Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 141: The younger brother (cousin) starts

"Woooo~ Brother Xiaoyuan~" The girl sobbed again when she heard that it was reserved for her by Brother Xiaoyuan.

"Xiaoling, I called you that too. It doesn't matter. In fact, Takashima-kun told me about your situation. You can open it and see. I haven't opened it since I got it."

Tian Ci looked at the sobbing girl, walked up and patted Xiaoling on the shoulder, motioning her to open it and take a look.

"Uuu~ Okay, Brother Tianji, I'll let you see a joke."

Xiaoling also felt the kindness of the man in front of her. After wiping her tears with a tissue, she opened her backpack.

"Wow~" As soon as he opened the backpack, all kinds of documents fell out, the first to be the real estate certificate and bank card.

In fact, after Tian Ci got these documents, as long as he spends some money and uses the guard's connections, he can completely take this house as his own.

But when he saw light blue pupils and long hair, he decided to give these things to this girl to deepen her affection.

After all, a naturally extraordinary trainer is far more valuable than this house.

He had witnessed that incident at close range. At that time, Tianshuiling's hair was not this color, and his pupils were definitely not light blue.

If the girl in front of him hadn't admitted that she was Tianshuiling, he wouldn't have thought that this was the same person. After all, Tianshuiling should be 15 years old now. changes are basically unrecognizable.

"This is, this is Brother Xiaoyuan's letter!!"

Suddenly, the girl shouted loudly, attracting Tanji's eyes.

"Finally found out~" Seeing the girl's happy and sad expression, Tianji couldn't help but feel nervous. This letter is the key.

Takashima's backpack also has his own handwriting cultivation process, of course it is of little value, but this handwriting is not difficult for him to imitate.

What he was worried about was whether it would be too abrupt and inconsistent with Takashima's usual attitude towards Xiaoling.

Tianji himself could only speculate based on the information related to Xiaoling in the backpack, and then try to reduce the memory exchange in the letter as much as possible.

"Xiao Ling, when you read this letter, I should be gone!

Actually, when I took on this mission, I was hesitating whether it was too reluctant, but my strength was too weak, and no one in the spirit center was willing to form a team with me. Fortunately, the young Tian Ji-kun accepted me.

He is actually one of the few civilian trainers who still has a kind heart, or he is the same age as him, still very young! Because he is willing to share 55 with me, I still don't want to give up this opportunity! Decided to fight!

They need evolutionary resources for arm strength. Your talent is awakening, and you like elves very much, so I don't want to drag you down, I want to buy you a better elves, and then the two of us can work together!

But everything has an accident. To be honest, this mission is quite dangerous, so I left this letter in advance just in case.

After forming a team for so many days, I still believe in Tian Cijun's character, so when you read this letter, Tian Cijun should also send my relics. Of course, you'd better order some of the things in it. The most important thing is It’s the real estate license, and…”

When Xiaoling saw this, she peeked at Tianji who was sitting on the sofa, and then carefully lowered her head and started to check the items in her backpack.

"It seems that it's because of his seclusion, but he's really quite a simple person."

As an old fried dough stick, it is of course impossible for Tianji not to notice Xiaoling's clumsy little actions. Of course, he must pretend he doesn't know now, and his eyes continue to scan the surroundings absently.

"Well, it's all right. It seems that this person can be trusted, and he even showed me his ID card when he entered the door."

After the girl carefully counted it, she found that everything was right. In combination with the scene outside the door just now, she also trusted Tianji in her heart.

In fact, this is Tianji's strategy. Starting from the door, one step after another, the girl's trust in him is gradually deepened.

After counting, Xiaoling continued to look down.

"Although it's a pity, Xiaoling's next journey is up to you. You can sell this house and live comfortably in the surrounding residential area.

But I hope you don't waste your talent. After all, you are very likely to be born extraordinary. Although you always look gentle at home, I know that you definitely haven't forgotten your parents in your heart.

So for your parents and for me, I hope you can become a trainer and go on for me.

You are also 15 years old this year, and you are an adult. You can also become a rookie trainer. In fact, I basically have all the things the trainer needs to prepare, so you only have one elf missing now.

I made a rough calculation. This trip will probably divide my gains of about 150,000. We have already completed two, and the third is also the most dangerous, so I left this letter.

In the past few days, just in case, I actually told Tian Cijun that if I had an accident, he would prepare a well-qualified water elf for you. If you don't want to become a trainer, then this Money will also be charged to your card.

Of course, if you become a trainer, I also ask Tian Ji-kun, I hope he will take more care of you.

If this backpack came into your hands intact, then Xiaoling, you can trust him.

It is believed that Tian Jijun is also willing to invest in a naturally extraordinary trainer.

Xiaoling, let's have a last word, come on! In the future, it is up to you to walk alone. "

"Woooo~ Brother Xiaoyuan~woo~" Seeing the last Xiaoling, she couldn't help crying again.

"Hey~ I'm sorry, Xiaoling." Seeing the girl crying again, Tianji could only continue to comfort him.


After a while ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ the girl calmed down, her pale blue eyes stared at Tianji, her face full of grief and determination.

"Brother Tianji, I want to become a trainer, I hope you can help me!"

After she finished speaking, she bowed to Tian Ci, and after reading the letter and the contents in her backpack, this reclusive girl completely believed in Tian Ci, and decided to follow the letter Xiaoyuan gave her. Arrange and become a trainer!

Then, this young trainer who was always said to be kind by Brother Xiaoyuan was the biggest help for her to get through the rookie stage.

She also understands that even if she has not completed the trainer school, even if she contracts with the elves, she will probably not survive for half a day when she goes out into the wild.

After all, she has always lived in this small room, you can expect her to learn how to command the elf to fight, and to know the effect of the moves?

"Looks like you've made up your mind too, Takashima-kun and I are actually very committed, and I'm also very saddened by his accident!

He actually told me during the third mission, since you have made up your mind, I will help you too, don't worry! "

Tian Ji looked at the girl who had almost earned income under his command, nodded, and said with a sad and heavy expression.



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