Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 213: The choice of the second elf

Of course, in more than half a month, there is absolutely no way for the three of them to fully absorb the gains of the last time, especially the cultivation of "Pure Yuan Jue" and "Zhongxing Zhu".


Of course, everyone's progress is different, so Tianji didn't force it.


On the other hand, after Darubi broke through to the ordinary level, in fact, the three of them had nothing to break through in the training of elves.


Xiaoling's mosquito-repellent incense frog has mastered the Frozen Wind and Frozen Fist proficiently, and his attack methods have also been enriched.


The rumbling stone of the stone has also been said before, so I won't repeat it one by one.


After more than half a month of exploration, Kouduhua and Bibibird successfully completed their goals.


Koudouhua's venom bomb has already taken shape, and its power cannot be underestimated. After all, if it hits the enemy, it will burst and corrode.


This trick is a combination of a dissolving liquid and a seed machine gun. Just the powerful corrosiveness of the dissolving liquid, I believe that no elves are willing to take the initiative to experience it.


The principle is actually not difficult. It actually refers to the principle of the seed machine gun. It just replaces the condensed seeds with the dissolved liquid in the body, so it is not difficult to find out.


The difficulty was actually how to control the flowing solution and how to compress it into the shape of a seed. In the end, it was the rumbling stone of the stone that helped it, and told KouDaiHua about the technique of compressing stone bullets, so that KouDaiHua took this step.


In addition, Bibi Bird has also successfully advanced the pecking into a mad rush. Although the power of the big bill is definitely weaker, it is a good thing to learn it. As long as someone dares to get close, I believe that Tianji's Bibi bird will also give They are a surprise!


In the end, Dairubi, who broke through to the ordinary level, actually learned a new skill, smell detection. This skill gave Tianji a big surprise, and it can be used even when he does not need energy!


However, correspondingly, the effect of seeing through is lost, and it is useless for ghost-type elves. It simply becomes a scent tracking skill. With this, Darubi can take his sense of smell to a higher level.


Of course, if you use energy to launch this move, it will improve your sense of smell again, of course, this is only incidental.


The most important thing is to temporarily make a strange change in the energy in Darubi's body. This change is only temporary, but Tianzi estimates that it should be this kind of mixed special substance that makes some ghosts useless. The moves become useful!


But Tianji is not a researcher either, and his previous life diploma was not high, so there is no way to find out what this substance is. He can only use it first.


After all, the subject of this kind of scientific research is beyond Tianji's cultural level. You will find that although Tianji has improved and combined a lot of moves, in essence, he is only changing the shape, or applying some simple principles from his previous life.


This can still be done for Tianji, but if you ask him to study and change the essence of his moves, he will definitely not be able to do it.


After all, this world is still dominated by elves, so after discussing it, the three of them decided to adjust their plans and start doing normal tasks instead of just doing it for half a day.


After all, in the past half month, they have been in the money sector for a long time, and there has been no growth for a long time, and the money earned in half a day is basically fed to their own elves.


But on the merit points, Tian Ci had already accumulated 690 merit points. He had thought about what to change, but in the end he shook his head and put away his thoughts.


After all, he hasn't even digested the gains from the last time, so let's talk about these secrets first.


In the blink of an eye, another month passed, and Xiaoling's mosquito coil frog finally broke through to the middle of the ordinary.


He didn't learn any new moves, but his energy level increased by a small amount.


Xiaoling is also going to choose her second elf, but before that, they are going to help Shito solve the second elf first.


Because of the strong demand for the stone, and the rumbling stone has indeed been steadily developing.


Tian Chi found that Shitou had also been idle because of this, so he agreed to Shishi's request and was going to help Shito go to the gopher cave to catch the second elf, the mountain rat.


Early in the morning, the three of them went to the gopher cave.


Because at least one well-qualified pangolin must be caught, it must go deep into the cave.


Just in case, Tanji also brought over the ultrasonic speaker that had been idle for a long time.


The respective elves are also specially equipped with a pair of night vision glasses. Because they are mass-produced, the effect is not particularly good, but the corresponding price is not expensive.


In addition, there are also glowing plants or minerals in the walls of the cave, so this kind of glasses is enough.


As for where the glowing ores and plants came from, these were actually planted or inlaid by the trainers who went to explore.


After all, these things are not worth much, and they are very convenient. When you go to a darker place, remember to throw two pieces of ore, and throw the seeds of fluorescent grass. It's just a little effort, so that you may have less on the way back. In the event of a little danger, it can also give some help to the later ones.


The Alliance also advocates this practice, so fluorescent grass and fluorescent stone are sold at extremely low prices.


These grasses and ores that only emit light have no energy or special substances, at least for the elves in the mine, so unless it's really too cold, they don't bother to clean up these things at other times.


"It's so beautiful, Brother Tian Ci~" A few people walked in the mine together, Xiaoling looked at the ore on the stone wall and the fluorescent grass scattered on the ground, and couldn't help but sigh.


"Yeah~" Tianji couldn't help sighing when he looked at the ore emitting a faint white light.


I always feel that this is especially like the night pearl of the previous life, but it is not polished, and the shape is also strange.


"It's just starting to go inside, and it feels pretty bright, but we're going to go deeper. It's estimated that the fluorescent stones and fluorescent grass seeds we bought will come in handy."


Stone also agreed, and patted his backpack.


That's right, the three of them also brought some fluorescent stones and fluorescent grass seeds.


After continuing to walk in for a short while, the density of elves finally increased, and the corresponding brightness also dimmed.


"Mosquito-repellent frog, water bombs burst!"


"Yo hoo~ 咻 咻 咻 ~ 咻 咻~" I saw the mosquito-repellent incense frog with both fists and mouths, firing water bombs frantically.


"Hey Qia~ Qia~(?_?)?" "Cha~" I saw a few small fist stones surrounding them, and they were stunned to the ground by water bombs. Coupled with attribute restraint, a second shot is normal.


"Hahaha~ Mosquito incense frog, you are too strong! You are simply invincible!"


Seeing this scene, Xiao Ling couldn't help but smile arrogantly and said something a little bit middle-class.


"Alright, alright, the invincible Xiaoling, should we clean up the battlefield together?"


Tianji watched this scene speechlessly, and he didn't know how he could say this when he beat a group of restrained freshman elves.

"Aoao, bang bang bang~" Xiao Ling nodded embarrassedly, took out a small hammer and began to harvest the core ore of these small fist stones.


The short section of the road ahead was actually solved by Xiaoling's mosquito-repellent incense frog, and Tianji and Shishi were watching.


It doesn't mean that he is squeezed, but because Xiaoling wants to exercise the strength of the mosquito-repellent incense frog. After all, he has just arrived in the middle of the normal stage, and this is his first actual combat after he has mastered it.


After simply harvesting the materials, the three continued to walk forward.


Soon, they encountered the siege of the elves again.


"Mosquito-repellent frogs, foam light! Take care of the farther ones first."


Xiaoling didn't panic at all about the gophers who came up from the siege, and planned to let the mosquito-repellent incense frog deal with the few small fist stones at the back first.


"Gulugulu~" I saw that the mosquito coil frog began to spit out several bubbles of light from its mouth.


"Bang~" I saw that the foam light easily shattered the falling stone, and then hit the small fist stone behind.


"Bang Bang Bang ~ Hey Cha ~ (?_?)?" I saw Xiao Quanshi's body was hit by the foam light, and he fell to the ground with a scream of pain.


It's not to say how powerful the explosion of this foam is, these pits are actually the result of the energy of the water system.


"Mosquito-repellent frogs, now, jump up! Then Frozen Fist greets them!"


At this time, several gophers that were digging the hole approached also attacked. As soon as they raised their heads, before they saw the enemy, they were hit on the head by fists emitting cold air.


"Bang! Kaka~ka"


"Bang bang~ bang~"


The game of whack-a-mole made Mosquito Coil Frog very excited, and one gopher after another was quickly frozen into ice cubes.


But the mosquito-repellent incense frog didn't pay attention, and an ordinary-level gopher had already appeared behind it.


"Whisper~gu??(◣д◢)??" Looking at the mosquito-repellent incense frog that was still frantically battling hamsters, a trace of anger flashed in its eyes.


"Shu~" I saw that its whole body shone with black evil-type abilities, and its body quickly slammed into the mosquito-repellent incense frog.


"Moo~hooah~" But at this time, a series of seed machine guns did come.


Although Xiaoling and the mosquito-repellent incense frog were not noticed because of the relationship on the back, Tianji could see it completely from this angle.


As early as when this gopher emerged, he immediately let Koudouhua use the seed machine gun to prepare for the leak.


So although the Gopher's surprise move was very fast, the mouth dumb flower who attacked in advance still blocked his move.


"Bang! Whisper~" Because of the cancellation of the surprise attack, the gopher still had some fighting power after being knocked away.


"Clap!" However, the two vines that followed immediately made it incapacitated.


After all, how could Koudouhua make such a low-level mistake, waiting for the enemy to get up and then counterattack, obviously he can take advantage of his bad state, and immediately attack the drowning dog, it's not fragrant.


"Brother Tian Ci, thank you!" At this time, Xiaoling also noticed the movement behind the mosquito-repellent incense frog and looked at the gopher. Of course she understood what was going on, so she thanked Tian Ci,


"Well, Xiaoling, let's make a move together next, you shouldn't be able to rely on you alone here, and the consumption of mosquito coil frogs is also a bit big.


You first help the mosquito-repellent incense frog recover, and Shitou and I will help you clean up the battlefield. After all, when you are near the mountain rat clan, you still have to be the main force. "


Tian Ji nodded, and then told the arrangement of the following journey.


"Okay, I remember that a mountain rat was stunned over there just now. Brother Tianci, you can go there and have a look first, maybe we don't have to go any further."


Xiaoling also has no opinion. She actually feels that she is struggling, especially the more she walks inside, the less water energy in the air, so she plans to stop. This way, how strong is the mosquito coil frog? She also has a bottom line.


"Okay, Shishi, let's come together first, borrow Xiaoling's auspicious words, maybe you really don't need to go."


Hearing this, Tian Ci immediately waved to Shitou, motioning him to put down the half-dissected gopher and come here to have a look first.


"Okay, here we come." Shitou nodded happily. In fact, he had met one or two mountain mice before, but it was a pity, just by looking at the appearance, he knew that his development was not good, and his aptitude was definitely not good.


Of course, just in case, Tianji still let the stone be subdued with a pokeball, and then used his illustrated book to test his qualifications.


But it's a pity, one ordinary inferior, one ordinary medium.


The low-quality pangolin has already been dismembered into materials, and the medium-quality one is still in the Poké Ball. After all, it can still be sold for money.


The stone generously fed it a low-quality ground energy block.


After all, looking at the appearance, the mountain rat is too thin and thin, and a little supplement can still sell for a good price.


"Hey~ this one looks much better than the first two. It seems that the team is different. There are also two common-level elves in the team, so they are considered powerful in this area."


Tian Ji went over to take a look first, and found that this mountain rat is what it should look like in the textbook. It has a round yellow body and a round head. It looks very cute.


"Well, it's really good." Shi Shi, who rushed over, also nodded when he saw the appearance of this mountain rat. After all, this round body usually looks like he can eat enough.


"Bang~" I saw that Stone immediately threw a Poke Ball over.


"Shu~" A red light flashed through~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The mountain rat was taken in.


"唦唦~唦唦~bang!" After shaking the pokeball twice, it split into two halves at once, and the mountain rat appeared in front of the two of them again.


"Shh~" Shito was not surprised that it was normal for the Poke Ball to miss a single hit, so he threw another ball immediately.


"唦唦~Bang!" This time, he didn't even show any respect, he just shook it, and it shattered, and the pangolin seemed to be about to regain consciousness.


After all, they were forcibly branded on their minds! Even if your spirit fell into a coma at first, but after two violent fluctuations, you should wake up.


This is the same as our usual nightmares. When you do the most terrifying place, your spirit will fluctuate violently twice. When the fluctuation reaches a peak, it will wake us up.


"Koudouhua, hypnotic powder!" When Tianji saw this, he also asked the next person to give this pierced mountain rat a sound sleep package.


"Hu~hu~" The pangolin, whose body moved slightly, fell into a deep sleep in the blink of an eye.


"Shu~" Seeing this, Stone also threw a Pokeball again.


"唦唦~唦~ka!" This time, the pangolin was successfully received into the Poké Ball.


"Good luck, Stone!" Tianji also handed over the illustrated book and sent a blessing.


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