Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 161: New skills and little brother

"Then can I do tasks with you Tianji-ge in the future~"

Xiao Ling, who was recognized, lowered his head and asked tentatively after being happy for a while.

"Uh... Xiaoling, it's not that I don't want to do missions with you, but the inner circle is still too dangerous for you. I can't guarantee my own safety. How can I guarantee your safety? What an accident, how can I call Takashima-kun right~"

Although it was still a burden to despise Xiaoling in his heart, Tianji's words were very beautiful, highlighting that he was worried about the safety of the girl.

"Then~ when will I be able to do the task with Brother Tianji?"

Hearing Tianji's answer, Xiaoling's eyes dimmed for a while, but when she heard it was for her own safety, she didn't say anything. On the contrary, she felt a little sweet! But she still asked one more question.

"Wait when you advance to the ordinary level. At that time, mosquito coils and tadpoles must have evolved into mosquito coils. You also have the ability to control water. If you add the two together, you are not considered weak in the inner circle.

These few days, you are still hunting outside the forest alone. Let’s gain experience and see if your protective clothing is dirty. You must have suffered a lot. "

Hearing the girl's question, Tianji thought about it and gave a clear answer, and then reached out to help the girl pat the grass and dust on her clothes.

"En, okay~" Xiaoling just nodded and replied, when she felt the man's hand patted her body. Although there were still several layers of clothes, Xiaoling was still blushing, but she didn't go. Stop this behavior and just stand there silently.

"Okay, let's go, let's go home!" Tian Ci said to Xiaoling after taking a few shots, and then walked towards the town with his elf.

"Aoao~" Xiaoling, who was still there, saw Tianci's back as he turned and left, stunned for a moment, and immediately followed.

After walking like this for a while, when she was approaching the city gate, the girl began to disguise herself again, wrapping herself up tightly.

Tianji didn't mean to persuade him, although Xiaoling did it out of the intention of not wanting others to recognize him.

But in fact, no one would think of the little girl from a few years ago about her appearance now.

But the reason why Tianji didn't stop it was that it could also reduce unnecessary trouble for him. After all, Xiaoling seemed to become more and more beautiful after awakening.

You must know that beautiful female trainers are very popular. The truth of beauty and misfortune is equally common in this world, not to mention that he is not strong now, it is better to avoid it.

After entering the city gate without incident, Tian Ci took Xiaoling to deal with the harvest. The butcher shop was the same as Wu Er's, but the grocery store was not the Arai's one. He was afraid that the old man would see something. What's the matter, I simply changed one, and the price of this one is a little higher.

After some processing, more than 15,000 yuan was hidden in Xiaoling's bank card. The girl was excited at this time. This was the first money she made! Still so much money!

"Cough~ Xiaoling, because you are inexperienced, I brought you here this time. You can handle it yourself in the future, just sell it to these two companies."

Looking at the girl who was holding the bank card silly, Tian Ci coughed, and only said a word when the girl's eyes came to her attention.

"Ao~ I see, Brother Tianji, let's go shopping! I'll cook you a delicious meal today."

After listening to Tianci's request, the girl nodded immediately, and then raised the bank card in her hand, wanting to invite Tianci to have a good meal.

"Okay, wait until I go to the Elf Center to hand in my quest, and then go to the vegetable market, but you don't need to buy meat. I have quite a lot of ordinary worm meat in my bag."

Looking at the girl with a look of anticipation, Tianji was not so inhumane, and nodded directly.

Then, Tianji went to the Elf Center to hand in the task, and the card was increased by 200,000. Now the balance is 440,000, and the alliance merits also have 220 points.

After leaving the Elf Center, Xiaoling took Tianci to the vegetable market, and bought a bunch of ingredients that he was usually reluctant to buy and went home.

As soon as she returned to Tianci's house, Xiaoling went to the kitchen to start making dinner, and after a hearty dinner, the girl returned to her home with mosquito coils and tadpoles.

After sending Xiaoling away, Tianji had no plans to sleep. He wanted to peel off the honey as soon as possible.

In the blink of an eye, more than three hours later, he finally got 205 pounds of honey, and a pile of honeycomb fragments that could not scrape the honey.

But it's a pity to throw it away, just because it can't be scraped out, it doesn't mean it doesn't. He plans to put it in the water and boil it for a while, so that they can drink it.

After all, children of poor families cannot be wasted!

After carefully putting the packed honey into his backpack, Tianji turned off the lights and went to sleep.

It was another early morning. After learning that Tianji had no intention of going out, the girl set off into the wild by herself.

"I want to break through to the ordinary level as soon as possible, so that I can help Brother Tianci, we must hurry up! Come on, Tianshuiling!"

Xiao Ling, who was walking alone on the road, silently encouraged herself in her heart.

Sacrifice such as tianlaixsw.com sacrifice such as. On the other hand, it's not that Tianji doesn't want to go out, but he has other arrangements. The first thing is to go to the department store to buy skill **** for Koudaihua and Bibi Bird to enrich his moves.

In fact, I only wanted to buy it for Kou Duanhua, after all, Kou Duanhua really lacks a long-range attacking move.

si minus bXwX.Co 汜~www.wuxiamtl.com~ But Bibi bird has made such a big sacrifice before, and Tianji himself agreed at the beginning, so let's match it with one.

After picking and choosing in the department store, Tianji finally bought a seed machine gun worth 80,000 yuan for Koudouhua and a shadow clone worth 60,000 yuan for Bibi Bird. These two tricks can be matched.

In this way, the balance in the bank card was directly reduced to 300,000.

The second thing is to search for the best feeding method for honey. Fortunately, this thing is not worth much. I found it in the library in the town. After he wrote down the method, he planned to feed them every day. .

"If you eat like this for more than a month, your qualifications should be improved!"

After returning home, Tianji handed the two skill **** to them, and then began to prepare honey food. In fact, it was very simple. Just add half a catty of honey to every meal.

After all, honey is the key to improving qualifications, and no other ingredients are needed at all.

Mi He Mi. "Koudouhua, Bibi Bird, you learn new skills at home, and then you can eat these two lunches after training at noon, understand."

After preparing the lunches for the two elves in advance, Tian Ci went out again after instructing them. He was relatively relieved about their degree of autonomy, and now he was going to do the third thing.

"I don't know if it's that fool, I remember his home was in the farthest corner of the village? Could it be this reason that he escaped?

However, after so many years, I don't know if his personality and problems have improved. If he is still the foolish person he was when he was a child, he would be a good thug. "

Walking on the street of the construction site, Tian Chi began to deliberately inquire about the situation of the construction site workers from the surrounding neighbors.

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