Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 158: To die! ! !

"Hulonglong~Longlong" saw that the leader of the big needle bee was already exhausted, and the Kentaros immediately launched a new round of charge!


Seeing the herd of cattle getting closer, the leader of the giant stinger had no intention of running away.


"Buzz!" After it shouted loudly at the back of the territory, it went up to meet it.


"Let's go! The future of our line is handed over to you."


"咻咻咻~" In order to delay the time, the leader of the giant needle bee did not seek to kill the enemy, but just tried his best to maintain a state of high-speed movement and wandered among the cattle.


"Bang! Bang!" "Moo~moo!" I saw a large needle wasp in the herd, as if dancing on a steel wire, floating into the air, and then passing through the gap between the horns.


However, Tianji, who has been staring at it, also found that the leader of the giant bee was not uninjured. Although he couldn't hear the call of the giant bee, he could see through the telescope that the state of the leader of the bee at this time was definitely not good. .


"Om ~ hum..." I saw the large needle bee standing in mid-air panting slightly, blood stains one after another on his body, and even the wings behind his back were slightly broken, and both guns were dyed blood red. I don't know if it's my own or Kentaro's.


"Moo! Moo!" Seeing the giant stinger flying into the air again, Kentaro from below called out twice, then immediately turned around and made a gesture of rushing towards the back of the territory.


It has only been a minute or two, and I believe that the unicorns in the back definitely haven't retreated.


"It's so despicable! It seems that this big stinger is inevitably going to die!" Tianzi didn't have the self-consciousness of being the initiator at all. Although he cursed in his heart, the corners of his mouth began to rise!


"Maybe, you can even pick up an elite-level stinger corpse! Hehehe~"


Seeing the Kentaros who were pretending to charge back again, helplessness flashed in the eyes of the leader of the needle bee. He knew that this was a trap to kill him, but he had to go.


"咻咻~咻" The leader of the big needle bee, who hasn't breathed a few breaths, can only fly down again.


"Moo!" The leader of Kentaro shouted proudly, and began to organize a new round of attack.


"Bang! Rumble~" "Puchi~" "Boom!" It was another inspiring battle, because the Kentaros were moving too much, and Tanji could only vaguely see the leader of the big needle bee in the dust. One broke.


"Bang!" In the end, he saw a Kentaro hitting the corner and knocking the seriously injured Big Needle leader out of the encirclement.


"Boom~" I saw the leader of the giant needle bee who was hit by the tree slowly climbed up from the ground and supported his body with the only remaining left hand. He looked back at the team that had completely evacuated, and silently nodded.


"Om ~ hum ~" I'm not a good leader, I can't protect you, I hope you can live strong!


I saw that the leader of the big needle bee said a few more words to himself, and then he could no longer hold back his severely injured body and fell down with a "Boom!"!


In fact, it couldn't hold it any longer. When it stopped in mid-air just now, there was not much energy left in its body!


But for the sake of the future of the clan, he just gritted his teeth and used his own flesh and blood to hold on for a while. Now that it can no longer see the retreating team behind it, it is relieved. After falling down, it can no longer stand up.


"Moo!" Kentaro, who saw the leader of the giant stinger bee, let out a smug roar!


I saw that the young Kentaro leader slowly walked to the side of the giant horn bee, raised his hoof, and stomped heavily towards the head of the giant horn bee!


"Crack!" With a crisp cracking sound, the head of the big needle bee leader, who had no energy, was trampled to pieces, leaving the red and green ones on the ground.


"Moo! Moo!" What about the elite, bugs are bugs! Not killed by us!

The originally angry leader of Kentaro was in a better mood after destroying the giant stinger. He felt that he had re-established his position in the swarm. This elite stinger was his merit.


"Bang~" It bowed its head and used a horn to pick it up, and humped the corpse of the leader of the big needle bee on its back. This is the proof of its brilliant record and can't be lost.


"Moo! Moo!" "Moo~" The Kentaro leader who took the trophy shouted loudly at his clan again, we won! We are winners!


Then he signaled to bring the other seriously injured clansmen and prepare to return in triumph.


"Moo~" "Moo~" The other Kentaros also exclaimed excitedly, and then began to count the casualties, **** the seriously injured or dead clansmen on their backs.


Although they will show sad expressions when they see the dead clansmen, the overall atmosphere is still very happy, or this has little to do with their casualties.


Tianzi counted them, and it seems that only four or five died. Most of them were poisoned by the poisonous element of the leader of the giant stinger. Although there were many other wounded, they were basically not life-threatening.


"Moo! Moo!" After hurriedly tidying up the battlefield, the leader of Kentaro shouted excitedly, and a group of cattle began to withdraw in the direction of his territory.


"I shouldn't find me~ I can't find me~" Tianji would get nervous whenever Kentaro came out of the border of the stingray territory. There is no chance that Kentaro suddenly wants to eat something, so he will take a bite of this thorn bush.


"Longlong~moo~" Fortunately, Tianji's worries did not come true. It may be because all the members were lucky. After arranging their own people, these Kentaro rushed to their territory without stopping, and there was no blood on them. event.


But just in case, even if the group of Kentaro had already left, he stayed in the thorn bush for a few minutes to make sure he couldn't see Kentaro's back before coming out.


"Bibibird, hurry up to the hive and bring the honey!" As soon as he came out, Tianji released the faster Bibibird and instructed it to pick the most valuable hive~www.wuxiamtl.com ~Beep~" Bibi Bird nodded and flew towards the end of the territory quickly, and even in order to speed up, it used a flash of electric light again.


"Koudouhua, use the vines to pick up the minced meat and corpses of the giant stingrays on the ground as soon as possible and put them in the backpack."


After arranging the work of Bibi Bird, Tianji released the mouthful flowers again, and asked him to help pick up the corpses quickly.


You must know that these are ordinary worm meat. Although they are a little dirty, and some of them have been trampled into meat mud, they can still be eaten after washing.


And although the materials of these giant hornbees are useless because of the long time, correspondingly, their bodies are nourished by scattered energy, and they will be more energetic and nutritious.


"Moo-moo~" Kou Dianhua nodded, and immediately several vines grew, and began to quickly pick up those large, relatively large pieces of meat.


"The speed is up! We only have 2-3 minutes at most. We will withdraw as soon as Bibi Bird comes back!"


With such a big **** smell, Tianji believes that it will definitely attract other "vultures". Maybe the "vultures" are still afraid that the cattle have not left for a while, so he can take advantage of the geographical advantage, but he thinks that he will swallow it alone. Absolutely unrealistic.


"It's better not to be too greedy as a human being, and leave immediately after Bibi Bird gets the hive!"


After Tian Ci threw the half-worm corpse into his backpack, he thought silently in his heart.


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