Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 120: Qualification and Strength

"Bibi Bird, let's test our aptitude!"

When the excitement of Bibi Bird's evolution passed, Tianji took out the Poke Ball and said.

"Beep~" Bibi Bird nodded, tapped the Poke Ball switch with her mouth, and turned into a red light and entered the Poke Ball.

"Okay! It's time for my golden finger to come into play!"

After picking up the Poké Ball, Tanji excitedly put the Poké Ball on the groove of the Pokédex.

"Crack!" The sound of the Poke Ball being locked was so pleasant to Tianji's ears!

"Di ~ information loading

Elf: Bibi Bird

Attribute: Flying/Normal

Category: Bird sprites

Height: 1.21m

Weight: 31.4kg

Description: Bibi Bird will fly in the air to patrol its vast territory. If anyone dares to invade its territory, it will ruthlessly punish it with its sharp claws. Note that its claws are very developed and cannot be ignored.

Qualification: good and superior

Strength: Normal low level

Status: In good condition

Cultivation plan: Bibi bird has a natural ability to manipulate the energy of the flight system, and can focus on the development of flight-type tricks, but its claws cannot be ignored…””

"It's worth 400,000 yuan!!" After listening to the identification of the illustrated book, Tianji was very excited, and he was an elf with good and superior qualifications!

Although the windfall he just got has shrunk significantly in this way, the 250,000 Cary still has left should be enough for his next training plan.

"Come out, Bibi Bird!

Bibi Bird, your qualifications are also excellent! We are only one step away from Pidiao! "

As soon as Bibi Bird was released, Tianji was very happy to tell it the good news.

The mouth dumb flower next to "moo moo ω moo" is also happy for Bobo's transformation! This way we will be stronger!

"Beep? Beep!" Bibi Bird, who was still a little confused, was also very pleasantly surprised after hearing Tianji's words and the congratulations from Big Brother Koudouhua!

"Beep~beep beep" It began to fly around in mid-air, venting its grievances for a while.

"Okay, Bibi Bird, let's briefly test your strength, and take a closer look tomorrow!"

Seeing Bibi Bird getting excited again, Tianji had to stop it aloud.

"Beep (_ Bibi Bird, who heard Tianzi's order, fell in front of Tianzi obediently.

"Bibi Bird, have you learned any new moves! Show us a look"

Tian Chi bent down, touched Bibi Bird's smooth feathers, and asked softly.

"Beep!" Bibi Bird closed her eyes and pondered for a while, then nodded, and started flying into the air to show Tianji.

"Huhu~hu" It began to flap its wings, and the energy of the flight system began to emerge on the surface of the wings.

I saw that small tornadoes slowly appeared 10 meters away from Bibi Bird, and the grass clippings and soil on the ground were swept in, and the power gradually became stronger as the frequency of Bibi Bird's wings flapped faster!

"This, this is a tornado! Awesome, Bibi Bird, we finally have a real group attack technique!"

After seeing the killing range of the tornado, Tanji smiled and nodded. This trick is definitely a magic trick to clean up trash in team battles!

At the same time, he also has the idea of ​​​​changing this trick in his mind, which should not be difficult for Bibi Bird.

"Anything else? Bibi Bird?" Tianji asked expectantly after the tornado dissipated.

"Beep~" Bibi Bird nodded, and began to flap her wings as before.

"Huhuhu~" This time, Tianji, who was on the edge, could also feel the violent wind.

"Is this a gust of wind?" He was a little puzzled. This is because it is a little more powerful, and it is not a new move.

"Ka~kacha~" At this moment, he suddenly found that the target that Bibi Bird attacked had cracked marks, and it was quite deep!

"This is a weakened version of the air blade!" After Bibi bird stopped, Tianji immediately walked to the wooden stake and took a closer look. Sure enough, there were several deep cutting marks!

"Bibi Bird, you have achieved the goal we envisioned before! It's amazing! Let's call this move the wind blade!"

He turned his head, glanced at Bibi Bird, who was a little out of breath, and praised loudly, and at the same time gave the move a name.

"Beep ('`)**" was very happy to receive Bibi Bird's praise from Tianji.

"Okay, if there's no more, rest early tonight, Bibi Niao, keep your spirits up, and we'll do a more complex and accurate strength test tomorrow!"

Tianji also noticed Bibi Bird, who was panting slightly. After all, he just evolved and hasn't fully adapted yet, so it's better to rest early.

"Beep~" Bibi Bird didn't try to be stubborn, but nodded obediently. It also felt that it needed a rest. It had just undergone a reborn evolution, UU reading www. uukanshu.com made it mentally exhausting.

Nodding at the pocket flower next to it, it flew to the girder of the room by itself and started to sleep.

"Okay, then the next step is to be dumb, let's take a look at the cultivation secret!"

After seeing Bibi Bird who had fallen asleep, Tianji turned his head to look at Koudouhua, who had been eating melons.

"Moo?" Koudouhua scratched his head with the big leaf in confusion, and I said incomprehensibly...

"Haha, dumb flower, I can understand it, but I definitely need your cooperation."

Seeing the silly mouth, Tian Chi laughed, and immediately took out his new computer and the two USB flash drives.

"Rocket, shine on your world! Light up your extraordinary dreams!"

Unexpectedly, Tianji, who was also advertised by the Rockets, looked a little speechless at the start-up screen advertisement.

After turning it on, he tried all the functions. It was the same as a normal computer, except that there was an additional website that could access Team Rocket's mission, and there was also a redemption list.

"It's quite safe. The access even requires live face recognition. It's okay."

"Then it's time to open the secret book!"

After tinkering with his new computer, he immediately took out the USB flash drive containing the cheats for cultivating Kou Duo Hua and inserted it into it.

This time, a new disk appeared in the computer's system. He immediately opened it and found an electronic version of the document inside.

After opening it, he found that he really couldn't minimise the wisdom of humans in another world. What he wrote was much better than what he had tossed around with himself!

After reading the whole article, he focused on a few more points compared to his dumbfounded situation.

Among them, the best elf meat is also poisonous elf meat.

PS: 10,000 points of 10,000 points of 233 fire for book lovers and more!

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