Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 119: evolution! Bibi Bird!

PS: 10,000 points of 10,000 points of 233 fire for book lovers and more!

"First use a top-grade flying crystal, here is 150,000.

Then, when Bobo grew bigger, he immediately placed a gym-level sculpted feather on each side of his left and right wings, two 100,000 feathers. These are feathers that are rich in energy, so the price is not expensive.

Finally, when Bobo's body shape stops changing, add a low-grade general-type energy crystal, 50,000

Finally, add 100,000 intelligence fees, a total of 400,000! "

After the old man took over the bank card, he still explained it to Tianzi first, especially the price of the two feathers.

"Okay, thank you Grandpa Arai, then I'll take my leave. I'll see you next time when I have time!"

After getting the evolution materials and evolution plan, Tianji immediately bid farewell.

"Go away!" The old man Arai, who was rejected, was obviously still a little angry, so he didn't hold back.

After leaving the grocery store, Tianji ran all the way back to his home.

"Is it already past 5 o'clock?" He glanced at his watch and realized that it was night before he knew it.

After feeding the elf meat to Koudouhua and Bobo first, he quickly went to solve the dinner himself.

After all, people are iron, and rice is steel. If you don’t eat a meal, you will be so hungry!

Fortunately, when they went there this morning, they didn't bypass the elves on the periphery, otherwise they might have to spend money to buy elves meat from the butcher's shop to feed the two little ones.

The more than 40 kilograms of snake meat have long been eaten.

"Let's wait for Bobo to evolve first, and then take a look. There must be better feeding suggestions in that cheat book, at least better than the popular elf meat feeding method!"

Thinking of Koudouhua's growing appetite, he felt that feeding elf meat alone was not worth it, and the amount required was quite large.

In fact, he had already thought of energy cubes before, but he did not dare to feed this pure energy food blindly. The physical growth of Duan Hua must not only require energy, but also other elements.

And if there is too much energy, sometimes it is not a good thing.

After eating, one person and two pets stood in the familiar open space again, but the protagonist changed from Trumpet Bud to Bobo.

"Are you ready! Bobo?" Tianci asked with a serious face looking at Bobo who was standing on the ground.

He was actually a little worried, after all, Bobo was afraid of pain, and his bond with him was not as strong as Louboutin!

I still remember when I was training claws and pecks, Bobo had the idea of ​​giving up because of the pain at the beginning. Fortunately, he was persuaded to come back, and he touched the right direction by mistake. After seeing obvious progress, he didn't stop. Hold on!

"啵~(_ Bobo patted his chest with his wings, expressing his confidence, don't worry!

"Okay, let's get started!" Tian Ci nodded when he saw Bobo who was full of fighting spirit.

"Boom!" I saw Bobo, who was standing in the open space, screamed loudly, and then a white light of evolution appeared on his body!

"Bobo, absorb this crystal!" Seeing Bobo bursting out with the light of evolution, Tianji knew that the beginning was a success, but the difficulties were still to come.

"Crack!" Seeing the energy crystals flying in, Bobo's eyes flashed fear, desire... and finally turned into firmness!

It immediately pecked through the energy crystal with its sharp beak, and the same white flight-type energy instantly became accustomed to its body.

"Boom~ boom boom! boom boom~" Pain! it hurts! It was so painful!

After watching the evolution of the trumpet bud, of course, he understands that this energy crystal can help it improve its aptitude, but the process is very painful!

But this pain, it is willing to bear, because I don't want to be left behind, I don't want to be even qualified to be faced!

Tian Ci said that Bidiao should be brave and fearless, soaring between heaven and earth!

It wants to evolve into a figurine and travel with Tianji in the sky.

"Looking at the four fields to discern the autumn leaves,

Xiongli Yunya is near Jiuxiao.

Flying around with golden eyes and sweeping through the fog,

Light Shu Jin wings against the wind.

The sky roars, Qian Lin Jing,

Stick to the ground and run across the grass!

Bobo, I'm waiting for you to evolve into a statue and dominate the sky! "

In the throes of excruciating pain, Bobo seemed to be back in the day when he first began to sharpen his claws.

Facing himself who was about to give up, Tianji did not scold him loudly. Instead, he said a few words to him that he did not understand, and then explained it to him one by one.

In Tianji's explanation, it understood that its final evolutionary shape was so mighty and domineering!

"On that day, Tianji and I made a promise to soar in the heavens and the earth together! So I will definitely evolve into a figurine!"

"Boom!" I saw Bobo's figure began to grow in a violent scream, and the evolution went on smoothly.

"Bobo! We can definitely stand proudly on top of the clouds together!"

Tianji seemed to feel Bobo's determination through the contract, and he also encouraged him loudly beside him.

At this moment, he seemed to have returned to that afternoon. It was funny to say that, as a low-level black member with barely a high school education, because he liked carving this kind of bird very much, he wrote down these verses describing eagles and carvings in his mind. .

In order to encourage Bobo, like an intellectual, he recited the poem for Bobo that day. Although he didn't finish it, he still knew the explanation.

But I didn't expect that because of this unwritten poem, because of this agreement, the bond between him and Bobo actually took a big step forward at this time!

Yes ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ There is no numerical description, and there is no abnormal phenomenon. It is very metaphysical. He feels that the bond between him and Bobo is no less than dumb.

"Bobo, put these two feathers on the sides of the wings!"

Seeing Bobo, who was starting to grow in size, Tianji hurriedly handed the two feathers to the mouth with vines.

The moment the feathers touched Bobo's wings, a light similar to that of evolution erupted.

"Boom~" Bobo exclaimed comfortably, feeling that the pain was slowly diminishing, those violent flight-type energies seemed to be controlled by a powerful eagle, who was washing its scriptures in a regular and orderly manner. !

"It seems that the old man is excusable for accepting 100,000!" Seeing Bobo's calm expression, Tian Ci instantly felt that 100,000 was worth it.

I also understand that the old man said that the success rate is relatively high, in fact, it is alleviating the pain.

After a few minutes, Tianji found that Bobo's figure no longer grew. Although it was still shrouded in light, he could already see the long feather crest on the head and the tail that grew out of the tail.

"Finally, Bobo!" After speaking, he suddenly threw the low-grade general-type energy crystals.

"Bang!" This time, Bobo shattered the energy crystal very simply, and then began to absorb the general energy for the final step.

"Boom~Boom" is because it is a low-quality product, so the energy impact is much worse than that of the high-quality product. Bobo just called twice, then gritted his teeth and silently absorbed it!

After a few minutes, the light faded.

"Beep~" Accompanied by an excited cry, a Bibi bird several times bigger than Bobo appeared in front of Tianci.

Beautiful and bright feather crest, eyes full of fighting spirit, much larger yellow wings, and strong and sharp claws!

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