Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 143: Take it easy (your sister is my sister!)

"Pokemon the Poor (!

"Okay, then you can go to the Elf's house with me."

Seeing Xiaoling who had made up his mind, Tianji nodded.

"Hey~ now?" The girl turned her head and asked in confusion.

"Yes, since you've made up your mind to become a trainer, hurry up!" Tianji said with a serious face.

"Aoao, okay, then I'll change clothes and come here, Brother Tianci, wait for me."

Xiaoling, who was used to being arranged, nodded obediently under the offensive of Tianji's serious face and returned to his room.

"It's a lot easier than I thought, and he has a weak temper and no opinion. He seems to be a good tool person."

Seeing Xiaoling's back turning back, Tian Ci nodded secretly, this tool person is quite worth it, and it is worthwhile to spend some time and resources to bring her along.

Ten minutes later, Xiaoling changed into a casual outfit that covered his whole body, and appeared in front of Tianji with a mask and hat.

"It's alright, Brother Tianji."

"Uh... do you usually go out like this??"

Looking at the serious girl, Tanji was a little surprised.

"En, because I don't want everyone to know my identity, I usually don't go out. Even if I have to go out, I will dress up."

The girl noticed Tianji's strange eyes and quickly explained.

"O'ao, let's go, let's go." As soon as she established her sense of trust, Tianji didn't plan to make her change immediately. Let's take it slowly in the future.

In fact, her current appearance is completely different from that of the little girl from a few years ago. As long as she doesn't take the initiative to say it, others will never think that she is Tianshuiling from a few years ago.

Of course, just in case, it's better to move out of this community. After all, no matter how secluded you are, the neighbors must know that this girl is from Tianshuiling.

He was afraid that after the contract, what would happen to Xiaoling's appearance, if she still lived in this community for a long time, it would be a matter of time before she was found to be abnormal.

The two were walking on the way to the house of the elves. Tian Ci was thinking about when to persuade her to sell the house and move, while Xiao Ling lowered her head and followed Tian Ci closely.

After arriving at the house of the elves, Tianci, who was already familiar with the road, asked Xiaoling to wait in the rest area, and went to the second floor by himself to buy a mosquito coil tadpole.

After all, the price of the little Lada in his backpack is more than 200,000 yuan. Let the girl know, so why not wear it.

You must know that in his forged letter, almost 100,000 Alliance Coins were distributed to Takashima.

An ordinary low-quality mosquito coil tadpole costs 9,000, but Tianci intends to buy Xiaoling the best quality, that is, a good medium qualification. The official price is 144,000 yuan.

After all, the innate extraordinary talent cannot be wasted, and when the time comes to talk to the girl, the trust will increase again.

Of course, because of the redemption discount, and the amount of small Lada mentioned, he believed that he would only spend about 110,000.

About an hour later, Tian Chi and the salesman finally completed the transaction, which was similar to his estimate. In fact, it only cost 110,000 to get the mosquito coils and tadpoles, and his card was 110,000 more. The total is now 230,000.

Tanji, who was holding the Poké Ball, came all the way to the rest area, and saw the girl still huddled in the corner of the sofa at a glance.

"Xiaoling, now~ I bought it for you. This is the elf ball of mosquito coils and tadpoles. As long as you enter your information, it will be your elf."

Having said that, Tianji handed the Poke Ball to Xiaoling.

"O'ao, okay, thank you Tianci brother~" Xiaoling reached out and took the Poke Ball, and said thank you in a low voice.

"Well, by the way, I will also tell you about the condition of this mosquito coil tadpole. It is also the strength of the middle of the freshman, and the qualifications are good and medium."

"Ah! Good medium!... Brother Tianci, this~" Hearing good medium, Xiaoling immediately opened her mouth in surprise, but she quickly reacted and lowered her voice.

She had also heard from Brother Xiaoyuan before that the price doubled for every liter of first-class qualifications in the house of elves. She also saw that the worst qualifications for mosquito coils and tadpoles were 9,000 yuan each.

Then this mosquito coil tadpole needs about 140,000 yuan, but the harvest distributed to Xiaoyuan brother should only be 100,000 yuan according to the letter.

"Okay, take it. It's my investment in you. You can't waste your talent. When you get stronger, help me, Xiaoling."

Before Xiaoling could finish speaking, Tianji waved his hand and said his prepared remarks.

"Mmmm, Brother Tianci, I'll remember, I don't have any relatives or friends anymore, ~woooo~"

Sure enough, the ignorant and ignorant girl immediately believed what Tianji said, and her trust in Tianji soared again.

In fact, it's no wonder that she believed Tianji so easily. After all, for so many years, when outsiders knew her identity, she always pointed and pointed at her. Most of them spoke ill of her, and no one really helped her.

"Alright, alright, Takashima-kun and I are friends who can chat very well. I will do my best to do his entrustment before his death! Don't worry, Xiaoling, you will be my sister in the future!"

Seeing the girl who couldn't help crying, Tian Ci immediately struck while the iron was hot and comforted a few words.

"Woooo~ Brother Tianci!" Hearing Tianci's words, the girl thought of her dead cousin, and now in front of her is Tianji, who has been comforting and helping her since they met, and she couldn't help but bury her head in it. In Tian Ci's arms, he sobbed softly.

"Okay, okay, don't cry, when people think I bullied you, I will always help you, Xiaoling~"

Tian Ci's hand lightly patted Xiaoling's back, and his mouth also comforted softly, but what Xiaoling couldn't see was that his eyes revealed smugness.

After comforting for a while, Xiao Ling, who had calmed down, followed Tian Ci to the house.

On the way, he stopped by the department store to buy a week's ration for Koudaihua and Bibi Bird, as well as some regular medicines.

In fact, the cost of meals for two people is a big expense. If you add one meal together, it is 1,500 yuan. If you have 3 meals a day, the food cost for that day is 4,500 yuan. It will cost 31,500 yuan a week. The 10,000 yuan was directly debited from the bank card, so he still had 200,000 in his card.

Of course, what he didn't know was that when Xiaoling saw Tian Ci's sore expression next to him, his affection for Tian Ci rose sharply. mosquito coils and tadpoles, then he won't just buy a week's ration for his elves. "

Tianji, who didn't know Xiaoling's self-guided strategy, also made suggestions to Xiaoling after buying things.

"Xiao Ling, looking at you like this, you probably wouldn't dare to make a contract near your own house, otherwise you can go to my house, my house is very remote and there are no people, it doesn't matter if anything happens after your contract. "

"Okay, Brother Tian, ​​I'll listen to you!"

Hearing Tianji's suggestion, the girl agreed immediately.

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