Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 159: Tiancaidibao (Honey)

Two minutes later, Bibi Bird came back with the small space backpack that Tianji gave him.

"Beep! Beep~" Bibi Bird called out excitedly when she saw Tianji, and handed over the backpack on her paws.

"It's hard work, Bibi Bird, you'll be the one to open the way, we'll withdraw! You are dumbfounded, just follow me!"

As soon as he got the backpack, Tian Chi didn't open it to look at it, and immediately prepared to evacuate. Sometimes people just need to know how to be content. Even if there is a large corpse of giant stingrays on the ground, he is not ready to pick it up again.

Looking at the group of Kentaros, you can tell that after they defeated, they just hurriedly cleaned the battlefield and left directly.

Although there are reasons why they are simple-minded and do not eat meat, it also shows that there is absolutely no shortage of threats to their existence in the vicinity.

In this way, the injured cows hurried back to their own territory without carefully cleaning the battlefield.

"Fortunately, when the group of unicorns evacuated, they were in a hurry, and they didn't go to the camel's hive at all. With enough honey, the foundation of Bibi birds and mouth dumb flowers will be more solid!" Si Jian bxWx.cO Si

Tianji, who followed Bibi Bird, patted the small backpack in his hand, and his heart was full of joy.

Compared with this hive, even if he gave him all the corpses of the giant stinger on the ground, he would not change it!

"Just right~" "Okja~Oja~" "Puha~" "Pu La Da!"

Tian Ji, who was retrograde all the way, did not encounter other elves. On the contrary, he encountered a lot of them. There were Abo monsters, Abo snakes, monkey monsters, hot monkeys, Lada, etc. After smelling the strong **** smell, The "vultures" who are ready to come and feast.

Most of them didn't pay attention to Tianji's meaning. After all, compared with the huge blood smell in front of them, Tianji, who seemed to be not weak, was not worth their time.

Even if there are very few people who show hostility to him, Tianji will take out the insect meat he picked up from his backpack as soon as possible to please the way. is the most important!

Of course, he is serious and must fight, and he also accompanies him, but fortunately, he only fought a hot-tempered monkey along the way, and he quickly got rid of it.

"Quick, quick! We'll be at the periphery soon~" Tianji, who was already able to see the boundary marker, accelerated his speed again.

"Beep~" When Bibi Bird heard it, she nodded and raised her speed by another gear. sacrifice as lolxsw.com sacrifice as

"Moo-moo~" Kou Daihua also tried her best to speed up, gasping for breath behind Tianci.

After all, it is really inconvenient to walk (?_?)

After running for a while, fortunately there were no twists and turns, Tian Ci came to the outer edge of the forest smoothly, and was several hundred meters away from the inner circle of the forest.

"Hu~huchi~" Tian Ci leaned against a big tree, panting heavily. After all, he hadn't developed extraordinary strength, and he was still an ordinary person in the final analysis.

After resting for a while, Tianji, who came over, took out the small backpack, and he could open it at the periphery to take a look.

"Chi~chi~" After letting Koudouhua exude his own breath, Tianji couldn't wait to open the zipper of the small space backpack.

"En~sweet taste~" After unzipping the zipper, a sweet scent instantly spread to Tianji's nose.

What caught my eye was a large piece of gray-brown beehive, with golden honey sticking on it, and the scent just now was the taste of these honeys.

"Earn and earn~ Just these honeys, Koudouhua and Bibibird should be enough to eat, and they should be able to raise their innate aptitude to an elite level."

Looking at these honeys, he felt happy, knowing that although the honey bee is clearly priced in the alliance, you can buy a pound for only 2,000 alliance coins.

But how can this kind of heaven and earth treasure that can improve aptitude really be so cheap?

Anyway, in the past few years in the town, he only heard that there was a lucky man who spent 2,000 yuan to buy a pound the year before, and then sold it to others for 6,000 yuan.

After all, if there is only one kilogram, it will not have any effect on improving qualifications. It is an energy-rich nutritional product.

Generally speaking, it is only possible to raise a small amount of qualifications below the elite level, but Tianji himself speculates that it may be doubled to improve from good to elite, and it is likely that it will take 50 pounds to make it possible. After all, it is a big The qualification of the segment has crossed.

Moreover, it is said that the honey of ordinary stingrays basically has no effect on improving the qualifications of elites and above, so it is regarded as a treasure of limited value.

Otherwise, the civilian trainers are dedicated to subduing unicorns and green caterpillars. If you are a bee farmer, you can make a lot of money by lying at home. Why fight for the Alliance in the wild.

So for the civilian trainers and the small families of the alliance, this thing is very precious. After all, they can't get the elves with elite qualifications, but for the direct line of the alliance, this thing is just like that. After all, their initial elves are The three royal families with elite qualifications.

Of course, there are very few trainers in this world's rich and powerful family. Most of them are commoners or members of collateral families, so this thing is still very popular.

As long as there is news out there, those with strong connections will buy them at a premium in advance. When ordinary people get the news, the clerk will only reply to you, "Sorry! It's sold out."

"Enough is enough, this looks like two hundred catties of honey, it is indeed the reserves of the entire ethnic group!"

After he took an inventory, he was ready to put the hives back and clean them up after returning.

"These honeys alone are worth about 1 million! Get rich overnight! Get rich!"

After roughly calculating the price, Tianji was about to close the zipper. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he saw that there seemed to be two round things in the far corner of the backpack. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

"Hey~ Could it be that there are still elf eggs that have not been taken away!"

Tianji, who felt that there were a lot of surprises today, immediately took out the two elf eggs.

"Shasha~sha~" As soon as the elf egg was taken out, it shook twice in Tianji's hand.

"The yellow stripes should be the elf eggs of the giant bee, and they are all live eggs, and it looks like they are about to hatch!"

Tian Ci took the elf egg, and after observing it for a while, he took it back. I can only say that it was a pleasant surprise. The most valuable thing this trip was honey!

"I don't know what the aptitude is if they haven't hatched, but if they can be placed in the depths of the clan, then their parents' strength should not be weak, and the worst hatched should have general aptitude.

Speaking of big sting, I don't seem to need it anymore, so I will wait until they hatch to see the qualifications of these two, and then make arrangements. "

Tian Ci's mind immediately flashed the figure of Xiaoling, a tool man, and another was a silly man who would only follow his **** when he was a child.

"I didn't expect that there was still one person in the village other than me who survived. If it wasn't for when I accompanied Xiaoling to sell the house, if I saw it through the construction site, I would have missed it!

But in the end is not, still have to ask. "

Thinking that because he helped him once when he was a child, he had always been a fool for his sidekick, and a flash of nostalgia flashed in Tian Ci's eyes. That was the first younger brother he accepted when he was a child, although he was a bit stubborn and stupid. Mi He Mi

PS: Reward and add more points for the 10,000 points of Ai Ruxia! Thanks big man! Originally, I wanted to give myself a holiday during the Dragon Boat Festival, but I didn't code words. . . . Or wish you all a happy Dragon Boat Festival! I go back at night to continue coding. . .

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