Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 160: 1 wave fertilizer

"It's almost 5 o'clock in the afternoon, then go straight to the entrance of the forest and wait for Xiaoling!"

Tian Chi glanced at the electronic watch, it was almost the appointed time, so let's go back.

"Moo~moo!" At this moment, when Tian Ci got up, he immediately signaled Tian Ci to look at it.

"Three little Radhas, these mice really want to eat them~ Well done, dumbfounded."

Hearing Kou Dahua's cry, he turned his head and took a look, and found that three little Ladas who had lost their lives were lying neatly under Kou Dahua's feet.

"Moo? ω?" Koudouhua, who was praised by Tianji, felt very happy.

Now that he was killed, he quickly collected the materials for these little Ladas. After all, he picked up thousands of dollars for nothing, so why not pick them up.

"Okay, let's go, wait for Xiaoling at the entrance."

After dividing Little Rada's materials, Tian Chi called out the two elves and walked towards the entrance of the forest together.

Because Koudouhua and Bibi Bird didn't mean to hide their strength, there really wasn't any elf who didn't have long eyes jumping out to seek death, so they came to the entrance unimpeded, and it only took about 10 minutes.

"It's still early, let's count the harvest of this trip."

Looking at the electronic watch, he realized that it was still early, so he simply sat on the grass, took out the calculator, opened his backpack and started to count the gains of this trip.

"Koudouhua, Bibi Bird, please help me to be vigilant, call me when you see people coming, and kill the elves when you see them coming!"

Although it was at the entrance of the forest, Tianji asked the two little ones to pay attention to the surroundings just in case.

"Beep-beep~" "Moo-moo~" The two elves responded with a sound, and began to divide their work and guard.

Bibi bird flew to the nearest big tree, focusing mainly on the distance.

Koudouhua stood beside Tianji and acted as a bodyguard.

"Let's count the money that can be sold and earned first."

Seeing the two elves with a clear division of labor, Tianji nodded, opened the large space backpack, and began to count.

"Two kentaeros, anyway, are also given the task to make beef, so there is no need to test the qualifications, the reward for the task seems to be much higher than its price.

The selling price of the Elf House is only 60,000 pieces. The reward for this task is 100,000 pieces. There are 20 merit points.

md, it's outrageous for rich people to eat good beef! "

He first took into account the value of the two Kentaros, and the two Kentaros were worth 200,000 and 40 merit points!

This reminded him of the thousands of pieces of high-end beef when he watched food bloggers' evaluations in his previous life. This is considered too extravagant for ordinary people, but it is just a daily meal for the real rich. That's it.

"Then there are two big stingers. This is handed over to the Rockets, and you can get 30 points of contribution, which is not bad."

After he put the Poké Balls of the two giant sting bees in another corner, he suddenly found that they seemed to be gone!

"Honey can't be sold. It's a fool to exchange honey for money. The worm meat that I picked up is a few hundred kilograms, but this can be used as a long-term food reserve, and the meat after this energy nourishment will be better. It's not as good as selling it. Save yourself to eat.

Two unicorn eggs... Forget it, let's wait until it hatches. If it's the little follower when I was a child, I'll leave one for him just to help. "

Soon he was finished, because there were too few things to sell, and honey was a treasure no matter what, and it was the best choice to use it as a gift or barter.

"I should count as a wave of fat, but my wallet is not fat..." After the calculation, Tianji was a little bit dumbfounded.

Saying that he is not fat, if it is simply considered the value, he has almost got 1.5 million in this wave.

Say he is fat, in fact, the real money is only 200,000.

"Oh... Forget it, it's not bad, more value will be reflected in the future."

Tianji quickly packed up his mood, put on his backpack and began to wait for Xiaoling's return.

It's all spent on yourself anyway, so you don't have to worry about whether it's money or resources.

About ten minutes later, Bibi bird chirped.

"Beep-beep!" Tianci, someone is coming, someone is coming, it's the woman who had been running to our house before.

Sacrifice such as miaoshuyuan.com Sacrifice such as. "Oh? It's finally here." Hearing Bibi Bird's cry, Tianji hid the small backpack inside the large one.

This is equivalent to him carrying two backpacks, the largest large backpack is exposed, the small backpack is in the middle, and then is his own body.

"Brother Tianci! Woohoo~ I finally see you again!" The girl saw Tianci from a distance, and she quickly ran over.

"It seems that the day has been quite fulfilling, and the temperament has changed a little!"

Si reduce Si. Tianji looked at Xiaoling who was running towards him, and first looked at her appearance.

I saw that Xiaoling's intermediate protective suit was full of dust and grass, and there were a few scratches, but although it looked a little miserable on the outside, she didn't seem to be injured. It doesn't look like he's hurt.

"Yo! Yo-yo~" Seeing his trainer speeding up and the mosquito coil tadpole running fast, it has actually seen Senior Dumb Flower!

You must know that when it was training in Tianci's house, Big Koudouhua and Big Brother Bibi Bird taught him a lot in energy control, so he also respected Tianci's two elves, Mosquito Coil Tadpoles.

"Mosquito-repellent tadpoles have changed quite a bit!" Of course, Tian Chi also noticed the mosquito-repellent tadpoles that followed.

I saw that although the mosquito coil tadpole was stuck with the wound medicine~www.wuxiamtl.com~ the original blue and white body has also become gray-blue, but the mental state is surprisingly good, and the eyes are also full of energy, not at all like a freshman. What a day of fighting looks like.

After observing for a while, Tian Ci looked at Xiaoling who was getting closer and closer, with a smile on his face, and waved at the girl.

After a while, Xiaoling came to Tianci with mosquito coils and tadpoles.

"Brother Tianji~ I hunted a lot of elves this afternoon, you can see them all here!"

As soon as she ran to Tianci, Xiaoling opened her backpack and showed her the harvest of the day like Tianzi. Isn't she working so hard to make Tianzi admire her and not feel like she is a burden anymore!

When Tianci saw the backpack in front of him, he took a few glances and found that there were more than 10 wire bags, and there were also 5 or 6 small Rada incisors. It looks like a lot of goods are received.

"Xiaoling, you are much better than me when I was a rookie. You got more than 10,000 yuan on the first day of hunting. It's amazing!"

Seeing the girl's expression of complimenting me, and her unreserved trust, Tianji smiled and praised me a few words as she wished.

Mi He Mi. "Hey? ω? It's better that Brother Tianzi taught me, and the mosquito coil tadpoles have been helping me!" The girl who received Tianci's approval, the eyes under the mask turned into small crescents, and she squatted down and touched the mosquito coil tadpoles beside her. .

"Yo ~ yo" Mosquito coil tadpoles are also very happy, and the hard work of myself and the trainer for a day has been recognized by others!

PS: Reward and add more points for the 10,000 points of Ai Ruxia! Thanks big man! I wish you all the Dragon Boat Festival... be safe! ! ! ! ! I have already taken out my phone to code. . . (?_?)

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