Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 140: Ready to accept a younger brother (little sister)

In the early morning of a new day, after arranging the two little ones, Tian Ci walked towards the grocery store. Although it was impossible to move into the third room, the business relationship could still be maintained. You must know that many news came from casual chatting. revealed.

After selling the materials, he went to the butcher's shop again. After all the processing was done, he had an extra 100,000 yuan on him. It seems that the old man Arai raised the price a little for him, so he sold a little more materials. I didn't give up the idea of ​​letting him join the family. After all, Sanfang has not had a good time these years.

"The next step is to see that naturally extraordinary cousin, who happened to pass by the Elf Center to hand in the task."

Holding a bank card with an additional balance of 100,000, Tanji's face is full of smiles, Takashima is such a good person!

Logically speaking, these tasks should be completed independently by ordinary high-level trainers with 4 to 5 elves, or only by a team with a reasonable configuration like them.

Now that Takashima kills himself, he is equivalent to taking the harvest alone, and he can also accept a cousin, so happy!

Tanji is not worried that Takashima will come out of the laboratory to seek revenge for him, because he has learned about the progress of the Xia Luke Squadron's experiment from Okamoto. An experiment is dead.

And when he was out of the laboratory, he actually caught a glimpse of Luke connecting the unconscious arm strength with Takashima, probably to continue this transfer experiment.

For a live experiment like this, he didn't think Luke could be so lucky, and he succeeded twice.

And looking at the brutal connection technique of Luke Squadron, it is estimated that there is no hope. It should be to collect experimental data and then dissect it.

So Takashima probably won't have the chance to speak again. Of course, nothing can be absolute, 99%.

He can still take a 1% risk. After all, the inborn extraordinary value is too great.

Whether it's selling news or taking it for one's own use, it's a huge gain.

"If she is really born extraordinary, let's see if she can fool around and train her to be a tool teammate. If it really doesn't work, let her join the Rockets. I believe that a naturally extraordinary trainer will definitely make a lot of contributions!

Anyway, Takashima said that she hated the gym owner, so it should be easier to join Team Rocket. "

After handing over the task at the Elf Center, Tianji made a draft on the road, ready to fool his future toolman teammates.

All the way to the high-end residential area in the city center, Taji found the corresponding address according to the various documents in Takashima's backpack.

After showing the owner information of Takashima, the security of the community didn't make too much trouble, and he entered the community smoothly.

"Sure enough, the security of this town is just like the previous life... But it's really beautiful! It's the place second only to the villa area."

After he entered the community, he walked around first and found that there was also an open space for the training of trainers. Although it was shared by the owners, in this large area in the city center, the price was right.

He also understood why Takashima was almost 30 years old, and his strength was still at the low level. . . This property is definitely not a small amount!

When he came to the corresponding floor, he looked at the room number, and quickly went through the draft again. He felt that there was no problem, so he rang the doorbell.

"Ding dong ~ ding dong!"

"Who is it?" After a while, a soft female voice came from the room, and at the same time, a blue pupil appeared in the cat's eye.

"Hello, is this Takashima-kun's house? I'm a teammate with him. This is my alliance ID card and Takashima's!"

Hearing the voice, Tianji also immediately entered the state, showing his ID card and Takashima's at Maoyankou, to dispel doubts first.

"Why is Brother Xiaoyuan's ID card here with you?"

The girl behind the door was obviously a little lacking in vigilance, so she opened the door and asked aloud.

A young girl with long light blue hair and a delicate and gentle face instantly appeared in front of Tianci's eyes. Her light blue eyes clearly revealed anxiety.

"Uh~ hello, you should be Tianshuiling, Takashima's cousin?"

Unexpectedly, he cheated to open the door so smoothly. Tianji had the illusion that he stayed up all night to review, but only 1+1 was equal to the exam.

However, this also shows that the girl in front of her is not deep in the world, and her mind is simple, so it seems that she should be able to fool easily.

"Yes, hello! Brother Xiaoyuan, what happened to him, where are the others?"

After the girl opened the door, she also said hello to Tianji and immediately asked her cousin's whereabouts.

"Well...Miss Xiaoling, can I go in and talk? I hope you are mentally prepared, sigh╯﹏╰"

Looking at the anxious girl, Tanji's expression also became sad.

"Ao'o, please come in~ What kind of mental preparation! Brother Xiaoyuan, what happened to him?"

After the two sat on the sofa, Xiaoling asked anxiously. She already had a bad idea in her heart, and the hands tightly grasping the corners of the skirt also revealed her inner unease.

"Bang~" Tianji first put the space backpack that was originally Takashima on the table.

"Miss Xiaoling, my name is Aoki Tianji, this is the last thing Takashima-kun left to you... Sigh╯﹏╰"

"This...this is Brother Xiaoyuan's backpack, Brother Xiaoyuan!! Wow~woooooooo~"

Seeing the backpack on the table, and the sad expression on the man's face in front of her, the girl also understood something. Tears flowed uncontrollably. She held the backpack tightly with both hands and sobbed softly.

She is actually really simple~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Because of what happened in the past few years, she didn't even go to the trainer school, and she lived in recluse at home every day.

After her parents were secretly killed, she was adopted by relatives. Brother Xiaoyuan and his parents treated her very well.

Although she had secretly heard people talking about raising her as brother Xiaoyuan's wife, she didn't care, after all, she had nothing left, and she, who had been staying at home, had no special skills. Homestay is also good.

And Brother Xiaoyuan has always been very good to her. After discovering her recent changes, he even said that he would help her become a trainer, and then the two of them worked hard together, but I didn't expect that this would be a goodbye!

"Brother Xiaoyuan!! Woo~ what are you~ Woo~ I'm a disaster~ You are all dead, woo woo..."

The girl who thought about it more and more saddened, hugged Takashima's space backpack tightly with both hands and cried, and the tears dripped down on the backpack like raindrops.

"Ah~ Miss Xiaoling, Takashima-kun was attacked by a ring bear while hunting and died. Before he died, he gave me this backpack and asked me to give it to you."

Looking at the grief-stricken girl, Tanji also began to tell the rhetoric that he had prepared a long time ago.

PS: For the 10,000 points of the hero Jiangshan, you will be rewarded and updated! ! ! Thanks big man!



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