Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 142: Cousin's first elf

"Thank you, Brother Tian Ci!" After hearing Tian Ci agree, Xiao Ling bowed deeply again. She didn't know how to express her gratitude to Tian Ci, so she could only bow.

After all, she was very grateful to be able to return Brother Xiaoyuan's relics intact!

Now she has agreed to help her train and get through the rookie period. She now feels that the young trainer in front of her is really a good person!

After all, although she is reclusive and has a simple personality, as an ordinary-level trainer, Ohara-san often tells her about the cruelty in the wild (of course, most of them are stories of Takashima himself killing new-level elves on the outskirts of the forest) and tell her. In fact, humans who are also trainers in the wild are the most dangerous.

"It's my long-lost luck to meet a trainer like Tianji-ge."

The girl looked at Tianji who was sitting on the sofa, a thought flashed in her mind, and her eyes became softer and kinder when she looked at Tianji.

In fact, she has become accustomed to relying on others to live for so many years, and she may not have noticed it herself. In fact, Tianji is now the new relying on her own choice.

"Of course, I definitely want something to help you like this. Before you died, Takashima-kun actually told me that you are very likely to be born extraordinary, so I am willing to invest in you, Xiaoling, can you show me the What's your greatness?"

Tianji, who noticed the change in the girl's expression, breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately asked the most crucial question.

"Okay, there's no problem, Brother Tian, ​​let me show you how to control the water, but I'm still very weak..."

After Xiaoling heard Tianji's request, she thought it was a matter of course. After all, no one would treat you well for no reason.

If Tianji had asked this question at the beginning, she would definitely have doubts, but now the trust built up step by step has completely dispelled her doubts.

"Wow~woo~" I saw Xiaoling's fingers jumping up and down, and the glass of water in front of Tianzi also began to shake slightly up and down.

"Okay, there's no need to continue, so it seems that you are born extraordinary, then I will help you."

Seeing the girl who was already sweating, he interrupted the demonstration aloud.

"It should be born extraordinary, but it is estimated that it is relatively poor, or even the worst kind of talent."

After seeing the exhibition, Tianji immediately flashed this idea in his heart.

Although he doesn't know how the natural and extraordinary talents are divided, there must be such differences in aptitude.

And seeing how the girl in front of him was sweating just after dipping into the water, he estimated that this talent was definitely not good.

If it is a good talent, then it is reasonable to say that the test conducted by the gym owner a few years ago should be able to detect it.

Instead of being an adult, you can only dabble into the water twice.

"Okay, I made you laugh, Brother Tianji."

After hearing Tianji's words, Xiaoling also wiped her forehead and smiled embarrassedly.

Just now, it was really all of her skills. This was obtained by staying in the room every day and doing nothing to exercise.

You must know that she could only perceive water at first, but now she can manipulate it.

"Okay, Xiaoling, let's discuss what kind of water elf you want. My suggestion here is that it is best to be an amphibious elf. Otherwise, like a horned goldfish, its combat power on land will be greatly reduced. , and even be slaughtered by others!"

After letting Xiaoling slow down for a while, Tian Chi asked again.

"Brother Tian Ci, you're right. I don't have any good ideas. Why don't you tell me and look at the arrangement."

Hearing Tianji's question, Xiaoling's light blue eyes revealed confusion, but she herself had no idea at all.

"Okay, then I'll just say a few, Kakaya. Although this one is very powerful after evolution, it has good aptitude and high spiritual power. It's relatively rare, and the price is relatively high! And it's too reactive. It's slow, and the instability is relatively high. Let's make an alternative first.

Then there is the big tongue shell. This price is relatively cheap, but it requires the evolution of the water stone, and it moves slowly on land. This can also be considered an option first. "

After seeing Xiaoling's question mark face, Tianji also began to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of various water elves for her. At the same time, he also took out the computer from his backpack and showed her pictures of elves. (Of course it must be around 100,000)

"Hmm, I think this Duck is quite cute (????.????), but Brother Tianci said that it has so many shortcomings, so let's take a look."

After listening to the two, Xiaoling also simply expressed her opinion.

"Then there is the starfish, the price is also more expensive, because basically every starfish will use some superpowers, and the price is more expensive if it is linked to the superpower, maybe the qualifications are a little worse, and the good ones may also be bought. Less than, and also need to evolve with water stone.

Dumb beast is similar to Da Duck, so we won't talk about it. "

When Tian Ci turned to the picture of the dumb beast, he didn't say more, and continued to quickly scroll down.

"And then there's the clapper crab. In fact, this one is relatively powerful in the early stage. The claws are its most powerful weapon. The sturdy shell can also prevent it from a lot of damage. Not bad, this can only be listed as a key candidate."

"Yeah, but can't tong crabs only be able to walk sideways? It seems to be a little inconvenient when fighting."

Next to Xiaoling, after listening to Tianji's analysis, she also added a sentence, she had studied this before dropping out, so she knew a little.

"Yes, so it's just a key candidate, in fact, the most important ones are the following two.

Mosquito coils and tadpoles have a large number, so they are not expensive, and there are three stages of evolution. Although the last stage also requires the use of water stones, the mosquito coils in the second stage already have good combat effectiveness, and they can be used in amphibious operations.

Ubo, because it has the effect of purifying the water family, the price is also relatively expensive, but it has ground properties, so the biggest weakness of the water system is that the electricity system does not work for it. This advantage is considered among these elves. The most outstanding, and does not require evolution stone, ordinary level can evolve into the final form. However, the combat power is relatively weak. "

After Tian Ci finished talking about these kinds of elves, he waited for Xiaoling to make his own decision. After all, this was Xiaoling's first elves, so he couldn't decide directly for her.

"Well... I can't choose, Brother Tian Ci, I'm actually struggling with Wubo or mosquito coils and tadpoles?"

After thinking for a while, Xiaoling finally told Tianzi about her final decision, hoping that Tianzi could give some advice.

"Xiaoling, I can only offer some suggestions. The final decision is still in your hands. Personally, I prefer mosquito coils and tadpoles. I can buy those with better qualifications, and their combat effectiveness is not bad.

Because I heard Takashima-kun say that you should no longer work for the gym in the town, so it is better to make it more popular for the common people. "

When she heard Tian Ci mentioned the old things, her eyes darkened, but she thought about it in her heart and felt that what Tian Ci said was right.

"Okay, Brother Tian Ci, I want mosquito coils and tadpoles!"

After thinking for a while, Xiaoling nodded, agreeing with Tianji's idea, and chose mosquito coils and tadpoles.



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