic group~www.wuxiamtl.com~ It was just that the ethnic group suffered a disaster, and they were just one that escaped.

This is also the reason why their group doesn't even have an ordinary middle-ranked elf.

Fortunately, they were lucky and came here by accident. The comfortable environment allowed them to develop rapidly.

But what they don't know is that it is also because of the rapid development that this disaster has been brought about.

Even the comfortable environment has worn away their vigilance, which is why the four stinky flowers were destroyed one by one.

They took it for granted that it shouldn't be a big deal, so in the end the entire clan got this fate.

"Hana~Hana~" After his anger, the stinky flower leader calmed down and began to think about a way out.

It thought about running away with the rest of the clan, but turned around and thought, since the enemy is divided into separate attacks, it means that the enemy is definitely not particularly strong, maybe the rest of them can gather together. Solved it!

Well, this is actually just a rhetoric it uses to boost the popularity of its clan, and the real reason is that it doesn't want to give up this treasure.

It is absolutely impossible for the enemy to give up this treasure without seeing it!

Although it doesn't know why there are no powerful elves in this area, since they can live here for a while, it means that there should be no problem in this area, so it decides to take a gamble.

It believes that even if it can't beat it, it should be fine to run away a few as seeds.

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